WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

And I see that you continue to emulate Obama and blather on incoherently rather than address the points I am making. But I have come to expect that from the left because they have always believed that if they drown poeple in bullshit no one will notice that they are not actually saying anything. By the way, I never chastise anyone for name calling. In fact, when people call me on calling them names I usually point out that telling them that they are spouting talking points is not calling them names. I am quite capable of calling people names, and will do so, I just rarely do. If I called you one you deserved it, in my opinion, so stop whining.

If I am spouting everything Governor Walker says it must be because he is using the same facts I am to make his point. I have not read anything he is saying, nor have I listened to his speeches. Why should I? I am watching the very same battle being fought in California, and watching Democrats point out the facts.

Whatever happened in that phone conversation, Obama actually sent in troublemakers from across the country. The fact that I have not condemned him for using a tried and true political technique shows that I, at least, have honesty going for me. The fact that you condemn Walker for thinking about doing what Obama did, but say nothing about Obama doing, shows me you are a hack.

No, two wrongs do not make a right. However, one right, and another, more stance, do make a right. By the way, if you think only people who supported Obama have a right to be disappointed, I expect you to stop whining about everything Bush did, because I know you did not vote for him.

No it it not. Personal responsibility comes from one's actions. He admitted to thinking about sending in troublemakers, which would have been an acceptable, if sleazy, tactic. He did not do so. What, exactly, do you think I should hold him accountable for? Not doing something I personally consider sleazy? Would not that require me, if I was going to be intellectually honest, to hold Obama responsible for being sleazy, and not excuse it because he is not actually qualified to be in the position he is?

Interesting. But why are you blaming Walker for something I got from a newspaper story? Does calling Walker a liar for something I never said he said make you a liar?

Just a point that you might want to consider. Just because the rates are below the national average, that does not mean they are actually competitive in the state. The fact that an official worded his statement to mention national average, when the article I read mentions that the prices are high for Wisconsin, makes me suspicious. It would make you suspicious too if you were honest. I really love that the trust manages to compete with itself. How, exactly, do they do that?

No, I get to point out that they made a choice when they went to work for the government, and that, if they choose to make a career out of government work, they get better job security, and better benefits. Whining about the fact that they get paid less on top of that is nothing but greed.

That is how personal responsibility actually works, just so you know.

He is not slashing their pay, he is asking them to pay contribute more to future benefits. Even with their increased contributions, they will still pay less than any other group of state workers, or federal government workers, do. What, exactly, is your beef again? Do you really expect me to support unadulterated greed at the expense of the middle class in Wisconsin?

You really are stupid, aren't you? Teachers are free to work part time, and often take a teaching job so they can continue studying, at least the best ones do. Last time I looked, nurses were not state employees. As for snowplows, I understand they routinely wreck cars, because it is impossible to see them in snow drifts. Why should anyone pay top dollar to prevent the unpreventable?

It seems to me that what you want is to pay top dollar because you seem to think that no one will do these jobs unless you do. It does not work that way, and the best and the brightest will get better money elsewhere no matter how much you try to pay them. Personally, I would rather have people doing it that were there because that is what they want to be doing, not because they like the money.

You are right that it is class warfare, you just have the sides wrong.

Actually, if the Nazi's ever do show up again, and go after idiots like you, I will be tempted to cheer them on. I hope that I will not, but I will honestly be tempted to do so, the world would be just a little more bearable without your constant whining.

WOW, maybe I should be incinerated huh windbag? How tolerant and democratic.

As to your accusations that Obama sent in troublemakers, you are only missing one minute detail...TROUBLE...there have been no arrests or 'trouble', but don't let facts deter your right wing dogma.

Walker IS cutting the teacher's pay windbag.

Gov. Scott Walker says he wants state workers covered by collective bargaining agreements to "contribute more" to their pension and health insurance plans.

Accepting Gov. Walker' s assertions as fact, and failing to check, created the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not.

Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin' s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers.

How can that be? Because the "contributions" consist of money that employees chose to take as deferred wages – as pensions when they retire – rather than take immediately in cash. The same is true with the health care plan. If this were not so a serious crime would be taking place, the gift of public funds rather than payment for services.

