WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

its over guys..head for the barn.....

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False bunch of union propoganda bullshit that you've been brainwashed with. Strong union supporters are the laziest sorries pieces of shit on the job and think they're entitled to everything. Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


How do you know the people in those pictures are strong union supporters? I'd venture to guess you don't even know their names, let alone their personal feelings about unions or anything else.
Doubt he'd care either. They're only pawns in his effort to justify his political point.
thanks for proving her right


The FACT that the firefighters are union members proves her right?

No, but feeling the need to state it proves that you're a peabrain.

The existence of a firefighters' union doesn't prove that the people in those photos are big union supporters. Even the fact that they're members - and I'm sure they are, because they're in New York, so they almost certainly have no choice but to be members - doesn't prove that they're big union supporters. In fact, the aforementioned forced membership makes it quite likely at least some of them view the union negatively, and membership as nothing more than paid extortion in order to have a job.

I have mentioned that I was once an employee of the US Postal Service. Membership in the APWU is not mandatory, but "representation" by them is. All employee contracts, benefits, disputes, etc. in the Postal Service are negotiated and set with the APWU. No individual negotiation - at least, below management level; I can't say about management - is allowed. So as a postal employee I was subject to the APWU, whether I paid dues or not. I viewed them largely as an enormous, self-serving pain in the ass. Had membership been mandatory in order for me to work there, I would have joined and paid the dues, and my negative opinion of them would have increased exponentially.

SO...you enjoyed all the benefits the union gained for you, but you felt other people should pay for YOU. Gee, where did I hear that described ...oh yea, BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance when he got to the 'welfare queen' reference.

Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


How do you know the people in those pictures are strong union supporters? I'd venture to guess you don't even know their names, let alone their personal feelings about unions or anything else.
Doubt he'd care either. They're only pawns in his effort to justify his political point.

Ah, Big FIZZZZZZZZ... in your usual style, you cut out the words that would reveal who doesn't care and who is a political pawn.

Strong union supporters are the laziest sorries pieces of shit on the job and think they're entitled to everything. Pampered, spoiled and worthless.

I merely provided an example of union members.
The FACT that the firefighters are union members proves her right?

No, but feeling the need to state it proves that you're a peabrain.

The existence of a firefighters' union doesn't prove that the people in those photos are big union supporters. Even the fact that they're members - and I'm sure they are, because they're in New York, so they almost certainly have no choice but to be members - doesn't prove that they're big union supporters. In fact, the aforementioned forced membership makes it quite likely at least some of them view the union negatively, and membership as nothing more than paid extortion in order to have a job.

I have mentioned that I was once an employee of the US Postal Service. Membership in the APWU is not mandatory, but "representation" by them is. All employee contracts, benefits, disputes, etc. in the Postal Service are negotiated and set with the APWU. No individual negotiation - at least, below management level; I can't say about management - is allowed. So as a postal employee I was subject to the APWU, whether I paid dues or not. I viewed them largely as an enormous, self-serving pain in the ass. Had membership been mandatory in order for me to work there, I would have joined and paid the dues, and my negative opinion of them would have increased exponentially.

SO...you enjoyed all the benefits the union gained for you, but you felt other people should pay for YOU. Gee, where did I hear that described ...oh yea, BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance when he got to the 'welfare queen' reference.
Please explain to us what the welfare queen refference has to do with bigotry. You are aware that the majority of people on welfare aren't black aren't you? Do you assume blacks need welfare? Sounds like some racist bullshit to me. Once again you expose your leftist self as a racist ass.
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I merely provided an example of union members.
No, what you provided was an example of public safety employees who are exempt from the WI legislation which has nothing to do with them. So the only thing you exposed was your own ignorance. Once again a perfect example of how the left will lie, mischaracterize, and decieve.

Congradulations? In successive posts your attempts to expose something have managed only to expose you as a racist, lying, stupid POS!!!! Great job there, dumbass.
No, but feeling the need to state it proves that you're a peabrain.

