With Irrational and Intolerant Candidates Like This Who Needs Enemies!

its tough to get the minority vote when most minorities are ensconced in liberal cities and fed a diet of lies and propaganda

you cant make a case that Democrats have made things better for Hispanic and Black people; especially not under this President

you're an idiot; lying to yourself

keep up the good work though!

Another thing is that they should have used the term *Ethnicity* when speaking about Hispanics and Latinos since Hispanic and Latino is *not* a race!
And yet the #1 hispanic/latino political advocacy organization is named "La Raza" which is spanish for "The Race". .. :cool:

another clueless republican... keep up the good work ... keep pissing off the minorities ... we love their votes...
Hey dickweed......the hispanics named their organization La Raza themselves.

I just pointed it out. .. :cool:
omg, rdeans cousin has come aboard

More TRASH politics

get that frikken title...that's only to stir up hate not discussion

politicausa folk..........................shun that commie HATE site and this op
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With irrational and intolerant threads like this, who needs facts? Besides, why post from PoliticsUSA? Have we not gone over this already? Never underestimate the liberal penchant to label anyone and everyone they can as a racist for whatever reason.

keep up the good work we TemplarKormac ... dems don't mind your thoughts here ... why you're the smart one here... so why is it that these pesky minorities vote for demcrats??? freebies is it ???? or moronic post like yours ... oooooooh that couldn't be it ... keep up the good work TemplarKormac we need more minorities voting for us ... we need republicans in total denial:lol::lol::lol:
works for me:lol::lol::lol:
With irrational and intolerant threads like this, who needs facts? Besides, why post from PoliticsUSA? Have we not gone over this already? Never underestimate the liberal penchant to label anyone and everyone they can as a racist for whatever reason.

keep up the good work we TemplarKormac ... dems don't mind your thoughts here ... why you're the smart one here... so why is it that these pesky minorities vote for demcrats??? freebies is it ???? or moronic post like yours ... oooooooh that couldn't be it ... keep up the good work TemplarKormac we need more minorities voting for us ... we need republicans in total denial:lol::lol::lol:
works for me:lol::lol::lol:
This psycho faggot is going on Ignore.

I suggest everyone do the same. .. :cool:
minority unemployment was lower under Republicans

food and gas prices were lower
inflation was lower
16 MILLION fewer needed food stamps
welfare was lower

just comical you left-wing nutjobs

with a government like this Democrat Administration bringing the country down who needs enemies?

Democrats hate Black people. Look at the worst slums, with the highest levels of poverty, crime, and unemployment. Every one run by Democrats for generations.
lets see who was it that out source all of the jobs ??? republicans ... who was it that cut taxes for cities to run correctly "??? republicans .... good example
: Oklahoma ... the republican cut taxes soooooo much that they have caused a problem with their police, fire, and Utilities to fail big time ... the problem you have is you're too stupid to see what's for real and what's reality ... I feel Oklahoma will start going blue this next election ....why ??? lots of crime, no jobs and republican run the whole state ... keep up the good work republicans

As a new fiscal year begins, the latest state budget estimates continue to show that states’ ability to fund services remains hobbled by slow economic growth. The budget gaps that states have had to close for fiscal year 2013, the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2012, total $55 billion in 31 states. That amount is smaller than in past years, but still very large by historical standards. States’ actions to close those gaps, in turn, are further delaying the nation’s economic recovery.

