WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

I am sure you consider yourself a 'patriot'. You love America, it's just those damn Americans you can't stand. I feel sorry for people like you. You're disdain for your fellow man only reflects your low self image.
members who are strong supporters of thier unions are the sorriest damned workers on earth, they ain't worth spit. Fuck 'em all. I don't disdain my fellow man, I disdain socialist union punks who don't have the balls to stand on their own two feet unless they have a bunch of thugs behind them.

WOW, you really are brainwashed. Guess what, unions have helped every worker in this country. Every non union worker has benefited from the struggles of unions over a number of years. So the only people who are 'punks' and 'sorry' are the ones like you who got all those benefits without any sweat or skin off your nose.
False bunch of union propoganda bullshit that you've been brainwashed with. Strong union supporters are the laziest sorries pieces of shit on the job and think they're entitled to everything. Pampered, spoiled and worthless.
Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.
Firing a petulant sorry assed piece of union shit should be easy. Its been my experience that the more pro-union a member is the more of a worthless piece of shit they are.

(1) your statement reveals you know very little about union members; (2) your ire and anger reveals you have deeper set emotional issues than union- busting.
Who gives a shit what your opinion is?

In the private sector you do not own your job, you have no right to it, your employer does and he should be able to hire and fire at will for any reason he wants to fill his position.

In the public sector civil service laws protect employees, they don't need a damned union except to funnel money to politicians who pamper them with largesse in exchange for greater largesse, on the backs of the people. Public sector unions do not serve "the working man" they steal from him.
members who are strong supporters of thier unions are the sorriest damned workers on earth, they ain't worth spit. Fuck 'em all. I don't disdain my fellow man, I disdain socialist union punks who don't have the balls to stand on their own two feet unless they have a bunch of thugs behind them.

WOW, you really are brainwashed. Guess what, unions have helped every worker in this country. Every non union worker has benefited from the struggles of unions over a number of years. So the only people who are 'punks' and 'sorry' are the ones like you who got all those benefits without any sweat or skin off your nose.
False bunch of union propoganda bullshit that you've been brainwashed with. Strong union supporters are the laziest sorries pieces of shit on the job and think they're entitled to everything. Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


Pampered, spoiled and worthless.

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'Constitutional crisis'
Senate orders arrest of missing Democrats


(Image FOX NEWS/AP )

Senate Republicans Thursday ordered the forcible detention of their 14 Democratic colleagues, who fled the state two weeks ago to avoid a vote on Gov. Scott Walker's controversial budget repair bill.

It's unclear whether the resolution and warrants seeking to force the senators back to the Capitol are legal. The state constitution prohibits the arrest of legislators while in session unless they're suspected of committing felonies, treason or breach of the peace.

However, an attorney for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, said rounding up the senators is legal under a constitutional provision that allows the Senate to enforce its own rules.


This should be good...
I'm from Wisconsin. We elected these guys to do a job. Why aren't they doing their job? Don't show up for work and see how long you last.
WOW, you really are brainwashed. Guess what, unions have helped every worker in this country. Every non union worker has benefited from the struggles of unions over a number of years. So the only people who are 'punks' and 'sorry' are the ones like you who got all those benefits without any sweat or skin off your nose.
False bunch of union propoganda bullshit that you've been brainwashed with. Strong union supporters are the laziest sorries pieces of shit on the job and think they're entitled to everything. Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


How do you know the people in those pictures are strong union supporters? I'd venture to guess you don't even know their names, let alone their personal feelings about unions or anything else.
False bunch of union propoganda bullshit that you've been brainwashed with. Strong union supporters are the laziest sorries pieces of shit on the job and think they're entitled to everything. Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


How do you know the people in those pictures are strong union supporters? I'd venture to guess you don't even know their names, let alone their personal feelings about unions or anything else.

and well, when someone gets desperate enough to start pulling the old heart strings and violins with 911 pics, even they know there case sux. :lol:
WOW, you really are brainwashed. Guess what, unions have helped every worker in this country. Every non union worker has benefited from the struggles of unions over a number of years. So the only people who are 'punks' and 'sorry' are the ones like you who got all those benefits without any sweat or skin off your nose.
False bunch of union propoganda bullshit that you've been brainwashed with. Strong union supporters are the laziest sorries pieces of shit on the job and think they're entitled to everything. Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


Pampered, spoiled and worthless.