Thus, state workers are not being asked to simply "contribute more" to Wisconsin' s retirement system (or as the argument goes, "pay their fair share" of retirement costs as do employees in Wisconsin' s private sector who still have pensions and health insurance). They are being asked to accept a cut in their salaries so that the state of Wisconsin can use the money to fill the hole left by tax cuts and reduced audits of corporations in Wisconsin.

More at Tax.com

BTW windbag...WHAT would replace the public unions? I am willing to bet it will be rampant nepotism and jobs for political cronies. You folks on the right profess government can do nothing right, but SUDDENLY they can hire and fire with impunity and without corruption or political favors. WHY is that?

So you want the schoolteacher who educates your children, the nurse who tends to you and your family in the hospital, the EMT's who rush to the scene of your car wreck and the snow plow driver who maneuvers by your parked car at 2 AM so you can get to work at 8AM to be jobs with a high turnover and relegated to rookies and people at entry level pay scale.

You folks on the right are textbook examples of the 'cynic' Oscar Wilde so aptly describes: "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing."

And the right's ideas and proposals on the local, state and federal level invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man: the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, and nothing to look forward to with hope."
Unions hire people to work for the government? Please, tell us how this works.

Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.
WOW, maybe I should be incinerated huh windbag? How tolerant and democratic.

As to your accusations that Obama sent in troublemakers, you are only missing one minute detail...TROUBLE...there have been no arrests or 'trouble', but don't let facts deter your right wing dogma.

Walker IS cutting the teacher's pay windbag.

Gov. Scott Walker says he wants state workers covered by collective bargaining agreements to "contribute more" to their pension and health insurance plans.

Accepting Gov. Walker' s assertions as fact, and failing to check, created the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not.

Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin' s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers.

How can that be? Because the "contributions" consist of money that employees chose to take as deferred wages – as pensions when they retire – rather than take immediately in cash. The same is true with the health care plan. If this were not so a serious crime would be taking place, the gift of public funds rather than payment for services.

Thus, state workers are not being asked to simply "contribute more" to Wisconsin' s retirement system (or as the argument goes, "pay their fair share" of retirement costs as do employees in Wisconsin' s private sector who still have pensions and health insurance). They are being asked to accept a cut in their salaries so that the state of Wisconsin can use the money to fill the hole left by tax cuts and reduced audits of corporations in Wisconsin.

More at Tax.com

BTW windbag...WHAT would replace the public unions? I am willing to bet it will be rampant nepotism and jobs for political cronies. You folks on the right profess government can do nothing right, but SUDDENLY they can hire and fire with impunity and without corruption or political favors. WHY is that?

So you want the schoolteacher who educates your children, the nurse who tends to you and your family in the hospital, the EMT's who rush to the scene of your car wreck and the snow plow driver who maneuvers by your parked car at 2 AM so you can get to work at 8AM to be jobs with a high turnover and relegated to rookies and people at entry level pay scale.

You folks on the right are textbook examples of the 'cynic' Oscar Wilde so aptly describes: "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing."

And the right's ideas and proposals on the local, state and federal level invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man: the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, and nothing to look forward to with hope."
Unions hire people to work for the government? Please, tell us how this works.

Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.


Like; Barely working. The work they do get done sucks and needs to be redone, again and again?

Have you not seen how roads need to keep getting re-worked?
Unions hire people to work for the government? Please, tell us how this works.

Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.


Like; Barely working. The work they do get done sucks and needs to be redone, again and again?

Have you not seen how roads need to keep getting re-worked?

Maybe in your trailer court.
Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.


Like; Barely working. The work they do get done sucks and needs to be redone, again and again?

Have you not seen how roads need to keep getting re-worked?

Maybe in your trailer court.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Are you saying that people raised in trailer courts are lesser people?

Since most people raised in trailer courts are white, I will also assume that you are a racist, and will treat you like one.