I wonder who those 31 state governors are ??? well we know don't we ...
Marginalize this: stop sucking tit and start producing your own milk.

prime example of a clueless republican who hasn't a clue about minorities ... and he thinks they only vote for us democrats because they get free milk ... just plan clueless ... he can't figure out why unions vote for democrats ... just because we democrats don't want to out source their jobs, the unions only vote for democrats because we give them free stuff, riiiiiiiiiight !!!!! this guy is totally clueless...:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:

Black Americans had it MUCH BETTER when Republicans ran things

union membership continues to decline under Dems; under Obama
Obama's "Jobs Czar" is creating more jobs in china than here

the clueless one is you

what idiots you left-wing nutjobs are

now thats funny.... you republicans pass laws that pays companies to send jobs over seas ... now you want to blame it on Obama Job Czar ... the decline of union jobs is because we Dems are sending them to china... really are you this stupid ??? Ed Schultz day in and day out trying to stop jobs being sent over seas ...pick any person on MSNBC that doesn't say we need to stop sending jobs over seas .... pick any democrat that doesn't says we need to stop sending jobs over seas ... we have republicans time and time again filibustering, bill after bill, that would stop these companies from sending jobs over seas ... now you, in all of your great wisdom here, are tying to say, Obama's "Jobs Czar" is creating more jobs in china ... then you're a lot stupider then I first thought ...
And yet the #1 hispanic/latino political advocacy organization is named "La Raza" which is spanish for "The Race". .. :cool:

another clueless republican... keep up the good work ... keep pissing off the minorities ... we love their votes... :lol::lol::lol:

Sunni man only provided you with a fact
what is it about you left-wing nutjobs and your allergy to facts?

by the way leftard; you have the votes of some minorities because you use billions of other people's money to pander to minorities

it cant last forever
and your post would have noting to do with it right??? you saying all they want are freebies right??? where we dems give them their freebies ... you keep believing that while they vote against republican after republican ... keep up the good work... we want more minority votes cause we give them freebies and you don't ... that will get them to vote for us... couldn't be your views of minority as being lazy and want freebies could it ... stupid is a stupid does ... in this case the don't vote republican ...
its tough to get the minority vote when most minorities are ensconced in liberal cities and fed a diet of lies and propaganda

you cant make a case that Democrats have made things better for Hispanic and Black people; especially not under this President

you're an idiot; lying to yourself

keep up the good work though!

thats why minorities are sooooooooooo stupid ... because we lie to them ... that we call the stupid, because they can't see that we Dems are lying to them ... that we don't try to help them cause republicans are the only one who have their interest at heart ... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

its tough to get the minority vote when most minorities are ensconced in liberal cities and fed a diet of lies and propaganda

you cant make a case that Democrats have made things better for Hispanic and Black people; especially not under this President

you're an idiot; lying to yourself

keep up the good work though!

thats why minorities are sooooooooooo stupid ... because we lie to them ... that we call the stupid, because they can't see that we Dems are lying to them ... that we don't try to help them cause republicans are the only one who have their interest at heart ... :lol::lol::lol::lol:


lol you can tell youre getting to a left-wing idiot when he starts ranting and shouting in bold

just to be clear left-wing nutjob; nobody thinks minorities are stupid; ANY group exposed to decades of lies and pandering would react the same way
the evidence speaks for itself unhinged left-wing idiot; Democrats have been a disaster for minorities and continue to be

thanks for playing though; have a nice day!!

minority unemployment was lower under Republicans

food and gas prices were lower
inflation was lower
16 MILLION fewer needed food stamps
welfare was lower

just comical you left-wing nutjobs

with a government like this Democrat Administration bringing the country down who needs enemies?

Democrats hate Black people. Look at the worst slums, with the highest levels of poverty, crime, and unemployment. Every one run by Democrats for generations.
Detroit one of the Biggest examples.
And yet the #1 hispanic/latino political advocacy organization is named "La Raza" which is spanish for "The Race". .. :cool:

another clueless republican... keep up the good work ... keep pissing off the minorities ... we love their votes...
Hey dickweed......the hispanics named their organization La Raza themselves.

I just pointed it out. .. :cool:
like I said dick smoker you just don't get it ... but you keep up with your attacks on the minorities here ... we need their votes .. just cause they are the ones that named their organization La Raza themselves ... if you ever had a clue you would be dangerous :lol::lol::lol::lol:
another clueless republican... keep up the good work ... keep pissing off the minorities ... we love their votes...
Hey dickweed......the hispanics named their organization La Raza themselves.

