With Election Over, Obama Announces Medicare Cuts to Fund ObamaCare

libs don't understand even what they are being told......these statements come right from Dante's link....(minus the propaganda)...

ObamaCare cuts Medicare and Medicare Advantage $716 Billion 2013-2022. $415 Billion comes from cutting tax payer money going to doctors, hospitals and private insurance companies...

The ObamaCare Medicare cuts will mainly affect Hospital reimbursement rates for hospitals and private health insurance companies.

when Obamacare starts slashing Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals seniors are going to be in a world of hurt because doctors and hospitals will start limiting and refusing Medicare patients...so far there have been "doc fixes" to counter this obvious problem....

but before long grandma will have to start finding a new doctor (if she can) because hers is dropping Medicare patients....in any case it will mean long waiting lines to see a Medicare doctor and even longer waiting lists for treatments.....thus substandard care...

the "private health insurance companies" referred to are the Advantage plans that seniors like....when Obamacare slashes support for these many of the seniors will not be able to pay the extra $3k+ so they will have to go onto Obamacare/Medicaid....
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