Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

I'm hearing a lot about fraud as well. I don't want to say a number for I don't want to be wrong, but an extremely large number of votes from Madison only were marked only for Supreme Court Justice.

It didn't happen anywhere else. It was in the thousands. Anyone else hear this? Would love to know who those votes went for. If it was 90% for one candidate, I'd say.....HELLO???!
1.5 million in union donations to the leftist candidate, most of it probably public sector union taxpayer money. This is why public sector unions are so crooked, it’s a racket organized crime, money laundering

Actually, your number of 1.5 million is slightly inflated.

Outside spending in Supreme Court race: $3.6M


Special-interest groups spent a total of $3.58 million on this year's race. The previous record for a Wisconsin Supreme Court race was $3.38 million in 2008


The top single spender was a liberal group that spent $1.4 million. Four conservative groups combined to spend $2.2 million.

Outside spending in Supreme Court race: $3.6M
Is that liberal group the Unions? Cause if not the conservative groups spending was dwarfed by them.
I live on a planet that frowns upon giving wealthy people more money while cutting services and programs that benefit poor families.

You can always give to your favorite charity.

That's the way it used to be done.

But charity never fixed the problems did it? That's why conservatives go on and on and on about charity...

...they know it doesn't work.
As if forced charity has fixed anything. The only thing liberal morons have done is create generational dependence.
You can always give to your favorite charity.

That's the way it used to be done.

But charity never fixed the problems did it? That's why conservatives go on and on and on about charity...

...they know it doesn't work.
As if forced charity has fixed anything. The only thing liberal morons have done is create generational dependence.


All Welfare has done is make people dependant on it. If they have a free ride, they will take a free ride.
Yep, the Conservatives are going to scream fraud now that they have lost this race.

Not like the dems have never done that, right, roxie?

the republicans have learned many tactics from the democrats. its a shame to see both parties behaving like babies but it is what it is.

I actually think the fraud claims this time are legit due to the type of rhetoric the pro-union protestors used.
Last thing WI needs is to declare bankruptcy because they have to pay the unions come hell or high water.

It's called collective bargaining. It's been an important part of American history. Get used to it. WI Rethug senators are getting recalled, and in less than a year, Walker will follow. The law is on hold and hopefully not coming back. Walker has been exposed as the corrupt asshole that he is.

I know what it's called but the difference between the private sector and public sector make CB unfair for the employer, which is the taxpayer, because they weren't properly represented unless they had a legal rep at the table when the deal was made.

Unless WI taxpayers had a paid rep present they got shafted. This must be fulfilled before CB can be legally binding. Governors, Representatives, and State Senators are not legal representatives in any business oriented negotiations. They can only vote on legislation and the Governor signs them.

You do realize that those evil public working union members are taxpayers don't you?? LOL
Something Strange is Afoot with the WI ballots:

As if the situation in Wisconsin wasn't tense enough, it appears that one county in particular is going to a new extreme. This comes after word that there may have been voter fraud in the nonpartisan State Supreme Court election yesterday between incumbent David Prosser and JoAnne Kloppenburg.

For some reason one of the counties in the state is destroying ballots that 'were not counted' yesterday. Apparently this is a very bizarre and egregious move.

Pundit Press: Wisconsin City Caught Destroying Ballots

Uh oh, here come the fraud allegations. And from a conservative rag, no less. Well, I for one am surprised. :lol::lol::lol:
Seems the GOP might have made the same mistake Obama made in his early going. Taking the American public for granted.

Looks like the GOP will be big losers in WI. Is this a Surprise?



So liberal groups are spending money trying to get a judge that would be friendly to their public sector union stance to win the election....how does this create a referendum on Walker?

If it was a bunch of citizens rising up to try and have him recalled I would be down with your thread title but a bunch of big special interest groups spending tons of money on a judicial election, to me, isn't a referendum on a governor but on the actual law he signed.

What is funny is how foxnews was trying to argue that it was a referendum in favor of walker when they thought it was going their way. LOL They even had that Wiconsin state senator scott fitzgerald on and he was bragging about how good the Wisconsin system is and that they don't have the same problems that other states have.

I wonder if he is singing the same tune now?
They gave in for 1 (one) contract, Jillian. This tax and spend isn't going away in the next 3-4 years.

there have been give-backs everywhere.

but don't you find it a little obscene that the middle class has to make up for corporate welfare and tax breaks to millionaires?

don't you think that people should be a little intransigent about that?

i do.

until i see realistic tax policy and the right stops it's wealth re-distribution to the rich, i'm kind of not inclined to be told that working people have to take it in the neck.

I want to see a realistic tax policy, also, Jillian. But, I also want to start seeing a realistic spending policy going forward. It's all out of control right now.

Chuck schumer is told to say the right is extreme and the righties are told to say that spending is out of control. LOL Talking points all around.

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