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Wisconsin Recount Thread

I am. Lol. We have about 320 million people here as it and we don't have enough jobs for all of the people we have now. Why import more?
There are jobs available here, unfortunately Americans lack the skill sets needed for a lot of those jobs, therefore companies look overseas for qualified people to fill those openings.

We take a LOT of unskilled immigrants here. You are aware that every other country has strict immigration laws, right? :)
I wasn't responding to a post about other country's immigration laws. As far as unskilled jobs are concerned, a lot of Americans do refuse to work certain unskilled jobs, therefore you get immigrants coming here to fill those positions, and plenty of employers are glad to see them.

And you care about employers who hire illegal aliens why?
Where did I say I care about "employers who hire illegal aliens"?

Man, you are one stupid motherfucker.

You just argued it, stupid fuck. Do you read your own posts?

You're full of shit. Americans will do those jobs. What they won't do is do those jobs for the wages illegal aliens drive the pay down to, particularly when you're glad to pay them to not work. You put Americans out of work. I disagree with a lot Trump says, but he has you nailed on that one
There are jobs available here, unfortunately Americans lack the skill sets needed for a lot of those jobs, therefore companies look overseas for qualified people to fill those openings.

We take a LOT of unskilled immigrants here. You are aware that every other country has strict immigration laws, right? :)
I wasn't responding to a post about other country's immigration laws. As far as unskilled jobs are concerned, a lot of Americans do refuse to work certain unskilled jobs, therefore you get immigrants coming here to fill those positions, and plenty of employers are glad to see them.

Because some employers want slave labor and don't want to have to pay these people what they would pay an American for doing the same job! Who gets screwed? Both the US worker AND the illegal immigrant.

It's the mental retardation of the left. They demand open borders while blaming open borders on hirers of illegal aliens. It's a bull shit argument, they are the ones who demand open borders WTF are they even talking about?

Duh, dar, the borders have to be open, corporations want it, that's why I want open borders, drool. VOR is fucking stupid
You truly are a fucking moron.

You're arguing we need illegal aliens for employers as if that's why the left wants them to stream in and you call me a moron? That's classic. You're full of shit, that's obviously not why you want illegal aliens to have free access to this country
I am. Lol. We have about 320 million people here as it and we don't have enough jobs for all of the people we have now. Why import more?
There are jobs available here, unfortunately Americans lack the skill sets needed for a lot of those jobs, therefore companies look overseas for qualified people to fill those openings.

We take a LOT of unskilled immigrants here. You are aware that every other country has strict immigration laws, right? :)
I wasn't responding to a post about other country's immigration laws. As far as unskilled jobs are concerned, a lot of Americans do refuse to work certain unskilled jobs, therefore you get immigrants coming here to fill those positions, and plenty of employers are glad to see them.

Because some employers want slave labor and don't want to have to pay these people what they would pay an American for doing the same job! Who gets screwed? Both the US worker AND the illegal immigrant.

It's the mental retardation of the left. They demand open borders while blaming open borders on hirers of illegal aliens. It's a bull shit argument, they are the ones who demand open borders WTF are they even talking about?

Duh, dar, the borders have to be open, corporations want it, that's why I want open borders, drool. VOR is fucking stupid
Will you show where the base of the left is demanding open borders? Not some wingnut quote but a legitimate source
Tissue? Sorry I was busy reviewing the list of conservative justices Trump is going to nominate to the SCOTUS and the stack of GOP bills in the House that will fly through congress and Trump will sign into law. In other words the destruction of the Democratic party. :laugh:

You are no better than VOR with your partisan bullshit.

Keep on slurping on Trump balls because he has already stated many things that should cause you to think, but mindless drones like you will ignore his words while still believing Trump is Conservative when he is to the left of Clinton!
If that's true liberals would support him now.

If he would become Democratic then maybe but the only reason why many of you voted for Trump is because of his lie about how he will deal with immigration reform and that he ran as a Republican.
No because he ran on making America great. Not like Hillary running on what's wrong with america.

Trump will never make his own business great, so how the hell will he make America great again!?!

Making same sex couples get back into the closet?

Not happening!

Deporting every illegal!?!

Not happening!

Building that wall!?!

Not happening!

Making minorities knock on your back door and ride on the back of the bus!?!

Not happening!

If you believe America has suck the last eight years then you're a fool. Even with Trump one USSC pick it will leave the court 5-4 in favor of the Liberal agenda, so you still lose!

Until another Liberal justice dies or retires your dream of a conservative court will be nothing but a dream!

Also Trump might not even pick someone you would like and might pool a Regan or Bush Jr. on your ass and then what!?!

So please stop with the " Make America Great Again " because it is another fucking lie just like the one the idiot name Obama did when he chanted " Hope and Change " and like I wrote eight years ago on another board we better hope we have change in our pockets when Obama and Democrats get done robbing us with their social welfare programs!

Trump will make America great again punk and nominate 2-4 conservative SCOTUS justices including the one we stole from Obama, but here's the funny part...you libs can't do shit about it. :eusa_dance:
Leftist agenda

The concept of “open borders” has long been an agenda of the ideological left. Since the 1960s, a vast network — including hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of grassroots activists, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars from leftwing foundations — has waged a sustained campaign to open America’s borders to a mass migration from the Third World. Though these groups talk in terms of “human rights,” the rights they demand are not the restrictions on government enshrined in the American Bill of Rights, but the claims on society for “equity” and “welfare” and special treatment for designated groups that are the familiar menu of the left and would, if enacted, amount to a revolution in America’s existing social order. Which is precisely their intent.

