Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

CaféAuLait;7404730 said:
What you suspect and reality are not related one to the other.

My statement was a commentary on your statement about when Americans joined the effort...which was INCORRECT, and WRONG....and when you had that pointed out to you, you maintain we shouldn't expect you to know in the first place.

Keep your fucking mouth shut, if you don't know what you're yapping about. If your mother hasn't told you that by now, I'm telling you. It's one thing for people to suspect you're an idiot..but when you pull shit like this, there's absolutely no doubt whatever....

If I am wrong about something, I will admit it. But I have been told I am wrong, but haven't been told what I was wrong about. How can I admit that I was wrong if I don't know what you are talking about?

I doubt that, since you can't admit you were wrong about Australia having the same laws as the US about fetal homicide and that a transvaginal ultrasound is not required by the Wisconsin law as stated in the OP and on this thread.

I have always admitted when I am wrong. I may be a pain in the backside at times, but if I am proven wrong, I am happy to admit that.

Perhaps we have fetal homicide laws, but they are not enforced so far as I know.

I still wish to know what I need to be thankful for.
CaféAuLait;7404736 said:
CaféAuLait;7404715 said:
So why are you insisting it is transvaginal, when the law clearly states it is NOT.

The OP mentions it. The OP is obviously wrong, then.

Can't believe everything that is claimed on a blog, which is far left wing, the same way you can't believe everything on a blog which is far right wing.

I can agree with that.
CaféAuLait;7404730 said:
If I am wrong about something, I will admit it. But I have been told I am wrong, but haven't been told what I was wrong about. How can I admit that I was wrong if I don't know what you are talking about?

I doubt that, since you can't admit you were wrong about Australia having the same laws as the US about fetal homicide and that a transvaginal ultrasound is not required by the Wisconsin law as stated in the OP and on this thread.

I have always admitted when I am wrong. I may be a pain in the backside at times, but if I am proven wrong, I am happy to admit that.

Perhaps we have fetal homicide laws, but they are not enforced so far as I know.

I still wish to know what I need to be thankful for.

I've no clue what you mean about "thankful". I have never mentioned anything of the sort.
Noomi, you still haven't addressed the issue about how abortion subsidizes the black market baby rings where third world infants are ripped from their mothers arms to pay for wars...

Why is that?

Umm, what? I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.

He's talking about the stupid, and incorrect, and oft repeated (by you) lie that there is nobody available to adopt unwanted infants, if they manage to survive gestation.

You bring it up in every thread about abortion that you enter....and then you skip. So he's asking you...what do you have to say to the fact that it is a lack of infants that has resulted in an illegal baby trade?

A lack of infants?

How many people are there waiting to adopt in the US?
Noomi, you still haven't addressed the issue about how abortion subsidizes the black market baby rings where third world infants are ripped from their mothers arms to pay for wars...

Why is that?

Umm, what? I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.

There are as amny as 1 million American families who are considering adpotion of infants at any given point in time. The waiting lists can be several years long. Understanding that, the black market baby business is SOARING! In order to finance armaments, 3rd wrld factions will steal infants from families and then sell the babies on the black market for several 10s of thousands and even 100s of thousands of dollars.

Abortion is the DIRECT cause of this as there are so many American families who are looking to adopt infants. If it wasn't so expensive and risky (i.e. - they could adopt the aborted US babies instead of killing them) --- the black market baby business would dry up.

You just don't care about babies at all, do ya?
Umm, what? I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.

He's talking about the stupid, and incorrect, and oft repeated (by you) lie that there is nobody available to adopt unwanted infants, if they manage to survive gestation.

You bring it up in every thread about abortion that you enter....and then you skip. So he's asking you...what do you have to say to the fact that it is a lack of infants that has resulted in an illegal baby trade?

A lack of infants?

How many people are there waiting to adopt in the US?

as many as 1 million at any given time who consider adoption...
Noomi, you still haven't addressed the issue about how abortion subsidizes the black market baby rings where third world infants are ripped from their mothers arms to pay for wars...

Why is that?

Umm, what? I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.

There are as amny as 1 million American families who are considering adpotion of infants at any given point in time. The waiting lists can be several years long. Understanding that, the black market baby business is SOARING! In order to finance armaments, 3rd wrld factions will steal infants from families and then sell the babies on the black market for several 10s of thousands and even 100s of thousands of dollars.

