Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law is Working

what do you pay for rent ............or a mortgage ? may I ask? if you don't pay on a house what was your highest mortgage payment?

you do realize the value in that defined free of market forces pension plan is waaay bigger than the 28k cash face value, right? Oh and do you get any part of that pension if she passes on ahead of you? hummmm?

Teacher work days 186 on average
- 12 payed holidays
- 12 vacation days
- 5 sick days
- 4 personal days
=153 work days/year

Private work days 252
-6 payed holidays
-6 vacation days
-2 sick days
=238 work days/yr

x private/238 days = 53k teacher/153 days

X = 82444

So your teacher wife has an 82k/yr job with paid for medical and retirement? And what are you bitching about? Are you really saying your wife is underpaid? I would say she is overpaid.

That would vary from district to district, dumbass. Why am I not surprised you didn't know that? My wife gets no vacation days but does get sick and personal days.

And even if she did average 82K a year why would that be overpaid? How much should a person with a Masters Degree earn? I make over 82K and all I have is a HS diploma.


Actually I'm saying your wife is lazy and doesn't actually work ;) And yes I do understand it varies. Hence, average. Your reading comprehension isn't so great? So Um your wife has a masters and you have a HS. Maybe you would prefer you are set to minimum wage and she is set at 100K? And really all jokes aside she is making pretty good money. My point was that teachers are paid way more than they actually work.
The story in atlanta is sad. The problem lies with the fact that the kids progress is based on the test scores yet teachers are not allowed to know what is on the test and they are told "not to teach to the test." Imagine studying for a history test and then when you take the test it is about auto mechanics. Talk about a disconnect. This could all be made better if the states tell the teachers EXACTLY what concepts and what type of problems are on the test. Then teachers could spend the WHOLE YEAR< EVERY DAY on nothing but what the kids are being tested on. Things like american history, music, etc out the window.

I would like you to read this and then think a minute , please.

- her skills are only worth what the market will bear.

Do you understand that?

An alike office job for a private firm daren't pay such Total Compensation for equal skills. The union has artificially raised her TC level. The market, i.e. the state, county etc. can no longer bear it and just as the private office worker that went 2-3 years without a raise and has been paying higher med. costs every year, the teacher is finally, now, going to have to bend to market forces, in this instance the Union means diddly, its just a middleman.

Now, you will say hey they said they would, they agreed, great, the reason, which you appear unable to fathom, re-certification etc. was enacted is to stop or make it harder for the same situation to rise again where in that teachers TC overran what the market will and can bear by providing; a) a choice , b) they can if they wish keep their union dues, c) disallowing that kind of political capital from being amassed solely to browbeat and buy politicians who feel free to provide benefit, via PUBLIC dollars, in exchange for votes.

and lets keep in mind- the teachers, union members of whatever vocation, are still free to keep their pumped up salaries etc. as they stand, they still get defined pension for retirement, do they not? They will get a raise anyway tied to the inflation index at least? I went a total of 4 years with squat in my last private firm job. Not cola , zip squat nada.

Pumped up salaries compared to what market? The private market? She could make a lot more the 53K in the private sector with a Master's Degree wouldn't you agree? If not then you're full of shit.

She went to school and got her Masters to do what she wanted, which was teach. That's where her heart is and with my salary (which is considerable) she can do what she wants.

If you went a total of 4 years with "zip, squat, nada" that's YOUR fault buster. Don't come on here and cry about it to us. Want a hanky?


I see you cannot maintain any civility for long.

seems to come with the territory. To bad.
I tried.

Cimerian whom I will rep momentarily just answered for me and and made the same observation I was going to.

Awww.....I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But you posted how rough you had it while slamming my wife who you seem to think has it made. But the difference is that she worked for it and you didn't.

So when teachers make less money and have fewer benefits,

how is that going to cause kids to learn better?
They made less with fewer benefits 60 years ago and kids learned better.

60 years ago parents more of an active part in their kids education.