So I guess you are to fucking dumb to know that roads get paved and re-paved every 3-5 years in America but in the EU they last over 10 years. That's union built roads in America dumbass. Money wasted in over time, in going past the date they were supposed to be done and getting paid to do patch work b/c they didn't do a good, let alone proper job in the first place.

I'm going to assume you are one of the XXXXX that pretend to care about the poor. Let me fill you in. You don't give a fuck about the poor. If you did, you wouldn't demand that union slugs get over paid and get to keep jobs no matter how bad they fuck it up, if you cared about the poor at all you would have noticed by now that the poor can't afford newer cars let alone new, b/c union pay is so high that the cost of a new one is far out of reach.

don't fuck with me you racist shit bag. You got nothing and plenty of it.
Unions hire people to work for the government? Please, tell us how this works.

Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.

Like; Barely working. The work they do get done sucks and needs to be redone, again and again?

Have you not seen how roads need to keep getting re-worked?[/QUOTE]

The unions don't choose the materials used or the designs chosen by architects for the road projects that they work. Much like the cheaper cement used by BP on the Deep Water Horizon, it's the cheap materials used by the companies the states use to fix or build our roads to make an extra buck. Blaming the workers for failed roads is really quite a stretch.
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Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.

Like; Barely working. The work they do get done sucks and needs to be redone, again and again?

Have you not seen how roads need to keep getting re-worked?[/QUOTE]

The unions don't choose the materials used or the designs chosen by architects for the road projects that they work. Much like the cheaper cement used by BP on the Deep Water Horizon, it's the cheap materials used by the companies the states use to fix or build our roads to make an extra buck. Blaming the workers for failed roads is really quite a stretch.

No it's not. The government has laws, passed by union supported liberals, that force states to take the lowest bid. Not the best bid, but the lowest bid.
So they use crap material. why? So they can come back and do it again.
It's not just the worker, I could care less about a hard worker getting told to stop working hard "or else", I care that the hole train of shit that supports fucking over taxpayers so the unions get paid and then cover for useless workers that they will go to court to keep.
But thank you for verifying what I have often thought of you right wing cretins...as children, you were the kids who were 'present counters'. When the families got together for Christmas, you were the kid who threw himself on the floor and had a tantrum when one of your cousins got one more present than you.

Wow... utter insane projection. Tardtard strikes again. Equality of outcome is a hallmark of liberalism. "Tommy got more presents than me!!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!"

Like; Barely working. The work they do get done sucks and needs to be redone, again and again?

Have you not seen how roads need to keep getting re-worked?

Maybe in your trailer court.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Are you saying that people raised in trailer courts are lesser people?

Since most people raised in trailer courts are white, I will also assume that you are a racist, and will treat you like one.

So I guess you are to fucking dumb to know that roads get paved and re-paved every 3-5 years in America but in the EU they last over 10 years. That's union built roads in America dumbass. Money wasted in over time, in going past the date they were supposed to be done and getting paid to do patch work b/c they didn't do a good, let alone proper job in the first place.

I'm going to assume you are one of the XXXXX that pretend to care about the poor. Let me fill you in. You don't give a fuck about the poor. If you did, you wouldn't demand that union slugs get over paid and get to keep jobs no matter how bad they fuck it up, if you cared about the poor at all you would have noticed by now that the poor can't afford newer cars let alone new, b/c union pay is so high that the cost of a new one is far out of reach.

don't fuck with me you racist shit bag. You got nothing and plenty of it.

WOW, a lot of bluster and such...don't ASSume, you are making an ass out of yourself.

Union workers are not overpaid.

I know a lot more about road building than you. The first question is what region of the country and climate are we talking about? Ever hear of frost? Ever hear of salt being used to melt ice on roads? They are extremely destructive to the best built roads. What is the load limits for trucks using the road system? What are those parameters in the EU? Do you even know? A poorly built road in a climate like Florida may last longer than the best built road in New York.