Abortion is the DIRECT cause of this as there are so many American families who are looking to adopt infants. If it wasn't so expensive and risky (i.e. - they could adopt the aborted US babies instead of killing them) --- the black market baby business would dry up.

You just don't care about babies at all, do ya?

Okay, my apologies, when I read your initial post I thought you were ranting about black babies being sold on the black market. My eyesight is not that great lately so I am sorry if I got it wrong.

Now. Women should be encouraged to have their babies, but if they don't want to, they shouldn't be forced.
Also, if someone wants to adopt a baby, fine - but they need to pay ALL medical expenses for that woman for the duration of her pregnancy. If she needs help with the rent or bills, they need to help her out, to ensure that they get a healthy baby.

What happens when a woman cannot afford medical treatment while she is pregnant? Does the government step in? You need to give them an incentive to continue with the pregnancy.
omg...cruel and immoral..can you be any more dramatic?
...you ever have a pap smear?
if you want I'll give you the details and then you can judge if it's cruel and immoral..good grief

ask "Dottie".....

you know you don't have to be a FAILTroll EVERY DAY of your life. Well, maybe in your case you do. :thup:

As to the OP, yeah, the Repub base is overplaying their hand AGAIN :lol:

gotcha "Dottie"......:thup:....so is it "Dot-Man" or "Dottie?".....hey just trying to figure it out.....some say you are a female.....some claim you are a guy.....one here said you are gay.....novesteve claims you are a Tranny......no body has been described as widely as you.....not even Poet....:dunno:
I can't find the article that stated 1 million but here ya go --- for some point of reference...

Adoption Statistics: Hoping to Adopt

Hmm. In 1997, it says that half a million were seeking to adopt, yet only 100,000 had actually applied.

Lets just base this on the number of people who have applied to adopt, not those who have thought/considered it, okay? At least if you have applied, we know you are serious.

Thanks for the link, by the way.
Umm, what? I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.

There are as amny as 1 million American families who are considering adpotion of infants at any given point in time. The waiting lists can be several years long. Understanding that, the black market baby business is SOARING! In order to finance armaments, 3rd wrld factions will steal infants from families and then sell the babies on the black market for several 10s of thousands and even 100s of thousands of dollars.

Abortion is the DIRECT cause of this as there are so many American families who are looking to adopt infants. If it wasn't so expensive and risky (i.e. - they could adopt the aborted US babies instead of killing them) --- the black market baby business would dry up.

You just don't care about babies at all, do ya?

Okay, my apologies, when I read your initial post I thought you were ranting about black babies being sold on the black market. My eyesight is not that great lately so I am sorry if I got it wrong.

Now. Women should be encouraged to have their babies, but if they don't want to, they shouldn't be forced.
Also, if someone wants to adopt a baby, fine - but they need to pay ALL medical expenses for that woman for the duration of her pregnancy. If she needs help with the rent or bills, they need to help her out, to ensure that they get a healthy baby.

What happens when a woman cannot afford medical treatment while she is pregnant? Does the government step in? You need to give them an incentive to continue with the pregnancy.

So even if babies are ripped from their mothers arms, or women are kept in warehouses for the sole purpose of being raped an impregnated for their babies to sell...

Legal abortion creates this market. It gives these people a reason to rape, impregnate, and abduct infants to pay for wars --- but that is ok as long as women get to keep the right to kill their unborn babies...

that just pathetic...
I can't find the article that stated 1 million but here ya go --- for some point of reference...

Adoption Statistics: Hoping to Adopt

Hmm. In 1997, it says that half a million were seeking to adopt, yet only 100,000 had actually applied.

Lets just base this on the number of people who have applied to adopt, not those who have thought/considered it, okay? At least if you have applied, we know you are serious.

Thanks for the link, by the way.

No! We won't base it on those who have applied because the vast majority don't ever apply because they know it's not a reasonable option...
Umm, what? I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.

There are as amny as 1 million American families who are considering adpotion of infants at any given point in time. The waiting lists can be several years long. Understanding that, the black market baby business is SOARING! In order to finance armaments, 3rd wrld factions will steal infants from families and then sell the babies on the black market for several 10s of thousands and even 100s of thousands of dollars.

Abortion is the DIRECT cause of this as there are so many American families who are looking to adopt infants. If it wasn't so expensive and risky (i.e. - they could adopt the aborted US babies instead of killing them) --- the black market baby business would dry up.

You just don't care about babies at all, do ya?

