With Irrational and Intolerant Candidates Like This Who Needs Enemies!

Hey dickweed......the hispanics named their organization La Raza themselves.

I just pointed it out. .. :cool:
like I said dick smoker you just don't get it ... but you keep up with your attacks on the minorities here ... we need their votes .. just cause they are the ones that named their organization La Raza themselves ... if you ever had a clue you would be dangerous :lol::lol::lol::lol:

What IS a "minority" anyway? DEFINE IT.:eusa_hand:
if you need to have it defined then I will enlighten you ...
a group differing, especially in race, religion, or ethnic background, from the majority of a population: legislation aimed at providing equal rights for minorities.
Liberals invent a headline. Then publish something innocuous but VERY true like the US was a majority white nation. Call it racist, and try to spread it. Can a smear campaign based on fabrications succeed? No. Democrats have caused so many people so much pain that nothing made up will make a dent in the rage now boiling.
Democrat American Dream: unemployment as a full time job

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Democrat American Dream:republicans pulling their head out of their ass... no dem wishes any one to be unemployeed ... thanks to democrarts people, republican and democrats get a check to help them keep their home...republicans feel tuff luck people we don't want to pay for your unemployment... OH wait you don't pay for their unemployment they do... right out of their own check ... republicans have never been to bright
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While many strongly feel there are many racists in the GOP, here's yet Another Case, according to this story, to show you that you're right! Truly pathetic! And then they have the 'hormones' to wonder why Blacks, Hispanics and Latinos have overwhelmingly gone to the Democratic Party! Well isn't it obvious! Who would want to stay or support a party that marginalizes them constantly and does absolutely *nothing* to support them? Another thing is that they should have used the term *Ethnicity* when speaking about Hispanics and Latinos since Hispanic and Latino is *not* a race! Their race is White, for people's information. That's the way it's always been and the way it will stay. That's even more proof that they don't consider Hispanics and Latinos members of the White race when in essence they are. Haven't you see white-skinned, blond hair, blue-eyed Latinos in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries and even this one! One need look no further than to Christina Aguilera, Vanna White, Rita Hayworth, Charro, plus a host of others. There are more of them than one can ever list. And just look at the Mexican t.v. soap operas for more proof (the tele-novelas.) or check with your County or City Clerk and you will find their race listed as White. So, Get It Right next time already! May he lose the race and Kay Hagan WIN!!

GOP Senate Candidate Thinks White People Are The Only 'Traditional' Americans

You do realize that noting in his statement is racist at all right?
I doubt you actually bothered to read it. Might have been a poor choice of words but nevertheless nothing wad racist or even incorrect in his statements.

Just when you thought that the left finally justified their blanket and asinine racism card claims, they fail to do so....

pssst: the title there is a lie - he never stated that whites are the only traditional Americans. I guess you have to lie to sell that tripe though...
What I do very much realize is that You did not read the story and it isn't that long. Go back and re-read the very first paragraph and the very first sentence, to begin with, and you will see how it could not get any closer.

I did read the entire story and I reread it again. Still the same result though.

He states a FACT: the voting populous in his state has traditionally been white. That is a cold hard fact. Not one single thing that is racist about it. then he goes on to state that the GOP needs to reach out to voters of other races because of changing demographics.

Then the story goes off in a rant about racism. The bias is dripping from the page. It is pathetic, disgusting and completely counter to 'news.' Nothing in his statements are disparaging AT ALL.
like I said dick smoker you just don't get it ... but you keep up with your attacks on the minorities here ... we need their votes .. just cause they are the ones that named their organization La Raza themselves ... if you ever had a clue you would be dangerous :lol::lol::lol::lol:

What IS a "minority" anyway? DEFINE IT.:eusa_hand:
if you need to have it defined then I will enlighten you ...
a group differing, especially in race, religion, or ethnic background, from the majority of a population: legislation aimed at providing equal rights for minorities.

It was a rhetorical question dumbass and YOU fell into it. WHY focus on race, religion and then attempt to 'herd them' for political gain? WHY does the left feel the need to do that? That's right...politics of DIVISION. You serve your masters WELL.