Most road builders in New York ARE union companies, with union operators who are trained by the local. They are the best, safest and most efficient operators. Construction companies invest millions of dollars in the heavy equipment needed to build and pave a road. There are usually crews and operators dedicated to different phases of a road project. Excavating and grading the site, then compacting the soil to properly support the base, sub base and the actual paved top you drive on. When a road fails, it is usually water that gets into the base and sub base and undermines the integrity of the structure. When water freezes, it expands and heaves the road structure. Patching is a temporary fix to prevent accidents and damage to vehicles.

Infrastructure in America is crumbling. The conservative era we've been under for over 30 years has built NOTHING. We have more bridges than you can imagine that are waiting for a catastrophe to occur to wake up the public to our plight. We are wasting billions of dollars in gridlock and paying a human price driving on roads that are overloaded and more dangerous to drivers and passengers. There is no better investment we can make than infrastructure as a government and people. It vastly improves commerce, lowers the cost of moving goods and lowers the price WE pay, it save millions of dollars in wasted fuel every year, lowers toxic pollution in the air and makes every American more efficient and more likely to make it home for dinner.

Please come back when you have something other than bluster and your ignorant disdain for hard working Americans that belong to a union.
Maybe in your trailer court.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Are you saying that people raised in trailer courts are lesser people?

Since most people raised in trailer courts are white, I will also assume that you are a racist, and will treat you like one.

So I guess you are to fucking dumb to know that roads get paved and re-paved every 3-5 years in America but in the EU they last over 10 years. That's union built roads in America dumbass. Money wasted in over time, in going past the date they were supposed to be done and getting paid to do patch work b/c they didn't do a good, let alone proper job in the first place.

I'm going to assume you are one of the ***** that pretend to care about the poor. Let me fill you in. You don't give a fuck about the poor. If you did, you wouldn't demand that union slugs get over paid and get to keep jobs no matter how bad they fuck it up, if you cared about the poor at all you would have noticed by now that the poor can't afford newer cars let alone new, b/c union pay is so high that the cost of a new one is far out of reach.

don't fuck with me you racist shit bag. You got nothing and plenty of it.

WOW, a lot of bluster and such...don't ASSume, you are making an ass out of yourself.

Union workers are not overpaid.

I know a lot more about road building than you. The first question is what region of the country and climate are we talking about? Ever hear of frost? Ever hear of salt being used to melt ice on roads? They are extremely destructive to the best built roads. What is the load limits for trucks using the road system? What are those parameters in the EU? Do you even know? A poorly built road in a climate like Florida may last longer than the best built road in New York.

Most road builders in New York ARE union companies, with union operators who are trained by the local. They are the best, safest and most efficient operators. Construction companies invest millions of dollars in the heavy equipment needed to build and pave a road. There are usually crews and operators dedicated to different phases of a road project. Excavating and grading the site, then compacting the soil to properly support the base, sub base and the actual paved top you drive on. When a road fails, it is usually water that gets into the base and sub base and undermines the integrity of the structure. When water freezes, it expands and heaves the road structure. Patching is a temporary fix to prevent accidents and damage to vehicles.

Infrastructure in America is crumbling. The conservative era we've been under for over 30 years has built NOTHING. We have more bridges than you can imagine that are waiting for a catastrophe to occur to wake up the public to our plight. We are wasting billions of dollars in gridlock and paying a human price driving on roads that are overloaded and more dangerous to drivers and passengers. There is no better investment we can make than infrastructure as a government and people. It vastly improves commerce, lowers the cost of moving goods and lowers the price WE pay, it save millions of dollars in wasted fuel every year, lowers toxic pollution in the air and makes every American more efficient and more likely to make it home for dinner.

Please come back when you have something other than bluster and your ignorant disdain for hard working Americans that belong to a union.

Let me know when you are done lying and making excuses for piss poor union work.

Because that's all that was.
But thank you for verifying what I have often thought of you right wing cretins...as children, you were the kids who were 'present counters'. When the families got together for Christmas, you were the kid who threw himself on the floor and had a tantrum when one of your cousins got one more present than you.

Wow... utter insane projection. Tardtard strikes again. Equality of outcome is a hallmark of liberalism. "Tommy got more presents than me!!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!"

