WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

SO...you enjoyed all the benefits the union gained for you, but you felt other people should pay for YOU. Gee, where did I hear that described ...oh yea, BenNatuf's bigotry filled rant of ignorance when he got to the 'welfare queen' reference.

Enjoyed?! What part of "enormous, self-serving pain in the ass" made you think I ENJOYED anything about the APWU? Those idiots drove me up the wall, and there was no way to get away from them. They spent more time fighting for things that made life HARDER for the average worker on the floor than they ever did for anything that might have been helpful. And let's be serious; it's not like there was any "fighting" needed concerning wages and benefits. The federal government was hardly going to run a sweatshop, with or without the APWU.

You're goddamned right I thought someone else should pay the fucking union dues, namely the dipshits who LIKED having those idiots around, bollixing things up. For the record, that would be the 'tards who couldn't have held onto their jobs without the APWU making it impossible to fire them. I was the top-performing employee in my section; I didn't NEED anyone protecting me from being fired, or trying to get me more money. I managed that just fine by myself.

WOW, you are truly self important...<editted to remove plagerized quote>. I'm so proud that you changed that all by yourself.
I'm so proud you DIDN"T think of that all by yourself.
BenNatuf has been outed again. This discussion would be more interesting if BN would stay on track and not lie when caught out.
Maybe when you get out of the 9th grade somebody will give a fuck about your stupid shit.

You constantly take words and phrases out of context to "proove" somebody said something they didn't say, you constantly lie, you're constantly wrong, you're not now nor have you ever been any kind of republican, you're just a kid lying on a computer.

The thread asswipe is about WI, I've never ever said I liked any unions at all, I've never ever said I supported exempting any, what I have said is thats what Walker said he was going to do, and thats exactly what he did do and exactly what he did say. I've proven by linking to actual facts (not some wingnut web site) that what I've said is true. And I've never claimed that anything I did claim to be a facvt was anything more than my opinion.

You on the other hand think your assinine opinions are facts.

Grow the fuck up Jokey, I will not address you again. You're useless ass is just not worth the effort of typing.

Words have meaning, and I hold you to them. You don't like getting outed? Use them correctly and in context, or leave. Those are the only conditions with which you will be allowed to deal with words by me. You think that is self important? Read your own words.
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And you are held accountable as well, divecon. Words have meaning and you far right wacks hate being held to them.
And you are held accountable as well, divecon. Words have meaning and you far right wacks hate being held to them.
except you are the fucking moron that doesnt understand them
thats whats so fucking ironic about your posts, jokey
So you double down on your hypocrisy just like Peter King. You are a liar, it's been proven, and it sucks to be you, divecon. You gotta live with it.
and just what the fuck does King have to do with the issues in WI?
another case of you not paying fucking attention to what thread you are in
You, The T, as well as divecon show daily that you are out of the mainstream.

Yes, your words hold you accountable.

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