The “open borders” movement emerged from the radicalism of the 1960s and matured in the fight over amnesty for illegal aliens in the 1980s. It gained a certain mainstream status in the 1990s as the “globalization” and “multilateralism” fads of the decade encouraged talk of a “world without borders” and the decline (even the demise) of the nation-state. At the center of the movement was the Ford Foundation – the largest tax-exempt foundation in the world, and one increasingly guided by the political left.

Later in the same article:

The left’s long-running effort to transform American society from below through an influx of what is hoped will be unassimilated immigrants from dissimilar cultures has since 9/11 become closely entwined with protests against homeland security measures and the global war on terrorism. As the first anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was coming up, the radical teachers group Rethinking Schools put out a special report, “War, Terrorism, and America’s Classroom,” which offered the views of scholars, journalists, poets, and activists opposed to American actions. It also offered teaching suggestions, writing topics and role-playing exercises to promote the leftist interpretation of events. The Ford Foundation paid to have 30,000 copies of the Rethinking Schools report sent to middle school and high school teachers across the country. The report was favorably reviewed in a Fall 2002 “Ford Foundation Report” by Neil F. Carlson, editor for the National Committee for Responsible Philanthropy which seeks to set the agenda for funding political causes. Carlson found the Rethinking Schools report important because of its “disposition to question the official story, to view with skepticism the stark us-against-them (or us good, them bad) portrait of the world.”

(Many more details at the article).

Similarly, the article Leftist Foundations Fund Open Borders Agenda says:

Foundations of Betrayal offers a fresh inside look at an overlooked enemy – hundreds of big tax-exempt, leftist foundations that despise free enterprise and, yes, even our Constitution and America’s sovereignty. “Wealth controls culture” and Phil Kent names the control freaks – old-timers like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as devious newcomers like George Soros. Issues ranging from radical environmentalism to open borders serve as their main battering rams to remold America. These unaccountable elites also pay church groups to join their leftward march. They even promote deviant sexual behavior.

In a comment on the Open Borders site, Artur writes:

There is a phrase attributed to Antonio Gramsci which is apt here, I think: “the long march through the institutions”. It meant that instead of violent revolution, the West would become socialist by convincing Western minds — which would be achieved by infiltrating the institutions. Gramsci wrote in the thirties and by 1960 the Soviet Union had the following goals written down, in relation to American institutions:

– overload the Welfare System (to cause a crisis);
– obtain “peace through disarmament”;
– make America give foreign aid to its own enemies;
– make America support the UN;
– put Leftist judges on the Supreme Court;
– present homosexuality as normal;
– place Leftist professors in the universities;
– allow the media to be infiltrated;
– promote pornography;
– prevent children from saying grace in schools;
– promote gun control;
– use radical environmentalism to destroy US industry;
– distort Biblical Christianity.

This was all layed out by the Soviets in the early ’60s and they have done marvelously well.

There is no “inertia” when there are agents working behind the scenes to undermine American institutions.
We take a LOT of unskilled immigrants here. You are aware that every other country has strict immigration laws, right? :)
I wasn't responding to a post about other country's immigration laws. As far as unskilled jobs are concerned, a lot of Americans do refuse to work certain unskilled jobs, therefore you get immigrants coming here to fill those positions, and plenty of employers are glad to see them.

Because some employers want slave labor and don't want to have to pay these people what they would pay an American for doing the same job! Who gets screwed? Both the US worker AND the illegal immigrant.

It's the mental retardation of the left. They demand open borders while blaming open borders on hirers of illegal aliens. It's a bull shit argument, they are the ones who demand open borders WTF are they even talking about?

Duh, dar, the borders have to be open, corporations want it, that's why I want open borders, drool. VOR is fucking stupid
You truly are a fucking moron.

You're arguing we need illegal aliens for employers as if that's why the left wants them to stream in and you call me a moron? That's classic. You're full of shit, that's obviously not why you want illegal aliens to have free access to this country
I believe the arguement as it stands is that with the current exisitence of millions of undocumented immigrants that are currently in our workforce, the economic costs of mass deportation would be enormous. Not the mention the devistating effects it would have on many communities. Especially with the "dreamers" situation, which it looks like Trump is starting to understand and that why you are seeing him pivot.

Best solution is to focus on the border issues and deporting violent criminals... and come up with a pathway solution for existing UI's so they can come out of the shadows and may still contribute to our economy in a legal way.
Leftist agenda

The concept of “open borders” has long been an agenda of the ideological left. Since the 1960s, a vast network — including hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of grassroots activists, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars from leftwing foundations — has waged a sustained campaign to open America’s borders to a mass migration from the Third World. Though these groups talk in terms of “human rights,” the rights they demand are not the restrictions on government enshrined in the American Bill of Rights, but the claims on society for “equity” and “welfare” and special treatment for designated groups that are the familiar menu of the left and would, if enacted, amount to a revolution in America’s existing social order. Which is precisely their intent.

The “open borders” movement emerged from the radicalism of the 1960s and matured in the fight over amnesty for illegal aliens in the 1980s. It gained a certain mainstream status in the 1990s as the “globalization” and “multilateralism” fads of the decade encouraged talk of a “world without borders” and the decline (even the demise) of the nation-state. At the center of the movement was the Ford Foundation – the largest tax-exempt foundation in the world, and one increasingly guided by the political left.