I know you'd LIKE it to be a hallmark of liberalism, but it's not...it is a hallmark of the people who are driven by the core of conservatism; fear and the ensuing insecurity


"All people are born alike—except Republicans and Democrats," quipped Groucho Marx, and in fact it turns out that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are evident in early childhood. In 1969, Berkeley professors Jack and Jeanne Block embarked on a study of childhood personality, asking nursery school teachers to rate children's temperaments. They weren't even thinking about political orientation.

Twenty years later, they decided to compare the subjects' childhood personalities with their political preferences as adults. They found arresting patterns. As kids, liberals had developed close relationships with peers and were rated by their teachers as self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient. People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics.

The Ideological Animal
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Is that supposed to be an insult? Are you saying that people raised in trailer courts are lesser people?

Since most people raised in trailer courts are white, I will also assume that you are a racist, and will treat you like one.

So I guess you are to fucking dumb to know that roads get paved and re-paved every 3-5 years in America but in the EU they last over 10 years. That's union built roads in America dumbass. Money wasted in over time, in going past the date they were supposed to be done and getting paid to do patch work b/c they didn't do a good, let alone proper job in the first place.

I'm going to assume you are one of the ***** that pretend to care about the poor. Let me fill you in. You don't give a fuck about the poor. If you did, you wouldn't demand that union slugs get over paid and get to keep jobs no matter how bad they fuck it up, if you cared about the poor at all you would have noticed by now that the poor can't afford newer cars let alone new, b/c union pay is so high that the cost of a new one is far out of reach.

don't fuck with me you racist shit bag. You got nothing and plenty of it.

WOW, a lot of bluster and such...don't ASSume, you are making an ass out of yourself.

Union workers are not overpaid.

I know a lot more about road building than you. The first question is what region of the country and climate are we talking about? Ever hear of frost? Ever hear of salt being used to melt ice on roads? They are extremely destructive to the best built roads. What is the load limits for trucks using the road system? What are those parameters in the EU? Do you even know? A poorly built road in a climate like Florida may last longer than the best built road in New York.

Most road builders in New York ARE union companies, with union operators who are trained by the local. They are the best, safest and most efficient operators. Construction companies invest millions of dollars in the heavy equipment needed to build and pave a road. There are usually crews and operators dedicated to different phases of a road project. Excavating and grading the site, then compacting the soil to properly support the base, sub base and the actual paved top you drive on. When a road fails, it is usually water that gets into the base and sub base and undermines the integrity of the structure. When water freezes, it expands and heaves the road structure. Patching is a temporary fix to prevent accidents and damage to vehicles.

Infrastructure in America is crumbling. The conservative era we've been under for over 30 years has built NOTHING. We have more bridges than you can imagine that are waiting for a catastrophe to occur to wake up the public to our plight. We are wasting billions of dollars in gridlock and paying a human price driving on roads that are overloaded and more dangerous to drivers and passengers. There is no better investment we can make than infrastructure as a government and people. It vastly improves commerce, lowers the cost of moving goods and lowers the price WE pay, it save millions of dollars in wasted fuel every year, lowers toxic pollution in the air and makes every American more efficient and more likely to make it home for dinner.

Please come back when you have something other than bluster and your ignorant disdain for hard working Americans that belong to a union.

Let me know when you are done lying and making excuses for piss poor union work.

Because that's all that was.

Well you are welcome to simply EMOTE...carry on, just keep the whining to a minimum.
But thank you for verifying what I have often thought of you right wing cretins...as children, you were the kids who were 'present counters'. When the families got together for Christmas, you were the kid who threw himself on the floor and had a tantrum when one of your cousins got one more present than you.

Wow... utter insane projection. Tardtard strikes again. Equality of outcome is a hallmark of liberalism. "Tommy got more presents than me!!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!"

I know you'd LIKE it to be a hallmark of liberalism, but it's not...it is a hallmark of the people who are driven by the core of conservatism; fear and the ensuing insecurity


"All people are born alike—except Republicans and Democrats," quipped Groucho Marx, and in fact it turns out that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are evident in early childhood. In 1969, Berkeley professors Jack and Jeanne Block embarked on a study of childhood personality, asking nursery school teachers to rate children's temperaments. They weren't even thinking about political orientation.

