Winning! Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

So, this is good news. But I wonder how many people cheering for it have consistent principles? And how many are hypocrites? F'rinstance - how many of you respect Facebook's right to refuse to serve people who they think are 'sinners'?

Maybe "sinners" should build their own trillion dollar Company then they can Ban Facebook followers! See how easy. Facebook has been censoring speech for years dipstick. I closed my account and would never trust them with data. A true Globalists Company.
Sooner or later, one might think that the SCOTUS will have to face the issue of competing Rights: religious liberty vs LGBT discrimination. I think they'll basically require the states to treat each side in a just and impartial manner. Failure to do so will result in overturning the conviction, but I also think the SCOTUS does not want to judge the merits of each case, which run into the hundreds or even thousands as one side or the other attempts to use the courts as a weapon against the other.
Refusing to provide the wedding cake for a same sex couple
and refusing to sell donuts from the case to the same gay couple,
are two different matters altogether

Go to another fucking closed
So, this is good news. But I wonder how many people cheering for it have consistent principles? And how many are hypocrites? F'rinstance - how many of you respect Facebook's right to refuse to serve people who they think are 'sinners'?

Maybe "sinners" should build their own trillion dollar Company then they can Ban Facebook followers! See how easy. Facebook has been censoring speech for years dipstick. I closed my account and would never trust them with data. A true Globalists Company.

The question is whether they, and cake bakers, should be able to run their businesses the way they want, or whether they should be forced to do what the government tells them to do.
A few links that touch on the Constitutionality of PA laws.
Take your little case before the Supreme Court. See where it gets you.

The bakers from Gresham, Oregon did not refuse to serve gays...on the contrary. They had regular customers who were gay and that's not pertinent to the case. The Kleins objected on religious grounds to materially contributing to a
ceremony that violated their core beliefs.

Sort of like trying to force a Jewish baker to make a special birthday cake for the anniversary of Hitler's birthday.
Sort of like trying to force a black caterer to service a Klan gathering. Etc.
I was never aware that wedding cakes were part of a wedding ceremony. Does the cake hold the ring? Does it help in the saying of "I do"?
A few links that touch on the Constitutionality of PA laws.
Take your little case before the Supreme Court. See where it gets you.

The bakers from Gresham, Oregon did not refuse to serve gays...on the contrary. They had regular customers who were gay and that's not pertinent to the case. The Kleins objected on religious grounds to materially contributing to a
ceremony that violated their core beliefs.

Sort of like trying to force a Jewish baker to make a special birthday cake for the anniversary of Hitler's birthday.
Sort of like trying to force a black caterer to service a Klan gathering. Etc.
I was never aware that wedding cakes were part of a wedding ceremony. Does the cake hold the ring? Does it help in the saying of "I do"?

Why are they called wedding cakes ya stupid son of a bitch
A few links that touch on the Constitutionality of PA laws.
Take your little case before the Supreme Court. See where it gets you.

The bakers from Gresham, Oregon did not refuse to serve gays...on the contrary. They had regular customers who were gay and that's not pertinent to the case. The Kleins objected on religious grounds to materially contributing to a
ceremony that violated their core beliefs.

Sort of like trying to force a Jewish baker to make a special birthday cake for the anniversary of Hitler's birthday.
Sort of like trying to force a black caterer to service a Klan gathering. Etc.
I was never aware that wedding cakes were part of a wedding ceremony. Does the cake hold the ring? Does it help in the saying of "I do"?

Why are they called wedding cakes ya stupid son of a bitch
So tell me...when was the wedding cake part of your ceremony...did you stuff your faces between "I do's"? Was the ring hidden in the cake like they hide baby jesus in cakes for Mardi Gras? Did you walk down the aisle with it? Exactly what part of the wedding ceremony did the cake take part in? Where was its position in the church (if you got married in a church)?
A few links that touch on the Constitutionality of PA laws.
Take your little case before the Supreme Court. See where it gets you.