The existence of a firefighters' union doesn't prove that the people in those photos are big union supporters. Even the fact that they're members - and I'm sure they are, because they're in New York, so they almost certainly have no choice but to be members - doesn't prove that they're big union supporters. In fact, the aforementioned forced membership makes it quite likely at least some of them view the union negatively, and membership as nothing more than paid extortion in order to have a job.

I have mentioned that I was once an employee of the US Postal Service. Membership in the APWU is not mandatory, but "representation" by them is. All employee contracts, benefits, disputes, etc. in the Postal Service are negotiated and set with the APWU. No individual negotiation - at least, below management level; I can't say about management - is allowed. So as a postal employee I was subject to the APWU, whether I paid dues or not. I viewed them largely as an enormous, self-serving pain in the ass. Had membership been mandatory in order for me to work there, I would have joined and paid the dues, and my negative opinion of them would have increased exponentially.

SO...you enjoyed all the benefits the union gained for you, but you felt other people should pay for YOU. Gee, where did I hear that described ...oh yea, BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance when he got to the 'welfare queen' reference.
Please explain to us what the welfare queen refference has to do with bigotry. You are aware that the majority of people on welfare aren't black aren't you? Do you assume blacks need welfare? Sounds like some racist bullshit to me. Once again you expose your leftist self as a racist ass.

Here's a place to start...learn what the word means. I didn't say 'BenNatuf's racist filled rant of ignorance, I said 'BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance'

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
SO...you enjoyed all the benefits the union gained for you, but you felt other people should pay for YOU. Gee, where did I hear that described ...oh yea, BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance when he got to the 'welfare queen' reference.
Please explain to us what the welfare queen refference has to do with bigotry. You are aware that the majority of people on welfare aren't black aren't you? Do you assume blacks need welfare? Sounds like some racist bullshit to me. Once again you expose your leftist self as a racist ass.

Here's a place to start...learn what the word means. I didn't say 'BenNatuf's racist filled rant of ignorance, I said 'BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance'

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
And your own posts show you not to be one? How exactly?

No dumbass, what you meant is clear and the insinuation of it is clear. Your statement implied my position vis a vie "welfare queens" was biggotted in nature. Biggotted against whom? Welfare Queens are not a class of people one can be "biggotted" against. backpeddling by obfiscation will not change that. You are a racist lying ass employing the soft bigotry of low expectations, nothing more.
I merely provided an example of union members.
No, what you provided was an example of public safety employees who are exempt from the WI legislation which has nothing to do with them. So the only thing you exposed was your own ignorance. Once again a perfect example of how the left will lie, mischaracterize, and decieve.

Congradulations? In successive posts your attempts to expose something have managed only to expose you as a racist, lying, stupid POS!!!! Great job there, dumbass.

Those public safety employees are Public Union members.

Gov Walker claims this action against unions is solely a fiscal move. Then why are public safety services which make up the majority of the budget exempted? Why are only the unions who supported him for election exempt, and only unions who didn't support him being targeted? If it truly is about fiscal issues, then the Gov is either lying or cheating the taxpayers.

This bill doesn't just target highway workers and DMV employees. It also affects health care providers like nurses, physical therapists and other supportive heath care occupations. It affects engineers that design and plan infrastructure projects, building inspector, game wardens, Department of Natural Resources wardens and other law enforcement professionals.

What do you have to say about the Police and the Firefighters in Wisconsin who came out to support the demonstrators?

Off-duty cops join protests in Wisconsin
- USA Today

Please explain to us what the welfare queen refference has to do with bigotry. You are aware that the majority of people on welfare aren't black aren't you? Do you assume blacks need welfare? Sounds like some racist bullshit to me. Once again you expose your leftist self as a racist ass.

Here's a place to start...learn what the word means. I didn't say 'BenNatuf's racist filled rant of ignorance, I said 'BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance'

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
And your own posts show you not to be one? How exactly?

No dumbass, what you meant is clear and the insinuation of it is clear. Your statement implied my position vis a vie "welfare queens" was biggotted in nature. Biggotted against whom? Welfare Queens are not a class of people one can be "biggotted" against. backpeddling by obfiscation will not change that. You are a racist lying ass employing the soft bigotry of low expectations, nothing more.