Twenty years later, they decided to compare the subjects' childhood personalities with their political preferences as adults. They found arresting patterns. As kids, liberals had developed close relationships with peers and were rated by their teachers as self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient. People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics.

The Ideological Animal
mmm more irrelevant quotes that change nothing.

Yep, another Tardtard hallmark.
Frivolous? Like; Barely working. The work they do get done sucks and needs to be redone, again and again?
Have you not seen how roads need to keep getting re-worked?[/QUOTE]

The unions don't choose the materials used or the designs chosen by architects for the road projects that they work. Much like the cheaper cement used by BP on the Deep Water Horizon, it's the cheap materials used by the companies the states use to fix or build our roads to make an extra buck. Blaming the workers for failed roads is really quite a stretch.
No it's not. The government has laws, passed by union supported liberals, that force states to take the lowest bid. Not the best bid, but the lowest bid. So they use crap material. why? So they can come back and do it again. It's not just the worker, I could care less about a hard worker getting told to stop working hard "or else", I care that the hole train of shit that supports fucking over taxpayers so the unions get paid and then cover for useless workers that they will go to court to keep.

This latest post only spouts and touts your lack of knowledge about unions and how they operate. Jeez almighty, you have no clue.
The word for the day...VALUE

WEA Trust delivers 93 cents on every dollar a member pays in the form of benefits. The private insurance cartels are being forced to spend 80 cents in the form of benefits by the new Affordable Care Act. It was necessary because Wall Street investors, who control the health insurance industry were severely punishing insurance companies that paid out too much for benefits. It is the root cause of the REAL death panels, insurance cartels denying coverage for severe illnesses.

National survey scores WEA Trust number one in Wisconsin.

Survey also ranks Wisconsin's school health plan third in the nation



WEA Trust: Not Your Typical Insurance Company

WEA Trust is the number one health insurance provider in the state of Wisconsin and the number two provider in the US, according to the recent 2009 Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey, an independent national survey which includes hundreds of health plans across the country. The Trust has the advantage of serving a captive audience: it was created by the largest teacher’s union in the state, Wisconsin Educational Association Council (WEAC), to serve all public school districts with a WEAC affiliate, which total approximately 400 districts. From its inception nearly 40 years ago, the company has been striving to be a different kind of insurance company.

“Most people don’t trust their health insurance provider,” said CEO Fred Evert. “We aim to establish long-term relationships with our members to help them be as healthy, productive, and as financially secure as possible.”

He explained that this mission is achieved in part through the Trust’s emphasis on excellent customer service. The organization is exceedingly efficient: Evert said the company has historically delivered 93 cents on every dollar a member pays in the form of benefits. Furthermore, the company still has every call answered personally by a staff member during business hours and strives to have members transferred only once. The company also staffs extra hands before and after school hours when most teachers have time to call their insurance company.

Over the last few years, the Trust has made several investments in its infrastructure to augment its customer service, including adding 60,000 square feet of space to its campus and updating its state-of-the-art phone system. Evert added that he and his team emphasize the benefits of partnerships, such as those with Ingenix software or with the state’s Department of Public Instruction (DPI), in delivering innovative products and exceptional service—hallmarks of the Trust brand.

For example, the Trust underwrites the cost to place DPI’s anti-bullying curriculum in every middle school and high school in Wisconsin. Evert wrote an editorial that ran in all the major state newspapers to support this anti-bullying campaign, Safe and Respectful Schools, saying an unsafe school is not a healthy school. In addition to working to create safer learning environments for Wisconsin children, this partnership distinguishes the Trust as a different type of insurance company.

Through its partnership with Ingenix, the Trust uses a number of software programs to coordinate care for its members. Perhaps the most significant of these is CarePlanner Web, which allows the Trust to use claims information to identify individuals with serious medical risks. Evert said the company works with providers and members to improve quality of care and manage costs.

