WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

Fleeing the state in order to evade your legislative duties isn't a "legislative activity", pinhead.

It absolutely IS a "legislative activity", it fulfilling their duty to protect the interests and livelihood of the people they represent. Just like Abraham Lincoln did in 1840.
Who would have thought brfgn and qwb would be on the same side.

And your inference is clearly correct, qwb, the wack claims of purportedly illegal behavior by the senate dems in leaving the state is simply stupid talk.
again, who, other than you, has said it was illegal?

What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
Who would have thought brfgn and qwb would be on the same side.

And your inference is clearly correct, qwb, the wack claims of purportedly illegal behavior by the senate dems in leaving the state is simply stupid talk.
again, who, other than you, has said it was illegal?

What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate
again, who, other than you, has said it was illegal?

What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

OP Title:

WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you and your elders can study this carefully and find the word that contradicts your 'they are not being "arrested"'?

You are not being arrested...you are being retained and returned!

What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

OP Title:

WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you and your elders can study this carefully and find the word that contradicts your 'they are not being "arrested"'?

You are not being arrested...you are being retained and returned!

the title came from the paper's website
but if you read the actually story it doesnt say they are being arrested
gotta love the editorializing of a headline that isnt supported in the story
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

OP Title:

WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you and your elders can study this carefully and find the word that contradicts your 'they are not being "arrested"'?

You are not being arrested...you are being retained and returned!

the title came from the paper's website
but if you read the actually story it doesnt say they are being arrested
gotta love the editorializing of a headline that isnt supported in the story

OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...NOW that I re-read the article I see the difference...

Senate Republicans Thursday ordered the forcible detention of their 14 Democratic colleagues.

The Senate resolution authorizes the Senate sergeant at arms to use force and enlist the help of law enforcement to bring missing members to the Capitol - any time of the day or night.

You are NOT being arrested...that is just editorializing of a headline! This is merely forcible detention you dumbocrat! You are being retained and returned!

There was a time in this Great Country called America when, the people of this country had an opportunity to provide for their family’s. When the companies they worked for build their business from the ground up in this country with the help of his fellow American.
Then one day some so they though “smart person” came up with the idea to send his business of manufacturing to another country. (The birth of out sourcing)He bragged to his boss how this would save the company lot of money, providing big bonus for the men with the three piece suit. (He keeps his profits in overseas accounts to avoid paying taxes to his own county).However your taxes go up to make the difference. Not ever thinking twice about the trickle down effect that this would have on this Once Great Country that is now headed full speed ahead to its down fall.
Well this new idea caught on and soon 8 out of 10 companies moved their business oversea leaving their country men behind. Soon the average honest hard working American person couldn’t get the same paying job he needed to provide for his family or pay for the home he brought when he held a job with a decent wage. (“The Birth of foreclosure”)
So he joined the Union which was a group of other struggling hard working American. They grow their numbers larger enough to be taken seriously and they sat down with the business owner that had not sold out to the other countries. (Budweiser is one of the last to go) They worked out agreements that would enable the proud hard working person and the proud hard working American business owner to come to a fair agreement so each man could provide for his Family. (We going to make you feel bad for wanting a decent paying job with beneficent)
Now the sprinkles have turn to a storm your family is homeless your self-esteem is under your feet. You have been out of work for over a year your house is in foreclosure. You wife needs to see a doctor your children are failing in school, they have closed half of the schools down and crammed 60 kids in a class room with one under paid, under resourced teacher. YOUR angry and it causing you to hate more then you did when people where segregated.
Blame everyone else for the problems of this country. Don’t worry you have your maxed out credit cards (why not the whole country is in Debt). Your flat screen TV, your video game, your cell phone and your none paid off car to keep you busy while the country fall apart. Oh yeah and make sure you thank your representive Demarcate or Republican for allowing you to have fast foods. Food always takes away the pain of failure. Oh yeah I’ll throw in some super bowl game and the NBA, satellite TV, talk show maybe a cult or a hate group is better for you I know I'll throw in your new Commander and Chief we'll use him as the reason the country is in a sink hole.,anything to keep your dumb ass occupied (I’m shaking my head in shame and if you have take a moment out of your life to read this you should be ashamed also).
We won’t have to worry about the pending 2012 disaster causing the destruction of our World we have it all planed out pollute the water/air kill off the animals melt the ice caps (look it a polar bear on a melting ice block with no other ice insight to swim to, his just a stinking bear he not important right Sarah) kill of the forests too (there no such thing as global warming) and the send the people off to fight in useless wars. Heck 2012 disaster would be a blessing from God we are all idiots in denial. But you can blame me. For you losing control over your life.
It’s starting in Wisconson they convinced you that you still have too much, when we know that we’re just a dollar richer then the person on public assistance. Hey idiots yeah give up your right to barging. See where it get you, if that law passes in Wisconsin know that your state is next just like they with their great idea to send jobs oversea. The Romans did it; the Egyptians did it, NOW THE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS DOING IT. Destroying themselves, there no under ground bunker or no cool spot on the moon for you to run. Back to the days of the wild wild west where only the strong survive. Talk to you later my follow American Idiot (what’s wrong you don’t like me calling you an idiot it offensive) well stop freaking acting like one Man up.
again, who, other than you, has said it was illegal?