You are babbling now. Your ignorant statements are CLEARLY bigoted. YOU are the one who singled out and identified 'welfare queens' as a class of people you LOATHE.
I merely provided an example of union members.
No, what you provided was an example of public safety employees who are exempt from the WI legislation which has nothing to do with them. So the only thing you exposed was your own ignorance. Once again a perfect example of how the left will lie, mischaracterize, and decieve.

Congradulations? In successive posts your attempts to expose something have managed only to expose you as a racist, lying, stupid POS!!!! Great job there, dumbass.

Those public safety employees are Public Union members.
who this legislation does not effect, once agin the only thing your proving is that you will decieve and lie to attempt to make a point

Gov Walker claims this action against unions is solely a fiscal move. Then why are public safety services which make up the majority of the budget exempted?
Because thats what he said he would do when he talked about this when he was campaigning. Why are you acting like its a surprize?
Why are only the unions who supported him for election exempt,
once agin a canard, he said what he was going to do before any unions endorsed him, and the majority of police and fire unions supported his opponent, yet they too are exempt. Why do you find it neccessary to lie so much?
and only unions who didn't support him being targeted?
More BS, all public sector unions except public safety are effected by this legislation... which is exactly what he said he would do before he got elected, and before any unions either endorsed or opposed him. You seem confused about who is being targetted by whom
If it truly is about fiscal issues, then the Gov is either lying or cheating the taxpayers.
Nope, he's doing exactly what he said he would... that would be called telling the truth and delivering on your promises. You are the one who's lying.

This bill doesn't just target highway workers and DMV employees. It also affects health care providers like nurses, physical therapists and other supportive heath care occupations. It affects engineers that design and plan infrastructure projects, building inspector, game wardens, Department of Natural Resources wardens and other law enforcement professionals.

What do you have to say about the Police and the Firefighters in Wisconsin who came out to support the demonstrators?

Off-duty cops join protests in Wisconsin
- USA Today

It is thier right. It also puts a fork in your claim of him paying them off foer their support (not that it ever had merit in the first place).
Here's a place to start...learn what the word means. I didn't say 'BenNatuf's racist filled rant of ignorance, I said 'BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance'

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
And your own posts show you not to be one? How exactly?

No dumbass, what you meant is clear and the insinuation of it is clear. Your statement implied my position vis a vie "welfare queens" was biggotted in nature. Biggotted against whom? Welfare Queens are not a class of people one can be "biggotted" against. backpeddling by obfiscation will not change that. You are a racist lying ass employing the soft bigotry of low expectations, nothing more.

You are babbling now. Your ignorant statements are CLEARLY bigoted. YOU are the one who singled out and identified 'welfare queens' as a class of people you LOATHE.
Unfortunately for you, you are the one who made a racist assumption, and welfare queens are not a "class of people". They are classless, but not a class of people at all.
No, what you provided was an example of public safety employees who are exempt from the WI legislation which has nothing to do with them. So the only thing you exposed was your own ignorance. Once again a perfect example of how the left will lie, mischaracterize, and decieve.

Congradulations? In successive posts your attempts to expose something have managed only to expose you as a racist, lying, stupid POS!!!! Great job there, dumbass.

Those public safety employees are Public Union members.
who this legislation does not effect, once agin the only thing your proving is that you will decieve and lie to attempt to make a point

Because thats what he said he would do when he talked about this when he was campaigning. Why are you acting like its a surprize?once agin a canard, he said what he was going to do before any unions endorsed him, and the majority of police and fire unions supported his opponent, yet they too are exempt. Why do you find it neccessary to lie so much?More BS, all public sector unions except public safety are effected by this legislation... which is exactly what he said he would do before he got elected, and before any unions either endorsed or opposed him. You seem confused about who is being targetted by whomNope, he's doing exactly what he said he would... that would be called telling the truth and delivering on your promises. You are the one who's lying.

This bill doesn't just target highway workers and DMV employees. It also affects health care providers like nurses, physical therapists and other supportive heath care occupations. It affects engineers that design and plan infrastructure projects, building inspector, game wardens, Department of Natural Resources wardens and other law enforcement professionals.