Evert was proud to report that because of the Trust’s innovative services and excellent service, it enjoys a member persistence rate of more than 95%. “We offer a variety of programs and services to help our members get the care they need at the right place, the right time, and at the right price,” he said.

Ensuring wellness
The Trust has a four-part wellness plan that uses technology and a personal touch to help members stay healthy. The first piece is an online health risk assessment. The company has implemented a number of incentives and educational campaigns about the benefits of such a test, and in 2007, a record 46,000 members took the assessment.

Another piece is the Ingenix ImpactPro software, which takes information from assessments and claims data to identify at-risk individuals. This allows the Trust to communicate with members and make sure they are using the resources that are available to them.

The third piece is a case management system, which includes a number of programs for members with different chronic diseases, like diabetes, cancer, or heart disease. These programs help members get the right care at the right time.

The fourth piece is a software system called Impact Intelligence, which allows the Trust to analyze claims data and work with providers to improve the quality of care. Evert said the company compares providers, partners with those who provide the highest quality care for the lowest cost, and then steers members toward them.

“The rising cost of healthcare necessitates that we choose to get care in the most efficacious and least costly settings, and this technology helps us guide members toward that,” said Evert.

Pending board approval later this year, the Trust plans to offer a new program with its wellness offerings: Trust Rewards. This program is designed to give members an incentive to engage in healthy practices and get regular screenings. The company already sends every member a birthday card on his or her 50th birthday to remind them to get a colonoscopy; Evert said screening rates improved by 22% from that simple measure alone.

The Trust also sponsors programs that include community outreach and education initiatives, like the Movin’ and Munchin’ program, which is in conjunction with the DPI. Through Movin’ and Munchin’, the company sponsors two Wisconsin Olympians to speak at school districts across the state, encouraging adults and kids to adopt healthy behaviors. With the help of the Trust, the program has increased participation nearly 400%, including 170 schools in 2008, up from 34 in 2007.

More at American Executive Magazine
I'd like that insurance too, but like the sate of WI I just can't afford it. Apparently the word for the day is largesse.

Charity huh? Everyone should have health insurance like that, because health care should be a right, not a privilege. But thank you for verifying what I have often thought of you right wing cretins...as children, you were the kids who were 'present counters'. When the families got together for Christmas, you were the kid who threw himself on the floor and had a tantrum when one of your cousins got one more present than you.

BTW, you are dead wrong on your charity claim.

Gov. Scott Walker says he wants state workers covered by collective bargaining agreements to "contribute more" to their pension and health insurance plans.

Accepting Gov. Walker' s assertions as fact, and failing to check, created the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not.

Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin' s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers.

How can that be? Because the "contributions" consist of money that employees chose to take as deferred wages – as pensions when they retire – rather than take immediately in cash. The same is true with the health care plan. If this were not so a serious crime would be taking place, the gift of public funds rather than payment for services.

Thus, state workers are not being asked to simply "contribute more" to Wisconsin' s retirement system (or as the argument goes, "pay their fair share" of retirement costs as do employees in Wisconsin' s private sector who still have pensions and health insurance). They are being asked to accept a cut in their salaries so that the state of Wisconsin can use the money to fill the hole left by tax cuts and reduced audits of corporations in Wisconsin.

More at tax.com
You have a perfect right to purchase whatever health care you can afford. The state cannot afford the level of largesse the unions demand, fuck 'em, if they don't like it. There's no need to respond to the rest of your drivel.
WOW, maybe I should be incinerated huh windbag? How tolerant and democratic.

As to your accusations that Obama sent in troublemakers, you are only missing one minute detail...TROUBLE...there have been no arrests or 'trouble', but don't let facts deter your right wing dogma.

Walker IS cutting the teacher's pay windbag.

Gov. Scott Walker says he wants state workers covered by collective bargaining agreements to "contribute more" to their pension and health insurance plans.

Accepting Gov. Walker' s assertions as fact, and failing to check, created the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not.

Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin' s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers.

