Wishing America Ill


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
As Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report averred, Trumpery

“is more about style than substance. It is a politics that prizes resentment over reconciliation.
Fights are not a means to an end; they are the whole point.”

That explains why Trump’s cultists have contempt for facts, can’t handle the truth, and are loathe to engage in rational, civil discussion.

Stanley B. Greenberg, writing for the American Prospect, summed it up this way:

“The presidential campaign of 2020 ended in a race war between the Democratic and Republican Parties, focused on America’s history of white supremacy, the demand for racial justice, and fear of who will now lead the country at such a moment. This was a war of choice for Trump and the Republican Party, and they lost.”

Trump’s most loyal followers at the neo-nazi Daily Stormer are outraged at the loss of their “Glorious Leader” at the hands of the American People, but lose he did, by 7 million votes. Trump’s own cybersecurity czar confirmed it to have been the most secure election in U.S. history, and even his fawning Attorney General had to acknowledge reality: There was no fraud that changed the results: 306 electoral votes for Biden, 232 for Trump.

After Trump promoted divisiveness in America - one of the primary reasons the FBI, NSA, CIA, and 2 Republican-led Senate Special Committees on Intelligence confirmed that Putin had interfered in the 2016 election to help the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer - can the nation unify again?

Are there zealots who will put their emotional dependence upon the Cry Baby ahead of country and wish the nation to fail under the new administration?

No doubt.

Let's hope their efforts are thwarted by patriots dedicated to the well-being of the American People.

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Why should I respond to your posts when you won't respond to mine?

Again, you claim that Leftists don't consider the US systemically racist, to which I asked, who of significance in the DNC does not believe that the US is statically racist? This is what they use to justify wanting to destroy the US. Really, it's all they have.

You see, this is why we saw American flags burning all across the nation at various Antifa and BLM rallies as they chanted death to America. This is why they followed innocent police officers who were assassinated by Leftists to the hospital screaming that they hope they all die.

But you don't have an answer, do you? No, instead you make up crap about conservatives wanting to destroy the US.

Get bent!
As Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report averred, Trumpery

“is more about style than substance. It is a politics that prizes resentment over reconciliation.
Fights are not a means to an end; they are the whole point.”

That explains why Trump’s cultists have contempt for facts, can’t handle the truth, and are loathe to engage in rational, civil discussion.

Stanley B. Greenberg, writing for the American Prospect, summed it up this way:

“The presidential campaign of 2020 ended in a race war between the Democratic and Republican Parties, focused on America’s history of white supremacy, the demand for racial justice, and fear of who will now lead the country at such a moment. This was a war of choice for Trump and the Republican Party, and they lost.”

Trump’s most loyal followers at the neo-nazi Daily Stormer are outraged at the loss of their “Glorious Leader” at the hands of the American People, but lose he did, by 7 million votes. Trump’s own cybersecurity czar confirmed it to have been the most secure election in U.S. history, and even his fawning Attorney General had to acknowledge reality: There was no fraud that changed the results: 306 electoral votes for Biden, 232 for Trump.

After Trump promoted divisiveness in America - one of the primary reasons the FBI, NSA, CIA, and 2 Republican-led Senate Special Committees on Intelligence confirmed that Putin had interfered in the 2016 election to help the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer - can the nation unify again?

Are there zealots who will put their emotional dependence upon the Cry Baby ahead of country and wish the nation to fail under the new administration?

No doubt.

Let's hope their efforts are thwarted by patriots dedicated to the well-being of the American People.

As Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report averred, Trumpery

“is more about style than substance. It is a politics that prizes resentment over reconciliation.
Fights are not a means to an end; they are the whole point.”

That explains why Trump’s cultists have contempt for facts, can’t handle the truth, and are loathe to engage in rational, civil discussion.

Stanley B. Greenberg, writing for the American Prospect, summed it up this way:

“The presidential campaign of 2020 ended in a race war between the Democratic and Republican Parties, focused on America’s history of white supremacy, the demand for racial justice, and fear of who will now lead the country at such a moment. This was a war of choice for Trump and the Republican Party, and they lost.”

Trump’s most loyal followers at the neo-nazi Daily Stormer are outraged at the loss of their “Glorious Leader” at the hands of the American People, but lose he did, by 7 million votes. Trump’s own cybersecurity czar confirmed it to have been the most secure election in U.S. history, and even his fawning Attorney General had to acknowledge reality: There was no fraud that changed the results: 306 electoral votes for Biden, 232 for Trump.

After Trump promoted divisiveness in America - one of the primary reasons the FBI, NSA, CIA, and 2 Republican-led Senate Special Committees on Intelligence confirmed that Putin had interfered in the 2016 election to help the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer - can the nation unify again?

Are there zealots who will put their emotional dependence upon the Cry Baby ahead of country and wish the nation to fail under the new administration?

No doubt.

Let's hope their efforts are thwarted by patriots dedicated to the well-being of the American People.

As Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report averred, Trumpery

“is more about style than substance. It is a politics that prizes resentment over reconciliation.
Fights are not a means to an end; they are the whole point.”