Later in the same article:

The left’s long-running effort to transform American society from below through an influx of what is hoped will be unassimilated immigrants from dissimilar cultures has since 9/11 become closely entwined with protests against homeland security measures and the global war on terrorism. As the first anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was coming up, the radical teachers group Rethinking Schools put out a special report, “War, Terrorism, and America’s Classroom,” which offered the views of scholars, journalists, poets, and activists opposed to American actions. It also offered teaching suggestions, writing topics and role-playing exercises to promote the leftist interpretation of events. The Ford Foundation paid to have 30,000 copies of the Rethinking Schools report sent to middle school and high school teachers across the country. The report was favorably reviewed in a Fall 2002 “Ford Foundation Report” by Neil F. Carlson, editor for the National Committee for Responsible Philanthropy which seeks to set the agenda for funding political causes. Carlson found the Rethinking Schools report important because of its “disposition to question the official story, to view with skepticism the stark us-against-them (or us good, them bad) portrait of the world.”

(Many more details at the article).

Similarly, the article Leftist Foundations Fund Open Borders Agenda says:

Foundations of Betrayal offers a fresh inside look at an overlooked enemy – hundreds of big tax-exempt, leftist foundations that despise free enterprise and, yes, even our Constitution and America’s sovereignty. “Wealth controls culture” and Phil Kent names the control freaks – old-timers like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as devious newcomers like George Soros. Issues ranging from radical environmentalism to open borders serve as their main battering rams to remold America. These unaccountable elites also pay church groups to join their leftward march. They even promote deviant sexual behavior.

In a comment on the Open Borders site, Artur writes:

There is a phrase attributed to Antonio Gramsci which is apt here, I think: “the long march through the institutions”. It meant that instead of violent revolution, the West would become socialist by convincing Western minds — which would be achieved by infiltrating the institutions. Gramsci wrote in the thirties and by 1960 the Soviet Union had the following goals written down, in relation to American institutions:

– overload the Welfare System (to cause a crisis);
– obtain “peace through disarmament”;
– make America give foreign aid to its own enemies;
– make America support the UN;
– put Leftist judges on the Supreme Court;
– present homosexuality as normal;
– place Leftist professors in the universities;
– allow the media to be infiltrated;
– promote pornography;
– prevent children from saying grace in schools;
– promote gun control;
– use radical environmentalism to destroy US industry;
– distort Biblical Christianity.

This was all layed out by the Soviets in the early ’60s and they have done marvelously well.

There is no “inertia” when there are agents working behind the scenes to undermine American institutions.

I'm not one who's into conspiracy theories, but this one I believe. It all adds up.
Leftist agenda

The concept of “open borders” has long been an agenda of the ideological left. Since the 1960s, a vast network — including hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of grassroots activists, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars from leftwing foundations — has waged a sustained campaign to open America’s borders to a mass migration from the Third World. Though these groups talk in terms of “human rights,” the rights they demand are not the restrictions on government enshrined in the American Bill of Rights, but the claims on society for “equity” and “welfare” and special treatment for designated groups that are the familiar menu of the left and would, if enacted, amount to a revolution in America’s existing social order. Which is precisely their intent.

The “open borders” movement emerged from the radicalism of the 1960s and matured in the fight over amnesty for illegal aliens in the 1980s. It gained a certain mainstream status in the 1990s as the “globalization” and “multilateralism” fads of the decade encouraged talk of a “world without borders” and the decline (even the demise) of the nation-state. At the center of the movement was the Ford Foundation – the largest tax-exempt foundation in the world, and one increasingly guided by the political left.

Later in the same article:

The left’s long-running effort to transform American society from below through an influx of what is hoped will be unassimilated immigrants from dissimilar cultures has since 9/11 become closely entwined with protests against homeland security measures and the global war on terrorism. As the first anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was coming up, the radical teachers group Rethinking Schools put out a special report, “War, Terrorism, and America’s Classroom,” which offered the views of scholars, journalists, poets, and activists opposed to American actions. It also offered teaching suggestions, writing topics and role-playing exercises to promote the leftist interpretation of events. The Ford Foundation paid to have 30,000 copies of the Rethinking Schools report sent to middle school and high school teachers across the country. The report was favorably reviewed in a Fall 2002 “Ford Foundation Report” by Neil F. Carlson, editor for the National Committee for Responsible Philanthropy which seeks to set the agenda for funding political causes. Carlson found the Rethinking Schools report important because of its “disposition to question the official story, to view with skepticism the stark us-against-them (or us good, them bad) portrait of the world.”

(Many more details at the article).

Similarly, the article Leftist Foundations Fund Open Borders Agenda says:

Foundations of Betrayal offers a fresh inside look at an overlooked enemy – hundreds of big tax-exempt, leftist foundations that despise free enterprise and, yes, even our Constitution and America’s sovereignty. “Wealth controls culture” and Phil Kent names the control freaks – old-timers like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as devious newcomers like George Soros. Issues ranging from radical environmentalism to open borders serve as their main battering rams to remold America. These unaccountable elites also pay church groups to join their leftward march. They even promote deviant sexual behavior.

In a comment on the Open Borders site, Artur writes:

There is a phrase attributed to Antonio Gramsci which is apt here, I think: “the long march through the institutions”. It meant that instead of violent revolution, the West would become socialist by convincing Western minds — which would be achieved by infiltrating the institutions. Gramsci wrote in the thirties and by 1960 the Soviet Union had the following goals written down, in relation to American institutions:

– overload the Welfare System (to cause a crisis);
– obtain “peace through disarmament”;
– make America give foreign aid to its own enemies;
– make America support the UN;
– put Leftist judges on the Supreme Court;
– present homosexuality as normal;
– place Leftist professors in the universities;
– allow the media to be infiltrated;
– promote pornography;
– prevent children from saying grace in schools;
– promote gun control;
– use radical environmentalism to destroy US industry;
– distort Biblical Christianity.

This was all layed out by the Soviets in the early ’60s and they have done marvelously well.

