Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

there have been give-backs everywhere.

but don't you find it a little obscene that the middle class has to make up for corporate welfare and tax breaks to millionaires?

don't you think that people should be a little intransigent about that?

i do.

until i see realistic tax policy and the right stops it's wealth re-distribution to the rich, i'm kind of not inclined to be told that working people have to take it in the neck.

I want to see a realistic tax policy, also, Jillian. But, I also want to start seeing a realistic spending policy going forward. It's all out of control right now.

Chuck schumer is told to say the right is extreme and the righties are told to say that spending is out of control. LOL Talking points all around.

You say this as we are approaching $14,000,000,000,000.00 in debt. Yeah, it's all just talking points, nothing to be alarmed about....move along folks nothing to see here.. :cuckoo:
silly liberals should do some actual research

Recall thingy ain't looking real good for the democratics

According to this story of the 16 elligeable for recall there are only 3 dems and 3 GOP that anyone was taking seriously

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Unions vs. the little guy in Wisconsin recall fight | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

Of the three GOP, Kloppenbagger only won in Kapanke's district, with Prossor winning in the other two (handily). Kapanke isn't a lightwieght, he's number 3 in the Senate.

Of the three democratics, Prosser won in two of their districts (handily) with Kloppenbagger only winning in Wirch's district.

Wirch is the first dem to have enough signatures to qualify for recall, and though I may be mistaken I believe he's famed for "your ****ing dead" and an odd rub and tug. (not sure if it was him)

Looks like of the ones that are in play, if the voting pattern stays the same for any recalls its 4-2 GOP (picking up 1 seat). If Kapanke hangs on and Senator dead pays a price for his odd visits to massage parlors (if it's him) then possibly 6-0 GOP (picking up 3 seats)


Wisconsin Senate Districts

You dumbasses had everything in your favor including some major intensity and could only manage a 204 vote win. You actually think you're going to unseat a sitting GOV in a recall a year from now? Laughable.
Byron York? He's an ultra-Wingnut. How about a link from an actual reporter, rather than a spinmeister opinion writer?
The only thing I got from him was the names. I have no reason to doubt those six are the ones most being gone after... do you? The rest you can figure out like I did... by doing your own work and seeking out the vote totals and the winner in the districts.

LOL This is becoming a pattern with right wing posters.

They post a link that makes claims and arguments that are not substantiated by any means and lacks anything real to judge it on such as NUMBERS and then when called to task on their source, which is based on opinions froma 1000 miles away, they swiftly discared the claims that are the foundation of their argumetns and tell others to look it up themselves.
If you can't stand behind the source that is the very foundation of your own arguments then why waste time posting it only to run away from it when it is questioned??
From what I've read, this wasn't even supposed to be close.

It wasn't supposed to be close because it's a judicial race which the vast majority of voters don't pay attention to and don't even show up to vote for in the first place. This race was put into the spotlight because of the recent law passed and the legal challenge to it and so both sides got their get out the vote machines into full swing. Even with that, the turn out was only in the 30 percentile.

You can look at the results two ways. One, the people pushed back against the Walker administration and tossed out an incumbent conservative judge. Or, the blow back was anemic compared to all the talk of outrage and punishment the unions claimed would be dealt out to the Republicans because they just barely edged out the incumbent judge by a mere 200 votes in a statewide race in a state that has been reliably union friendly.

It all depends on your point of view and I imagine the partisans will spin it which ever way fits their agenda.

Uh how can you call a 30% swing in her favor anemic??
That would be because they didn't have 41 votes. The democratics stymied themselves.

You are full of shit.
you are ful of shit

The Democratic Supermajority: What Does It Mean? - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic

go ahead and show me 41 GOP seats.

Did you forget your supermajority that stymied itself?

there were two seats in question that prevented the super majority and one was Al Frankens current seat and the other was when Arlen spector switched parties. Then when scott brown won the super majority was gone.

In the end I believe dems had the super majority for less than a year if you counted the idependents as dems.
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I want to see a realistic tax policy, also, Jillian. But, I also want to start seeing a realistic spending policy going forward. It's all out of control right now.

but why cut the things that hurt people while shifting wealth to corporations? if it were me, i wouldn't agree to cut a dime until they did away with the bush tax cuts.

harsh? maybe. i'm all for shared pain. I'm not for carrying it for the people who need the breaks the least.

Really? You mean like Obama's callous disregard for oil prices and the subsequent rise in food and other goods? Tell me Jillian, where are those of us that have been hurt supposed to go to buy the green cars? Any car? I can't afford the oil changes on my 34 mpg car. Many of us now off the unemployment rolls, can't afford his oil policy of waiting for the green that's not reality.

