WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

LOL...the 'Elitist/Statists' in this scenario are the Republicans. They are trying to wield illegitimate force of government to create a 'criminal act' where none was committed.

What would be funny, if people's livelihoods weren't on the line, is how much Republican's idea of 'government' resembles a military junta.

What criminal act are they trying to create?

OP Title:
WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you can glean the key word.

You refuse to read and research don't you?
OP Title:
WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you can glean the key word.

You refuse to read and research don't you?

The T, the resolution is propaganda and political, not constitutional and enforceable. But it does highlight the Dems aren't there.

Whatever Fakey...you are talking out yer proverbial ass again.
60% of WI and 70%of the USA are all laughing at you wacks. My goodness, you are wonderful entertainment.
What criminal act are they trying to create?

OP Title:
WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you can glean the key word.

Do you realize that the Sentate ordering the arrest of its members who refuse to come to work is permissible under the Wisconsin constitution, and that they are not being charged with a crime, don't you?

So, again, in words as small as I can make them, what crime is being made up?

(I had to resort to two syllable words, I hope that does not tax your brain too much.)

WOW, you folks on the right are really showing your authoritarian, totalitarian statist colors. In one fell swoop you have abdicated every single argument you've made in the past about overbearing government, the Constitution, legal rights and a nation of laws, not men. It would be totally unconstitutional under the separation of powers for members of the executive branch to arrest members of the legislature for legislative activities. But on a much more important level, the belief that any citizen of this country could be arrested and subjected to forcible detention without being charged with a crime, read their rights is what they do in a Banana Republic, the Soviet Union and Iron Curtain countries. The Democrats are outside the jurisdiction of the State of Wisconsin. Is Walker going to form and send out the posse?

State police leader says Senate resolution is ‘insanely wrong’

A resolution calling for the arrest and detention of 14 Democratic Senators if they do not show up at the Capitol today is “insanely wrong” and an “unreasonable abuse of police power,” according to James Palmer, executive director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association (WPPA).
The WPPA is the labor union representing nearly 11,000 active and retired law enforcement officers in the state.
Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) and his Republican cohorts in the Senate approved a resolution this morning instructing police to compel the Democrats “with or without force” to go to the Capitol by 4 p.m. today
“Politics aside, encouraging the forcible detention of duly elected lawmakers because they won’t allow you to dictate with a free hand is an unreasonable abuse of police power,” Palmer said. “Due to the fact that Wisconsin officers lack any jurisdiction across state lines, does Senator Fitzgerald intend to establish a ‘lawmaker border patrol? The thought of using law enforcement officers to exercise force in order to achieve a political objective is insanely wrong and Wisconsin sorely needs reasonable solutions and not potentially dangerous political theatrics.”
Palmer told BizTimes today that a politically neutral and reasonable person looking at Wisconsin’s crisis would conclude that the Walker administration is restricting the access of Wisconsin’s people to their Capitol, and now Fitzgerald is trying to command police action against the Republicans’ political enemies.
“Exactly. That’s what they (the officers in the field) have relayed to me. They’re not comfortable with this,” Palmer said.
The 14 Senate Democrats have been absent, thereby stalling the ability of the Senate to reach a quorum needed to approve Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill, which would revoke the collective bargaining rights of public employees in Wisconsin. The unions have promised to make the concessions Walker says are needed to balance the budget, but Walker and Fitzgerald are refusing to compromise.
Several polls are showing growing public support for the workers and opposition to Walker’s plan.

But not criminal or citable behavior, Oddball, otherwise you would gladly have published it. Slink off.
You are right not to insist that it is or the senate resolution is enforceable.

Glad to see you come back to some reality.
There is a very strong parallel. Dems had a majority in the US House and Senate in 2008/09. So what did the GOP do? Filibustered every bill that came out of the house. ....450 of them over 2 years. Stopped the congress cold. That made it necessary to obtain 60 votes just to get discussion. What did it take? A Republican simply saying "I object," and then going home.

SO, In WIS, GOP has an overpowering majority. What can Dems do? Stop legislation by denying a quorum. It's tit for tat folks.
How many wrong assertions can you possibly make in one post?

