WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

Jeez, all you do is mumble, Oddball. Say something worthwhile, please, sometime this year.

You've never backed up one claim you've made, i hope giving hot air balloon rides is your day job.......

It's a running theme with Jokey... He never backs up his lies....

Two reasons:

1.) he's a fucking moron...
2.) they don't exist outside his underdeveloped brain....
Really? Is the investigation of what the Assembly did over already and this was already determined?
what "investigation"
there doesnt need to be one

hmmmm, the article said that the tapes of the Assembly and their actions of how they brought the vote up and rammed it through, were going to be reviewed.

You know what confuses me? Why is it ramming it through when it is something you do not like, but a well thought out, transparent, and open process when it is something you like?

The debate went on for weeks, the Democrats offered amendments that were designed to dilute the bill, and they were all voted down by the Republican majority. I have not really delved into the details, so they might have pulled a few shenanigans along the way, I would be willing to examine any evidence you actually have that they blocked any attempts the Democrats made to offer ammendments, did not give them time to read the bill, or even said that the only way anyone would know what was in the bill was if it passes. Until then, I will just point out that elections have consequences.
Love it when Elitist/Statists are called on the carpet...I wonder if they are greasing their lawyers and union buds as this happens?

LOL...the 'Elitist/Statists' in this scenario are the Republicans. They are trying to wield illegitimate force of government to create a 'criminal act' where none was committed.

What would be funny, if people's livelihoods weren't on the line, is how much Republican's idea of 'government' resembles a military junta.

What criminal act are they trying to create?
Dr. House is as light weight as Oddball for that matter. Divecon carries more weight in discussions here than House, and that is not saying a whole lot.
wow! did you guys see how the house in wisconsin passed the bill in the house at 1 am without all members voting or even knowing they had called for a vote?

did you know the wisconsin teachers contribute 100% towards their own retirement pension already?

and they agreed to the cuts on health care etc...they agreed to pay more themselves....but heil walker still is insisting on breaking their collective bargaining on benefits? wouldn't budge....? HE appears to be a real asshole...

Capitol Chaos: Assembly Passes Repair Bill | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News

That is why the polls are showing 70% nationally for the teachers.

And when the polls showed majority opposition to Obamacare how, exactly, did the sensible and sane Democratic Party respond?

If memory serves it was something like this. :gives:

Why should Walker listen to the polls when Obama did not?
Jeez, all you do is mumble, Oddball. Say something worthwhile, please, sometime this year.

You've never backed up one claim you've made, i hope giving hot air balloon rides is your day job.......

When somebody posts credible evidence, I certainly do support what I say. But when one has made an entire career here like Oddball mumbling strange wierdies from the corner without any evidence other than his self-possessed arcanity, then one gets to laugh at him.

Pardon me if i have trouble believing that from someone who's totally confused about something as simple as his party affiliation....... :eusa_whistle:
wow! did you guys see how the house in wisconsin passed the bill in the house at 1 am without all members voting or even knowing they had called for a vote?

did you know the wisconsin teachers contribute 100% towards their own retirement pension already?

and they agreed to the cuts on health care etc...they agreed to pay more themselves....but heil walker still is insisting on breaking their collective bargaining on benefits? wouldn't budge....? HE appears to be a real asshole...

Capitol Chaos: Assembly Passes Repair Bill | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News

That is why the polls are showing 70% nationally for the teachers.

And when the polls showed majority opposition to Obamacare how, exactly, did the sensible and sane Democratic Party respond?

If memory serves it was something like this. :gives:

Why should Walker listen to the polls when Obama did not?
he's lying, the polls dont show that
at least he hasnt shown any proof to support it
WOW...too bad you weren't around to issue your dire warning sooner...much sooner.

Abraham Lincoln Jumped Out of a Second-Story Window to Stop a Vote


The "don't show up for work" strategy being used by Wisconsin and Indiana Democrats to deny Republicans a quorum is nothing compared to what Abraham Lincoln did to stop a vote in the Illinois legislature in 1840.

From your link

"For a while Lincoln's escape denied the House its quorum, but it didn't last long. He was returned to the chambers and the House voted to adjourn."

In other words he was made to go back.

Grats, you just gave support to Walker for forcing the fleeparty pansies to go back to work and vote.

I guess in your right wing world of heavy handed government edicts over the livelihood of hard working people, jamming through legislation that causes those people to loose their jobs and rights, Walker has been given the power of a king. But I stand with Lincoln and I stand with the Democrats who refuse to let Walker steamroll schoolteachers, nurses, EMT's and snowplow drivers. It is no surprise to me that you stand with government, but it SHOULD be a surprise to you, and the phony propaganda the right spews. It turns out the right are the statists.

Did you know that, even if Walker gets exactly what he is asking for, Wisconsin public employees will still have more collective bargaining power, pay less for health insurance, and less toward their pensions, than federal employees? Why are you not crusading against the tyrannical powers Obama holds over unions? Could it be that, somewhere just under your skin, you are actually a partisan hack that spews nonsense whenever anyone talks about Democrats?
It was all good with you when the democratics jammed through Obolshevikcare, with not one republican vote, Mr. Two-face.

