With gun violence down, is America arming against an imagined threat?

Can background checks prevent people from becoming homicidal after they purchase a gun?

Just because you cannot prevent EVERY gun homicide doesn't mean you should not try to prevent any

Wanting to prevent violent crimes doesn't give you the right to disarm potential victims. That only increases it and is an idiotic sham of an excuse in any case. Wake up! This ain't rocket science.

How do background checks and keeping you from buying 50 round magazines make you a victim?
How do background checks and keeping you from buying 50 round magazines make you a victim?

Strawman. How does checking my background and/or preventing me from having 50rd mags. prevent even one homicide or violent crime?
How do background checks and keeping you from buying 50 round magazines make you a victim?

Strawman. How does checking my background and/or preventing me from having 50rd mags. prevent even one homicide or violent crime?

Of course it doesnt.
It's all about control, not guns. Nutwinger understands that but is too coy to admit it. This is why he can't answer my question on how background checks were "watered down".
Two pictures. Figure it out.

Hint: More Guns; Less Crime



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Watered down background checks that get through the NRA don't work

Interesting, you now consider The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to be something that got through the NRA?

Like most gun legislation, Brady got watered down to the point where it was ineffective also

all legislation is infringing. you know the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. every piece of legislation written violates the constitution.

but putting all of that aside, no legislation has been successful at preventing violence.

ever since liberals started putting criminals right over the rights of victims, violence has gotten more intense
Interesting, you now consider The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to be something that got through the NRA?

Like most gun legislation, Brady got watered down to the point where it was ineffective also

all legislation is infringing. you know the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. every piece of legislation written violates the constitution.

but putting all of that aside, no legislation has been successful at preventing violence.

ever since liberals started putting criminals right over the rights of victims, violence has gotten more intense
It s the Constitution that gives criminals those rights

The same constitution that gives gun owners their rights
Like most gun legislation, Brady got watered down to the point where it was ineffective also

all legislation is infringing. you know the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. every piece of legislation written violates the constitution.

but putting all of that aside, no legislation has been successful at preventing violence.

ever since liberals started putting criminals right over the rights of victims, violence has gotten more intense
It s the Constitution that gives criminals those rights

The same constitution that gives gun owners their rights

Not really. Where is Miranda mentioned in the COnstitution? Where is the exclusionary rule mentioned? Where are guns mentioned?
Another stinker of a post from Nutwinger, chief nutjob of this forum.
Hey, where have background checks been watered down? How did the NRA do that?
Amazing... even ABC decided to tell the truth about guns

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_YTM_eAWnQ]Myth: Gun Control Reduces Crime - YouTube[/ame]
all legislation is infringing. you know the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. every piece of legislation written violates the constitution.

but putting all of that aside, no legislation has been successful at preventing violence.

ever since liberals started putting criminals right over the rights of victims, violence has gotten more intense
It s the Constitution that gives criminals those rights

The same constitution that gives gun owners their rights

Not really. Where is Miranda mentioned in the COnstitution? Where is the exclusionary rule mentioned? Where are guns mentioned?
Another stinker of a post from Nutwinger, chief nutjob of this forum.
Hey, where have background checks been watered down? How did the NRA do that?

Miranda rights are covered in the Fifth Amendment. You can find it if you read past the second amendment
It s the Constitution that gives criminals those rights

The same constitution that gives gun owners their rights

Not really. Where is Miranda mentioned in the COnstitution? Where is the exclusionary rule mentioned? Where are guns mentioned?
Another stinker of a post from Nutwinger, chief nutjob of this forum.
Hey, where have background checks been watered down? How did the NRA do that?

Miranda rights are covered in the Fifth Amendment. You can find it if you read past the second amendment

I dont see the word Miranda anywhere there. I do see the word "arms" in the 2A.
Looks like another fail-o by the chief nutjob of USMB.
It s the Constitution that gives criminals those rights

The same constitution that gives gun owners their rights

Not really. Where is Miranda mentioned in the COnstitution? Where is the exclusionary rule mentioned? Where are guns mentioned?
Another stinker of a post from Nutwinger, chief nutjob of this forum.
Hey, where have background checks been watered down? How did the NRA do that?

Miranda rights are covered in the Fifth Amendment. You can find it if you read past the second amendment

actually the miranda points out the Fifth Amendment

an Amendment you should know had you paid attention in school
Suicides are not accidental. Nor are they always a bad thing. Having a method of suicide available that is quick and painless is a good thing. Everyone dies. Who are you to tell someone they have to die in a method you prefer?

RW and other Obamunists want to dictate every detail of how you live, so it shouldn't surprise you that they want to dictate how you die as well.
Gun violence down hey? Tell that to those folks in New Orleans! Moreover, lets protect concealed carry laws, for this exact reason.
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I prefer a method that does not take a split second and is irreversible

Hanging is the #2 method - a very painful death.

You want people to suffer. No real surprise there. Leftism is just a manifestation of the hatred some have for their fellow man.
Right. Your chart shows that gun control measures resulted in a major increase in violent crime. This is supposed to be a good thing??

Gun control is not intended to reduce crime or violence.

Quite the opposite, actually.
Miranda rights are covered in the Fifth Amendment. You can find it if you read past the second amendment

Wouldn't it be weird if you Obamunists ever read the constitution?

{Article [V.]

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. }

Nothing about Miranda - BUT it does show that Barack Obama is guilty of felony murder.
Not really. Where is Miranda mentioned in the COnstitution? Where is the exclusionary rule mentioned? Where are guns mentioned?
Another stinker of a post from Nutwinger, chief nutjob of this forum.
Hey, where have background checks been watered down? How did the NRA do that?

Miranda rights are covered in the Fifth Amendment. You can find it if you read past the second amendment

I dont see the word Miranda anywhere there. I do see the word "arms" in the 2A.
Looks like another fail-o by the chief nutjob of USMB.


Sorry, too ridiculous to even respond to. Learn the relationship between case law and the Constitution and we can discuss
Miranda rights are covered in the Fifth Amendment. You can find it if you read past the second amendment

Wouldn't it be weird if you Obamunists ever read the constitution?

{Article [V.]

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. }

Nothing about Miranda - BUT it does show that Barack Obama is guilty of felony murder.

The basis of Miranda

You have a right ot remain silent (Learned that one from my Dragnet days)

Direct reference to the fifth amendment right against self incrimination
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Suicides are not accidental. Nor are they always a bad thing. Having a method of suicide available that is quick and painless is a good thing. Everyone dies. Who are you to tell someone they have to die in a method you prefer?

RW and other Obamunists want to dictate every detail of how you live, so it shouldn't surprise you that they want to dictate how you die as well.

Not really, we would just like to prevent people from killing themselves if we can

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