perhaps you've noticed that public safety employees are exempt from the current bill and the current discussion about it? Once again your inane deflection to people whoi are NOT a part of the conversation does not make one single state highway worker not the piese of shit they are. It doesn't make one sorry assed DMV clerk actually serve the people in the lines instead of joking and drinking coffee. It doesn't make one single sorry assed maintence worker and better. It doesn't make one single welfare queen turned social worker (cause the bennies ran out) any more than the lazy ignorant barely fucking adequate worthless piece of shit she is. State employees in civil service jobs outside of public safety are the dregs of society. And yet they are treated with lavish benefit schemes and above average pay because the unions funnel money from their paychecks to the politicians campaigns. It's a fucking ponzi scheme dreamed up by union thugs and progressive political schysters in their attempt to cling to power. Your precious public sector unions are ripping off the American worker to pay off thier political cronies and enrich themselves.

The unions don't care, the public sector is a cash cow for them, the politicians don't care it's not their money, and the workers don't care as long as they get their share of the take. But the people are waking up to the scam and they do care. Fire 'em all, fuck 'em.
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False bunch of union propoganda bullshit that you've been brainwashed with. Strong union supporters are the laziest sorries pieces of shit on the job and think they're entitled to everything. Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


How do you know the people in those pictures are strong union supporters? I'd venture to guess you don't even know their names, let alone their personal feelings about unions or anything else.

The Official Website of New York City Firefighters

Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York

Pampered, spoiled and worthless.


How do you know the people in those pictures are strong union supporters? I'd venture to guess you don't even know their names, let alone their personal feelings about unions or anything else.

The Official Website of New York City Firefighters

Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York
thanks for proving her right

How do you know the people in those pictures are strong union supporters? I'd venture to guess you don't even know their names, let alone their personal feelings about unions or anything else.

The Official Website of New York City Firefighters

Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York
thanks for proving her right


The FACT that the firefighters are union members proves her right?
The FACT that the firefighters are union members proves her right?
no, that you dont actually know the names of any of those men nor do you know where they stand on unions

Well Dive, they are ALL union members, so if you want to use your imagination, go for it.
yeah, because they have no option NOT TO BE

that still doesnt mean they support the union
::snipped because it really takes up too much frigging space::

How do you know the people in those pictures are strong union supporters? I'd venture to guess you don't even know their names, let alone their personal feelings about unions or anything else.

The Official Website of New York City Firefighters

Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York

I can't believe I'm having to actually waste time asking this, but what does the existence of a website for a union for New York firefighters have to do with my question? No one has ever denied that such a union exists, or that it would have a website.
The Official Website of New York City Firefighters

Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York
thanks for proving her right


The FACT that the firefighters are union members proves her right?

No, but feeling the need to state it proves that you're a peabrain.

The existence of a firefighters' union doesn't prove that the people in those photos are big union supporters. Even the fact that they're members - and I'm sure they are, because they're in New York, so they almost certainly have no choice but to be members - doesn't prove that they're big union supporters. In fact, the aforementioned forced membership makes it quite likely at least some of them view the union negatively, and membership as nothing more than paid extortion in order to have a job.

I have mentioned that I was once an employee of the US Postal Service. Membership in the APWU is not mandatory, but "representation" by them is. All employee contracts, benefits, disputes, etc. in the Postal Service are negotiated and set with the APWU. No individual negotiation - at least, below management level; I can't say about management - is allowed. So as a postal employee I was subject to the APWU, whether I paid dues or not. I viewed them largely as an enormous, self-serving pain in the ass. Had membership been mandatory in order for me to work there, I would have joined and paid the dues, and my negative opinion of them would have increased exponentially.

Like; Barely working. The work they do get done sucks and needs to be redone, again and again?

Have you not seen how roads need to keep getting re-worked?

Maybe in your trailer court.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Are you saying that people raised in trailer courts are lesser people? Since most people raised in trailer courts are white, I will also assume that you are a racist, and will treat you like one. So I guess you are to fucking dumb to know that roads get paved and re-paved every 3-5 years in America but in the EU they last over 10 years. That's union built roads in America dumbass. Money wasted in over time, in going past the date they were supposed to be done and getting paid to do patch work b/c they didn't do a good, let alone proper job in the first place. I'm going to assume you are one of the ***** that pretend to care about the poor. Let me fill you in. You don't give a fuck about the poor. If you did, you wouldn't demand that union slugs get over paid and get to keep jobs no matter how bad they fuck it up, if you cared about the poor at all you would have noticed by now that the poor can't afford newer cars let alone new, b/c union pay is so high that the cost of a new one is far out of reach.
don't fuck with me you racist shit bag. You got nothing and plenty of it.

