WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

I seriously hope they keep this shit up.

Nothing like a good old fashion piss and vinegar fight to keep you alive!
yeah, its about damn time we had republicans that showed it

Republicans fight just fine. It's the Democrats that are spineless yes men.

Well no more corners to back into..either fight or join the Republican party.


the dems took their ball and went home. then packed thier bags and fled the state instead of doing thier job.

If they had any sack, any at all they would have worked over time to get what they wanted, or try to get somthing, but no, they left the state to pout like children, spoiled children.
These losers will be arrested or recalled. One way or another they are going to lose.
ahhhh, they are heroes to many people as well....they didn't accept the ramming down the throat bill that the repubs may have illegally gotten through the House and did not want this to happen in the senate in the same manner....

by leaving the state, it allowed the PEOPLE of wisconsin to express their concerns for or against the bill....

yes, they put their careers on the line, but they did get the job done that needed to be done...and that was to give the citizens of the state a heads up to what was going on in the congress and governor's office and time for them to express their feelings about it.

they do deserve an applause for that...

(don't you wish the repubs in the Senate here in DC would have had the balls to do the same thing before the health care bill passed?)

this being said, it's time for them to get back to work.
ahhhh, they are heroes to many people as well....they didn't accept the ramming down the throat bill that the repubs may have illegally gotten through the House and did not want this to happen in the senate in the same manner....

by leaving the state, it allowed the PEOPLE of wisconsin to express their concerns for or against the bill....

yes, they put their careers on the line, but they did get the job done that needed to be done...and that was to give the citizens of the state a heads up to what was going on in the congress and governor's office and time for them to express their feelings about it.

they do deserve an applause for that...

(don't you wish the repubs in the Senate here in DC would have had the balls to do the same thing before the health care bill passed?)

this being said, it's time for them to get back to work.
there was nothing illegal in what the WI Assembly did
but it is a violation of the rules to NOT do your job
ahhhh, they are heroes to many people as well....they didn't accept the ramming down the throat bill that the repubs may have illegally gotten through the House and did not want this to happen in the senate in the same manner....

by leaving the state, it allowed the PEOPLE of wisconsin to express their concerns for or against the bill....

yes, they put their careers on the line, but they did get the job done that needed to be done...and that was to give the citizens of the state a heads up to what was going on in the congress and governor's office and time for them to express their feelings about it.

they do deserve an applause for that...

(don't you wish the repubs in the Senate here in DC would have had the balls to do the same thing before the health care bill passed?)

this being said, it's time for them to get back to work.
there was nothing illegal in what the WI Assembly did
but it is a violation of the rules to NOT do your job

Really? Is the investigation of what the Assembly did over already and this was already determined?
ahhhh, they are heroes to many people as well....they didn't accept the ramming down the throat bill that the repubs may have illegally gotten through the House and did not want this to happen in the senate in the same manner....

by leaving the state, it allowed the PEOPLE of wisconsin to express their concerns for or against the bill....

yes, they put their careers on the line, but they did get the job done that needed to be done...and that was to give the citizens of the state a heads up to what was going on in the congress and governor's office and time for them to express their feelings about it.

they do deserve an applause for that...

(don't you wish the repubs in the Senate here in DC would have had the balls to do the same thing before the health care bill passed?)

this being said, it's time for them to get back to work.
there was nothing illegal in what the WI Assembly did
but it is a violation of the rules to NOT do your job

Really? Is the investigation of what the Assembly did over already and this was already determined?
what "investigation"
there doesnt need to be one
there was nothing illegal in what the WI Assembly did
but it is a violation of the rules to NOT do your job

Really? Is the investigation of what the Assembly did over already and this was already determined?
what "investigation"
there doesnt need to be one

hmmmm, the article said that the tapes of the Assembly and their actions of how they brought the vote up and rammed it through, were going to be reviewed.
Really? Is the investigation of what the Assembly did over already and this was already determined?
what "investigation"
there doesnt need to be one

hmmmm, the article said that the tapes of the Assembly and their actions of how they brought the vote up and rammed it through, were going to be reviewed.
reviewed for what? The assembly is not policed by laws, it is policed by rules, rules the assembly passes respecting its own procedurs and how bills are to be passed. Rules which the majority has the full power to interpret as they see fit. Rules which the executive branch has no enforcement power over. The losers always claim the majority "broke the rules", it's inside baseball that is meaningless. Whining of the minority as they attempt to paint the majority as overbearing tyrants and nothing more.
Piss & Vinegar from both sides. Behind the tough talk and bullshit, they'll be talking to each other to try and find a face saving solution for all of them.

My guess, some solution will be found that allows both sides to 'win'. The Dems will gloat at the GOPers and the GOPers will mock the Dems.

You betcha.
ahhhh, they are heroes to many people as well....they didn't accept the ramming down the throat bill that the repubs may have illegally gotten through the House and did not want this to happen in the senate in the same manner....

by leaving the state, it allowed the PEOPLE of wisconsin to express their concerns for or against the bill....
What people? It is NOT the "people of WI" who voiced anything, it's a few malcontents and some bussed in proffessional leftist protesters.

yes, they put their careers on the line, but they did get the job done that needed to be done...and that was to give the citizens of the state a heads up to what was going on in the congress and governor's office and time for them to express their feelings about it.
The people of WI new full well what the Governors plan was, he spent about a year telling them EXACTLY what he was going to do and they voiced their opinion when they elected him and a GOP legislature to do it.

they do deserve an applause for that...
They deserve the political clap for the screwing their doing on WI taxpayors.

