WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

wow! did you guys see how the house in wisconsin passed the bill in the house at 1 am without all members voting or even knowing they had called for a vote?

did you know the wisconsin teachers contribute 100% towards their own retirement pension already?

and they agreed to the cuts on health care etc...they agreed to pay more themselves....but heil walker still is insisting on breaking their collective bargaining on benefits? wouldn't budge....? HE appears to be a real asshole...

Capitol Chaos: Assembly Passes Repair Bill | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News

That is why the polls are showing 70% nationally for the teachers.
wont happen
but you could lose a few dems senators


Tell me another story, Nostradamus.

reps stay to make tuff, painfull, and unpopular decisions.
dems take their ball and go on vacation.

doesn't take mystical powers to know you don't re-elect sackless pussies.

It is very clear you don't have a clue, Thumbs, on this one. The numbers do tell, though, that the WI GOP leaders better tred lightly this year. They have the people becoming very mad at them, and, yes, they will be subject to recall next year.
Worked for Massoftwoshits and the Teddy Kennedy seat. :rolleyes:

hello big fitz....In massachusetts the governor replaced Ted Kennedy. with another Democrat....the people had voted in Ted Kenedy a Democrat, so when he died, the governor replaced him with another Democrat as he should have done, until the people could have an election to replace him....

there's nothing wrong with that....

wasn't there a rule change in their somewhere?
Yup, just so a democrat could be appointed. Technically death is an abdication of one's seat. But running away is a WILLFUL abdication of one's seat and therefore more reprehensible.

Of course, if the Republicans did this in Washington during the health care debate, we'd be hearing agonized screams of 'unconstitutional' and demand for criminal penalties and recalls all over the place.

So which is it? Abdication, criminal or just plain ole political hi-jinks?
ahhhh, they are heroes to many people as well....they didn't accept the ramming down the throat bill that the repubs may have illegally gotten through the House and did not want this to happen in the senate in the same manner....

by leaving the state, it allowed the PEOPLE of wisconsin to express their concerns for or against the bill....
What people? It is NOT the "people of WI" who voiced anything, it's a few malcontents and some bussed in proffessional leftist protesters.

yes, they put their careers on the line, but they did get the job done that needed to be done...and that was to give the citizens of the state a heads up to what was going on in the congress and governor's office and time for them to express their feelings about it.
The people of WI new full well what the Governors plan was, he spent about a year telling them EXACTLY what he was going to do and they voiced their opinion when they elected him and a GOP legislature to do it.

They deserve the political clap for the screwing their doing on WI taxpayors.

(don't you wish the repubs in the Senate here in DC would have had the balls to do the same thing before the health care bill passed?)
No. I wish that so called "blue dogs" hadn't allowed themselves to be bought off to support it. There was absolutely nothing the GOP could do to block the democratic tyrany.

this being said, it's time for them to get back to work.
No, its time for the voters to speak again and recall their sorry asses.

Governor Walker did not spend a year talking about his plan to bust unions. That is untrue. Check politifact.
I am not doing the homework for your lazy ass. When you start posting support, which you almost never do, and start adding some substance to your silly libertarian mumblings, then we can do the adult thing. Do your own work, kid.
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Only children I see packing up their gear and running away are the democrats in FIBland.


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The point has been made by the AWOL legislatures. Any further absence is pointless in the debate and detrimental to Wisconsin and the country. These walkouts set a very dangerous precedent for the future and unless rules are put into place to govern these walkouts state government may just fall apart. Any group of legislatures that don't like the legislation can run and hide in the future and I think it will happen more frequently now. Espacially if they succeed.

Arresting them does not make sense, either legally or by setting precedent. In Indiana they plan on imposing a $250 fine per day on missing legislatures. Does not sound like much but state legislatures are not as wealthy on a whole as our national legislatures. But fines are usullly waived after they return and this defeats the whole purpose of the fine. But this is a better alternative to arrest.

WOW...too bad you weren't around to issue your dire warning sooner...much sooner.

Abraham Lincoln Jumped Out of a Second-Story Window to Stop a Vote


The "don't show up for work" strategy being used by Wisconsin and Indiana Democrats to deny Republicans a quorum is nothing compared to what Abraham Lincoln did to stop a vote in the Illinois legislature in 1840.

From your link

"For a while Lincoln's escape denied the House its quorum, but it didn't last long. He was returned to the chambers and the House voted to adjourn."

In other words he was made to go back.

Grats, you just gave support to Walker for forcing the fleeparty pansies to go back to work and vote.

I guess in your right wing world of heavy handed government edicts over the livelihood of hard working people, jamming through legislation that causes those people to loose their jobs and rights, Walker has been given the power of a king. But I stand with Lincoln and I stand with the Democrats who refuse to let Walker steamroll schoolteachers, nurses, EMT's and snowplow drivers. It is no surprise to me that you stand with government, but it SHOULD be a surprise to you, and the phony propaganda the right spews. It turns out the right are the statists.
Oddball continues to mumble, make claims, makes no offer of support, but then demands said support from others. Oddball is lightweight.
I guess in your right wing world of heavy handed government edicts over the livelihood of hard working people, jamming through legislation that causes those people to loose their jobs and rights...
It was all good with you when the democratics jammed through Obolshevikcare, with not one republican vote, Mr. Two-face.

It was OK with Republicans, because they never had any intent of participating.

Waterloo | FrumForum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

David Frum served as a speechwriter and special assistant to President George W. Bush.

Republicans decided to use that age old right wing tactic...


Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban | Capitol Annex

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