How can that be? Because the "contributions" consist of money that employees chose to take as deferred wages – as pensions when they retire – rather than take immediately in cash. The same is true with the health care plan. If this were not so a serious crime would be taking place, the gift of public funds rather than payment for services.

Thus, state workers are not being asked to simply "contribute more" to Wisconsin' s retirement system (or as the argument goes, "pay their fair share" of retirement costs as do employees in Wisconsin' s private sector who still have pensions and health insurance). They are being asked to accept a cut in their salaries so that the state of Wisconsin can use the money to fill the hole left by tax cuts and reduced audits of corporations in Wisconsin.

More at Tax.com

BTW windbag...WHAT would replace the public unions? I am willing to bet it will be rampant nepotism and jobs for political cronies. You folks on the right profess government can do nothing right, but SUDDENLY they can hire and fire with impunity and without corruption or political favors. WHY is that?

So you want the schoolteacher who educates your children, the nurse who tends to you and your family in the hospital, the EMT's who rush to the scene of your car wreck and the snow plow driver who maneuvers by your parked car at 2 AM so you can get to work at 8AM to be jobs with a high turnover and relegated to rookies and people at entry level pay scale.

You folks on the right are textbook examples of the 'cynic' Oscar Wilde so aptly describes: "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing."

And the right's ideas and proposals on the local, state and federal level invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man: the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, and nothing to look forward to with hope."
Unions hire people to work for the government? Please, tell us how this works.

Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.
Firing a petulant sorry assed piece of union shit should be easy. Its been my experience that the more pro-union a member is the more of a worthless piece of shit they are.
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Unions hire people to work for the government? Please, tell us how this works.

Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.
Firing a petulant sorry assed piece of union shit should be easy.

I am sure you consider yourself a 'patriot'. You love America, it's just those damn Americans you can't stand. I feel sorry for people like you. You're disdain for your fellow man only reflects your low self image.
Unions hire people to work for the government? Please, tell us how this works.

Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.


Like; Barely working. The work they do get done sucks and needs to be redone, again and again?

Have you not seen how roads need to keep getting re-worked?

Oh, it should only be that simple. While I was working at the USPS, there was a guy in another department who was arrested for possession with intent to sell ON THE PROPERTY. The APWU not only convinced the USPS to pay for rehab after he got out of jail, but actually got them to hold his job for him while he served his time.

Now, say what you like about drug laws, but breaking the law AT WORK should be grounds for getting shitcanned. ESPECIALLY when you work for the federal government, for crying out loud.
Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.
Firing a petulant sorry assed piece of union shit should be easy.

I am sure you consider yourself a 'patriot'. You love America, it's just those damn Americans you can't stand. I feel sorry for people like you. You're disdain for your fellow man only reflects your low self image.
members who are strong supporters of thier unions are the sorriest damned workers on earth, they ain't worth spit. Fuck 'em all. I don't disdain my fellow man, I disdain socialist union punks who don't have the balls to stand on their own two feet unless they have a bunch of thugs behind them.
Firing a petulant sorry assed piece of union shit should be easy.

I am sure you consider yourself a 'patriot'. You love America, it's just those damn Americans you can't stand. I feel sorry for people like you. You're disdain for your fellow man only reflects your low self image.
members who are strong supporters of thier unions are the sorriest damned workers on earth, they ain't worth spit. Fuck 'em all. I don't disdain my fellow man, I disdain socialist union punks who don't have the balls to stand on their own two feet unless they have a bunch of thugs behind them.

WOW, you really are brainwashed. Guess what, unions have helped every worker in this country. Every non union worker has benefited from the struggles of unions over a number of years. So the only people who are 'punks' and 'sorry' are the ones like you who got all those benefits without any sweat or skin off your nose.
Unions hire people to work for the government? Please, tell us how this works.

Unions don't 'hire' people, but they make firing people for political reasons and other frivolous reasons difficult.
Firing a petulant sorry assed piece of union shit should be easy. Its been my experience that the more pro-union a member is the more of a worthless piece of shit they are.

(1) your statement reveals you know very little about union members; (2) your ire and anger reveals you have deeper set emotional issues than union- busting.

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