With All Of The Trump Indictments And Charges

Give it time. The new indictments just came out yesterday. After a few weeks, the polling should reflect a change. If it doesn't then we can concede that the Republican Party is no longer a serious party, but one filled with kooks, cranks, and conspiracy theorists.
Is that going to be your excuse for fixing another election?
In 2016, almost 63 million Americans failed a basic test of civic responsibility and wisdom when, with the help of a broken and archaic Electoral College, they elevated Donald Trump, a reality TV show star, professional wrestling heel, confirmed sexual assaulter and failed casino owner to the White House over Hillary Clinton, one of the most accomplished, experienced, and distinguished public servants in recent American history.

In 2020, some 74 million Americans failed their second test of civic responsibility and wisdom when they voted for Trump again. This time they made the same decision with the experience and hindsight of Trump's two impeachments, demonstrated mental unwellness, democide via the COVID pandemic, white supremacy and betrayal of the nation's interests at home and abroad.

In 2024, the American people will be faced with a third test of their civil responsibility, wisdom and collective intelligence. The future of the country as a democracy governed by the rule of law and the Constitution is almost literally on the ballot.
And, in 2020 voters did the same to Biden. Not sure what point you are trying to make.
So the Five has a democrat and four republicans.
Everyone else plays clips of Democrats and talks about them with no chance for them to refute them.
I’m blown away with the fairness.
1. The Five at least airs BOTH sides of the issue, unlike the MSM propaganda networks
2. CNN and MSDNC and even ABC/CBS only show the democrat's version. That is the definition of propaganda.
1. The Five at least airs BOTH sides of the issue, unlike the MSM propaganda networks
2. CNN and MSDNC and even ABC/CBS only show the democrat's version. That is the definition of propaganda.
Four people shouting down one person isn’t as fair as you think it is.
His poll numbers went up after every one of them. Really bugs your lazy ass.

Yes, because your cult is whipping everyone into a frenzy about the "DEEEEEEEEP STATE!" "GEEEEEEEORGE SOROOOOOOOOOSSSS!" and every other crank conspiracy. The more of these indictments that pop up, the more people who are going to start pulling their head of out their ass and realize he's a trainwreck. The polling will change in short order and if it doesn't, like I said. It only signals that the Republican Party is no longer a legitimate political party. This country will fall to the left's control and you will have only yourselves to blame.
Yes, that is a total shame that Democrats can abuse their power so much that Trump has to pay millions in legal fees. Democrats are trying to destroy a political opponent any way they can. This total and complete abuse should not be allowed.
Trump is blaming his lawyer for his behavior.
Trump is blaming his lawyer for his behavior.
So? Biden & Co are blaming everyone else but themselves for everything that goes wrong. It was also funny when Hillary wrote a book about her 2016 election loss, claiming to accept responsibility, while the entire book was about blaming everyone else for her election loss.
So? Biden & Co are blaming everyone else but themselves for everything that goes wrong. It was also funny when Hillary wrote a book about her 2016 election loss, claiming to accept responsibility, while the entire book was about blaming everyone else for her election loss.

Trump claims John Eastman told him the election was stolen. How's that for a craven coward?
Yes, because your cult is whipping everyone into a frenzy about the "DEEEEEEEEP STATE!" "GEEEEEEEORGE SOROOOOOOOOOSSSS!" and every other crank conspiracy. The more of these indictments that pop up, the more people who are going to start pulling their head of out their ass and realize he's a trainwreck. The polling will change in short order and if it doesn't, like I said. It only signals that the Republican Party is no longer a legitimate political party. This country will fall to the left's control and you will have only yourselves to blame.
hey fkwad, I live with the same freedoms you live with, I'm allowed to boast about any mther fking thing I want. You don't like it fk you! It's you with the problem.
Trump claims John Eastman told him the election was stolen. How's that for a craven coward?
well it was. no doubt by anyone. they wouldn't be setting up all these charges if it hadn't been. They can't do it again.
Even Democrats and respectable polling organizations seem to believe that Trump will be the 2024 nominee facing Biden. That is actually rather very funny. They themselves still expect it to be Trump/Biden. And they are scared shitless over the prospect, especially when they are running a virtual tie in the polls in a one on one matchup and third parties could assure Trump gets elected president again. This all just goes to show that they fully expect all of their indictments and charges to ultimately peter out into nothing, otherwise they wouldn't be acknowledging the Trump/Biden rematch. Meanwhile, they'll trying awfully hard to put the fix in regarding Hunter Biden, connections to Joe Biden, and the DOJ and FBI cover up of it all. And, even if he is actually convicted:

So President Trump is not even allowed to have an opinion about whether the 2020 election was free or fair? And those blocked windows in the vote-counting office in Detroit and those rolled-out suitcases in Atlanta after the election observers were forced from the room, and that truck driver who was told to take his ballot boxes from state to state, just never happened? And that Zuckerbucks, state-sponsored Twitter censorship, and the "conspiracy" to save America never happened either? And all was free and fair, or here comes the prosecutor to set you right is how things are done now?

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