There was this guy...and he was running for president...he said his grandmother was a "typical white person"...he also went to a church that had a minister who exclaimed that white people are evil and "goddamn America." Hmmmmmm, what was his name again?
like I said dick smoker you just don't get it ... but you keep up with your attacks on the minorities here ... we need their votes .. just cause they are the ones that named their organization La Raza themselves ... if you ever had a clue you would be dangerous :lol::lol::lol::lol:

What IS a "minority" anyway? DEFINE IT.:eusa_hand:
if you need to have it defined then I will enlighten you ...
a group differing, especially in race, religion, or ethnic background, from the majority of a population: legislation aimed at providing equal rights for minorities.

All Americans are differing groups of race, religion or ethnic backgrounds.
This is why America is called a melting pot.
Why should one of other groups be singled out as different?
We are all Americans and all Americans should be treated equally under our laws and regulations. No certain groups should ever have special treatment over the others.

Who made the legislators the givers of some and not to others? That is not equal rights for all.
Special treatment for a few leaves the rest not having any equal rights.
What IS a "minority" anyway? DEFINE IT.:eusa_hand:
if you need to have it defined then I will enlighten you ...
a group differing, especially in race, religion, or ethnic background, from the majority of a population: legislation aimed at providing equal rights for minorities.

All Americans are differing groups of race, religion or ethnic backgrounds.
This is why America is called a melting pot.
Why should one of other groups be singled out as different?
We are all Americans and all Americans should be treated equally under our laws and regulations. No certain groups should ever have special treatment over the others.

Who made the legislators the givers of some and not to others? That is not equal rights for all.
Special treatment for a few leaves the rest not having any equal rights.

You do realize that noting in his statement is racist at all right?
I doubt you actually bothered to read it. Might have been a poor choice of words but nevertheless nothing wad racist or even incorrect in his statements.

Just when you thought that the left finally justified their blanket and asinine racism card claims, they fail to do so....

pssst: the title there is a lie - he never stated that whites are the only traditional Americans. I guess you have to lie to sell that tripe though...
What I do very much realize is that You did not read the story and it isn't that long. Go back and re-read the very first paragraph and the very first sentence, to begin with, and you will see how it could not get any closer.

I did read the entire story and I reread it again. Still the same result though.

He states a FACT: the voting populous in his state has traditionally been white. That is a cold hard fact. Not one single thing that is racist about it. then he goes on to state that the GOP needs to reach out to voters of other races because of changing demographics.

Then the story goes off in a rant about racism. The bias is dripping from the page. It is pathetic, disgusting and completely counter to 'news.' Nothing in his statements are disparaging AT ALL.
Well you know, given your political persuasion you can't see the forest for the trees! His lack on inclusion and direct reference of Hispanics and Latinos being ALSO members of the White race is appalling and very disappointing! His exclusion of them in this regard is quite pathetic and sad to learn. Had he used the term "Ethnicity", if indeed he wanted to cause divisions, which no doubt he did without direct reference to White Latinos and Hispanics which would have certainly been preferred, then that would have been different but under the circumstances people who are non-biased cannot see things your way sorry to say. How simple for him to have said something to the effect that all White people, including Hispanics and Latinos, ... But he didn't! As for his reaching out to voters of other races (no doubt only for their votes and then GOODBYE!)...well clearly that shouldn't be talking about Hispanics and Latinos as they are not "... of other races ..." they are of the *SAME* race -- WHITE. Are we in complete agreement with that? I repeat, are you in agreement with the fact that Latinos and Hispanics are members of the White race?
No, Hispanics and Latinos are not part of the White race because there isn't a white race. There is only one race, the Human Race, and we might want to figure out what we're racing for. There's no finish line.

Are there blonde, blue-eyed people who were born in Central and South America? Yes, just as there are black people with British accents, Indians named "Donald", and Canadian-Mexicans like Ted Cruz. And then there's whatever the Kardashians are.

But to answer your question, no, Latinos aren't "white". Walk around in Ciudad Juarez and call every Mexican that you pass by "gringo". See how well that works out for you.
So he's worried that whites in NC and the US are becoming a minority and he is a racist for saying that? What the fuck are people on? Crack? I forgot white= racistnaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. How unthoughtful of me! HORRIBLE WHITE PERSON! BE ASHAMED!
Why does it matter if white people are a minority? Are white people afraid that they will be on the receiving end of the systemic discrimination and indifference that minorities have faced for generations in this country?

