Wisconsin heading for a recount, with other states to follow.


Biden supporters
I will never trust the election process until a valid ID is required and voting is done in approved voting centers.

An ID is required for pretty much everything in America and there is no excuse to not insure that those who vote are verified in person.
A losing candidate can request a recount in WI if the margin of victory is less than 1%.

It would take a historic act of courage by the Supreme Court...to state that any ballot not recieved on election day in any state, does not count.....and that any ballot with obvious evidence of being a fake, is rejected...

That courage is not present at this time.

That's not courage. That's voter suppression. States have long had laws that allowed for ballots to arrive after election day.

And it ain't gonna be overturned.

You don't get to change the laws because you don't like the results.
The Senile Pedophile, Quid Pro Hoe, China Joe will never sit in The Oval Office

Fraudster, Illegitimate Joe Hitler will not be allowed in the The Sacred White House.

The DemNazis have lost control of Congress.

After the fraud lawsuits are over, Joe will never be president.

President Trump will have a Super Majority.

Pray for President Trump and Pray for The Republic.
From what I've read, recounts generally don't change the results. The race has to be extremely close for a recount to change it; within 0.1%. That leads me to conclude that unless large scale voter fraud is found and proven, any recounts are probably just going to confirm the results.
In the past you didn't have huge numbers of first time mail in voters. Rejection rates are excessively low where they should be higher. Add in software problems and who knows what will be found.
Recount isn't going to mean jack shit, if the fraudulent ballots aren't discovered and rejected and the "glitch" in the tallying software isn't remedied.

Undeniable forensic evidence in the software.

A whistleblower has exposed the program which changed Trump votes to Biden votes.

If this is true, no court can dismiss or overlook it.

View attachment 413233

Proof that republicans are fascists when it comes to their own agenda. They also don’t give a shit about states’ rights if it doesn’t fit their agenda as well.
When the recount is done and Trump still loses, will you accept the results then?

Or will you continue this temper tantrum?
Proof that republicans are fascists . . . . . .

Democrats love to project. All the garbage they accuse others of, they are actually guilty of. That includes being fascists.



Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid. - A Hitler(January 30, 1937).

2) BOTH backed-up by the American Super-Rich

3) BOTH used STORM-TROOPERS to quash political opposition. The Germans has the BROWNSHIRTS, the Democrats have ANTIFA and BLM.

4) BOTH employ "social justice" as an argument for criminal theft.

Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal SOCIAL JUSTICE, and so we have joined forces with this knowledge. - Adolph Hitler

5) BOTH practice the politics of RACIAL IDENTITY.

Democrats are no different from Nazis.
From their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.

NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, and I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.
It's far from over. Media news outlets and drunk liberal mobs don't decide elections.

President Donald Trump’s campaign took steps to trigger a recount in Wisconsin on Saturday, coming days the president appeared to narrowly lose the state, leading several news outlets and Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s campaign to declare victory over the weekend.

The final results of the election have not been certified by state legislatures or the Electoral College.

According to The Associated Press and Decision Desk, an organization used by The Epoch Times, Biden has an approximately 21,000-vote lead over Trump in Wisconsin. Biden has 49.5 percent of the vote, while Trump has 48.9 percent.

Justin Clark, Trump’s deputy campaign manager, announced Saturday that his team would initiate a recount and said there were “irregularities” in the election process last Tuesday, while asserting the team is “very concerned about what we’re hearing and seeing.” He didn’t elaborate.

“There were some serious irregularities on election day that we are looking into. We’ve already announced that we’re going to seek a statewide recount in Wisconsin, and we plan to do so,” Clark said in a statement, as reported by the Washington Examiner.

Wisc better make Trump pay up front because that's the only way he pays for his bills
It would take a historic act of courage by the Supreme Court...to state that any ballot not recieved on election day in any state, does not count.....and that any ballot with obvious evidence of being a fake, is rejected...

That courage is not present at this time.

Why would the USSC state that first part? Does something in the Constitution require that ballots be received on election day?
Here's the trend: in 2016 Rump squeezed out the Terrible Three (Wisc, Mich, Penna) by an all-three-combined total of under 80,000 votes. Biden has now racked up a margin of well over 200k and still counting in flipping those three. Clinton declined to challenge any of them, and they were a lot closer then than they are now.
Why did Clinton not challenge ?
How do we know that the Dems werent scared that fraud would be exposed as well if she were to challenge ?
It's far from over. Media news outlets and drunk liberal mobs don't decide elections.

President Donald Trump’s campaign took steps to trigger a recount in Wisconsin on Saturday, coming days the president appeared to narrowly lose the state, leading several news outlets and Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s campaign to declare victory over the weekend.

The final results of the election have not been certified by state legislatures or the Electoral College.

According to The Associated Press and Decision Desk, an organization used by The Epoch Times, Biden has an approximately 21,000-vote lead over Trump in Wisconsin. Biden has 49.5 percent of the vote, while Trump has 48.9 percent.

Justin Clark, Trump’s deputy campaign manager, announced Saturday that his team would initiate a recount and said there were “irregularities” in the election process last Tuesday, while asserting the team is “very concerned about what we’re hearing and seeing.” He didn’t elaborate.

“There were some serious irregularities on election day that we are looking into. We’ve already announced that we’re going to seek a statewide recount in Wisconsin, and we plan to do so,” Clark said in a statement, as reported by the Washington Examiner.

Yes they do. If backed up by 6 Big City Machines.
Here's the trend: in 2016 Rump squeezed out the Terrible Three (Wisc, Mich, Penna) by an all-three-combined total of under 80,000 votes. Biden has now racked up a margin of well over 200k and still counting in flipping those three. Clinton declined to challenge any of them, and they were a lot closer then than they are now.
Why did Clinton not challenge ?
How do we know that the Dems werent scared that fraud would be exposed as well if she were to challenge ?
The Bitch DID challenge. Remember the RECOUNTS by HAND? Jill Stein did NOT pay for those.
The marxist shitstains have decided America no longer needs elections. Pure and simple.

It's our job to stop them. With extreme prejudice.
Here's the trend: in 2016 Rump squeezed out the Terrible Three (Wisc, Mich, Penna) by an all-three-combined total of under 80,000 votes. Biden has now racked up a margin of well over 200k and still counting in flipping those three. Clinton declined to challenge any of them, and they were a lot closer then than they are now.
Why did Clinton not challenge ?
How do we know that the Dems werent scared that fraud would be exposed as well if she were to challenge ?

How do we know the moon isn't made of green cheese?

A recount is literally that -- a recount. Like a cashier counts the drawer at the end of the day, and then recounts to be sure they have the right figure.

If "fraud" were going on it wouldn't be re-doing the same process already done, all over again, that would expose it. If "fraud" is exposed by counting... it would have been exposed the first time.

Sooooo........... that's how. Sadly for the self-delusionists, the word "fraud" does not mean "we lost".

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