With just 3 Republican votes the House passes $15 an hour minimum wage bill.

Very few workers if any haven't seen a wage increase for 10 years.

You're 100% correct.

Rightwinger knows the tripe he throws out makes no sense. His fragile ego simply won't allow him to admit that he is and has been 100% wrong since he first began his ongoing screed against President Donald J. Trump.

The incredible success of President Trump and his policies crush Rightwinger and his lemmings. Why they can't accept that their policies are wrong and that President Trump's are working, and working extremely well is really sad. All he and his have left is to whine and play the role of a Troll. So sad.
How about old Mitch Mc, voted yes every time a pay raise came up for the senate, voted no every time for a raise in the min wage, its spread over 5 years, every generation has done better than the last till now. I have mine now I should not care about the next generation? how many more people do we want living hand to mouth in the richest country in the world.

Please show us the massive increase we have seen in the poverty rate over these past three years, of which you speak.
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Long overdue...

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Progressives in Congress were joined by workers, business owners, and labor rights advocates in celebrating the "historic" passage on Thursday of the Raise the Wage Act, aimed at guaranteeing all American workers a minimum wage of $15.

Two hundred thirty House Democrats were joined by only three Republicans—Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Will Hurd of Texas, and Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey—in supporting the Raise the Wage Act (RTWA), which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 and end the use of sub-minimum wages for tipped workers.

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage
Long overdue...

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Progressives in Congress were joined by workers, business owners, and labor rights advocates in celebrating the "historic" passage on Thursday of the Raise the Wage Act, aimed at guaranteeing all American workers a minimum wage of $15.

Two hundred thirty House Democrats were joined by only three Republicans—Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Will Hurd of Texas, and Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey—in supporting the Raise the Wage Act (RTWA), which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 and end the use of sub-minimum wages for tipped workers.

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage
What happens next (Seattle was a good example), the employers simply cut the hours of the employees and they end up actually making less, thus the employees have solved nothing.
What we have to remember, when it comes to ones business, it all boils down to the almighty dollar. The employer must make a profit if he/she/it is to stay in business and if raising the employees income cuts bigtime into the employers profit, he/she/it loses and if the employer goes out of business, you lose a source for the product you want or, they move to a nation that doesn't care about the workers and has no unions or arbitration and the product is made cheaper and you get your product, but those that had the jobs here, lose theirs.
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So the liberals want to replace teenagers working in fast food with kiosks? Thats already happening. Labor rates should be be determined by supply and demand just like anything else. Low skills = low pay. Its why a brain surgeon makes more than a janitor.

No one earns minimum wage as a lifetime job, its a starting point or a place for teens to work in the summer and holidays.

this entire debate is ridiculously dumb, as are the morons in the house that passed it.

Its quite simple, raise the price of labor and the employer has only two choices, employ fewer people or raise his prices, neither helps the lower and middle classes.
Those kiosks are coming regardless of the minimum wage

If fast food restaurants want to man their own drive thrus, fill their own orders, cook their own food, sweep their own floors and clean their own toilets

They are welcome to do so

the kiosks only get installed when the cost of labor is higher than the cost of buying and running the kiosks. Many restaurant owners are already having to do their own clean up work. They have no choice when the people they can hire are too good to do manual labor and still demand $15/hr.

How is a low income person helped when he gets a raise but the price of everything he buys goes up by the same %? Labor is the major cost driver in most retail outlets, when labor goes up the owner has to either raise his prices, hire fewer people, or go out of business. None of those help the low income worker.

Besides, no one works at a minimum wage job as their life's work, it is a starting point or a temporary job for teens.
Don't know if raise will help, but have to try to help people help them self's. cant understand how people like the Walton's with billions of dollars are now reducing the check out lines manned by paid workers, for fast check lines you do all the work & they still get all the money. greed rules.

Walmart has had a huge sign out front for months advising they are hiring. I don't think anyone is out of work because of this innovation.
Probably is what's driving the innovation.
So the liberals want to replace teenagers working in fast food with kiosks? Thats already happening. Labor rates should be be determined by supply and demand just like anything else. Low skills = low pay. Its why a brain surgeon makes more than a janitor.

No one earns minimum wage as a lifetime job, its a starting point or a place for teens to work in the summer and holidays.

this entire debate is ridiculously dumb, as are the morons in the house that passed it.