The bakers from Gresham, Oregon did not refuse to serve gays...on the contrary. They had regular customers who were gay and that's not pertinent to the case. The Kleins objected on religious grounds to materially contributing to a
ceremony that violated their core beliefs.

Sort of like trying to force a Jewish baker to make a special birthday cake for the anniversary of Hitler's birthday.
Sort of like trying to force a black caterer to service a Klan gathering. Etc.
I was never aware that wedding cakes were part of a wedding ceremony. Does the cake hold the ring? Does it help in the saying of "I do"?

Why are they called wedding cakes ya stupid son of a bitch
So tell me...when was the wedding cake part of your ceremony...did you stuff your faces between "I do's"? Was the ring hidden in the cake like they hide baby jesus in cakes for Mardi Gras? Did you walk down the aisle with it? Exactly what part of the wedding ceremony did the cake take part in? Where was its position in the church (if you got married in a church)?

Boy you truly are stupid aren't you? The cake is considered part of the reception, which goes right along with the ceremony. Therefore it is part of the event. One total event. They aren't called reception cakes. Another loss for the gays targeting religious people.
Is there anything I could say that would convince you you're wrong?

Sure, you could post examples of Trump defending the freedom of speech of those he disagrees with. You could find examples of Trump supporters complaining about Facebook censorship before it started focusing on right wing groups. But you won't find them. What you'll find is the opposite. You'll find examples of Trumpsters defending the rights of businesses like Facebook to censor their content - as long as it's content the right wing doesn't like.

It just occurred to me to wonder: what the fuck makes you think there was "Facebook censorship before it started focusing on right-wing groups", or that there has EVER been FB censorship toward anyone else?
If you are a regular American citizen you no longer have any rights. Those you used to have? Appropriated by activists judges for the exclusive use of illegals and minorities.
A few links that touch on the Constitutionality of PA laws.
Take your little case before the Supreme Court. See where it gets you.

The bakers from Gresham, Oregon did not refuse to serve gays...on the contrary. They had regular customers who were gay and that's not pertinent to the case. The Kleins objected on religious grounds to materially contributing to a
ceremony that violated their core beliefs.

Sort of like trying to force a Jewish baker to make a special birthday cake for the anniversary of Hitler's birthday.
Sort of like trying to force a black caterer to service a Klan gathering. Etc.
I was never aware that wedding cakes were part of a wedding ceremony. Does the cake hold the ring? Does it help in the saying of "I do"?

Why are they called wedding cakes ya stupid son of a bitch
So tell me...when was the wedding cake part of your ceremony...did you stuff your faces between "I do's"? Was the ring hidden in the cake like they hide baby jesus in cakes for Mardi Gras? Did you walk down the aisle with it? Exactly what part of the wedding ceremony did the cake take part in? Where was its position in the church (if you got married in a church)?

Boy you truly are stupid aren't you? The cake is considered part of the reception, which goes right along with the ceremony. Therefore it is part of the event. One total event. They aren't called reception cakes. Another loss for the gays targeting religious people.
Where are wedding receptions considered a religious ceremony? How many have you been to in the church sanctuary? Is it part of CRC religious life to have everyone falling down drunk and dancing?

I am amused by your flailing, tho. :71:
Weddings are traditionally between a man and a woman. Gay weddings are aberrant. I see no need to extend any special rights for such aberrant behavior. We TOLERATE benign aberrant behavior as "odd" or "kinky" or "abnormal." But we are not obliged to accept being coerced into pretending that behavior as normal in the course of human society. Before you knee-jerk radicals descend on me, I am not advocating any kind of hate or violence toward gay folks, they are unfortunately handicapped mentally. They need help.
Weddings are traditionally between a man and a woman. Gay weddings are aberrant. I see no need to extend any special rights for such aberrant behavior. We TOLERATE benign aberrant behavior as "odd" or "kinky" or "abnormal." But we are not obliged to accept being coerced into pretending that behavior as normal in the course of human society. Before you knee-jerk radicals descend on me, I am not advocating any kind of hate or violence toward gay folks, they are unfortunately handicapped mentally. They need help.