1. There were 60 democratics, if they couldn't put together the 60 votes to pass a cloture motion thats their fault.

2. Failure to pass cloture is NOT a filibuster. The majority democratics could have forced a filibuster by actually continuing debate instead shelving bills but they have no balls, so didn't. There were in fact, no filibusters.

3. The GOP could not block anything with a democratic supermajority, so its not possible that they did.
ahhhh, they are heroes to many people as well....they didn't accept the ramming down the throat bill that the repubs may have illegally gotten through the House and did not want this to happen in the senate in the same manner....

by leaving the state, it allowed the PEOPLE of wisconsin to express their concerns for or against the bill....
What people? It is NOT the "people of WI" who voiced anything, it's a few malcontents and some bussed in proffessional leftist protesters.

The people of WI new full well what the Governors plan was, he spent about a year telling them EXACTLY what he was going to do and they voiced their opinion when they elected him and a GOP legislature to do it.

They deserve the political clap for the screwing their doing on WI taxpayors.

No. I wish that so called "blue dogs" hadn't allowed themselves to be bought off to support it. There was absolutely nothing the GOP could do to block the democratic tyrany.

this being said, it's time for them to get back to work.
No, its time for the voters to speak again and recall their sorry asses.

Governor Walker did not spend a year talking about his plan to bust unions. That is untrue. Check politifact.
Why would I give a shit what a leftist rag has to say? he campaigned on doing EXACTLY what he is doing, everyone knew the plan and everyone knew that police and firefighters were exempt from it. That would be why several police unions ENDORSED him, because they KNEW the plan. Liberals lying about that won't change the facts.
You are right not to insist that it is or the senate resolution is enforceable.

Glad to see you come back to some reality.
it is enforceable, moron
its not making them criminals

What it portends to do is to force them to do their jobs....which they are absent from and they STILL expect a paycheck...I'd withhold every stinking dollar from them, prorated for every DAY they were on the RUN.
You are right not to insist that it is or the senate resolution is enforceable.

Glad to see you come back to some reality.
it is enforceable, moron
its not making them criminals

What it portends to do is to force them to do their jobs....which they are absent from and they STILL expect a paycheck...I'd withhold every stinking dollar from them, prorated for every DAY they were on the RUN.
i think that has already been done
it is enforceable, moron
its not making them criminals

What it portends to do is to force them to do their jobs....which they are absent from and they STILL expect a paycheck...I'd withhold every stinking dollar from them, prorated for every DAY they were on the RUN.
i think that has already been done

Good. While they deserve to be summarily fired...(recalled)...but that applies to only those that have been there over a year by Wisconsin Law...
There is a very strong parallel. Dems had a majority in the US House and Senate in 2008/09. So what did the GOP do? Filibustered every bill that came out of the house. ....450 of them over 2 years. Stopped the congress cold. That made it necessary to obtain 60 votes just to get discussion. What did it take? A Republican simply saying "I object," and then going home.

SO, In WIS, GOP has an overpowering majority. What can Dems do? Stop legislation by denying a quorum. It's tit for tat folks.
How many wrong assertions can you possibly make in one post?

1. There were 60 democratics, if they couldn't put together the 60 votes to pass a cloture motion thats their fault.

2. Failure to pass cloture is NOT a filibuster. The majority democratics could have forced a filibuster by actually continuing debate instead shelving bills but they have no balls, so didn't. There were in fact, no filibusters.

3. The GOP could not block anything with a democratic supermajority, so its not possible that they did.

#2 is flatly false, Ben, and you know it because you are fucken propagandist for the far right weirdos. The Dems were unable to pass cloture, so the filibuster continued. The point to understand is that the Pubs are an united party while the Dem is a coalition of vastly disparate interests allied only through a joint and resolute despisal, second, of all things GOP, and, first, committed to their own particular interests and the expense of #2. So slink of with your lie. Oh, a super majority is 2/3ds, veto proof. Dems never had that.

Now to be balanced: whenever the Dems were in the minority, if they could ally their elements, they loved blocking GOP majority legislation.

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