Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

I never said it was okay.

yes you did - you said it is okay to murder "non-person" in a womb and even called it "responsible"
slaves weren't "persons" by the law.
Neither were Jews and some other categories of people.

Slaves had been born, and they were obviously people, it is just that the law was racist and backward back then. Not every law is right.

being born did not make them either "people" or "persons" - by the LAW

abortion law is wrong absolutely the same way as were slavery ( not all slaves were different race, btw, there were countries which enslaved people of the same race) ones
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Nope. If abortion was murder, it would be illegal, and it isn't.

I hate the death penalty - but since it is legal in your country, I can't argue that it is murder. You find your way around by creating an argument to tear down the law.
Admit that abortion is not murder as per the law, but give reasons as to why you think the law is wrong. Otherwise we will get nowhere.

The term murder from a strictly legal standpoint, means the unlawful taking of life.

But murder also has and bears, a moral meaning- that is; the taking of "innocent" life.

Abortion from a moral and ethical standpoint is murder- but from a strictly legal one is not.

Think of slavery. It used to be legally allowable to own slaves- did that make it morally or ethically OK?

Slavery is a time everyone prefers to forget about. Yes, it was wrong, but stupidly, the law at the time stated that slaves were not people. Does that make it right to kill them? Of course not.
Does that make abortion okay? Not necessarily, but its the law.

No one is denying abortion is legal. That's not the argument and you know it.

Hopefully abortion will become, as you note of slavery; "a time everyone prefers to forget about"

Laws that grant killing innocent life is an abomination and a blight on any nation that allows them.
comparing apples to armadillos..., what a fucking twit, if you liberal women did not fuck so much you wouldn't need your "abnormal growth" sucked out of your body.

explain why a man needs his asshole probed ?

like i said................, apples to armadillos

Soon as you explain why a woman needs a probe shoved inside her vagina.

don't LIE - nobody is shoving any probes anywhere

Then what is a transvaginal ultrasound, again?
yes you did - you said it is okay to murder "non-person" in a womb and even called it "responsible"
slaves weren't "persons" by the law.
Neither were Jews and some other categories of people.

Slaves had been born, and they were obviously people, it is just that the law was racist and backward back then. Not every law is right.

being born did not make them either "people" or "persons" - by the LAW

Again, I never said that every law is right.
An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.

comparing apples to armadillos..., what a fucking twit, if you liberal women did not fuck so much you wouldn't need your "abnormal growth" sucked out of your body.

explain why a man needs his asshole probed ?

like i said................, apples to armadillos

Soon as you explain why a woman needs a probe shoved inside her vagina.

The law does not call for anything of the sort. I linked directly to the law several pages ago. In fact the woman gets to choose which method of ultrasound and it never says she has to have a transvaginal ultrasound. But you knew that already, didn't you?

I'll like to it again if you like.
How about you tell me what I should know during a time when my parents weren't fucking born, then?

If you don't know, then why did you make the comment?

Do you have any idea how stupid it is to say something retarded, then blame the people who point out how wrong you are for expecting you to be right?????????

I suspect I am meant to feel grateful for the Yanks saving my life before I even existed. I request to know what the hell you lot did that I should be grateful for.

What you suspect and reality are not related one to the other.

My statement was a commentary on your statement about when Americans joined the effort...which was INCORRECT, and WRONG....and when you had that pointed out to you, you maintain we shouldn't expect you to know in the first place.

Keep your fucking mouth shut, if you don't know what you're yapping about. If your mother hasn't told you that by now, I'm telling you. It's one thing for people to suspect you're an idiot..but when you pull shit like this, there's absolutely no doubt whatever....
Noomi, you still haven't addressed the issue about how abortion subsidizes the black market baby rings where third world infants are ripped from their mothers arms to pay for wars...

Why is that?
Soon as you explain why a woman needs a probe shoved inside her vagina.

don't LIE - nobody is shoving any probes anywhere

Then what is a transvaginal ultrasound, again?

Why do you keep saying that? Here is the Wisconsin law (AGAIN). Why spread BS?

...qualified person to perform, an ultrasound on the pregnant
woman using whichever transducer
the woman chooses.