All these conservatives who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that paying teachers less will produce better teachers.

My wife's a teacher and she doesn't whine not has she been trained or indoctrinated to whine. She gets no fantastic perks nor does she claim she has it bad.

So Fuck You.


Is she a member of a Teacher Union? And don't lie. Also,Teachers do enjoy fantastic perks no other Professions enjoy. So Fuck You. :)

Yes she is a member of the teacher's union. She has a Master's Degree and has been teaching special education for more than 20 years. For that she gets $53,000 per year, medical insurance and a $28,000 a year pension that she has to contribue toward.

So you are WRONG when you offer a blanket observation regarding all teachers. So Fuck You.

Boy. I'd be happy to take such a paltry deal. 53k plus that bennie package? with all the vacation days? Sign my ass up.

It seems like you lack a good set of priorities and perspective.
what do you pay for rent ............or a mortgage ? may I ask? if you don't pay on a house what was your highest mortgage payment?

you do realize the value in that defined free of market forces pension plan is waaay bigger than the 28k cash face value, right? Oh and do you get any part of that pension if she passes on ahead of you? hummmm?

Teacher work days 186 on average
- 12 payed holidays
- 12 vacation days
- 5 sick days
- 4 personal days
=153 work days/year

Private work days 252
-6 payed holidays
-6 vacation days
-2 sick days
=238 work days/yr

x private/238 days = 53k teacher/153 days

X = 82444

So your teacher wife has an 82k/yr job with paid for medical and retirement? And what are you bitching about? Are you really saying your wife is underpaid? I would say she is overpaid.

That would vary from district to district, dumbass. Why am I not surprised you didn't know that? My wife gets no vacation days but does get sick and personal days.

really? the school term varies by what? Can you link to your wife's calender year and on average what she worked 10 more days? 20??

prove it and this time I mean it. I think you just threw that out there because Cimerian owned you.

And even if she did average 82K a year why would that be overpaid? How much should a person with a Masters Degree earn? I make over 82K and all I have is a HS diploma.


in education? what the teaching market will bear goose, hello.

and hey is shes underpaid or her job status changes?...see below-

that's YOUR fault buster. Don't come on here and cry about it to us. Want a hanky?

see how that works goose? be civil or....

when someone gets down to "even if"...that usually means you've hit a factual nerve and they are spluttering, as indeed you are.

and you earn over 82k? I rest my case.
Is she a member of a Teacher Union? And don't lie. Also,Teachers do enjoy fantastic perks no other Professions enjoy. So Fuck You. :)

Yes she is a member of the teacher's union. She has a Master's Degree and has been teaching special education for more than 20 years. For that she gets $53,000 per year, medical insurance and a $28,000 a year pension that she has to contribue toward.

So you are WRONG when you offer a blanket observation regarding all teachers. So Fuck You.


I shouldn't be so rough on you though. You obviously don't understand the correlation between property taxes and teacher wages. She does not work in a wealthy area.

So you're not TOTALLY to blame for being uninformed. Just try not to speak out of ignorance from now on.

"She works in a poor area?" SO she's effectively making more than the parents of those children she teaches? Is that what you're implying? Perhaps you're suggesting she's overpaid?

Son, you don't know whether you're shot, fucked, powder-burned or snakebit
They made less with fewer benefits 60 years ago and kids learned better.

60 years ago parents more of an active part in their kids education.


All these conservatives who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that paying teachers less will produce better teachers.


THERRRRRREE she BLOWS!!!!!!!!!!:lol:


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Pumped up salaries compared to what market? The private market? She could make a lot more the 53K in the private sector with a Master's Degree wouldn't you agree? If not then you're full of shit.

She went to school and got her Masters to do what she wanted, which was teach. That's where her heart is and with my salary (which is considerable) she can do what she wants.

If you went a total of 4 years with "zip, squat, nada" that's YOUR fault buster. Don't come on here and cry about it to us. Want a hanky?


I see you cannot maintain any civility for long.

seems to come with the territory. To bad.
I tried.

