WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

I guess in your right wing world of heavy handed government edicts over the livelihood of hard working people, jamming through legislation that causes those people to loose their jobs and rights...
It was all good with you when the democratics jammed through Obolshevikcare, with not one republican vote, Mr. Two-face.

It was OK with Republicans, because they never had any intent of participating.

Irrelevant to the fact, deflectasaurus rex.

How many of them left the country to deny a quorum?
Jeez, all you do is mumble, Oddball. Say something worthwhile, please, sometime this year.
There is a very strong parallel. Dems had a majority in the US House and Senate in 2008/09. So what did the GOP do? Filibustered every bill that came out of the house. ....450 of them over 2 years. Stopped the congress cold. That made it necessary to obtain 60 votes just to get discussion. What did it take? A Republican simply saying "I object," and then going home.

SO, In WIS, GOP has an overpowering majority. What can Dems do? Stop legislation by denying a quorum. It's tit for tat folks.
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There is a very strong parallel. Dems had a majority in the US House and Senate in 2008/09. So what did the GOP do? Filibustered every bill that came out of the house. ....450 of them over 2 years. Stopped the congress cold. That made it necessary to obtain 60 votes just to get discussion. What did it take? A Republican simply saying "I object," and then going home.

SO, In WIS, GOP has an overpowering majority. What can Dems do? Stop legislation by denying a quorum. It's tit for tat folks.
except the GOP didnt RUN AWAY
There is a very strong parallel. Dems had a majority in the US House and Senate in 2008/09. So what did the GOP do? Filibustered every bill that came out of the house. ....450 of them over 2 years. Stopped the congress cold. That made it necessary to obtain 60 votes just to get discussion. What did it take? A Republican simply saying "I object," and then going home.

SO, In WIS, GOP has an overpowering majority. What can Dems do? Stop legislation by denying a quorum. It's tit for tat folks.

It all comes down to power plays and political gamesmanship.

You play the cards you have. Right now, the only cards the dems have are quorum, protesters and the media attention

Based on recent polling...it appears to be working
There is a very strong parallel. Dems had a majority in the US House and Senate in 2008/09. So what did the GOP do? Filibustered every bill that came out of the house. ....450 of them over 2 years. Stopped the congress cold. That made it necessary to obtain 60 votes just to get discussion. What did it take? A Republican simply saying "I object," and then going home.

SO, In WIS, GOP has an overpowering majority. What can Dems do? Stop legislation by denying a quorum. It's tit for tat folks.

It all comes down to power plays and political gamesmanship.

You play the cards you have. Right now, the only cards the dems have are quorum, protesters and the media attention

Based on recent polling...it appears to be working

Pictures of them in handcuffs or chains would be icing on the cake.
'Constitutional crisis'
Senate orders arrest of missing Democrats


(Image FOX NEWS/AP )

Senate Republicans Thursday ordered the forcible detention of their 14 Democratic colleagues, who fled the state two weeks ago to avoid a vote on Gov. Scott Walker's controversial budget repair bill.

It's unclear whether the resolution and warrants seeking to force the senators back to the Capitol are legal. The state constitution prohibits the arrest of legislators while in session unless they're suspected of committing felonies, treason or breach of the peace.

However, an attorney for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, said rounding up the senators is legal under a constitutional provision that allows the Senate to enforce its own rules.


This should be good...

May I just say how pathetic it would be for the fleeing Democrats to hide behind, "You can't arrest me while the legislature's in session" when THAT is what they're running from, and the entire reason they're being arrested?
Bet you love the smell of dereliction of duty, too, huh?

Oh, you mean THAT wasn't the desperation he was talking about? 'Cause I don't know . . . "We didn't win the election, so we'll just run away and get what we want like THAT" sounds pretty fucking desperate to ME. Also pathetic.
those that are Democrats that wanted representation for themselves, voted for them....the governor just putting repubs in their place would be a dictatorship....

can you say...

Heil Hitler, as loud as you can?
Worked for Massoftwoshits and the Teddy Kennedy seat. :rolleyes:

It's not like the voters who put these whining pussies into office have representation NOW, because . . . hey, look, they refuse to get their asses to work and REPRESENT.
Is anyone really surprised though that Republicans have resorted to this?

After seeing the Democrats resort to abandoning their elected offices and running away, I don't think anything could surprise me any more.

Well, okay, one thing still could: the sight of a leftist acting with maturity, responsibility, and morality. THAT might surprise me into a cardiac arrest.
The point has been made by the AWOL legislatures. Any further absence is pointless in the debate and detrimental to Wisconsin and the country. These walkouts set a very dangerous precedent for the future and unless rules are put into place to govern these walkouts state government may just fall apart. Any group of legislatures that don't like the legislation can run and hide in the future and I think it will happen more frequently now. Espacially if they succeed.

Arresting them does not make sense, either legally or by setting precedent. In Indiana they plan on imposing a $250 fine per day on missing legislatures. Does not sound like much but state legislatures are not as wealthy on a whole as our national legislatures. But fines are usullly waived after they return and this defeats the whole purpose of the fine. But this is a better alternative to arrest.

WOW...too bad you weren't around to issue your dire warning sooner...much sooner.

Abraham Lincoln Jumped Out of a Second-Story Window to Stop a Vote


The "don't show up for work" strategy being used by Wisconsin and Indiana Democrats to deny Republicans a quorum is nothing compared to what Abraham Lincoln did to stop a vote in the Illinois legislature in 1840.

From your link

"For a while Lincoln's escape denied the House its quorum, but it didn't last long. He was returned to the chambers and the House voted to adjourn."

In other words he was made to go back.

Grats, you just gave support to Walker for forcing the fleeparty pansies to go back to work and vote.

So now Thumbs, divecon, and Oddball are "statists"? This world of ours turns strangely.
Damn right

I'll take a few GOP Senators getting recalled in a few months as well as that is just as good to me.

Are you even aware of the fact that the Dems started their recall effort in response to the recall effort against 8 Democratic Senators that are eligible for recall? Did that minor detail not come up while you were watching MSNBC's coverage?
Jeez, all you do is mumble, Oddball. Say something worthwhile, please, sometime this year.

You've never backed up one claim you've made, i hope giving hot air balloon rides is your day job.......

When somebody posts credible evidence, I certainly do support what I say. But when one has made an entire career here like Oddball mumbling strange wierdies from the corner without any evidence other than his self-possessed arcanity, then one gets to laugh at him.

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