With just 3 Republican votes the House passes $15 an hour minimum wage bill.

This can be offset with a maximum wage for politicians.

Legislators shouldn't get paid at all.

Just a per diem and travel- and that's only until they perfect the technology so they can do their duty from their home.
I'm sure the anarchist movement will have the Pentagon, White House, Capitol Hill and all that other stuff shut down soon.
What's wrong with prison labor? Keeping the inmates busy, with help keep them out of trouble in the joint.

BTW, a lot of progressive prisons still work the guys. Sheriff Joe Arpaio started the world's first All-Female chain gang in Maricopa County and it was a fantastic success.
What's wrong with it is when the big banks who own our politicians are the ones investing in for-profit prisons, unethical at best when you consider these same politicians write the many unnecessary laws that get people like nonviolent drug offenders (over 1/3 the prison population) locked up.
The Top 5 Industries Lobbying Against Cannabis Legalization Will Infuriate You
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Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
You did fine until you blamed Repubs in congress. From 2009-2011 Dems had both houses and Obama. How much did they raise the federal min wage?

Authority to do so rightly resides with states, counties, and municipalities. WashDC swampers pander to unions and bleeding-heart public sentiment in usurping that authority to burnish their own images.

you did fine until this:

WashDC swampers pander to unions and bleeding-heart public sentiment in usurping that authority to burnish their own images


they tried but did not have a super majority in the Senate for those 2 years!


the new 2007 Democratic Congress did pass the minimum wage hike when Nancy took the Speaker position.... and it passed the senate because it was stuck in a must pass bill that was for Veterans...

the hike was not completed until July of 2009, which brought it to 7.25 an hour.

here we are 10 years since and still no rise.

Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 - Wikipedia
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Get ready for inflation to increase, and more automation.

All's these high minimum wage s do, is make life more expensive for the people who have been in the workforce for years.

If you are not a teenager, and you're still making the minimum wage, that's on YOU !!
Your lack of motivation is not my problem !

I saw Walmart Associate Robot strolling down the aisle reordering stock a few months ago.

I saw a McDonald's ordering kiosk that was a lot more polite than the staff traditionally is.
it's going to automation, regardless of minimum wage
What's wrong with prison labor? Keeping the inmates busy, with help keep them out of trouble in the joint.

BTW, a lot of progressive prisons still work the guys. Sheriff Joe Arpaio started the world's first All-Female chain gang in Maricopa County and it was a fantastic success.
What's wrong with it is when the big banks who own our politicians are the ones investing in for-profit prisons, unethical at best when you consider these same politicians write the many unnecessary laws that get people like nonviolent drug offenders (over 1/3 the prison population) locked up.
The Top 5 Industries Lobbying Against Cannabis Legalization Will Infuriate You

Not at all surprising that even the OP of the thread cannot stick to the vacuous topic.
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
We should not punish workers who have not seen a wage increase in ten years because congress sacrificed them in a struggling economy

When that economy recovered, all workers saw wage increases except for minimum wage workers

As proposed, those workers will still have to wait six more years for $15
So the liberals want to replace teenagers working in fast food with kiosks? Thats already happening. Labor rates should be be determined by supply and demand just like anything else. Low skills = low pay. Its why a brain surgeon makes more than a janitor.

No one earns minimum wage as a lifetime job, its a starting point or a place for teens to work in the summer and holidays.

this entire debate is ridiculously dumb, as are the morons in the house that passed it.

Its quite simple, raise the price of labor and the employer has only two choices, employ fewer people or raise his prices, neither helps the lower and middle classes.
Those kiosks are coming regardless of the minimum wage

If fast food restaurants want to man their own drive thrus, fill their own orders, cook their own food, sweep their own floors and clean their own toilets

They are welcome to do so
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
We should not punish workers who have not seen a wage increase in ten years because congress sacrificed them in a struggling economy

When that economy recovered, all workers saw wage increases except for minimum wage workers

As proposed, those workers will still have to wait six more years for $15

Very few workers if any haven't seen a wage increase for 10 years.
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
We should not punish workers who have not seen a wage increase in ten years because congress sacrificed them in a struggling economy

When that economy recovered, all workers saw wage increases except for minimum wage workers

As proposed, those workers will still have to wait six more years for $15

Very few workers if any haven't seen a wage increase for 10 years.
It is about the position not the worker

That minimum wage position hasn’t seen an increase in ten years. The workers in that position have been underpaid for ten years and the employer has profited for ten years
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
We should not punish workers who have not seen a wage increase in ten years because congress sacrificed them in a struggling economy

When that economy recovered, all workers saw wage increases except for minimum wage workers

As proposed, those workers will still have to wait six more years for $15

Very few workers if any haven't seen a wage increase for 10 years.
It is about the position not the worker

That minimum wage position hasn’t seen an increase in ten years. The workers in that position have been underpaid for ten years and the employer has profited for ten years

SSI checks have only gone from 674 to 771 during the same time, based upon the annual SSA COLA increases.

Why should people on minimum wage get their wages doubled, as opposed to social security recipients?
Thankfully, there will be no raise, in the minimum wage.

The dictators of course, wish otherwise. It is simply their attack on everything good in the World. Very sad indeed.

But on the bright side.

The DemoRATs will make sure you still get your food stamps, your subsidized electricity, your free phone, your subsidized housing. Soon, with luck the Demorats will give away free tution to the select minorities at Universities.