Cimerian whom I will rep momentarily just answered for me and and made the same observation I was going to.

Awww.....I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But you posted how rough you had it while slamming my wife who you seem to think has it made. But the difference is that she worked for it and you didn't.


I NEVER slammed your wife, show me, please excerpt and post it....thx.
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I said that has been my experience. Most Teachers do seem to whine quite a bit. And especially the Teacher Union-types. But bully for your wife if she actually enjoys her job and is thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary. That hasn't been my experience with most Teachers though. Most other American Workers would kill for All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off. I'm just saying that me and many other Americans are sick of Teachers whining about everything all the time. They don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. Time for them to just shut up and do their jobs.

Excuse me? "Thankful to the Taxpayers who pay her salary"???? Do you walk up to your boss and tell him (or her) "Thank You" and kiss his or her ass for paying you money that your worked for and earned?

As for "All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and entire Summers Off" she gets paid for days worked and her salary reflects that. Her 9 month salary is spread out over 12 months. Period.


cute. Your point is she's getting a raw deal from the State of IL and your local Municipality? Easy solution. Quit and get a job in the private sector that pays better, or leave the state or work for a charter school that she can get a better contract with.

life sucks so hard for her. :rolleyes:

Nope, you missed the point entirely (why am I not surprised?). I never once complained (and neither does she) about her pay. Yes she could make more in the private scetor (and has turned down a better paying job) but she's happy teaching kids. But while you guys slam her for being lazy and overpaid I will of course take you to task for it.

Yes she is a member of the teacher's union. She has a Master's Degree and has been teaching special education for more than 20 years. For that she gets $53,000 per year, medical insurance and a $28,000 a year pension that she has to contribue toward.

So you are WRONG when you offer a blanket observation regarding all teachers. So Fuck You.


what do you pay for rent ............or a mortgage ? may I ask? if you don't pay on a house what was your highest mortgage payment?

you do realize the value in that defined free of market forces pension plan is waaay bigger than the 28k cash face value, right? Oh and do you get any part of that pension if she passes on ahead of you? hummmm?

My house is paid for so what's it to you?

Yes, I get a survivor benefit from her pension just like she does mine. What's your point?


I asked you a question a simple question, to gauge the cost of living in the area you work in, thats why.

that survivor benefit, pretty good huh?your contribution to that was....? Zero.

see my point?

please remark on this goose, thx.

you do realize the value in that defined free of market forces pension plan is waaay bigger than the 28k cash face value, right?
They made less with fewer benefits 60 years ago and kids learned better.

60 years ago parents more of an active part in their kids education.


All these conservatives who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that paying teachers less will produce better teachers.


Well paying them more sure hasn't gotten any results.
Yes she is a member of the teacher's union. She has a Master's Degree and has been teaching special education for more than 20 years. For that she gets $53,000 per year, medical insurance and a $28,000 a year pension that she has to contribue toward.

So you are WRONG when you offer a blanket observation regarding all teachers. So Fuck You.


I shouldn't be so rough on you though. You obviously don't understand the correlation between property taxes and teacher wages. She does not work in a wealthy area.

So you're not TOTALLY to blame for being uninformed. Just try not to speak out of ignorance from now on.

"She works in a poor area?" SO she's effectively making more than the parents of those children she teaches? Is that what you're implying? Perhaps you're suggesting she's overpaid?

Son, you don't know whether you're shot, fucked, powder-burned or snakebit

Where the fuck do you think you are? Vietnam? Do you want to plagerize the whole movie now?

She's being paid what the market will bear for a person with a Masters.. A small town teacher that is largely rural and agriculture.

They made less with fewer benefits 60 years ago and kids learned better.

60 years ago parents more of an active part in their kids education.


All these conservatives who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that paying teachers less will produce better teachers.


All these liberals who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that the increase in teachers pay has produced better teachers.

Okay, so you can't tell me exactly what "arrogant entitlement attitude" you speak of.