That explains why Trump’s cultists have contempt for facts, can’t handle the truth, and are loathe to engage in rational, civil discussion.

Stanley B. Greenberg, writing for the American Prospect, summed it up this way:

“The presidential campaign of 2020 ended in a race war between the Democratic and Republican Parties, focused on America’s history of white supremacy, the demand for racial justice, and fear of who will now lead the country at such a moment. This was a war of choice for Trump and the Republican Party, and they lost.”

Trump’s most loyal followers at the neo-nazi Daily Stormer are outraged at the loss of their “Glorious Leader” at the hands of the American People, but lose he did, by 7 million votes. Trump’s own cybersecurity czar confirmed it to have been the most secure election in U.S. history, and even his fawning Attorney General had to acknowledge reality: There was no fraud that changed the results: 306 electoral votes for Biden, 232 for Trump.

After Trump promoted divisiveness in America - one of the primary reasons the FBI, NSA, CIA, and 2 Republican-led Senate Special Committees on Intelligence confirmed that Putin had interfered in the 2016 election to help the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer - can the nation unify again?

Are there zealots who will put their emotional dependence upon the Cry Baby ahead of country and wish the nation to fail under the new administration?

No doubt.

Let's hope their efforts are thwarted by patriots dedicated to the well-being of the American People.

What is so sad about this post is that the writer and the person who wrote the linked article have no idea that virtually everything that was written is really more applicable to the Democrats, and I seriously doubt that many of those who believe this nonsense will ever change their minds. To suggest that the only people who are dedicated to the well-being of American People are the Leftists is maybe the saddest thing of all.

Newsflash to the OP: not everyone who is on the Left is a patriot, and not everyone on the Right is a racist that promotes divisiveness.
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“The presidential campaign of 2020 ended in a race war between the Democratic and Republican Parties, focused on America’s history of white supremacy, the demand for racial justice, and fear of who will now lead the country at such a moment.
democrats started the race war with lies about white treatment of black people

That is accurate.

Since the 1960s, there has been no ethnicity in this world that has been more generous & contrite than the Caucasian people of this nation.

Many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans feel very grateful to Caucasian Americans for doing so much to give everyone a slice of the American pie.

On January 20, we get our first African American Vice President and our first Secretary of Defense who is also of that ethnicity. No doubt many more non-Caucasians will be given positions of real power, too.

Shame, shame on those people who trash Caucasian Americans. What ingratitude!
“The presidential campaign of 2020 ended in a race war between the Democratic and Republican Parties, focused on America’s history of white supremacy, the demand for racial justice, and fear of who will now lead the country at such a moment.
democrats started the race war with lies about white treatment of black people
democrats started the race war with lies about white treatment of black people
Yep....No better way to disprove the idea of institutional racism then by engaging in a self titled race war. :cuckoo:
“The presidential campaign of 2020 ended in a race war between the Democratic and Republican Parties, focused on America’s history of white supremacy, the demand for racial justice, and fear of who will now lead the country at such a moment.
democrats started the race war with lies about white treatment of black people
democrats started the race war with lies about white treatment of black people
Yep....No better way to disprove the idea of institutional racism then by engaging in a self titled race war. :cuckoo:
Even white people are entitled to self defense when racist libs are attacking them
Since the 1960s, there has been no ethnicity in this world that has been more generous & contrite than the Caucasian people of this nation.
"Ethnicity" is not the homogenous conscious agent that supremacists evoke to pleasure themselves, nor did systemic racism wielded by those in power suddenly go "Poof!" in 1964.

As the nation's progress resumes. you can commiserate with your fellow travels and disgruntled Trumpers here: Daily Stormer
Yep....No better way to disprove the idea of institutional racism then by engaging in a self titled race war. :cuckoo:
Simply respecting and observing the right to equality that every American is guaranteed under the Constitution dispels such hostilities: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States..."
“The presidential campaign of 2020 ended in a race war between the Democratic and Republican Parties, focused on America’s history of white supremacy, the demand for racial justice, and fear of who will now lead the country at such a moment.
democrats started the race war with lies about white treatment of black people
democrats started the race war with lies about white treatment of black people
Yep....No better way to disprove the idea of institutional racism then by engaging in a self titled race war. :cuckoo:
Even white people are entitled to self defense when racist libs are attacking them
Even white people are entitled to self defense when racist libs are attacking them
You said your race war was over a lie about how black folks are treated. Now it’s self defense when I pointed out how retarded that was?
It’s alright. We get it, Jethro.;)
Since the 1960s, there has been no ethnicity in this world that has been more generous & contrite than the Caucasian people of this nation.
"Ethnicity" is not the homogenous conscious agent that supremacists evoke to pleasure themselves, nor did systemic racism wielded by those in power suddenly go "Poof!" in 1964.

As the nation's progress resumes. you can commiserate with your fellow travels and disgruntled Trumpers here: Daily Stormer

Trolling, trolling, trolling...

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