No person may require the pregnant woman to view the
ultrasound images or visualize any fetal heartbeat and no person, including the
pregnant woman, may be subject to any penalty if the pregnant woman declines to
view the images or visualize any heartbeat.

If you don't know, then why did you make the comment?

Do you have any idea how stupid it is to say something retarded, then blame the people who point out how wrong you are for expecting you to be right?????????

I suspect I am meant to feel grateful for the Yanks saving my life before I even existed. I request to know what the hell you lot did that I should be grateful for.

What you suspect and reality are not related one to the other.

My statement was a commentary on your statement about when Americans joined the effort...which was INCORRECT, and WRONG....and when you had that pointed out to you, you maintain we shouldn't expect you to know in the first place.

Keep your fucking mouth shut, if you don't know what you're yapping about. If your mother hasn't told you that by now, I'm telling you. It's one thing for people to suspect you're an idiot..but when you pull shit like this, there's absolutely no doubt whatever....

If I am wrong about something, I will admit it. But I have been told I am wrong, but haven't been told what I was wrong about. How can I admit that I was wrong if I don't know what you are talking about?
CaféAuLait;7404703 said:
don't LIE - nobody is shoving any probes anywhere

Then what is a transvaginal ultrasound, again?

Why do you keep saying that? Here is the Wisconsin law (AGAIN). Why spread BS?

...qualified person to perform, an ultrasound on the pregnant
woman using whichever transducer
the woman chooses.

No person may require the pregnant woman to view the
ultrasound images or visualize any fetal heartbeat and no person, including the
pregnant woman, may be subject to any penalty if the pregnant woman declines to
view the images or visualize any heartbeat.


She already has an ultrasound before the abortion so there is no need for a law.
Noomi, you still haven't addressed the issue about how abortion subsidizes the black market baby rings where third world infants are ripped from their mothers arms to pay for wars...

Why is that?

Umm, what? I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.
CaféAuLait;7404703 said:
Then what is a transvaginal ultrasound, again?

Why do you keep saying that? Here is the Wisconsin law (AGAIN). Why spread BS?

...qualified person to perform, an ultrasound on the pregnant
woman using whichever transducer
the woman chooses.

No person may require the pregnant woman to view the
ultrasound images or visualize any fetal heartbeat and no person, including the
pregnant woman, may be subject to any penalty if the pregnant woman declines to
view the images or visualize any heartbeat.


She already has an ultrasound before the abortion so there is no need for a law.

So why are you insisting it is transvaginal, when the law clearly states it is NOT.
I suspect I am meant to feel grateful for the Yanks saving my life before I even existed. I request to know what the hell you lot did that I should be grateful for.

What you suspect and reality are not related one to the other.

My statement was a commentary on your statement about when Americans joined the effort...which was INCORRECT, and WRONG....and when you had that pointed out to you, you maintain we shouldn't expect you to know in the first place.

Keep your fucking mouth shut, if you don't know what you're yapping about. If your mother hasn't told you that by now, I'm telling you. It's one thing for people to suspect you're an idiot..but when you pull shit like this, there's absolutely no doubt whatever....

If I am wrong about something, I will admit it. But I have been told I am wrong, but haven't been told what I was wrong about. How can I admit that I was wrong if I don't know what you are talking about?

I doubt that, since you can't admit you were wrong about Australia having the same laws as the US about fetal homicide and that a transvaginal ultrasound is not required by the Wisconsin law as stated in the OP and on this thread.
Noomi, you still haven't addressed the issue about how abortion subsidizes the black market baby rings where third world infants are ripped from their mothers arms to pay for wars...

Why is that?

Umm, what? I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.

He's talking about the stupid, and incorrect, and oft repeated (by you) lie that there is nobody available to adopt unwanted infants, if they manage to survive gestation.

You bring it up in every thread about abortion that you enter....and then you skip. So he's asking you...what do you have to say to the fact that it is a lack of infants that has resulted in an illegal baby trade?
CaféAuLait;7404715 said:
She already has an ultrasound before the abortion so there is no need for a law.

So why are you insisting it is transvaginal, when the law clearly states it is NOT.

The OP mentions it. The OP is obviously wrong, then.

Can't believe everything that is claimed on a blog, which is far left wing, the same way you can't believe everything on a blog which is far right wing.

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