There is no “inertia” when there are agents working behind the scenes to undermine American institutions.
I understand the argument for open borders and while I recognize that some extremist on the left support it, just as extremists on the right support no immigration or trade with a strong nationalism agenda... these are far from the mainstream.

I appreciate you posting a link but also don't see any reputable representative from the left speaking to open borders as part of their agenda. Obama didn't do it, Clinton didn't do it, and I haven't heard the DNC doing it. If you have please point to specifics
There are jobs available here, unfortunately Americans lack the skill sets needed for a lot of those jobs, therefore companies look overseas for qualified people to fill those openings.

We take a LOT of unskilled immigrants here. You are aware that every other country has strict immigration laws, right? :)
I wasn't responding to a post about other country's immigration laws. As far as unskilled jobs are concerned, a lot of Americans do refuse to work certain unskilled jobs, therefore you get immigrants coming here to fill those positions, and plenty of employers are glad to see them.

Because some employers want slave labor and don't want to have to pay these people what they would pay an American for doing the same job! Who gets screwed? Both the US worker AND the illegal immigrant.

It's the mental retardation of the left. They demand open borders while blaming open borders on hirers of illegal aliens. It's a bull shit argument, they are the ones who demand open borders WTF are they even talking about?

Duh, dar, the borders have to be open, corporations want it, that's why I want open borders, drool. VOR is fucking stupid
Will you show where the base of the left is demanding open borders? Not some wingnut quote but a legitimate source
Whats the difference between actually asking for it and just legislating it?
Amnesty amnesty amnesty
Amnesty is a PROVEN failure. It incites more illegals. FACT
So why else would politicians want it? Because they cant get their open borders. Same with the corporatists on the right like the chamber of commerce.
Leftist agenda

The concept of “open borders” has long been an agenda of the ideological left. Since the 1960s, a vast network — including hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of grassroots activists, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars from leftwing foundations — has waged a sustained campaign to open America’s borders to a mass migration from the Third World. Though these groups talk in terms of “human rights,” the rights they demand are not the restrictions on government enshrined in the American Bill of Rights, but the claims on society for “equity” and “welfare” and special treatment for designated groups that are the familiar menu of the left and would, if enacted, amount to a revolution in America’s existing social order. Which is precisely their intent.

The “open borders” movement emerged from the radicalism of the 1960s and matured in the fight over amnesty for illegal aliens in the 1980s. It gained a certain mainstream status in the 1990s as the “globalization” and “multilateralism” fads of the decade encouraged talk of a “world without borders” and the decline (even the demise) of the nation-state. At the center of the movement was the Ford Foundation – the largest tax-exempt foundation in the world, and one increasingly guided by the political left.

Later in the same article:

The left’s long-running effort to transform American society from below through an influx of what is hoped will be unassimilated immigrants from dissimilar cultures has since 9/11 become closely entwined with protests against homeland security measures and the global war on terrorism. As the first anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was coming up, the radical teachers group Rethinking Schools put out a special report, “War, Terrorism, and America’s Classroom,” which offered the views of scholars, journalists, poets, and activists opposed to American actions. It also offered teaching suggestions, writing topics and role-playing exercises to promote the leftist interpretation of events. The Ford Foundation paid to have 30,000 copies of the Rethinking Schools report sent to middle school and high school teachers across the country. The report was favorably reviewed in a Fall 2002 “Ford Foundation Report” by Neil F. Carlson, editor for the National Committee for Responsible Philanthropy which seeks to set the agenda for funding political causes. Carlson found the Rethinking Schools report important because of its “disposition to question the official story, to view with skepticism the stark us-against-them (or us good, them bad) portrait of the world.”

(Many more details at the article).

Similarly, the article Leftist Foundations Fund Open Borders Agenda says:

Foundations of Betrayal offers a fresh inside look at an overlooked enemy – hundreds of big tax-exempt, leftist foundations that despise free enterprise and, yes, even our Constitution and America’s sovereignty. “Wealth controls culture” and Phil Kent names the control freaks – old-timers like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as devious newcomers like George Soros. Issues ranging from radical environmentalism to open borders serve as their main battering rams to remold America. These unaccountable elites also pay church groups to join their leftward march. They even promote deviant sexual behavior.

In a comment on the Open Borders site, Artur writes:

There is a phrase attributed to Antonio Gramsci which is apt here, I think: “the long march through the institutions”. It meant that instead of violent revolution, the West would become socialist by convincing Western minds — which would be achieved by infiltrating the institutions. Gramsci wrote in the thirties and by 1960 the Soviet Union had the following goals written down, in relation to American institutions:

– overload the Welfare System (to cause a crisis);
– obtain “peace through disarmament”;
– make America give foreign aid to its own enemies;
– make America support the UN;
– put Leftist judges on the Supreme Court;
– present homosexuality as normal;
– place Leftist professors in the universities;
– allow the media to be infiltrated;
– promote pornography;
– prevent children from saying grace in schools;
– promote gun control;
– use radical environmentalism to destroy US industry;
– distort Biblical Christianity.

This was all layed out by the Soviets in the early ’60s and they have done marvelously well.

There is no “inertia” when there are agents working behind the scenes to undermine American institutions.

I'm not one who's into conspiracy theories, but this one I believe. It all adds up.

And then shit happens.
Leftist agenda

The concept of “open borders” has long been an agenda of the ideological left. Since the 1960s, a vast network — including hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of grassroots activists, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars from leftwing foundations — has waged a sustained campaign to open America’s borders to a mass migration from the Third World. Though these groups talk in terms of “human rights,” the rights they demand are not the restrictions on government enshrined in the American Bill of Rights, but the claims on society for “equity” and “welfare” and special treatment for designated groups that are the familiar menu of the left and would, if enacted, amount to a revolution in America’s existing social order. Which is precisely their intent.