Okay, my apologies, when I read your initial post I thought you were ranting about black babies being sold on the black market. My eyesight is not that great lately so I am sorry if I got it wrong.

Now. Women should be encouraged to have their babies, but if they don't want to, they shouldn't be forced.
Also, if someone wants to adopt a baby, fine - but they need to pay ALL medical expenses for that woman for the duration of her pregnancy. If she needs help with the rent or bills, they need to help her out, to ensure that they get a healthy baby.

What happens when a woman cannot afford medical treatment while she is pregnant? Does the government step in? You need to give them an incentive to continue with the pregnancy.

No, the government doesn't "step in" but any pregnant women in the US can get medical care, and if she applies, insurance. Pregnant women have "protected" status.
There are as amny as 1 million American families who are considering adpotion of infants at any given point in time. The waiting lists can be several years long. Understanding that, the black market baby business is SOARING! In order to finance armaments, 3rd wrld factions will steal infants from families and then sell the babies on the black market for several 10s of thousands and even 100s of thousands of dollars.

Abortion is the DIRECT cause of this as there are so many American families who are looking to adopt infants. If it wasn't so expensive and risky (i.e. - they could adopt the aborted US babies instead of killing them) --- the black market baby business would dry up.

You just don't care about babies at all, do ya?

Okay, my apologies, when I read your initial post I thought you were ranting about black babies being sold on the black market. My eyesight is not that great lately so I am sorry if I got it wrong.

Now. Women should be encouraged to have their babies, but if they don't want to, they shouldn't be forced.
Also, if someone wants to adopt a baby, fine - but they need to pay ALL medical expenses for that woman for the duration of her pregnancy. If she needs help with the rent or bills, they need to help her out, to ensure that they get a healthy baby.

What happens when a woman cannot afford medical treatment while she is pregnant? Does the government step in? You need to give them an incentive to continue with the pregnancy.

So even if babies are ripped from their mothers arms, or women are kept in warehouses for the sole purpose of being raped an impregnated for their babies to sell...

Legal abortion creates this market. It gives these people a reason to rape, impregnate, and abduct infants to pay for wars --- but that is ok as long as women get to keep the right to kill their unborn babies...

that just pathetic...

Banning abortion won't help the situation, though. It won't lead to more babies placed for adoption, it will lead to more illegal abortions and babies dumped in rubbish dumpsters.
They are. They take action by having abortions. As is their choice.

That shows NEITHER responsibility or accountability. That shows selfishness!

I find it selfish that Yanks want to own guns despite the sheer number of gun deaths each year. And conservatives say they are not selfish?

Ha ha fucking ha.

MANY of those gun deaths are Gang related.....and those guys would get guns even if they were in your country....
An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.

comparing apples to armadillos..., what a fucking twit, if you liberal women did not fuck so much you wouldn't need your "abnormal growth" sucked out of your body.

explain why a man needs his asshole probed ?

like i said................, apples to armadillos

Soon as you explain why a woman needs a probe shoved inside her vagina.

did you read somewhere that i did ?? because i do NOT i am against abortions on demand.
There are as amny as 1 million American families who are considering adpotion of infants at any given point in time. The waiting lists can be several years long. Understanding that, the black market baby business is SOARING! In order to finance armaments, 3rd wrld factions will steal infants from families and then sell the babies on the black market for several 10s of thousands and even 100s of thousands of dollars.

Abortion is the DIRECT cause of this as there are so many American families who are looking to adopt infants. If it wasn't so expensive and risky (i.e. - they could adopt the aborted US babies instead of killing them) --- the black market baby business would dry up.

You just don't care about babies at all, do ya?

Okay, my apologies, when I read your initial post I thought you were ranting about black babies being sold on the black market. My eyesight is not that great lately so I am sorry if I got it wrong.

Now. Women should be encouraged to have their babies, but if they don't want to, they shouldn't be forced.
Also, if someone wants to adopt a baby, fine - but they need to pay ALL medical expenses for that woman for the duration of her pregnancy. If she needs help with the rent or bills, they need to help her out, to ensure that they get a healthy baby.

What happens when a woman cannot afford medical treatment while she is pregnant? Does the government step in? You need to give them an incentive to continue with the pregnancy.

No, the government doesn't "step in" but any pregnant women in the US can get medical care, and if she applies, insurance. Pregnant women have "protected" status.

Does she pay for the medical care? Ultrasounds, doctors, her stay in hospital, etc?

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