Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

I liken pro-choicers to a death cult. And that's putting it mildly.

Many pro-choicers can't correctly be called pro-choice. The only choice they want a woman to make is to kill her baby.

The 'only choice? You act as if we want to force women to have abortions.

The way you liberals propagandize it, push it and fight for it, yes we do act as if you think abortion is the only choice among the two. A choice involves multiple avenues of decision, not making the decision that's "popular".
I liken pro-choicers to a death cult. And that's putting it mildly.

Many pro-choicers can't correctly be called pro-choice. The only choice they want a woman to make is to kill her baby.

The 'only choice? You act as if we want to force women to have abortions.
Look at what the left said about Palin not aborting Trig.

You support a woman's right to choose -- only if she chooses to abort.
What is the point of denying irrefutable fact? Is that a cult thing? Is that part of the code of you rightwing inmates here? Have you absolutely no integrity?

Kill a one month along pregnant woman in Georgia and you will not get charged with 2 murders in Georgia. Period. Case closed.

The term "quick" is undefined. That's all I have to say on the subject. Is rejecting the practice of refuting an argument with an argument a cult thing? Is that some kind of code amongst King Barry and the Idiots of the Sickle and Hammer table?

You point out piddly technicalities that do not exist. Quick can be defined anywhere from 1 month to full term. Trying to circumvent the death of a child like you do, its sickening.

I proved that other idiot wrong. You sticking your fat government funded leech-ass nose into the mix doesn't change that.

Haha. You were the one being disproved, not the one doing any disproving. Namecalling only shows what goes on when you lose. Being a man, how do you have any standing to speak on abortion? Me? I survived one. Had my fat ass biological mom taken one pill (pills she intended to take to abort me, but fortunately lost), I'd have gone away with the next period.

You're pretty closed minded, and a limp-dicked coward.
Many pro-choicers can't correctly be called pro-choice. The only choice they want a woman to make is to kill her baby.

The 'only choice? You act as if we want to force women to have abortions.

The way you liberals propagandize it, push it and fight for it, yes we do act as if you think abortion is the only choice among the two. A choice involves multiple avenues of decision, not making the decision that's "popular".

Not even the "popular " choice. But the choice they are lead to by manipulation. Just like all of the other liberal agendas.
Sadly, the abortion industry does a crap job of self regulating. Women are dying, babies are being killed, and laws are being broken in abortion clinics. It's time to pass some laws that provide some oversight and some guidelines.

That's what this law does. It prevents clinicians from lying about fetal age, it allows the procedure to be more safe, and it insures that women actually know what is going on, what the risks are, and how far along they are.
It also requires the presence of a clinician that actually knows how to determine fetal age...something that many clinics currently don't have.
Many pro-choicers can't correctly be called pro-choice. The only choice they want a woman to make is to kill her baby.

The 'only choice? You act as if we want to force women to have abortions.
Look at what the left said about Palin not aborting Trig.

You support a woman's right to choose -- only if she chooses to abort.

I support a woman's right to choose what is best for her body, and I never said anything about Trig Palin.
Abortion is eugenics as it removes the children of the idiots from the gene pool. I don't really think this is a bad thing. ;)
The 'only choice? You act as if we want to force women to have abortions.
Look at what the left said about Palin not aborting Trig.

You support a woman's right to choose -- only if she chooses to abort.

I support a woman's right to choose what is best for her body, and I never said anything about Trig Palin.

Funny how you never seem to mention keeping the baby or adoption, huh?

No, you've decided that what's best for a woman is to abort.
Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our 'Priority'

At the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakers assured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probe for some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said. “It is long overdue.”

Wisconsin fans of small government go big when it comes to the uterus


There's some discussion that Republicans will bring this up in the house in a week or two.

Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Sandy Pasch (D-Shorewood), a nurse, says these are not the issues that should top the legislative agenda. "Especially when Wisconsin remains 44th in the nation in job growth, 45th in wage growth and dead last in short-term job growth, it is stunning how Wisconsin Republicans are more interested in blocking access to health care services that women need than focusing on the real issues facing women and Wisconsin families."

Wisconsin Republicans ready slew of abortion bills

Jobs - no

Education - no

Deficit - no

Wars - maybe

Immigration - no

Sticking it to women - YES! YES! YES!

That's messed up.

I couldn't make this this up. It would never occur to me.

I wish "top Republican lawmakers " would focus on the economy instead of a woman holding an aspirin between her knees :eusa_eh:
Foster Friess: In my day, women "used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our 'Priority'

At the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakers assured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probe for some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said. “It is long overdue.”

Wisconsin fans of small government go big when it comes to the uterus


There's some discussion that Republicans will bring this up in the house in a week or two.

Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Sandy Pasch (D-Shorewood), a nurse, says these are not the issues that should top the legislative agenda. "Especially when Wisconsin remains 44th in the nation in job growth, 45th in wage growth and dead last in short-term job growth, it is stunning how Wisconsin Republicans are more interested in blocking access to health care services that women need than focusing on the real issues facing women and Wisconsin families."

Wisconsin Republicans ready slew of abortion bills

Jobs - no

Education - no

Deficit - no

Wars - maybe

Immigration - no

Sticking it to women - YES! YES! YES!

That's messed up.

I couldn't make this this up. It would never occur to me.

I wish "top Republican lawmakers " would focus on the economy instead of a woman holding an aspirin between her knees :eusa_eh:
Foster Friess: In my day, women "used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Friess's implication is that if women hold aspirin between their legs, they won't open them.

"The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn't that costly," he told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell.

Mitchell was visibly taken aback by the suggestion.

The question is: would any conservative be taken aback.
Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our 'Priority'

At the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakers assured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probe for some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said. “It is long overdue.”

Wisconsin fans of small government go big when it comes to the uterus


There's some discussion that Republicans will bring this up in the house in a week or two.

Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Sandy Pasch (D-Shorewood), a nurse, says these are not the issues that should top the legislative agenda. "Especially when Wisconsin remains 44th in the nation in job growth, 45th in wage growth and dead last in short-term job growth, it is stunning how Wisconsin Republicans are more interested in blocking access to health care services that women need than focusing on the real issues facing women and Wisconsin families."

Wisconsin Republicans ready slew of abortion bills

Jobs - no

Education - no

Deficit - no

Wars - maybe

Immigration - no

Sticking it to women - YES! YES! YES!

That's messed up.

I couldn't make this this up. It would never occur to me.

I wish "top Republican lawmakers " would focus on the economy instead of a woman holding an aspirin between her knees :eusa_eh:
Foster Friess: In my day, women "used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Friess's implication is that if women hold aspirin between their legs, they won't open them.

"The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn't that costly," he told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell.

Mitchell was visibly taken aback by the suggestion.

The question is: would any conservative be taken aback.

Y'know, people don't really HAVE to have sex. You won't die without it. And if you can't deal with the consequences of an activity, you probably shouldn't engage in that activity.

This is a foreign concept to you, isn't it?

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