The “open borders” movement emerged from the radicalism of the 1960s and matured in the fight over amnesty for illegal aliens in the 1980s. It gained a certain mainstream status in the 1990s as the “globalization” and “multilateralism” fads of the decade encouraged talk of a “world without borders” and the decline (even the demise) of the nation-state. At the center of the movement was the Ford Foundation – the largest tax-exempt foundation in the world, and one increasingly guided by the political left.

Later in the same article:

The left’s long-running effort to transform American society from below through an influx of what is hoped will be unassimilated immigrants from dissimilar cultures has since 9/11 become closely entwined with protests against homeland security measures and the global war on terrorism. As the first anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was coming up, the radical teachers group Rethinking Schools put out a special report, “War, Terrorism, and America’s Classroom,” which offered the views of scholars, journalists, poets, and activists opposed to American actions. It also offered teaching suggestions, writing topics and role-playing exercises to promote the leftist interpretation of events. The Ford Foundation paid to have 30,000 copies of the Rethinking Schools report sent to middle school and high school teachers across the country. The report was favorably reviewed in a Fall 2002 “Ford Foundation Report” by Neil F. Carlson, editor for the National Committee for Responsible Philanthropy which seeks to set the agenda for funding political causes. Carlson found the Rethinking Schools report important because of its “disposition to question the official story, to view with skepticism the stark us-against-them (or us good, them bad) portrait of the world.”

(Many more details at the article).

Similarly, the article Leftist Foundations Fund Open Borders Agenda says:

Foundations of Betrayal offers a fresh inside look at an overlooked enemy – hundreds of big tax-exempt, leftist foundations that despise free enterprise and, yes, even our Constitution and America’s sovereignty. “Wealth controls culture” and Phil Kent names the control freaks – old-timers like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as devious newcomers like George Soros. Issues ranging from radical environmentalism to open borders serve as their main battering rams to remold America. These unaccountable elites also pay church groups to join their leftward march. They even promote deviant sexual behavior.

In a comment on the Open Borders site, Artur writes:

There is a phrase attributed to Antonio Gramsci which is apt here, I think: “the long march through the institutions”. It meant that instead of violent revolution, the West would become socialist by convincing Western minds — which would be achieved by infiltrating the institutions. Gramsci wrote in the thirties and by 1960 the Soviet Union had the following goals written down, in relation to American institutions:

– overload the Welfare System (to cause a crisis);
– obtain “peace through disarmament”;
– make America give foreign aid to its own enemies;
– make America support the UN;
– put Leftist judges on the Supreme Court;
– present homosexuality as normal;
– place Leftist professors in the universities;
– allow the media to be infiltrated;
– promote pornography;
– prevent children from saying grace in schools;
– promote gun control;
– use radical environmentalism to destroy US industry;
– distort Biblical Christianity.

This was all layed out by the Soviets in the early ’60s and they have done marvelously well.

There is no “inertia” when there are agents working behind the scenes to undermine American institutions.
I understand the argument for open borders and while I recognize that some extremist on the left support it, just as extremists on the right support no immigration or trade with a strong nationalism agenda... these are far from the mainstream.

I appreciate you posting a link but also don't see any reputable representative from the left speaking to open borders as part of their agenda. Obama didn't do it, Clinton didn't do it, and I haven't heard the DNC doing it. If you have please point to specifics

Have you heard of La Raza?

La Raza’s Growing Influence: Gaining clout and tax dollars in all branches of government
The leftists are STILL trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Of course they wouldn't openly admit what they support. That is because they realize that it won't go over well with many, many American citizens. Everything they do is shady as hell. How could anyone trust a leftist?
Just a piece from the article I posted above . . .

The Rise of La Raza
The National Council of La Raza was founded in the stormy days of 1968 and has one of the most questionable names in the political realm. La Raza can betranslated as “The Race.” (NCLR disputes this translation, saying it is more properly translated as “the people.”) It has gone from a fringe organization that many would view as outright racist to a leading voice on policymaking, influential in the Obama administration and corporate America. It has used this clout to claim it speaks for all Hispanic Americans. But that’s not always the case. The politically connected organization claims 300 affiliates in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. Headquartered in the nation’s capital, it has state and regional offices in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Phoenix, and San Antonio, Texas.

La Raza has pushed for immigration amnesty, opposed workplace enforcement, and fought against even the most basic voter integrity and national security proposals. (La Raza was previously profiled in the December 2007 Foundation Watch.)

President Obama, a longtime ally of La Raza, has been taking friendly fire from the group of late, but the drama is left-wing kabuki theater. As President Franklin Roosevelt told his left-wing allies after winning the election in 1932, “I agree with you, I want to do it, now make me do it.”

That’s what La Raza is doing.

A year ago Murguía seemed to turn against the president. “For the president, I think his legacy is at stake here,” Murguía said. “We consider him the deportation president, or the deporter-in-chief” (Politico, March 4, 2014).

“Deporter-in-chief” was an epithet hurled at Obama by amnesty activists throughout the year. The Obama administration frequently touted the speedy clip of enforcement action since 2009, and so the slogan was calculated to shame the president into slowing the pace. But it wasn’t true. Deportations have actually fallen under Obama. The administration has manipulated the numbers by changing the definition of “deportation.”

“We respectfully disagree with the president on his ability to stop unnecessary deportations,” Murguía continued. “He can stop tearing families apart. He can stop throwing communities and businesses into chaos. He can stop turning a blind eye to the harm being done. He does have the power to stop this. Failure to act will be a shameful legacy for his presidency.”