While many strongly feel there are many racists in the GOP, here's yet Another Case, according to this story, to show you that you're right! Truly pathetic! And then they have the 'hormones' to wonder why Blacks, Hispanics and Latinos have overwhelmingly gone to the Democratic Party! Well isn't it obvious! Who would want to stay or support a party that marginalizes them constantly and does absolutely *nothing* to support them? Another thing is that they should have used the term *Ethnicity* when speaking about Hispanics and Latinos since Hispanic and Latino is *not* a race! Their race is White, for people's information. That's the way it's always been and the way it will stay. That's even more proof that they don't consider Hispanics and Latinos members of the White race when in essence they are. Haven't you see white-skinned, blond hair, blue-eyed Latinos in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries and even this one! One need look no further than to Christina Aguilera, Vanna White, Rita Hayworth, Charro, plus a host of others. There are more of them than one can ever list. And just look at the Mexican t.v. soap operas for more proof (the tele-novelas.) or check with your County or City Clerk and you will find their race listed as White. So, Get It Right next time already! May he lose the race and Kay Hagan WIN!!

GOP Senate Candidate Thinks White People Are The Only 'Traditional' Americans

So much for Republicans not saying stupid things.
While many strongly feel there are many racists in the GOP, here's yet Another Case, according to this story, to show you that you're right! Truly pathetic! And then they have the 'hormones' to wonder why Blacks, Hispanics and Latinos have overwhelmingly gone to the Democratic Party! Well isn't it obvious! Who would want to stay or support a party that marginalizes them constantly and does absolutely *nothing* to support them? Another thing is that they should have used the term *Ethnicity* when speaking about Hispanics and Latinos since Hispanic and Latino is *not* a race! Their race is White, for people's information. That's the way it's always been and the way it will stay. That's even more proof that they don't consider Hispanics and Latinos members of the White race when in essence they are. Haven't you see white-skinned, blond hair, blue-eyed Latinos in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries and even this one! One need look no further than to Christina Aguilera, Vanna White, Rita Hayworth, Charro, plus a host of others. There are more of them than one can ever list. And just look at the Mexican t.v. soap operas for more proof (the tele-novelas.) or check with your County or City Clerk and you will find their race listed as White. So, Get It Right next time already! May he lose the race and Kay Hagan WIN!!

GOP Senate Candidate Thinks White People Are The Only 'Traditional' Americans

actually its listed as Caucasian...do you know how many time I have been told by the right that I was a fucking idiot because I said "on a mexicans birth certificate it says Caucasian"... how many time have we heard from the right that the only reason they vote for democrats is because we get them freebies ... how about that we democrats treat them with respect and dignity... OH that couldn't be it...

You don't treat them with respect and dignity, you condescend to them, in the same manner that all self designated superiors condescend to the lesser peoples of the world. Besides that, you are not "we", and "we" is a very diverse population that you neither speak for, nor have any real knowledge of how the members of that population think or behave.

You sound like a twelve year old on the school grounds, speaking nonsense.
keep up the good work we TemplarKormac ... dems don't mind your thoughts here ... why you're the smart one here... so why is it that these pesky minorities vote for demcrats??? freebies is it ???? or moronic post like yours ... oooooooh that couldn't be it ... keep up the good work TemplarKormac we need more minorities voting for us ... we need republicans in total denial:lol::lol::lol:
works for me:lol::lol::lol:
This psycho faggot is going on Ignore.

I suggest everyone do the same. .. :cool:

this is the typical response from a republicans that doesn't like to be told what they are ... so they resort to name calling ... I will too ...one calls me a dick weed, because I told the truth that they didn't want to accept... the other calls me a faggot, becacause I told the truth that they didn't want to accept ... the problem republicans have is they don't understand minorities at all... they make, and yes I will say racist statements and not realize they are doing it ... then when confronted we get called names and told not to be paid attention too ... a person who is telling them the truth about them selves... when are you republicans going to learn, soon I hope ... one thing I know that almost half of the country is made up of minorities who are political active ... not having them on your side is a bad thing... why do you think republicans are trying to pass these voter ID laws and cut voting time down ... because they realize they have a problem ... that problem is minorities voting ... not to worry republicans, they will stand in long lines to vote their republican asses out ... keep up the attacks republicans we love getting elected because of your stupidity ...
And that's *exactly* the way it is! It is understandable that Republicans are in denial of the fact they do not support minorities and are only out and after their vote and afterward they would like to throw them under the bus. Hispanics and Latinos now understand that and that is why they go overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party that treats them like the real human beings that they are with full full respect and dignity. Something Conservatives would never do for these folks. Therein lies the difference!
What I do very much realize is that You did not read the story and it isn't that long. Go back and re-read the very first paragraph and the very first sentence, to begin with, and you will see how it could not get any closer.