It was OK with Republicans, because they never had any intent of participating.

Irrelevant to the fact, deflectasaurus rex.

How many of them left the country to deny a quorum?

Somehow, actually showing up and fighting is now supposed to be seen as the equivalent of cutting and running. Leftist "logic" at its best.
That is why the polls are showing 70% nationally for the teachers.

And when the polls showed majority opposition to Obamacare how, exactly, did the sensible and sane Democratic Party respond?

If memory serves it was something like this. :gives:

Why should Walker listen to the polls when Obama did not?
he's lying, the polls dont show that
at least he hasnt shown any proof to support it

Even if they do, elections have consequences. That is something that most people learned in 2008, not it is time for the other side to learn it.
Jeez, all you do is mumble, Oddball. Say something worthwhile, please, sometime this year.

You've never backed up one claim you've made, i hope giving hot air balloon rides is your day job.......

When somebody posts credible evidence, I certainly do support what I say. But when one has made an entire career here like Oddball mumbling strange wierdies from the corner without any evidence other than his self-possessed arcanity, then one gets to laugh at him.
Translation: I'm lying out my ass.
The Wisconsin 14 are heroes and have shown great resolve in their battle of wills against this tyrant.

Don't back down. Walker will cave or be replaced.

They're only heroes to linguine-spined vapid morons such as yourself and the other Statist goons that support them across this Republic.
You've never backed up one claim you've made, i hope giving hot air balloon rides is your day job.......

When somebody posts credible evidence, I certainly do support what I say. But when one has made an entire career here like Oddball mumbling strange wierdies from the corner without any evidence other than his self-possessed arcanity, then one gets to laugh at him.
Translation: I'm lying out my ass.

Indeed. His words are enough for him. (Nevermind posting facts...facts scare the Hell outta him).
You've never backed up one claim you've made, i hope giving hot air balloon rides is your day job.......

When somebody posts credible evidence, I certainly do support what I say. But when one has made an entire career here like Oddball mumbling strange wierdies from the corner without any evidence other than his self-possessed arcanity, then one gets to laugh at him.

Pardon me if i have trouble believing that from someone who's totally confused about something as simple as his party affiliation....... :eusa_whistle:

Much less his ideology...:cuckoo:
wow! did you guys see how the house in wisconsin passed the bill in the house at 1 am without all members voting or even knowing they had called for a vote?

did you know the wisconsin teachers contribute 100% towards their own retirement pension already?

and they agreed to the cuts on health care etc...they agreed to pay more themselves....but heil walker still is insisting on breaking their collective bargaining on benefits? wouldn't budge....? HE appears to be a real asshole...

Capitol Chaos: Assembly Passes Repair Bill | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News

That is why the polls are showing 70% nationally for the teachers.

And when the polls showed majority opposition to Obamacare how, exactly, did the sensible and sane Democratic Party respond?

If memory serves it was something like this. :gives:

Why should Walker listen to the polls when Obama did not?

Exactly. he shouldn't. He ran on what he's doing...he promised...he got elected on it. He's fulfilling it. Polls be damned.

What's so looney of this is that he did run on this...and the cut-n-runners, the weepers, the tooth gnashers act as if this is new. It isn't and might I remind them that (as they are so fond of telling us), elections have consequences.

They're too gutless to take the medicine they have dished out.
Love it when Elitist/Statists are called on the carpet...I wonder if they are greasing their lawyers and union buds as this happens?

LOL...the 'Elitist/Statists' in this scenario are the Republicans. They are trying to wield illegitimate force of government to create a 'criminal act' where none was committed.

What would be funny, if people's livelihoods weren't on the line, is how much Republican's idea of 'government' resembles a military junta.

What criminal act are they trying to create?

OP Title:
WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you can glean the key word.
LOL...the 'Elitist/Statists' in this scenario are the Republicans. They are trying to wield illegitimate force of government to create a 'criminal act' where none was committed.

What would be funny, if people's livelihoods weren't on the line, is how much Republican's idea of 'government' resembles a military junta.

What criminal act are they trying to create?

OP Title:
WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you can glean the key word.
sorry, moron, but that isn't a crime
LOL...the 'Elitist/Statists' in this scenario are the Republicans. They are trying to wield illegitimate force of government to create a 'criminal act' where none was committed.

What would be funny, if people's livelihoods weren't on the line, is how much Republican's idea of 'government' resembles a military junta.

What criminal act are they trying to create?

OP Title:
WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you can glean the key word.

Do you realize that the Sentate ordering the arrest of its members who refuse to come to work is permissible under the Wisconsin constitution, and that they are not being charged with a crime, don't you?

So, again, in words as small as I can make them, what crime is being made up?

(I had to resort to two syllable words, I hope that does not tax your brain too much.)
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