I just pointed it out. .. :cool:
like I said dick smoker you just don't get it ... but you keep up with your attacks on the minorities here ... we need their votes .. just cause they are the ones that named their organization La Raza themselves ... if you ever had a clue you would be dangerous :lol::lol::lol::lol:

What IS a "minority" anyway? DEFINE IT.:eusa_hand:
minority unemployment was lower under Republicans

food and gas prices were lower
inflation was lower
16 MILLION fewer needed food stamps
welfare was lower

just comical you left-wing nutjobs

with a government like this Democrat Administration bringing the country down who needs enemies?

Democrats hate Black people. Look at the worst slums, with the highest levels of poverty, crime, and unemployment. Every one run by Democrats for generations.

Actually they love them, as long as they stay on the Democrat Plantation and eat the crumbs from Massa's table, like good little slaves.
With irrational and intolerant threads like this, who needs facts? Besides, why post from PoliticsUSA? Have we not gone over this already? Never underestimate the liberal penchant to label anyone and everyone they can as a racist for whatever reason.

keep up the good work we TemplarKormac ... dems don't mind your thoughts here ... why you're the smart one here... so why is it that these pesky minorities vote for demcrats??? freebies is it ???? or moronic post like yours ... oooooooh that couldn't be it ... keep up the good work TemplarKormac we need more minorities voting for us ... we need republicans in total denial:lol::lol::lol:
works for me:lol::lol::lol:
This psycho faggot is going on Ignore.

I suggest everyone do the same. .. :cool:

this is the typical response from a republicans that doesn't like to be told what they are ... so they resort to name calling ... I will too ...one calls me a dick weed, because I told the truth that they didn't want to accept... the other calls me a faggot, becacause I told the truth that they didn't want to accept ... the problem republicans have is they don't understand minorities at all... they make, and yes I will say racist statements and not realize they are doing it ... then when confronted we get called names and told not to be paid attention too ... a person who is telling them the truth about them selves... when are you republicans going to learn, soon I hope ... one thing I know that almost half of the country is made up of minorities who are political active ... not having them on your side is a bad thing... why do you think republicans are trying to pass these voter ID laws and cut voting time down ... because they realize they have a problem ... that problem is minorities voting ... not to worry republicans, they will stand in long lines to vote their republican asses out ... keep up the attacks republicans we love getting elected because of your stupidity ...
its tough to get the minority vote when most minorities are ensconced in liberal cities and fed a diet of lies and propaganda

you cant make a case that Democrats have made things better for Hispanic and Black people; especially not under this President

you're an idiot; lying to yourself

keep up the good work though!

thats why minorities are sooooooooooo stupid ... because we lie to them ... that we call the stupid, because they can't see that we Dems are lying to them ... that we don't try to help them cause republicans are the only one who have their interest at heart ... :lol::lol::lol::lol:


lol you can tell youre getting to a left-wing idiot when he starts ranting and shouting in bold

just to be clear left-wing nutjob; nobody thinks minorities are stupid; ANY group exposed to decades of lies and pandering would react the same way
the evidence speaks for itself unhinged left-wing idiot; Democrats have been a disaster for minorities and continue to be

thanks for playing though; have a nice day!!


couldn't be we are laughing out loud could it??? you getting to me??? only in your pathetic dreams ... thats what they do when they can't confront their incompetence ...they try something else cause they are losing big time now
minority unemployment was lower under Republicans

food and gas prices were lower
inflation was lower
16 MILLION fewer needed food stamps
welfare was lower

just comical you left-wing nutjobs

with a government like this Democrat Administration bringing the country down who needs enemies?

Democrats hate Black people. Look at the worst slums, with the highest levels of poverty, crime, and unemployment. Every one run by Democrats for generations.
Detroit one of the Biggest examples.

you bet the republican sent more jobs out of detroit then any party in history
Democrat American Dream: unemployment as a full time job

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