WINNING! Federal Judge Dismisses 14th Amendment Lawsuit Attempting to Keep Trump off Ballot

Once again the law gets in the way of the demafasict attempts to undermine the democratic process
Ah, thinking about yet another way to cheat elections again, huh?
That's all Dems do, rig, cheat, lie. After controlling congress for 40 years the Dem party has been slowly disintegrating. Today they are flailing in all directions trying to cling to power.
Precedent has now been set and Trump will get be every state ballot.

First of all trying to keep P01135809 of the ballot via Section 3 of the 14th is a stretch that I don't think will succeed.

With that said, however your belief that with this decision "Precedent has now been set..." is incorrect.

#1 Judge Rosenberg dismissed the case because the plaintiff (one Lawrence Caplan, a tax attorney in Palm Beach County FL) and had no standing to make the claim. The case was dismissed for standing and therefore does not set a precedent on the merits. A different case brought by someone with standing could bring the such a case to court.

#2 A District Court Decision never "set's precedence" for other courts. Judge Rosenberg is in the Federal Southern District of Florida, his decision does not "set precedence" for other District Courts around the country. In other words his decision is not binding on say a Federal Judge in Nevada.

#3 The courts that "set precedence" are the Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals and their "precedence" is only binding within their circuit. Then of course you have precedence which is based on a SCOTUS ruling for all the Circuit Courts of Appeals. As a matter of fact that is one way that cases make it before the SCOTUS, two different District/Circuits rule differently on similar cases and the SCOTUS must decide which was correct.
For this to actually go before the courts, it would take "standing". The easiest way I can see that is that State Election Officials decide that A14S3 applies and bars P01135809 from the ballot. Then P01135809 would have standing to sue the election officials to get on the ballot.

Hope that helps.

Is that what the voices in your head telling you? LOL

You poor dear. Reality is ready to give you a hard kick you-know-where. :itsok:
So far, a chalk eraser could beat corrupt Joe.
Actually, Section 3 is pretty clearly defined. If you engage in insurrection, you can't run for office.

Also, the judge ruled that the plaintiffs (Two private citizens) didn't have standing.

It's going to be a totally different game when state attorney generals file such lawsuits.
Actually, Trump has not been charged with insurrection.

But um, yeah. Just make up your usual nonsense as a part of your invented conspiracy theories.
Except there was no insurrection

So that angry mob with the noose saying "Kill Pence" was just friendly, eh?

Don't try to gaslight people, Anger Issues, own up to what you guys tried to pull.
Doesn't have to be charged. Most Confederates who were banned from holding office were never charged, either.

Is Trump a 19th century confederate?

Um, yeah. So the 14th Amendment can be invoked “because you say so”?
So that angry mob with the noose saying "Kill Pence" was just friendly, eh?

Don't try to gaslight people, Anger Issues, own up to what you guys tried to pull.
Ok, first off, that prop gallows wasn’t capable of hanging a cat, much less a human being.

Second, I did not like what I saw unfold on J6, just like I don’t agree with the violence unleashed on this country by your ilk.

The “angry mob” of old men, and grandmothers were stirred up, and set into motion by FBI provocateurs, and AntiFa within the protest. And, it’s looking like dem politicians like Nancy had a hand in plotting this, not only for the optics, but to jail as many fellow Americans as they could frame.

All because we oppose your ideology. What a sad mess you progressives have caused.

So, you can name call all you want, I have pity that you’re so horribly misguided.
So far, a chalk eraser could beat corrupt Joe.
And yet... your orange loser could not. Are you saying your orange fuhrer is lower than a chalk eraser? Well, you trumptards would know. My sympathies. :itsok:
For this to actually go before the courts, it would take "standing". The easiest way I can see that is that State Election Officials decide that A14S3 applies and bars P01135809 from the ballot. Then P01135809 would have standing to sue the election officials to get on the ballot.

Hope that helps.

Thank you
Actually, Trump has not been charged with insurrection.

But um, yeah. Just make up your usual nonsense as a part of your invented conspiracy theories.
Now take that to the case where Obama was accused of being born in Kenya.
Would Obama have to be charged with being a foreigner?

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