After Obama unveiled his executive action, Murguía decided to walk back the “deporter-in-chief” phrase. “When we had seen the deportations, the number of deportations hit two million—a historic high and much higher than the previous administration under George Bush—there was a lot of frustration and anger in our community, but I actually used that term to really highlight how off-based Speaker [John] Boehner was when he said that the reason he couldn’t move a bill forward on comprehensive immigration reform is because he couldn’t trust President Obama to enforce the laws when in fact, and the fact is, at least two million people have been deported in this fifth year of the Obama presidency,” she said.

Brian Bennett of the Los Angeles Times debunked the left-wing claim that Obama is keen on deporting illegal aliens in an April 1, 2014 article:
“Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009. On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up – primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency’s deportation statistics. The vast majority of those borders crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now.”

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) publishes an annual Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. Jessica Vaughn of the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies wrote in a December 2013 report that “because the Obama administration has blurred the lines of which agencies can take credit for deportations, the only fair way to assess their performance is to count all deportations done by all the DHS agencies.” The DHS Yearbook showed at the time that Bill Clinton’s administration holds the record for deportations. In the Clinton years, an average of 1,536,363 deportations were carried out.

Vaughn writes that “the total number of aliens ‘sent back’ under [the] first four years of the Obama administration is just over 3.2 million.” This represents an annual average of 800,863 deportations. During the presidency of George W. Bush, there were a total of 10,328,850 deportations, which works out to an average of 1,291,106 deportations per year.

Obama is clearly not hellbent on deporting illegal aliens, but the imagery is politically useful, which is why La Raza and its allies promote it.

Murguía herself was long active in Democratic politics before becoming head of La Raza in 2005. She worked in Bill Clinton’s White House, eventually serving as deputy assistant to the president. Murguía went on to be the deputy campaign manager and director of constituency outreach for the Al Gore presidential campaign in 2000.

From there, she became vice chancellor for university relations at the University of Kansas in 2001. She was an activist in 2004 against the voter-approved Proposition 200 in Arizona, which required residents to prove citizenship before registering to vote or legal immigration status before applying for public benefits.

Murguía does well for herself at La Raza. Her salary alone was $330,513 for the year ended Sept. 30, 2013, and she also received an additional $81,112 in other compensation from La Raza and its related entities. That lands Murguía well into the ranks of the much-maligned 1 percent.

Under her tenure at La Raza, the organization has advocated for speech restrictions. The organization led a campaign in 2008 against advocates of immigration law enforcement, urging that they be taken off of cable TV news networks. A “We Can Stop the Hate” campaign was initiated by La Raza, Center for American Progress, Media Matters, and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF). It targeted amnesty opponents, who were described as “hate groups, nativists, and vigilantes” (Discover the Networks).
There are jobs available here, unfortunately Americans lack the skill sets needed for a lot of those jobs, therefore companies look overseas for qualified people to fill those openings.

We take a LOT of unskilled immigrants here. You are aware that every other country has strict immigration laws, right? :)
I wasn't responding to a post about other country's immigration laws. As far as unskilled jobs are concerned, a lot of Americans do refuse to work certain unskilled jobs, therefore you get immigrants coming here to fill those positions, and plenty of employers are glad to see them.

And you care about employers who hire illegal aliens why?
Where did I say I care about "employers who hire illegal aliens"?

Man, you are one stupid motherfucker.

You just argued it, stupid fuck. Do you read your own posts?

You're full of shit. Americans will do those jobs. What they won't do is do those jobs for the wages illegal aliens drive the pay down to, particularly when you're glad to pay them to not work. You put Americans out of work. I disagree with a lot Trump says, but he has you nailed on that one

I'm a white male and one of my first jobs was picking cabbage on a farm for $2 an hour. I worked with 12 other men and women on this farm, all white. So much for the myth that Americans will not work these jobs, you have to start somewhere and I'm telling you there is no greater motivator to move up the ladder than busting your ass on a farm for a couple of years. Today I make so much money the libs hate me, motivated in no small part by my first low level jobs.
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We take a LOT of unskilled immigrants here. You are aware that every other country has strict immigration laws, right? :)
I wasn't responding to a post about other country's immigration laws. As far as unskilled jobs are concerned, a lot of Americans do refuse to work certain unskilled jobs, therefore you get immigrants coming here to fill those positions, and plenty of employers are glad to see them.

Because some employers want slave labor and don't want to have to pay these people what they would pay an American for doing the same job! Who gets screwed? Both the US worker AND the illegal immigrant.

It's the mental retardation of the left. They demand open borders while blaming open borders on hirers of illegal aliens. It's a bull shit argument, they are the ones who demand open borders WTF are they even talking about?

Duh, dar, the borders have to be open, corporations want it, that's why I want open borders, drool. VOR is fucking stupid
Will you show where the base of the left is demanding open borders? Not some wingnut quote but a legitimate source
Whats the difference between actually asking for it and just legislating it?
Amnesty amnesty amnesty
Amnesty is a PROVEN failure. It incites more illegals. FACT
So why else would politicians want it? Because they cant get their open borders. Same with the corporatists on the right like the chamber of commerce.
That's complete BS. If we take care of the border then there will not be a migration problem, whether it is attractive or not. Advocates of amnesty do so for economic and humanitarian reasons. They look at these people as human beings not just as unwanted criminal aliens. Y'all that press that narrative and language come off sounding like heartless entitled racists. I know that label isn't representative of many so I suggest a change of tone from trying so hard to demonize to showing that you actually understand that you are talking about people... many of which didn't choose to break the law and come over here. They were brought by their parents and this is the only life they know. Like it or not this is a factor that should be considered with compassion
Leftist agenda

The concept of “open borders” has long been an agenda of the ideological left. Since the 1960s, a vast network — including hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of grassroots activists, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars from leftwing foundations — has waged a sustained campaign to open America’s borders to a mass migration from the Third World. Though these groups talk in terms of “human rights,” the rights they demand are not the restrictions on government enshrined in the American Bill of Rights, but the claims on society for “equity” and “welfare” and special treatment for designated groups that are the familiar menu of the left and would, if enacted, amount to a revolution in America’s existing social order. Which is precisely their intent.