I don't care what you accept. You just can't enjoy the benefits of incorporation which gay taxes go to support and not treat everyone equally. Hypocrites.

Go ask Donald about the socialist benefits f incorporation
Weddings are traditionally between a man and a woman. Gay weddings are aberrant. I see no need to extend any special rights for such aberrant behavior. We TOLERATE benign aberrant behavior as "odd" or "kinky" or "abnormal." But we are not obliged to accept being coerced into pretending that behavior as normal in the course of human society. Before you knee-jerk radicals descend on me, I am not advocating any kind of hate or violence toward gay folks, they are unfortunately handicapped mentally. They need help.

I don't care what you accept. You just can't enjoy the benefits of incorporation which gay taxes go to support and not treat everyone equally. Hypocrites.

Go ask Donald about the socialist benefits f incorporation

You 'don't care'......That says a lot about your own hatred of those you disagree with. Gays are obliged to pay taxes the same as any other sexual fetishist. Why is their fetish somehow deserving of 'special rights?'
We have God to thank. Hopefully this will put an end to this harassment by Satan's disciples, aka Homosexuals.

Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

My, what hatred. I thought this was supposed to be a Christian nation.

Oh well. What's your dream? That businesses, something all of us and big government helps give birth to, don't have to serve blacks, Muslims, christians or you?

Muslims, Christians and Blacks are not the subject here skippy.
Weddings are traditionally between a man and a woman. Gay weddings are aberrant. I see no need to extend any special rights for such aberrant behavior. We TOLERATE benign aberrant behavior as "odd" or "kinky" or "abnormal." But we are not obliged to accept being coerced into pretending that behavior as normal in the course of human society. Before you knee-jerk radicals descend on me, I am not advocating any kind of hate or violence toward gay folks, they are unfortunately handicapped mentally. They need help.
So...what are your reasons to ignore the 14th Amendment when it comes to your fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens? And if you have forgotten what part of the 14th Amendment I am referring to, this part: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Weddings are traditionally between a man and a woman. Gay weddings are aberrant. I see no need to extend any special rights for such aberrant behavior. We TOLERATE benign aberrant behavior as "odd" or "kinky" or "abnormal." But we are not obliged to accept being coerced into pretending that behavior as normal in the course of human society. Before you knee-jerk radicals descend on me, I am not advocating any kind of hate or violence toward gay folks, they are unfortunately handicapped mentally. They need help.

I don't care what you accept. You just can't enjoy the benefits of incorporation which gay taxes go to support and not treat everyone equally. Hypocrites.

Go ask Donald about the socialist benefits f incorporation

You 'don't care'......That says a lot about your own hatred of those you disagree with. Gays are obliged to pay taxes the same as any other sexual fetishist. Why is their fetish somehow deserving of 'special rights?'
What special rights? The only special rights here is the religious nuts trying to use our secular law to leave gay law-abiding, tax-paying citizens out of equal protection.....all while getting tax-exempt status.
Weddings are traditionally between a man and a woman. Gay weddings are aberrant. I see no need to extend any special rights for such aberrant behavior. We TOLERATE benign aberrant behavior as "odd" or "kinky" or "abnormal." But we are not obliged to accept being coerced into pretending that behavior as normal in the course of human society. Before you knee-jerk radicals descend on me, I am not advocating any kind of hate or violence toward gay folks, they are unfortunately handicapped mentally. They need help.
So...what are your reasons to ignore the 14th Amendment when it comes to your fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens? And if you have forgotten what part of the 14th Amendment I am referring to, this part: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

There was no protection denied skippy. Those gay folks were free to go somewhere else. Seems to me the gay folks wanted to DENY the baker his religious freedom. SCOTUS agrees apparently. You are the outlier here.

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