In the meantime, he just wants to spend and blame the 'fat cats', while the rest of us go down the tubes.

callous disregard?? But back when W was president you right wingers argued that the president has not control over the cost of oil. Funny how that changes the moment a dem gets into office.
I'm hearing a lot about fraud as well. I don't want to say a number for I don't want to be wrong, but an extremely large number of votes from Madison only were marked only for Supreme Court Justice.

It didn't happen anywhere else. It was in the thousands. Anyone else hear this? Would love to know who those votes went for. If it was 90% for one candidate, I'd say.....HELLO???!

Have to explain this. I heard it on the news, just once. I had to leave the house and was unable to verify if it was heard again. I've reutrned and googled the website for the news channel and found no reference of it all. Either it was my error or theirs. I was very surprised when I heard it on the news, so I don't think I conjured it up!

Since it might be my error, I won't divulge the channel involved and my sincere apologies if it was my error. But I cannot find a anything to back this report up.
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That would be because they didn't have 41 votes. The democratics stymied themselves.

You are full of shit.

SgtMeowenstein said:
Very full of shit. How anyone could make that easily refuted argument is beyond me.

The Republicans didn't get their 41st seat until Scott Brown won a special election in January of 2010. You two aren't making yourselves look too informed here.

And dems did not have a supermajority until spector switched parties at the end of april 2009. So IF you counted both independents, including a right leaning suck up known as joe leiberman, as dems then and only then did they have a supermajority for less than a year.
I want to see a realistic tax policy, also, Jillian. But, I also want to start seeing a realistic spending policy going forward. It's all out of control right now.

but why cut the things that hurt people while shifting wealth to corporations? if it were me, i wouldn't agree to cut a dime until they did away with the bush tax cuts.

harsh? maybe. i'm all for shared pain. I'm not for carrying it for the people who need the breaks the least.

so wealth re-distribution is ok as long as it goes where you think it should go......

Isn't that exactly what the right is saying as they demonize public workers over their benefits and pay??
Seems the GOP might have made the same mistake Obama made in his early going. Taking the American public for granted.

Looks like the GOP will be big losers in WI. Is this a Surprise?



So liberal groups are spending money trying to get a judge that would be friendly to their public sector union stance to win the election....how does this create a referendum on Walker?

If it was a bunch of citizens rising up to try and have him recalled I would be down with your thread title but a bunch of big special interest groups spending tons of money on a judicial election, to me, isn't a referendum on a governor but on the actual law he signed.

What is funny is how foxnews was trying to argue that it was a referendum in favor of walker when they thought it was going their way. LOL They even had that Wiconsin state senator scott fitzgerald on and he was bragging about how good the Wisconsin system is and that they don't have the same problems that other states have.

I wonder if he is singing the same tune now?

It should be noted that the right outspent the left 2.2 million to 1.4 million on the Wisconsin Supreme Court election, which I linked earlier in this thread.
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After Tuesday night’s Wisconsin Supreme Court election, a computer error in heavily Republican Waukesha County failed to send election results for the entire City of Brookfield to the Associated Press. The error, revealed today, would give incumbent Supreme Court Justice David Prosser a net 7,381 votes against his challenger, attorney Joanne Kloppenburg. On Wednesday, Kloppenburg declared victory after the AP reported she finished the election with a 204-vote lead, out of nearly 1.5 million votes cast

This can't be good for Klopp.

I wonder if she should've waited to announce her "victory".
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Going to have at least one recall in the Wisconsin State Senate, bet it will be a lot more than that in another two weeks. Very negative vibes for the whole of the GOP Teabagger Party.
The tide is turning, and the sleeping giant is awakening.

where are those rolling around guys when you need them?

BREAKING: Computer Error Could Give Prosser 7,381 More Votes, Victory - By Christian Schneider - The Corner - National Review Online
Okay, now I say, if you you'll turn to Fox, therre will be a report soon that there is a 7,000 vote discrepency in the reporting of votes with the favor to Prosser. With the problem I noted earlier, I was shy about saying this when Fox mentioned it about 10 minutes ago. Report is supposed to be at the bottom of the hour.
100% of VOTERS are taxpayers, about 6% of voters are union voters. Indys know which side scams them, and which side favors them.
lol gonna be some awfully pissed off liberals shortly.

Is this really the end? Will there be another city that failed to send in their votes, lol?

No recount now, right? This is above .05%, isn't it? (Forget the totals.)
Madison - In a political bombshell, the clerk in a Republican stronghold is set to release new vote totals giving 7,500 votes in the state Supreme Court race back toward Justice David Prosser, swinging the race significantly in his favor.

The Waukesha County clerk's office has told state elections officials that they will be adjusting the vote totals to give incumbent David Prosser more than 7,000 new votes, said Mike Haas, staff attorney for the state Government Accountability Board.

Prosser gains 7,500 votes in Waukesha County - JSOnline

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