(don't you wish the repubs in the Senate here in DC would have had the balls to do the same thing before the health care bill passed?)
No. I wish that so called "blue dogs" hadn't allowed themselves to be bought off to support it. There was absolutely nothing the GOP could do to block the democratic tyrany.

this being said, it's time for them to get back to work.
No, its time for the voters to speak again and recall their sorry asses.
Piss & Vinegar from both sides. Behind the tough talk and bullshit, they'll be talking to each other to try and find a face saving solution for all of them.

My guess, some solution will be found that allows both sides to 'win'. The Dems will gloat at the GOPers and the GOPers will mock the Dems.

You betcha.
Love it when Elitist/Statists are called on the carpet...I wonder if they are greasing their lawyers and union buds as this happens?

LOL...the 'Elitist/Statists' in this scenario are the Republicans. They are trying to wield illegitimate force of government to create a 'criminal act' where none was committed.

What would be funny, if people's livelihoods weren't on the line, is how much Republican's idea of 'government' resembles a military junta.
Piss & Vinegar from both sides. Behind the tough talk and bullshit, they'll be talking to each other to try and find a face saving solution for all of them.

My guess, some solution will be found that allows both sides to 'win'. The Dems will gloat at the GOPers and the GOPers will mock the Dems.

You betcha.

We'll see. I'm a skeptic when it comes to politicians. All of them.
And look for it to spread to the several States. Everybody is broke...and the usual suspects don't want their decades-long gravy train to end at Taxpayer expense...The guys whom pay the bills are pissed [US]...and that is what this boils down to.

How's the gravy train gonna stop? there will still be unions and the union members sure as heck ain't gonna support the Republicans trying to rip them apart, saying their scum of the earth....

If anything the teachers will donate MORE to democratic members than they do now, just to boot the repubs out of office that hate them....no?

frankly care I think votes are what matters , thats whats at stake in this context. Money? not so much, how much more of a % can the unions give to dems than they are now?

Public union voters that here to fore voted rep. in elections, well, sure I can see half of them voting dem on that alone. *shrugs*..but, if walker turns it around the indies etc., dems not in a union that think about it will make up some votes imho.

now as far as the gravy train goes, the unions NEED that dues money, IF the unions have to collect the dues on their own, they have a problem, I will try and find the link but a union in the NE that was told by the state that they would no longer make the deduction for the dues automatically, 35% of folks opted out sending it to the unions themselves, they still had to pay a fee but it was much smaller.

Also,. in Wisconsin , if all goes as walker wants it, the members will not have to take the union medical plan offered and will be able to shop around.

The point has been made by the AWOL legislatures. Any further absence is pointless in the debate and detrimental to Wisconsin and the country. These walkouts set a very dangerous precedent for the future and unless rules are put into place to govern these walkouts state government may just fall apart. Any group of legislatures that don't like the legislation can run and hide in the future and I think it will happen more frequently now. Espacially if they succeed.

Arresting them does not make sense, either legally or by setting precedent. In Indiana they plan on imposing a $250 fine per day on missing legislatures. Does not sound like much but state legislatures are not as wealthy on a whole as our national legislatures. But fines are usullly waived after they return and this defeats the whole purpose of the fine. But this is a better alternative to arrest.
The point has been made by the AWOL legislatures. Any further absence is pointless in the debate and detrimental to Wisconsin and the country. These walkouts set a very dangerous precedent for the future and unless rules are put into place to govern these walkouts state government may just fall apart. Any group of legislatures that don't like the legislation can run and hide in the future and I think it will happen more frequently now. Espacially if they succeed.

Arresting them does not make sense, either legally or by setting precedent. In Indiana they plan on imposing a $250 fine per day on missing legislatures. Does not sound like much but state legislatures are not as wealthy on a whole as our national legislatures. But fines are usullly waived after they return and this defeats the whole purpose of the fine. But this is a better alternative to arrest.

WOW...too bad you weren't around to issue your dire warning sooner...much sooner.

Abraham Lincoln Jumped Out of a Second-Story Window to Stop a Vote


The "don't show up for work" strategy being used by Wisconsin and Indiana Democrats to deny Republicans a quorum is nothing compared to what Abraham Lincoln did to stop a vote in the Illinois legislature in 1840.
The point has been made by the AWOL legislatures. Any further absence is pointless in the debate and detrimental to Wisconsin and the country. These walkouts set a very dangerous precedent for the future and unless rules are put into place to govern these walkouts state government may just fall apart. Any group of legislatures that don't like the legislation can run and hide in the future and I think it will happen more frequently now. Espacially if they succeed.

Arresting them does not make sense, either legally or by setting precedent. In Indiana they plan on imposing a $250 fine per day on missing legislatures. Does not sound like much but state legislatures are not as wealthy on a whole as our national legislatures. But fines are usullly waived after they return and this defeats the whole purpose of the fine. But this is a better alternative to arrest.

WOW...too bad you weren't around to issue your dire warning sooner...much sooner.

Abraham Lincoln Jumped Out of a Second-Story Window to Stop a Vote


The "don't show up for work" strategy being used by Wisconsin and Indiana Democrats to deny Republicans a quorum is nothing compared to what Abraham Lincoln did to stop a vote in the Illinois legislature in 1840.

From your link

"For a while Lincoln's escape denied the House its quorum, but it didn't last long. He was returned to the chambers and the House voted to adjourn."

In other words he was made to go back.

Grats, you just gave support to Walker for forcing the fleeparty pansies to go back to work and vote.

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