Wisconsin Lawmaker Moves To Decertify 2020 Election

LOL proud boys, a small fringe group turned into yet another boogeyman diversion hoax courtesy of the Democrats. The last thing they want to talk about is the looting arsonist Antifa BLM Marxists that are doing the bidding of the left.

Trump likes them. Rittenhouse and his mother drink with them.. They are perverts ..

New Proud Boy Rules: Less Fighting, Less Wanking
In the past, “third degree” Proud Boys were prohibited from masturbating more than once a month. But the new rules, under a section in the bylaws dubbed “No Wanks,” extends that ...

Proud Boys: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Proud Boys Are Only Allowed to Masturbate Alone Once a Month & They Revere the Housewife While Maligning the Feminist Never ask a woman her advice on relationships. If you want to know how to hunt...
Oh and as I already stated in another topic, I'm sick and tired of pointing out evidence when these democrats are like little children putting their fingers in their ears and singing "LA, LA, LA NOT LISTENING!!!" on top of their lungs.

how can you be tired of doing something you have never done?
The states process the elections, according to the laws established by their legislature.
What does that have to do with “proving” fraud? Nothing.

But you reference why there’s no way this “decertify” thing goes anywhere.

There’s no legal basis for it.
how can you be tired of doing something you have never done?

Oh for the love of Pete!! Google is your friend!! Here, will this shut you up? I've already talked about this multiple times, but apparently you have dementia like your old pal Biden. :rolleyes: (It happened in other states too btw.)

Trump likes them. Rittenhouse and his mother drink with them.. They are perverts ..

New Proud Boy Rules: Less Fighting, Less Wanking
In the past, “third degree” Proud Boys were prohibited from masturbating more than once a month. But the new rules, under a section in the bylaws dubbed “No Wanks,” extends that ...

Proud Boys: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Proud Boys Are Only Allowed to Masturbate Alone Once a Month & They Revere the Housewife While Maligning the Feminist Never ask a woman her advice on relationships. If you want to know how to hunt...
Nobody had even heard of them. I certainly didn’t. Another Democrat / media inspired hoax. You should focus more on the Islamist terrorist loving Biden and Democrats who betrayed millions of Afghan women by turning the country over to the barbaric Taliban animals that treat women like cattle.

Party of women’s rights…LOL. Almost every single one of their revered leaders and donors all turned out to be either rapists or sexual assaulters. Ya gotta love the hypocrisy.
Nobody had even heard of them. I certainly didn’t. Another Democrat / media inspired hoax. You should focus more on the Islamist terrorist loving Biden and Democrats who betrayed millions of Afghan women by turning the country over to the barbaric Taliban animals that treat women like cattle.

Party of women’s rights…LOL. Almost every single one of their revered leaders and donors all turned out to be either rapists or sexual assaulters. Ya gotta love the hypocrisy.

New Proud Boy Rules: Less Fighting, Less Wanking
In the past, “third degree” Proud Boys were prohibited from masturbating more than once a month. But the new rules, under a section in the bylaws dubbed “No Wanks,” extends that ...

Proud Boys: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Proud Boys Are Only Allowed to Masturbate Alone Once a Month & They Revere the Housewife While Maligning the Feminist Never ask a woman her advice on relationships. If you want to know how to hunt...
What does that have to do with “proving” fraud? Nothing.

But you reference why there’s no way this “decertify” thing goes anywhere.

There’s no legal basis for it.
You could be right. I am not a constitutional lawyer and I’m assuming you aren’t either. All I said was IF enough states decertify their votes to get below the 270 number, then we are in unchartered waters, since the constitution does not provide for a remedy. Other than taking the case up to the Supreme Court.