You might think twice about your admiration of Walker though if any of the link is true.

Walker gins up


Like i said,the Governor has an entire State to save. It's not just about special interest Government Unions. There are other people in Wisconsin he has to care about. So if the greedy Government Unions hate him,than so be it. Let the chips fall where they may i guess. I support his efforts.

"There are other people in Wisconsin he has to care about."

Obviously his cronies and political supporters if the link is to be believed.

Damn that 'crony' taxpaying majority he's striving to help!
what do you pay for rent ............or a mortgage ? may I ask? if you don't pay on a house what was your highest mortgage payment?

you do realize the value in that defined free of market forces pension plan is waaay bigger than the 28k cash face value, right? Oh and do you get any part of that pension if she passes on ahead of you? hummmm?

My house is paid for so what's it to you?

Yes, I get a survivor benefit from her pension just like she does mine. What's your point?


I asked you a question a simple question, to gauge the cost of living in the area you work in, thats why.

that survivor benefit, pretty good huh?your contribution to that was....? Zero.

see my point?

please remark on this goose, thx.

you do realize the value in that defined free of market forces pension plan is waaay bigger than the 28k cash face value, right?

Yes but I'm unsure how much it is, perhaps 25%? But she does pay a hefty sum into her retirement benefits.

Like i said,the Governor has an entire State to save. It's not just about special interest Government Unions. There are other people in Wisconsin he has to care about. So if the greedy Government Unions hate him,than so be it. Let the chips fall where they may i guess. I support his efforts.

"There are other people in Wisconsin he has to care about."

Obviously his cronies and political supporters if the link is to be believed.

Damn that 'crony' taxpaying majority he's striving to help!

Go back, click on the link and learn something.

I shouldn't be so rough on you though. You obviously don't understand the correlation between property taxes and teacher wages. She does not work in a wealthy area.

So you're not TOTALLY to blame for being uninformed. Just try not to speak out of ignorance from now on.

"She works in a poor area?" SO she's effectively making more than the parents of those children she teaches? Is that what you're implying? Perhaps you're suggesting she's overpaid?

Son, you don't know whether you're shot, fucked, powder-burned or snakebit

Where the fuck do you think you are? Vietnam? Do you want to plagerize the whole movie now?

She's being paid what the market will bear for a person with a Masters.. A small town teacher that is largely rural and agriculture.

Points for actually recognizing the quote but penalized for not realizing how apropos it is for your fucktardery.

1. When is a public sector job based on "What the market will bear?" It's based on what the taxpayers are FORCED to pay, dumbass.

2. Just because she's in a small rural community does not change the basic point, she is possibly overpaid for the community. What is the average median income of that town? Does at least half of the residents have similar compensation packages?

You realize how fucked you are with this argument you're spinning?
I shouldn't be so rough on you though. You obviously don't understand the correlation between property taxes and teacher wages. She does not work in a wealthy area.

So you're not TOTALLY to blame for being uninformed. Just try not to speak out of ignorance from now on.

"She works in a poor area?" SO she's effectively making more than the parents of those children she teaches? Is that what you're implying? Perhaps you're suggesting she's overpaid?

Son, you don't know whether you're shot, fucked, powder-burned or snakebit

Where the fuck do you think you are? Vietnam? Do you want to plagerize the whole movie now?

She's being paid what the market will bear for a person with a Masters.. A small town teacher that is largely rural and agriculture.


Sounds like Dagoose getting plucked. Sounds like they are living high on the tax payer and don't want the goose that's laying the golden egg killed.
I see you cannot maintain any civility for long.

seems to come with the territory. To bad.
I tried.

Cimerian whom I will rep momentarily just answered for me and and made the same observation I was going to.

Awww.....I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But you posted how rough you had it while slamming my wife who you seem to think has it made. But the difference is that she worked for it and you didn't.


I NEVER slammed your wife, show me, please excerpt and post it....thx.

When you slam all teachers that includes my wife.


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