Thumbs, it's unions in the EU that builds roads, did you know that?

Thumbs, most folks anywhere in the US are white in most areas, did you know that?

Thumbs, you are so lame, did you know that?

Thumbs, can you show us that you think?
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Is that supposed to be an insult? Are you saying that people raised in trailer courts are lesser people?

Since most people raised in trailer courts are white, I will also assume that you are a racist, and will treat you like one.

So I guess you are to fucking dumb to know that roads get paved and re-paved every 3-5 years in America but in the EU they last over 10 years. That's union built roads in America dumbass. Money wasted in over time, in going past the date they were supposed to be done and getting paid to do patch work b/c they didn't do a good, let alone proper job in the first place.

I'm going to assume you are one of the ***** that pretend to care about the poor. Let me fill you in. You don't give a fuck about the poor. If you did, you wouldn't demand that union slugs get over paid and get to keep jobs no matter how bad they fuck it up, if you cared about the poor at all you would have noticed by now that the poor can't afford newer cars let alone new, b/c union pay is so high that the cost of a new one is far out of reach.

don't fuck with me you racist shit bag. You got nothing and plenty of it.

WOW, a lot of bluster and such...don't ASSume, you are making an ass out of yourself.

Union workers are not overpaid.

I know a lot more about road building than you. The first question is what region of the country and climate are we talking about? Ever hear of frost? Ever hear of salt being used to melt ice on roads? They are extremely destructive to the best built roads. What is the load limits for trucks using the road system? What are those parameters in the EU? Do you even know? A poorly built road in a climate like Florida may last longer than the best built road in New York.

Most road builders in New York ARE union companies, with union operators who are trained by the local. They are the best, safest and most efficient operators. Construction companies invest millions of dollars in the heavy equipment needed to build and pave a road. There are usually crews and operators dedicated to different phases of a road project. Excavating and grading the site, then compacting the soil to properly support the base, sub base and the actual paved top you drive on. When a road fails, it is usually water that gets into the base and sub base and undermines the integrity of the structure. When water freezes, it expands and heaves the road structure. Patching is a temporary fix to prevent accidents and damage to vehicles.

Infrastructure in America is crumbling. The conservative era we've been under for over 30 years has built NOTHING. We have more bridges than you can imagine that are waiting for a catastrophe to occur to wake up the public to our plight. We are wasting billions of dollars in gridlock and paying a human price driving on roads that are overloaded and more dangerous to drivers and passengers. There is no better investment we can make than infrastructure as a government and people. It vastly improves commerce, lowers the cost of moving goods and lowers the price WE pay, it save millions of dollars in wasted fuel every year, lowers toxic pollution in the air and makes every American more efficient and more likely to make it home for dinner.

Please come back when you have something other than bluster and your ignorant disdain for hard working Americans that belong to a union.

Let me know when you are done lying and making excuses for piss poor union work.

Because that's all that was.

Thumbs, until you can offer convincing evidence what you say is true, and you haven't, then we can only conclude that you are either malignant or ignorant or mentally feeble.
Maybe in your trailer court.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Are you saying that people raised in trailer courts are lesser people? Since most people raised in trailer courts are white, I will also assume that you are a racist, and will treat you like one. So I guess you are to fucking dumb to know that roads get paved and re-paved every 3-5 years in America but in the EU they last over 10 years. That's union built roads in America dumbass. Money wasted in over time, in going past the date they were supposed to be done and getting paid to do patch work b/c they didn't do a good, let alone proper job in the first place. I'm going to assume you are one of the ***** that pretend to care about the poor. Let me fill you in. You don't give a fuck about the poor. If you did, you wouldn't demand that union slugs get over paid and get to keep jobs no matter how bad they fuck it up, if you cared about the poor at all you would have noticed by now that the poor can't afford newer cars let alone new, b/c union pay is so high that the cost of a new one is far out of reach.
don't fuck with me you racist shit bag. You got nothing and plenty of it.

Kaz, it's unions in the EU that builds roads, did you know that?

Kaz, most folks anywhere in the US are white in most areas, did you know that?

Kaz, you are so lame, did you know that?

Kaz, can you show us that you think?
dipshit, you didnt quote "kaz"

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