What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

Hey DiveCon, how come every time we have a conversation you always end it by sending me a neg rep and a message laced with anger? Is it because you can't debate and it's your signal of surrendering, or is it just because you are an angry little coward? I know you can't conjugate anything but blurts. A full sentence for you would be equivalent to an adult's essay, but I can't decipher if your ignorance trumps your cowardice and your seething anger?

The angry people are those people who are most afraid.
Dr. Robert Anthony
What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

Hey DiveCon, how come every time we have a conversation you always end it by sending me a neg rep and a message laced with anger? Is it because you can't debate and it's your signal of surrendering, or is it just because you are an angry little coward? I know you can't conjugate anything but blurts. A full sentence for you would be equivalent to an adult's essay, but I can't decipher if your ignorance trumps your cowardice and your seething anger?

The angry people are those people who are most afraid.
Dr. Robert Anthony
peer review is a bitch, bitch

btw, dipshit
there was no anger involved
Last edited:
Who would have thought brfgn and qwb would be on the same side.

And your inference is clearly correct, qwb, the wack claims of purportedly illegal behavior by the senate dems in leaving the state is simply stupid talk.

I am glad you agree that you are whacked when you claim that the claim that anyone is saying this is illegal is whacked.
OP Title:

WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you and your elders can study this carefully and find the word that contradicts your 'they are not being "arrested"'?

You are not being arrested...you are being retained and returned!

the title came from the paper's website
but if you read the actually story it doesnt say they are being arrested
gotta love the editorializing of a headline that isnt supported in the story

OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...NOW that I re-read the article I see the difference...

Senate Republicans Thursday ordered the forcible detention of their 14 Democratic colleagues.

The Senate resolution authorizes the Senate sergeant at arms to use force and enlist the help of law enforcement to bring missing members to the Capitol - any time of the day or night.

You are NOT being arrested...that is just editorializing of a headline! This is merely forcible detention you dumbocrat! You are being retained and returned!

You are aware that the WI constitution allows the Senate to make it's own rules, compell attendance, and issue its own punishments... right?
What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

Hey DiveCon, how come every time we have a conversation you always end it by sending me a neg rep and a message laced with anger? Is it because you can't debate and it's your signal of surrendering, or is it just because you are an angry little coward? I know you can't conjugate anything but blurts. A full sentence for you would be equivalent to an adult's essay, but I can't decipher if your ignorance trumps your cowardice and your seething anger?