What do you have to say about the Police and the Firefighters in Wisconsin who came out to support the demonstrators?

Off-duty cops join protests in Wisconsin
- USA Today

It is thier right. It also puts a fork in your claim of him paying them off foer their support (not that it ever had merit in the first place).

WOW, could you hack up my post any more to only address what you chose?

Show me ONE sliver of evidence Walker mentioned eliminating collective bargaining rights from ANY public employees.

IF public union benefits are the root of Wisconsin's fiscal problems, WHY is the public safety services which make up the majority of the budget exempted?

So you say it is GOOD to cut the pay and even the jobs of health care providers like nurses, physical therapists and other supportive heath care occupations, engineers that design and plan infrastructure projects, building inspector, game wardens, Department of Natural Resources wardens and other law enforcement professionals? REALLY? WTF is wrong with you?

State agents, DNR wardens not exempt from Walker cuts

Gov. Scott Walker has exempted police officers, firefighters and state troopers from cuts in his budget-repair bill, saying those in public safety should be treated differently.

However, there are law enforcement officers - hundreds of them - who would see cuts if Walker's bill becomes law.

Among those affected would be special agents at the state Department of Justice, Department of Natural Resources wardens, University of Wisconsin police officers and others.

Special agents, who work for the state Division of Criminal Investigation, often team up with local law enforcement and federal authorities on cases and do their own investigations. Their mission is to investigate crimes of a statewide importance.

"I think it is fair to say when it comes to major crimes committed in Wisconsin, probably the vast majority of them had DCI agents involved," said former Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager, a Democrat. She is now a private lawyer who represents the state's largest employee union, which includes certain law enforcement officers.

The last law enforcement officer killed in the city of Milwaukee was state special agent Jay Balchunas, who was working on a drug case when he was gunned down in 2004 at a gas station.

"They are the people who do narcotics investigations, homicide investigations, Internet crimes involving children investigations," department spokesman Bill Cosh said of special agents.

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, who is in charge of the special agents, declined to comment Friday on fellow Republican Walker not exempting the agents.

Walker exempted "local law enforcement and fire employees, and state troopers and inspectors" from his bill.

"If he defines public safety officers in that limited way, I think he needs to educate himself of the obligations and duties of many public employees who are left out of that bill," she said.

The state's 100 special agents belong to a union that includes teachers and myriad state workers, called Wisconsin Professional Employees Council.

About 180 DNR wardens also are not exempted under Walker's bill. Wardens are sworn law enforcement officers who carry firearms and have arrest powers.

Besides enforcing natural resource laws, they are sometimes called on to assist local law enforcement officers and must act when they see crime, said DNR senior counsel Michael Lutz. Warden Jeremy Peery arrested the man who killed six hunters in 2004 and five years later apprehended an armed bank robber after a high-speed chase and gunbattle.

SO...you enjoyed all the benefits the union gained for you, but you felt other people should pay for YOU. Gee, where did I hear that described ...oh yea, BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance when he got to the 'welfare queen' reference.
Please explain to us what the welfare queen refference has to do with bigotry. You are aware that the majority of people on welfare aren't black aren't you? Do you assume blacks need welfare? Sounds like some racist bullshit to me. Once again you expose your leftist self as a racist ass.

Here's a place to start...learn what the word means. I didn't say 'BenNatuf's racist filled rant of ignorance, I said 'BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance'

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
sounds more like YOU, asshole
I merely provided an example of union members.
No, what you provided was an example of public safety employees who are exempt from the WI legislation which has nothing to do with them. So the only thing you exposed was your own ignorance. Once again a perfect example of how the left will lie, mischaracterize, and decieve. Congradulations? In successive posts your attempts to expose something have managed only to expose you as a racist, lying, stupid POS!!!! Great job there, dumbass.

BenNatuf just blew himself up. BenNatuf now has only been talking about WI. Anybody can go back and read his universal condemnation of unions. Hoisted by his own rope. Now he is hanging by his balls next to divecon. You guys never think before you post.
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