CDZ With 9.3 million job openings in the United States, why are there still people panhandling on the corner of Intersections?

Back in my younger days after I first moved to vegas----I knew a panhandler who would go into casino where I worked. He would pull out wads of cash to gamble with---he easily even back then made well over $80,000 a year pandhandling and all of it was untaxed.
Saw that same thing in SouthFlorida casinos One old lady in a wheel chair would be begging at a big itersection near the casino and a few hours later she was walking around the casino gambling with no wheel chair i sight
The South fought a (Civil) war to keep slavery. Good thing the Union won.
The war was not about ending slavery .....ending slavery came after the war started and Lincoln and the North were looking for ways to punish the South for rebelling. Any claims that the war was about ending slavery is complete and total PROPAGANDA to try to hide the truth. The war was over TAXES----the US then was mostly funded by tariffs on such things as Tobacco and Cotton grown in the SOUTH. The North were the welfare moochers then who wanted a free ride while the souths plantations were upset paying for everyone else. So the South wanted to leave like the Colonies had left Britain over taxes about 90 years earlier. The North was pissed off, that they lost their funding for the government when the South decided to leave them....hence all the laws after.

In 1862, fearing that the Western states (who were now the big financers of the government thanks to the tariff system) would also leave the union over taxes and having a rising debt (leading to printing of money causing inflation), the NORTH passed the first income tax of 3 % over $800 which was almost impossible to enforce so the North again wiggled out it largely but it did set the stage for permanent income taxes---------(you know that whole NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE when you can use it as a rob taxpayers excuse)

Atleast 2 NORTHERN States had slaves themselves going into the war. You really think that they went to war to end slavery when they had slaves?
The war was not about ending slavery .....ending slavery came after the war started and Lincoln and the North were looking for ways to punish the South for rebelling. Any claims that the war was about ending slavery is complete and total PROPAGANDA to try to hide the truth. The war was over TAXES----the US then was mostly funded by tariffs on such things as Tobacco and Cotton grown in the SOUTH. The North were the welfare moochers then who wanted a free ride while the souths plantations were upset paying for everyone else. So the South wanted to leave like the Colonies had left Britain over taxes about 90 years earlier. The North was pissed off, that they lost their funding for the government when the South decided to leave them....hence all the laws after.

In 1862, fearing that the Western states (who were now the big financers of the government thanks to the tariff system) would also leave the union over taxes and having a rising debt (leading to printing of money causing inflation), the NORTH passed the first income tax of 3 % over $800 which was almost impossible to enforce so the North again wiggled out it largely but it did set the stage for permanent income taxes---------(you know that whole NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE when you can use it as a rob taxpayers excuse)

Atleast 2 NORTHERN States had slaves themselves going into the war. You really think that they went to war to end slavery when they had slaves?
Yes, slavery was ending by attrition in the North after 1808 when entry into the Union was a federal obligation and no longer up to the several States. And, the South rebelled before Lincoln ordered imancipation.
A classic response. I would expect no more from the very people that are the root of our social and political discourse from the “it’s all about me generation”.

Oh wah wah wah ; it's factual, which is why you shills hope to dismiss it.Nobody cares what you expect, we're just here to correct your lying and bullshit, is all.
Yes, slavery was ending by attrition in the North after 1808 when entry into the Union was a federal obligation and no longer up to the several States. And, the South rebelled before Lincoln ordered imancipation.

Only the importation of slaves banned, for the entire country. Slavery died in the North for economic reasons; the agriculture season was short, and so were the business cycles. It was easier to sucker desperately poor Europeans over and then fire them when business slowed down and let them starve to death or die from the winters, since there were always a fresh supply coming over. Salves in the South had it pretty good comparatively; they had shelter, could grow as much food as they wanted, and got shoes and clothes. The latter generated a boom in northern textile mills and shoe factories.
You think there are people who will have a real revolution and real change. You're mistaken; that possibility is long gone, and it ain't coming back. Learn Mandarin, and be ready to sell your children to middle class Red Chinese Cadre as house pets for their kids. You'll have to in order to survive.
I do not disagree with that statement.
There will always be a portion of the population who refuse to work
Extended FBI mental health background checks.
A mental background not only revokes your civil rights but makes you unemployable in America, because employers are subject to additional civil liability.

On the other hand, criminals and drug addicts have no trouble getting jobs, because drug dealers extort local employers into hiring addicts.
Only the importation of slaves banned, for the entire country. Slavery died in the North for economic reasons; the agriculture season was short, and so were the business cycles. It was easier to sucker desperately poor Europeans over and then fire them when business slowed down and let them starve to death or die from the winters, since there were always a fresh supply coming over. Salves in the South had it pretty good comparatively; they had shelter, could grow as much food as they wanted, and got shoes and clothes. The latter generated a boom in northern textile mills and shoe factories.
The Union had power over entry into the Union after 1808 and the North was gradually emancipating their slaves because of it. And, slavery was not better.
How high is the minimum wage? There should be no coercion upon the least wealthy merely so the Rich can get richer.
We waste money on all kinds of things
Unemployment compensation can solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States and improve our economy at the same time. Only right-wingers hate economics and the Poor.
Unemployment compensation can solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States and improve our economy at the same time. Only right-wingers hate economics and the Poor.
Yes we all know you want to get paid for living in your mom's basement and masturbating all day.

It's never gonna happen
Yes we all know you want to get paid for living in your mom's basement and masturbating all day.

It's never gonna happen
You have no basis to care. Employment is at-will in any at-will employment State. You are not required to work if you don't have the moral fortitude for it.
You have no basis to care. Employment is at-will in any at-will employment State. You are not required to work if you don't have the moral fortitude for it.
You don't have to work if you don't want to you just won't get paid not to work.

So go ahead and refuse to work if you want to and be a bum
You don't have to work if you don't want to you just won't get paid not to work.

So go ahead and refuse to work if you want to and be a bum
No one is suggesting I get paid to not work. The compensation is for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in an at-will employment State.

You should refuse to complain without getting paid for it.

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