The angry people are those people who are most afraid.
Dr. Robert Anthony

Damn.....he did the same thing to me

Someone needs an anger management course
What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

Hey DiveCon, how come every time we have a conversation you always end it by sending me a neg rep and a message laced with anger? Is it because you can't debate and it's your signal of surrendering, or is it just because you are an angry little coward? I know you can't conjugate anything but blurts. A full sentence for you would be equivalent to an adult's essay, but I can't decipher if your ignorance trumps your cowardice and your seething anger?

The angry people are those people who are most afraid.
Dr. Robert Anthony

He thinks those squeegy little retorts are brilliant tho. :lol:
Your back tracking, little divebubble, doesn't wash. Quit back tracking on your inferences.
again, who, other than you, has said it was illegal?

What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

Nope, anytime someone is taken into custody it is the same as arrest.

If any WI LEO tries to detain anyone outside of the state, the officers may be immediately arrested for false imprisonment and attempted kidnapping. That's why the WI LEO will try nothing of the sort in attempting to force the legislators to return.
What the Democrats are doing is not illegal. But NOT doing anything illegal warrants arrest with or without force and detention?
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

OP Title:

WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

See if you and your elders can study this carefully and find the word that contradicts your 'they are not being "arrested"'?

You are not being arrested...you are being retained and returned!

Yes yes... your hatred of cops is well documented.
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

Hey DiveCon, how come every time we have a conversation you always end it by sending me a neg rep and a message laced with anger? Is it because you can't debate and it's your signal of surrendering, or is it just because you are an angry little coward? I know you can't conjugate anything but blurts. A full sentence for you would be equivalent to an adult's essay, but I can't decipher if your ignorance trumps your cowardice and your seething anger?

The angry people are those people who are most afraid.
Dr. Robert Anthony
peer review is a bitch, bitch

btw, dipshit
there was no anger involved

Peer review? No Dive, it is not 'peer review', it is 'pure anger'

You quickly get in over your head on the board, because your little half sentence blurts don't cut it. So you fire off a 'neg', then cut & run.
they are not being "arrested"
they are being retained and returned to the senate

Hey DiveCon, how come every time we have a conversation you always end it by sending me a neg rep and a message laced with anger? Is it because you can't debate and it's your signal of surrendering, or is it just because you are an angry little coward? I know you can't conjugate anything but blurts. A full sentence for you would be equivalent to an adult's essay, but I can't decipher if your ignorance trumps your cowardice and your seething anger?

The angry people are those people who are most afraid.
Dr. Robert Anthony

He thinks those squeegy little retorts are brilliant tho. :lol:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sarah G again.
Hey DiveCon, how come every time we have a conversation you always end it by sending me a neg rep and a message laced with anger? Is it because you can't debate and it's your signal of surrendering, or is it just because you are an angry little coward? I know you can't conjugate anything but blurts. A full sentence for you would be equivalent to an adult's essay, but I can't decipher if your ignorance trumps your cowardice and your seething anger?

The angry people are those people who are most afraid.
Dr. Robert Anthony
peer review is a bitch, bitch

btw, dipshit
there was no anger involved

Peer review? No Dive, it is not 'peer review', it is 'pure anger'

You quickly get in over your head on the board, because your little half sentence blurts don't cut it. So you fire off a 'neg', then cut & run.
yeah, giving you a neg rep of "drama queen" is such anger
Hey DiveCon, how come every time we have a conversation you always end it by sending me a neg rep and a message laced with anger? Is it because you can't debate and it's your signal of surrendering, or is it just because you are an angry little coward? I know you can't conjugate anything but blurts. A full sentence for you would be equivalent to an adult's essay, but I can't decipher if your ignorance trumps your cowardice and your seething anger?

The angry people are those people who are most afraid.
Dr. Robert Anthony

He thinks those squeegy little retorts are brilliant tho. :lol:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sarah G again.
sarah is a moron
figures you are too

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