Wisconsin to Require Holocaust Education Starting in Fifth Grade

Its a bad idea. Israel isn't the center of the universe. Teach it in Israel. There are more than 250 Holocaust Museums ..
When did I say they shouldn’t learn about it? I agree; they should know EVERYTHING including the fact that
Its a bad idea. Israel isn't the center of the universe. Teach it in Israel. There are more than 250 Holocaust Museums ..

This is JUST the beginning. They should learn EVERYTHING
When did I say they shouldn’t learn about it? I agree; they should know EVERYTHING including the fact that

This is JUST the beginning. They should learn EVERYTHING

Yes, its a terrible story of injustice, but don't force it on ten year olds.

Are you teaching the Dust Bowl or the Great Depression or the genocide of the American Indians to 10 year olds in Israel?
Yes, its a terrible story of injustice, but don't force it on ten year olds.

Are you teaching the Dust Bowl or the Great Depression or the genocide of the American Indians to 10 year olds in Israel?
I thought you said they should learn about it?
Why should they teach the Holocaust to 10 year olds in Wisconsin?
You’re the one who said they should be taught history! Questioning about teaching HX of American Indians or Israeli/Palestinian HX
Anything I know about that time period ( St. Louis, the Camps being build in 1931, etc. ) was NOT taught in School)
You’re the one who said they should be taught history! Questioning about teaching HX of American Indians or Israeli/Palestinian HX
Anything I know about that time period ( St. Louis, the Camps being build in 1931, etc. ) was NOT taught in School)

So you want to push teaching this to 10 year olds in the US?

Why do you think it should be taught in US schools? Why would a school spend more than a week teaching the Holocaust? If they want to know more when they are older, they can certainly study on their own or take a course in Holocaust in college. There is lots of history, science, literature to be covered in the curriculum already.
So you want to push teaching this to 10 year olds in the US?

Why do you think it should be taught in US schools? Why would a school spend more than a week teaching the Holocaust? If they want to know more when they are older, they can certainly study on their own or take a course in Holocaust in college. There is lots of history, science, literature to be covered in the curriculum already.
Never said it should be taught in Schools. You’re the one who brought up the Slave trade being taught, etc.
Yes, its a terrible story of injustice, but don't force it on ten year olds.

Are you teaching the Dust Bowl or the Great Depression or the genocide of the American Indians to 10 year olds in Israel?
Imprisoned Muslim terrorists in Israel have it real bad...3 meals a day, a gym to work out in, medical and dental care and engineering lessons so they can build terror tunnels.
How stupid are you?
5th grade is too young. Maybe briefly in the 6th or 7th grade and then again when they study Modern European History in the 11th or 12th grade.
Modern European History? There is no such class in every school system I ever worked in. That is a college class in almost every case.
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Admittedly it was pretty harrowing but in those days things were shown on TV that would never be shown now, at least not before the watershed. I remember going into the kitchen where mum was cooking tea to tell her President Kennedy (Mum was a big fan) had just had his head blown off. (though I didn't put it quite like that) It was shown on the 6 pm News. Many horrific images were shown of the Vietnam war. The Buddist Monk that had petrol poured over him then set himself alight in Saigon in 1963 was also shown on the 6 pm News, the whole family watched that, I was 8 my younger brothers 5 & 3. My parents didn't know it was going to be shown, there was never any warnings.
The little girl that ran out from a burning town naked but covered with burning napalm.
The body's after the My Lai massacre. The Vietnamese young man that was shot in the head, executed by an American soldier. My dad would watch every war documentary and we kids watched them too. My parents were very caring and protective but I don't think it ever occurred to them that there was any reason we shouldn't see such shocking events, it was just what was happening, how life and death really are and I'm grateful they didn't try to wrap us in cotton wool. It didn't do me (indeed I was always top of the class in History) or my siblings any harm.
Body's what?

The correct word is "bodies", Scarecrow. You only wish you had a brain!
Modern European History? There is no such class in every school system I ever worked in. That is a college class in almost every case.

It was a high school class in every school I attended.

Most of the American expats from Arabia went to such schools.
Imprisoned Muslim terrorists in Israel have it real bad...3 meals a day, a gym to work out in, medical and dental care and engineering lessons so they can build terror tunnels.
How stupid are you?

Terrorists in Arabia are executed.

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