The “open borders” movement emerged from the radicalism of the 1960s and matured in the fight over amnesty for illegal aliens in the 1980s. It gained a certain mainstream status in the 1990s as the “globalization” and “multilateralism” fads of the decade encouraged talk of a “world without borders” and the decline (even the demise) of the nation-state. At the center of the movement was the Ford Foundation – the largest tax-exempt foundation in the world, and one increasingly guided by the political left.

Later in the same article:

The left’s long-running effort to transform American society from below through an influx of what is hoped will be unassimilated immigrants from dissimilar cultures has since 9/11 become closely entwined with protests against homeland security measures and the global war on terrorism. As the first anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was coming up, the radical teachers group Rethinking Schools put out a special report, “War, Terrorism, and America’s Classroom,” which offered the views of scholars, journalists, poets, and activists opposed to American actions. It also offered teaching suggestions, writing topics and role-playing exercises to promote the leftist interpretation of events. The Ford Foundation paid to have 30,000 copies of the Rethinking Schools report sent to middle school and high school teachers across the country. The report was favorably reviewed in a Fall 2002 “Ford Foundation Report” by Neil F. Carlson, editor for the National Committee for Responsible Philanthropy which seeks to set the agenda for funding political causes. Carlson found the Rethinking Schools report important because of its “disposition to question the official story, to view with skepticism the stark us-against-them (or us good, them bad) portrait of the world.”

(Many more details at the article).

Similarly, the article Leftist Foundations Fund Open Borders Agenda says:

Foundations of Betrayal offers a fresh inside look at an overlooked enemy – hundreds of big tax-exempt, leftist foundations that despise free enterprise and, yes, even our Constitution and America’s sovereignty. “Wealth controls culture” and Phil Kent names the control freaks – old-timers like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as devious newcomers like George Soros. Issues ranging from radical environmentalism to open borders serve as their main battering rams to remold America. These unaccountable elites also pay church groups to join their leftward march. They even promote deviant sexual behavior.

In a comment on the Open Borders site, Artur writes:

There is a phrase attributed to Antonio Gramsci which is apt here, I think: “the long march through the institutions”. It meant that instead of violent revolution, the West would become socialist by convincing Western minds — which would be achieved by infiltrating the institutions. Gramsci wrote in the thirties and by 1960 the Soviet Union had the following goals written down, in relation to American institutions:

– overload the Welfare System (to cause a crisis);
– obtain “peace through disarmament”;
– make America give foreign aid to its own enemies;
– make America support the UN;
– put Leftist judges on the Supreme Court;
– present homosexuality as normal;
– place Leftist professors in the universities;
– allow the media to be infiltrated;
– promote pornography;
– prevent children from saying grace in schools;
– promote gun control;
– use radical environmentalism to destroy US industry;
– distort Biblical Christianity.

This was all layed out by the Soviets in the early ’60s and they have done marvelously well.

There is no “inertia” when there are agents working behind the scenes to undermine American institutions.
I understand the argument for open borders and while I recognize that some extremist on the left support it, just as extremists on the right support no immigration or trade with a strong nationalism agenda... these are far from the mainstream.

I appreciate you posting a link but also don't see any reputable representative from the left speaking to open borders as part of their agenda. Obama didn't do it, Clinton didn't do it, and I haven't heard the DNC doing it. If you have please point to specifics

Have you heard of La Raza?

La Raza’s Growing Influence: Gaining clout and tax dollars in all branches of government
How do you read this stuff? it wreeks of partisan assumptions and spin. Fact is Obama deported an extremely large amount of people throughout his presidency. Hardly open borders. His dreamers amnesty push makes sense and I'm willing to bet it is something that Trump adopts
Leftist agenda

The concept of “open borders” has long been an agenda of the ideological left. Since the 1960s, a vast network — including hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of grassroots activists, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars from leftwing foundations — has waged a sustained campaign to open America’s borders to a mass migration from the Third World. Though these groups talk in terms of “human rights,” the rights they demand are not the restrictions on government enshrined in the American Bill of Rights, but the claims on society for “equity” and “welfare” and special treatment for designated groups that are the familiar menu of the left and would, if enacted, amount to a revolution in America’s existing social order. Which is precisely their intent.

The “open borders” movement emerged from the radicalism of the 1960s and matured in the fight over amnesty for illegal aliens in the 1980s. It gained a certain mainstream status in the 1990s as the “globalization” and “multilateralism” fads of the decade encouraged talk of a “world without borders” and the decline (even the demise) of the nation-state. At the center of the movement was the Ford Foundation – the largest tax-exempt foundation in the world, and one increasingly guided by the political left.

Later in the same article:

The left’s long-running effort to transform American society from below through an influx of what is hoped will be unassimilated immigrants from dissimilar cultures has since 9/11 become closely entwined with protests against homeland security measures and the global war on terrorism. As the first anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was coming up, the radical teachers group Rethinking Schools put out a special report, “War, Terrorism, and America’s Classroom,” which offered the views of scholars, journalists, poets, and activists opposed to American actions. It also offered teaching suggestions, writing topics and role-playing exercises to promote the leftist interpretation of events. The Ford Foundation paid to have 30,000 copies of the Rethinking Schools report sent to middle school and high school teachers across the country. The report was favorably reviewed in a Fall 2002 “Ford Foundation Report” by Neil F. Carlson, editor for the National Committee for Responsible Philanthropy which seeks to set the agenda for funding political causes. Carlson found the Rethinking Schools report important because of its “disposition to question the official story, to view with skepticism the stark us-against-them (or us good, them bad) portrait of the world.”

