With gun violence down, is America arming against an imagined threat?

I find it funny that some liberals like to make comparisons with Europe... while they promote a kind of immigration that makes the US less and less "european"

Why not comparing to anti-gun Latin American countries?

And yet no one yet has been able to come up with any solid, reasonable reason as to why the US can not be compared with Germany.


The US ethnical, racial and religious diversity is absolutely incomparable to any european country. Anyway, i would never blame diversity for crime rates. Never.

The german population grows very slowly or not at all (some years they even lose people). And Germany has not a 2000 mile long border with a much poorer country.

The US population grows by 30-35 million each decade. Think about it when you compare poverty and inequality levels.

The US is the only developed country in the top25 of countries with largest population growth.

My original claim:

What IS insane is that you not only accept but celebrate a homicide rate TEN TIMES that of similiar countries.

Gun-related homicide rates:

Germany 1.24

USA 10.3

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The total US murder rate (gun related or not) is below 5 per 100,000; the lowest in 50 years. Not 10 per 100,000.
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