I did read the entire story and I reread it again. Still the same result though.

He states a FACT: the voting populous in his state has traditionally been white. That is a cold hard fact. Not one single thing that is racist about it. then he goes on to state that the GOP needs to reach out to voters of other races because of changing demographics.

Then the story goes off in a rant about racism. The bias is dripping from the page. It is pathetic, disgusting and completely counter to 'news.' Nothing in his statements are disparaging AT ALL.
Well you know, given your political persuasion you can't see the forest for the trees! His lack on inclusion and direct reference of Hispanics and Latinos being ALSO members of the White race is appalling and very disappointing! His exclusion of them in this regard is quite pathetic and sad to learn. Had he used the term "Ethnicity", if indeed he wanted to cause divisions, which no doubt he did without direct reference to White Latinos and Hispanics which would have certainly been preferred, then that would have been different but under the circumstances people who are non-biased cannot see things your way sorry to say. How simple for him to have said something to the effect that all White people, including Hispanics and Latinos, ... But he didn't! As for his reaching out to voters of other races (no doubt only for their votes and then GOODBYE!)...well clearly that shouldn't be talking about Hispanics and Latinos as they are not "... of other races ..." they are of the *SAME* race -- WHITE. Are we in complete agreement with that? I repeat, are you in agreement with the fact that Latinos and Hispanics are members of the White race?
You are the one that cant seem to see the forest from the trees and it is blatantly obvious. You continue to take a factual statement and try and make it fit a narrative that it simply does not fit.

You don't even seem to know what my 'political persuasion' is but continue to blame that rather than address the actual FACTS. It does wonders for my arguments.
No, Hispanics and Latinos are not part of the White race because there isn't a white race. There is only one race, the Human Race, and we might want to figure out what we're racing for. There's no finish line.

Are there blonde, blue-eyed people who were born in Central and South America? Yes, just as there are black people with British accents, Indians named "Donald", and Canadian-Mexicans like Ted Cruz. And then there's whatever the Kardashians are.

**Actually, you're wrong about Ted Cruz. He is not Canadian-Mexican. He is Canadian-Cuban. Cuba is a very separate country from Mexico you should know.

**Are PoliticalTorch's comments.

But to answer your question, no, Latinos aren't "white". Walk around in Ciudad Juarez and call every Mexican that you pass by "gringo". See how well that works out for you.

** They most certainly are White, like it or not and whether they openly admit it or not makes no difference. Besides, no one is going to go around calling them "gringos" as that only makes reference to Anglos for your information! And further, Mexico is actually a part of North America, just like Canada, not South America in case you didn't know that either.
Give the racial bigotry a rest lefties. Now you have a second or third hand account of a 2012 alleged statement by a North Carolina state delegate? Meda Matters never rests.
While many strongly feel there are many racists in the GOP, here's yet Another Case, according to this story, to show you that you're right! Truly pathetic! And then they have the 'hormones' to wonder why Blacks, Hispanics and Latinos have overwhelmingly gone to the Democratic Party! Well isn't it obvious! Who would want to stay or support a party that marginalizes them constantly and does absolutely *nothing* to support them? Another thing is that they should have used the term *Ethnicity* when speaking about Hispanics and Latinos since Hispanic and Latino is *not* a race! Their race is White, for people's information. That's the way it's always been and the way it will stay. That's even more proof that they don't consider Hispanics and Latinos members of the White race when in essence they are. Haven't you see white-skinned, blond hair, blue-eyed Latinos in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries and even this one! One need look no further than to Christina Aguilera, Vanna White, Rita Hayworth, Charro, plus a host of others. There are more of them than one can ever list. And just look at the Mexican t.v. soap operas for more proof (the tele-novelas.) or check with your County or City Clerk and you will find their race listed as White. So, Get It Right next time already! May he lose the race and Kay Hagan WIN!!

GOP Senate Candidate Thinks White People Are The Only 'Traditional' Americans

He said "traditional demographic" of NC....and in that, he's right.

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