(Many more details at the article).

Similarly, the article Leftist Foundations Fund Open Borders Agenda says:

Foundations of Betrayal offers a fresh inside look at an overlooked enemy – hundreds of big tax-exempt, leftist foundations that despise free enterprise and, yes, even our Constitution and America’s sovereignty. “Wealth controls culture” and Phil Kent names the control freaks – old-timers like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as devious newcomers like George Soros. Issues ranging from radical environmentalism to open borders serve as their main battering rams to remold America. These unaccountable elites also pay church groups to join their leftward march. They even promote deviant sexual behavior.

In a comment on the Open Borders site, Artur writes:

There is a phrase attributed to Antonio Gramsci which is apt here, I think: “the long march through the institutions”. It meant that instead of violent revolution, the West would become socialist by convincing Western minds — which would be achieved by infiltrating the institutions. Gramsci wrote in the thirties and by 1960 the Soviet Union had the following goals written down, in relation to American institutions:

– overload the Welfare System (to cause a crisis);
– obtain “peace through disarmament”;
– make America give foreign aid to its own enemies;
– make America support the UN;
– put Leftist judges on the Supreme Court;
– present homosexuality as normal;
– place Leftist professors in the universities;
– allow the media to be infiltrated;
– promote pornography;
– prevent children from saying grace in schools;
– promote gun control;
– use radical environmentalism to destroy US industry;
– distort Biblical Christianity.

This was all layed out by the Soviets in the early ’60s and they have done marvelously well.

There is no “inertia” when there are agents working behind the scenes to undermine American institutions.
I understand the argument for open borders and while I recognize that some extremist on the left support it, just as extremists on the right support no immigration or trade with a strong nationalism agenda... these are far from the mainstream.

I appreciate you posting a link but also don't see any reputable representative from the left speaking to open borders as part of their agenda. Obama didn't do it, Clinton didn't do it, and I haven't heard the DNC doing it. If you have please point to specifics

Have you heard of La Raza?

La Raza’s Growing Influence: Gaining clout and tax dollars in all branches of government
How do you read this stuff? it wreeks of partisan assumptions and spin. Fact is Obama deported an extremely large amount of people throughout his presidency. Hardly open borders. His dreamers amnesty push makes sense and I'm willing to bet it is something that Trump adopts

If it didn't make so much sense, I would dismiss it, but it makes perfect sense.
I wasn't responding to a post about other country's immigration laws. As far as unskilled jobs are concerned, a lot of Americans do refuse to work certain unskilled jobs, therefore you get immigrants coming here to fill those positions, and plenty of employers are glad to see them.

Because some employers want slave labor and don't want to have to pay these people what they would pay an American for doing the same job! Who gets screwed? Both the US worker AND the illegal immigrant.

It's the mental retardation of the left. They demand open borders while blaming open borders on hirers of illegal aliens. It's a bull shit argument, they are the ones who demand open borders WTF are they even talking about?

Duh, dar, the borders have to be open, corporations want it, that's why I want open borders, drool. VOR is fucking stupid
Will you show where the base of the left is demanding open borders? Not some wingnut quote but a legitimate source
Whats the difference between actually asking for it and just legislating it?
Amnesty amnesty amnesty
Amnesty is a PROVEN failure. It incites more illegals. FACT
So why else would politicians want it? Because they cant get their open borders. Same with the corporatists on the right like the chamber of commerce.
That's complete BS. If we take care of the border then there will not be a migration problem, whether it is attractive or not. Advocates of amnesty do so for economic and humanitarian reasons. They look at these people as human beings not just as unwanted criminal aliens. Y'all that press that narrative and language come off sounding like heartless entitled racists. I know that label isn't representative of many so I suggest a change of tone from trying so hard to demonize to showing that you actually understand that you are talking about people... many of which didn't choose to break the law and come over here. They were brought by their parents and this is the only life they know. Like it or not this is a factor that should be considered with compassion
Amnesty is a proven failure that incites more. WHY would someone not be incited when they know the law doesn't matter?
Believing in the concept of Nations is racist? LMFAO
Emotion cant serve a country with 320M people. Emotions cause problems. And ACTUAL solutions are never easy. If they were, band aids would be a solution.
I don't really have a problem with granting those who are already here and have been living a clean life here in America, including having a JOB and working and not committing crimes, amnesty. But that needs to end. This must be the absolute last time we do this for these people. If they want to come here, they need to do it by the letter of the law. If they do not, then it is their own problem. THEY chose to break the law when entering the country illegally and nobody else is to blame for that.
A friend of a friend is a man from Ghana who is an illegal here in America. He is a really nice guy, works full time every day and doesn't get into any trouble. He is very religious and a law abiding citizen. HOWEVER, he entered this country illegally and he took on his brother's identity and now he is screwed when it comes to getting his citizenship because of the fact that he has taken on the identity of his brother. I feel bad for him, and I don't "hate" him because he is an illegal (because unlike what the leftists will smear you with, you can be against immigration and NOT be a hateful bigot). Having said that, he has nobody to blame but himself for his current predicament. If he gets deported it's because he did things the completely wrong way and that isn't America's fault. We cannot be expected to be responsible for everyone in the world who wants to come here.

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