Personally I don’t think it’s a good thing because we will then be seeing this in every election Cycle. The losing party in control of certain states moves to decertify. In essence it’s a way to remove presidents from power just like the treasonous Democrat concocted Russia hoax was, just so they can impeach Trump.
Oh for the love of Pete!! Google is your friend!! Here, will this shut you up? I've already talked about this multiple times, but apparently you have dementia like your old pal Biden. :rolleyes: (It happened in other states too btw.)

Did you verify the numbers in your link or did you just accept them since they came from a Repub?
New Proud Boy Rules: Less Fighting, Less Wanking
In the past, “third degree” Proud Boys were prohibited from masturbating more than once a month. But the new rules, under a section in the bylaws dubbed “No Wanks,” extends that ...

Proud Boys: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Proud Boys Are Only Allowed to Masturbate Alone Once a Month & They Revere the Housewife While Maligning the Feminist Never ask a woman her advice on relationships. If you want to know how to hunt...
Completely ignores the betrayal of millions of Afghan women by Biden and the Democratic Party, who for the first time we’re voting, getting educated, and holding govt. office. Then quotes bullshit propaganda from some Leftist sites.

Speaking of “wanking” Here are two of your favorite Democrat representatives:
You could be right. I am not a constitutional lawyer and I’m assuming you aren’t either. All I said was IF enough states decertify their votes to get below the 270 number, then we are in unchartered waters, since the constitution does not provide for a remedy. Other than taking the case up to the Supreme Court.

Personally I don’t think it’s a good thing because we will then be seeing this in every election. The losing party in control of certain states moves to decertify. In essence it’s a way to remove presidents from power just like the treasonous Democrat concocted Russia hoax was, just so they can impeach Trump.
You can take it to the Supreme Court all you want. It’ll never get there and it’ll never make any difference.
Want to know irony? These legislators trying to declare the election invalid are state legislators because they were elected in that supposedly invalid election.
Did you verify the numbers in your link or did you just accept them since they came from a Repub?

Did you verify there wasn't any fraud or did you just accept it because it came from the lying ass liberal media?
You can take it to the Supreme Court all you want. It’ll never get there and it’ll never make any difference.
Want to know irony? These legislators trying to declare the election invalid are state legislators because they were elected in that supposedly invalid election.
Well some Democrat run cities and states didn’t follow their own election laws that were established by their state legislators. So in essence Democrats violated election laws by using COVID as an excuse. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
Well some Democrat run cities and states didn’t follow their own election laws that were established by their state legislators. So in essence Democrats violated election laws by using COVID as an excuse. So where’s there’s smoke there’s fire.
Republican states did the same. Texas for example opened up ballot drop boxes that are not provided by law.

If a state said that people can vote a certain way, that not actually fraud. That’s just people voting in a way you don’t want.

Let’s take away Trump’s electors there? Of course not. That’d be stupid
Typical, I blow away your "from a statistical standpoint" bullshit line and this is all you can come back with.

You really do not want to play games with statistics with me, you will always lose
You don't blow away shit, Gomer.

Literally dozens of statistical improbabilities/impossibilities all fall to the favor of the same guy, and coincidence theorists like you carry the water for the obvious cheaters.....Piss off you fucking poseur.
Literally dozens of statistical improbabilities/impossibilities all fall to the favor of the same guy

Again, just a lie you have been told but keep parroting because you lack the basic intelligence ot know what is a statistical improbabilities.

For example...In the hearings held by the Ga senate a data analyst (my profession by the way) at the hearing talked about statistical anomalies.

He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud.

This sounded pretty compelling so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not proof of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties. So, this guy was either really bad at his job or he lied.

Have you ever done that sort of research on the things you are being told?
Did you believe there’s fraud because of the lying ass Trump and his clown car or lying ass supporters?

You want to see proof of numbers? Fine. Here's Trump's crowd.

download (32).jpg

Now here's Biden's. I would post a picture of an actual rally but it doesn't exist so this is the best I got.


I got video of a Biden event though.

You did not answer the question, thus proving my point.

Yeah, well neither did you dollface proving my point as well.

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