Wisconsin Lawmaker Moves To Decertify 2020 Election

If one is unable to admit that several states used COVID. To jusstify a hastily developed and unsecured mail in system, there’s nothing to discuss.

Yes, some states did that. None of them have been proven to have any significant fraud in them.

Those claiming the election was stolen have the burden of proof on them. They are making extraordinary claims, which requires extraordinary proof, not just speculation.
No, that is just a lie you were told and you were too stupid and too lazy to check and see if it were true. The purveyors of these lies count on people like you, you are their bread and butter.
That is the fact, jack....NV's matching software was turned down to it's lowest level.

But none of us really believe that the DNC's water is going to carry itself.
That is the fact, jack....NV's matching software was turned down to it's lowest level.

But none of us really believe that the DNC's water is going to carry itself.

See, you are still just parroting lies, because as I said you are too stupid and too lazy to check for yourself.

It was not Nevada, it was one county and they set the software to 40% vice the 50% default setting. This is not the lowest it can go, it can go to zero.

All you do is parrot lies and then make stupid accusations based off your GOP talking points emails.
See, you are still just parroting lies, because as I said you are too stupid and too lazy to check for yourself.

It was not Nevada, it was one county and they set the software to 40% vice the 50% default setting. This is not the lowest it can go, it can go to zero.

All you do is parrot lies and then make stupid accusations based off your GOP talking points emails.
Only Clark County, the most populous in the state, and the most corrupt.

40% might as well be zero, from a statistical standpoint.

Hope you're getting a nice check from the DNC to be such a good little coincidence theorist bootlicker.
So, you don't have eyes. Dismissed.

I've pointed out the evidence SO many times, but apparently these people really think that 2+2=5 because more votes than voters were found in places like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and these people don't have a bit of common sense either.
Several states simply mass mailed ballots to addresses where a voter once lived. Some of These previous voters had moved out of state or to another county or voting district. Some had even passed away.

In these states there were no control measures.

Signatures were not able to be verified.
FYI. For the Nov presidential election,

NONE of the contentious Swing States that Trump contested, had mass mailing of ballots. Each of those states, the legal voter, had to request an absentee ballot, in order to get one.

Again, NONE were mass mailed to any old address on file. When a registered voter and citizen requests the mail ballot, they have to put on the request, where the ballot should be mailed....

There are MANY MANY MANY procedures in place in all states to prevent massive absentee voter fraud! A signature match isn't even a tenth of it!!!!

You can't get a ballot, unless you're registered to vote. many states verified signatures for the request, plus sigs on the ballot envelopes to the request and file signatures. The precinct can't mail out more ballots than are requested, and cant have more ballots returned than have been requested, and when counting the ballots, they can't have more absentee ballots counted than absentee envelopes received back....so no one can slip in a massive fraudulent stuffing of ballots.... Ballot stock paper is a certain paper weight, vote counting machines reject ballots lighter and not the proper weight..... These things prevent ballot stuffing!

Can an individual vote for their recently passed, dead mother? Maybe? But even they, are being caught through checks and balances in place.

I think every state, should allow mail in voting for any reason, for registered voters....this would solve a multitude of disenfranchisement sins, of the States....!!! It would cut long lines in the poorer neighborhoods, make it easier for moms to vote, with kids in tow, and easier for all of those hourly workers that can't afford to lose a few hours pay, to vote.....make it easier on all those citizens working non conventional hours....it would also save money on staffing for fewer days of early voting....

But, legislatures would need to institute laws forcing voting districts to keep their voter rolls clean...depending on the state, felons removed, and dead people removed regularly and systematically, only citizens on the voter rolls etc etc etc
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40% might as well be zero, from a statistical standpoint.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Holy fuck dude, you just made me spit coffee all over my monitor. "from a statistical standpoint" :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

You would not know a statistical point if one bit you on the ass.

Based on the rejection rate from 2016 the difference between 40% and 50% would about 1500 more ballots that might that were sent to get checked by a person and then the voter is allowed to come prove it is theirs if it is rejected a 2nd time.
SO many times, but apparently these people really think that 2+2=5 because more votes than voters were found in places like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,

This never happened, you were lied to and you were too stupid and too lazy to check it for yourself.
Interesting. Proud Boy donations come from people with Chinese names.

Leaked data reveals a surprising fact about who funds the ...
May 04, 2021 · According to Jennifer Ho, president of the Association for Asian American Studies, the Proud Boys hold a certain appeal to those who believe in …
LOL proud boys, a small fringe group turned into yet another boogeyman diversion hoax courtesy of the Democrats. The last thing they want to talk about is the looting arsonist Antifa BLM Marxists that are doing the bidding of the left.
What part of the constitution says anything about taking away votes?

None. It’s not there. This doesn’t exist. it’s meaningless. The electors were already chosen. The electors already voted. The votes for Biden were already counted. Biden was already sworn in.

Every state could “decertify” if they want. Nothing happens.
And if the electors were chosen based on the concealment of a fraud that had not been revealed before they were chosen? hypothetically speaking That is.

The Founders did not anticipate that one party aka the Democrats would be so ideologically corrupt and committed that they would commit election fraud of one sort or another literally every election.
Oh the irony. For the record I was on my tablet before when I wrote that and I don't know how to copy and paste links from there,.. but since you have to be an asshole about it, why don't you go check it out for yourself?

I have checked it out for myself, that and a lot more claims.

You on the other hand just parrot what you are told
Ah, yes....The passive-aggressive "ha-ha" thingy on the post that you disagree with, just like all the other liberoidal hacks do.

When are you going to give up the charade, Gomer?

Typical, I blow away your "from a statistical standpoint" bullshit line and this is all you can come back with.

You really do not want to play games with statistics with me, you will always lose
Oh the irony. For the record I was on my tablet before when I wrote that and I don't know how to copy and paste links from there,.. but since you have to be an asshole about it, why don't you go check it out for yourself?

Oh and as I already stated in another topic, I'm sick and tired of pointing out evidence when these democrats are like little children putting their fingers in their ears and singing "LA, LA, LA NOT LISTENING!!!" on top of their lungs.
And if the electors were chosen based on the concealment of a fraud that had not been revealed before they were chosen. The Founders did not anticipate that one party aka the Democrats would be so ideologically committed that they would commit election fraud of sort or another literally every election.
I wasn’t aware that the state legislature was where fraud was proven.
Then you agree with me.
There’s a reason why mail-in ballots are banned or very restricted in most Democracies and the developed world. Historically mail-ins are the number one source for fraud and election rigging and a favorite way for dictatorships to stay in power. Which is why it has become very popular with Democrats, they have a lot in common with fascists and dictators.

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