Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Going to have at least one recall in the Wisconsin State Senate, bet it will be a lot more than that in another two weeks. Very negative vibes for the whole of the GOP Teabagger Party.
The tide is turning, and the sleeping giant is awakening.

After Tuesday night’s Wisconsin Supreme Court election, a computer error in heavily Republican Waukesha County failed to send election results for the entire City of Brookfield to the Associated Press. The error, revealed today, would give incumbent Supreme Court Justice David Prosser a net 7,381 votes against his challenger, attorney Joanne Kloppenburg. On Wednesday, Kloppenburg declared victory after the AP reported she finished the election with a 204-vote lead, out of nearly 1.5 million votes cast

This can't be good for Klopp.

I wonder if she should've waited to announce her "victory".

Or Republicans are doing their best to commit election fraud. I see how this came out after the numbers for a democrat was winning. Hmmm....
100% of VOTERS are taxpayers, about 6% of voters are union voters. Indys know which side scams them, and which side favors them.


Yeah they did. Considering Prosser had a 30 point advantage. Its Walker who scammed them.
It would be interesting for someone to break down the counties/districts and see how the voting went, D or R. And determine how likely the recall elections would turn out if the petitions are successful.

For walker, it appears that he will be safe if his petition actually ends up in a recall election.

It would be interesting for someone to break down the counties/districts and see how the voting went, D or R. And determine how likely the recall elections would turn out if the petitions are successful.

For walker, it appears that he will be safe if his petition actually ends up in a recall election.

Already did it, and its in this thread
After Tuesday night’s Wisconsin Supreme Court election, a computer error in heavily Republican Waukesha County failed to send election results for the entire City of Brookfield to the Associated Press. The error, revealed today, would give incumbent Supreme Court Justice David Prosser a net 7,381 votes against his challenger, attorney Joanne Kloppenburg. On Wednesday, Kloppenburg declared victory after the AP reported she finished the election with a 204-vote lead, out of nearly 1.5 million votes cast

This can't be good for Klopp.

I wonder if she should've waited to announce her "victory".

Or Republicans are doing their best to commit election fraud. I see how this came out after the numbers for a democrat was winning. Hmmm....

I could see your point if it was undervoting, dead people voting, absentee voting that put someone over the top by 7,000 votes that came in at the last minute, but not when an entire city was forgotten in the total. The entire city did not go for one individual. That was the net gain and not unlike other cities going for either candidate.
It would be interesting for someone to break down the counties/districts and see how the voting went, D or R. And determine how likely the recall elections would turn out if the petitions are successful.

For walker, it appears that he will be safe if his petition actually ends up in a recall election.

Already did it, and its in this thread

I'll go back and look, thank you very much!
It would be interesting for someone to break down the counties/districts and see how the voting went, D or R. And determine how likely the recall elections would turn out if the petitions are successful.

For walker, it appears that he will be safe if his petition actually ends up in a recall election.

Already did it, and its in this thread

I'll go back and look, thank you very much!
Found the post


ah the very thing the cons where saying would happen, but for Kloppenburg instead.

this is going to be fun to watch

:lol: Well if it was fraud, then the question becomes was the fraud the original error, or the "correction" of the error? :eusa_whistle:

Regardless of how this turns out, the losing side will claim it was stolen. I think we all know that already.

I thought you were a smart guy, House.
The RNC sent their top lawyers to fight Franken's apparent victory. The case ran quite a long time in the courts. Norm Coleman and the GOP attorneys conceded defeat with no plans to proceed to a higher court.
Now, if there were irregularities, why did the GOP's top attorneys stop and concede?

I thought you were a smart guy, House.
The RNC sent their top lawyers to fight Franken's apparent victory. The case ran quite a long time in the courts. Norm Coleman and the GOP attorneys conceded defeat with no plans to proceed to a higher court.
Now, if there were irregularities, why did the GOP's top attorneys stop and concede?

Bad decision... Republicans often make bad decisions when it comes to elections...

Some are just wimps....

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