No where, will the DemoRAT's do something to lower the cost of housing which will impact the taxes they collect from property. Which at $15 hr, means you only lose 10% to property tax.

Will the governments end property tax? That would help the entire nation, not just minimum wage earners.
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
We should not punish workers who have not seen a wage increase in ten years because congress sacrificed them in a struggling economy

When that economy recovered, all workers saw wage increases except for minimum wage workers

As proposed, those workers will still have to wait six more years for $15

Very few workers if any haven't seen a wage increase for 10 years.
It is about the position not the worker

That minimum wage position hasn’t seen an increase in ten years. The workers in that position have been underpaid for ten years and the employer has profited for ten years

SSI checks have only gone from 674 to 771 during the same time, based upon the annual SSA COLA increases.

Why should people on minimum wage get their wages doubled, as opposed to social security recipients?
The $15 minimum wage won’t take effect until 2025

What is the SSI increase during the period 2009-2025?
How about old Mitch Mc, voted yes every time a pay raise came up for the senate, voted no every time for a raise in the min wage, its spread over 5 years, every generation has done better than the last till now. I have mine now I should not care about the next generation? how many more people do we want living hand to mouth in the richest country in the world.
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
We should not punish workers who have not seen a wage increase in ten years because congress sacrificed them in a struggling economy

When that economy recovered, all workers saw wage increases except for minimum wage workers

As proposed, those workers will still have to wait six more years for $15

Very few workers if any haven't seen a wage increase for 10 years.
It is about the position not the worker

That minimum wage position hasn’t seen an increase in ten years. The workers in that position have been underpaid for ten years and the employer has profited for ten years

SSI checks have only gone from 674 to 771 during the same time, based upon the annual SSA COLA increases.

Why should people on minimum wage get their wages doubled, as opposed to social security recipients?
The $15 minimum wage won’t take effect until 2025

What is the SSI increase during the period 2009-2025?

We really don't know at this point in time, but it probably won't double. President Trump is keeping inflation under control.

How about a 2% increase in the minimum wage for the next 6 years, maybe bring it up to $8 or so?
Don't know if raise will help, but have to try to help people help them self's. cant understand how people like the Walton's with billions of dollars are now reducing the check out lines manned by paid workers, for fast check lines you do all the work & they still get all the money. greed rules.
Don't know if raise will help, but have to try to help people help them self's. cant understand how people like the Walton's with billions of dollars are now reducing the check out lines manned by paid workers, for fast check lines you do all the work & they still get all the money. greed rules.

Walmart has had a huge sign out front for months advising they are hiring. I don't think anyone is out of work because of this innovation.
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
We should not punish workers who have not seen a wage increase in ten years because congress sacrificed them in a struggling economy

When that economy recovered, all workers saw wage increases except for minimum wage workers

As proposed, those workers will still have to wait six more years for $15

who has not seen a wage increase in ten years?

I want names of these people making minimum wage for 10 years

Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....

But why raise it at all?

One the states are doing it on their own

Two no one significant makes national minimum wage.
There were and still are, a handful of States that have NO MINIMUM State WAGE.... employers, if it were not for the federal minimum wage, would be paying slave wages of $2 to $5 an hours....

Most States though, do as you say, they control their own minimum wage and have it higher than the Federal Minimum.... mine raised it to $12 over a 4 or 5 year period, and then I believe are going to raise it by the cost of living each year after that, so that there will be no huge minimum wage hike after the initial huge bump....

But my neighbor's older son, the guy who earns $18 now from busting his butt and getting promotions the past decade has seen nothing but minimal 3% raises each year while the minimum wage workers have gotten $1 to $2 raises an hour for the past 4 years to get them from the old minimum wage to the new hourly minimum wage of $12....

It's a conundrum alright...

I posted this four times already..

Show me the difference of this $8 dollar burger basket in Wyoming (state minimum wage $7.25)

View attachment 270181

And a $12 dollar burger basket in Colorado (MW $11.10)

View attachment 270181

And read my recent threads was in Colorado now up in Wyoming today.

there is no difference other than the cost of homes, utilities, groceries and state taxes etc in the different states... the cost of living comfortably...
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....

But why raise it at all?

One the states are doing it on their own

Two no one significant makes national minimum wage.
There were and still are, a handful of States that have NO MINIMUM State WAGE.... employers, if it were not for the federal minimum wage, would be paying slave wages of $2 to $5 an hours....

Most States though, do as you say, they control their own minimum wage and have it higher than the Federal Minimum.... mine raised it to $12 over a 4 or 5 year period, and then I believe are going to raise it by the cost of living each year after that, so that there will be no huge minimum wage hike after the initial huge bump....

But my neighbor's older son, the guy who earns $18 now from busting his butt and getting promotions the past decade has seen nothing but minimal 3% raises each year while the minimum wage workers have gotten $1 to $2 raises an hour for the past 4 years to get them from the old minimum wage to the new hourly minimum wage of $12....

It's a conundrum alright...

I posted this four times already..

Show me the difference of this $8 dollar burger basket in Wyoming (state minimum wage $7.25)

View attachment 270181

And a $12 dollar burger basket in Colorado (MW $11.10)

View attachment 270181

And read my recent threads was in Colorado now up in Wyoming today.

there is no difference other than the cost of homes, utilities, groceries and state taxes etc in the different states... the cost of living comfortably...

Wyoming doesnt have a state income tax

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