Its quite simple, raise the price of labor and the employer has only two choices, employ fewer people or raise his prices, neither helps the lower and middle classes.
Those kiosks are coming regardless of the minimum wage

If fast food restaurants want to man their own drive thrus, fill their own orders, cook their own food, sweep their own floors and clean their own toilets

They are welcome to do so

the kiosks only get installed when the cost of labor is higher than the cost of buying and running the kiosks. Many restaurant owners are already having to do their own clean up work. They have no choice when the people they can hire are too good to do manual labor and still demand $15/hr.

How is a low income person helped when he gets a raise but the price of everything he buys goes up by the same %? Labor is the major cost driver in most retail outlets, when labor goes up the owner has to either raise his prices, hire fewer people, or go out of business. None of those help the low income worker.

Besides, no one works at a minimum wage job as their life's work, it is a starting point or a temporary job for teens.
Agree, but what started it all was the eighties during NAFTA. Then the illegal invasion of low skilled workers who were making back home in their economy way below what our cheapest worker's made, and yet they were feeling like they were getting rich working here, and then sending it back home to their country to someday retire on.

It is sorta like the worker's who left here to go work on the Alaskan pipeline, where as they made enough money to retire after 5 years there. Otherwise if they played their cards right. Then they came home in great shape. The companies began to put these illegals in direct competition with the American worker, and it caused hundreds of thousands to be out of work or certain career fields (independent American run businesses), to go belly up.

Then we had a President or two echoing the line "they're only doing the jobs Americans won't do"... Kidding me right.

More like they couldn't do, and then survive on the pennies being paid to them if they tried in an economy that demands at the very least $10.00 dollars an hour if you even attempt to go to work. You can't have a car, pay insurance, gas, taxes, afford work clothes pertaining to that job, and eats for less than $10.00 bucks an hour imho today.

Mexicans living 15 to a house, sharing expenses, driving one van, and barely getting by while sending the bulk of it back home is something they do, but Americans aren't going to do that, and if other Americans expect them to in order to compete with such a thing, then I say HELL no they shouldn't have to do that.
the kiosks only get installed when the cost of labor is higher than the cost of buying and running the kiosks. Many restaurant owners are already having to do their own clean up work. They have no choice when the people they can hire are too good to do manual labor and still demand $15/hr.

How is a low income person helped when he gets a raise but the price of everything he buys goes up by the same %? Labor is the major cost driver in most retail outlets, when labor goes up the owner has to either raise his prices, hire fewer people, or go out of business. None of those help the low income worker.

Besides, no one works at a minimum wage job as their life's work, it is a starting point or a temporary job for teens.

You're 100% right.

For whatever reason, those advocating these destructive increases in the minimum wage demand to be blind to the fact that everything else is not going to remain static. These ignorant advocates actually believe that the worker who was honestly earning $15.00 per hour is going to be just as happy when the new, unskilled worker who was earning $7.50 an hour and is not earning what they have worked hard to earn, for nothing.
the kiosks only get installed when the cost of labor is higher than the cost of buying and running the kiosks. Many restaurant owners are already having to do their own clean up work. They have no choice when the people they can hire are too good to do manual labor and still demand $15/hr.

How is a low income person helped when he gets a raise but the price of everything he buys goes up by the same %? Labor is the major cost driver in most retail outlets, when labor goes up the owner has to either raise his prices, hire fewer people, or go out of business. None of those help the low income worker.

Besides, no one works at a minimum wage job as their life's work, it is a starting point or a temporary job for teens.

You're 100% right.

For whatever reason, those advocating these destructive increases in the minimum wage demand to be blind to the fact that everything else is not going to remain static. These ignorant advocates actually believe that the worker who was honestly earning $15.00 per hour is going to be just as happy when the new, unskilled worker who was earning $7.50 an hour and is not earning what they have worked hard to earn, for nothing.

Libs think this is actually a positive as it fights the "problem" of Income Inequality as millions will have equal $15 hr wage
the kiosks only get installed when the cost of labor is higher than the cost of buying and running the kiosks. Many restaurant owners are already having to do their own clean up work. They have no choice when the people they can hire are too good to do manual labor and still demand $15/hr.

How is a low income person helped when he gets a raise but the price of everything he buys goes up by the same %? Labor is the major cost driver in most retail outlets, when labor goes up the owner has to either raise his prices, hire fewer people, or go out of business. None of those help the low income worker.

Besides, no one works at a minimum wage job as their life's work, it is a starting point or a temporary job for teens.

You're 100% right.

For whatever reason, those advocating these destructive increases in the minimum wage demand to be blind to the fact that everything else is not going to remain static. These ignorant advocates actually believe that the worker who was honestly earning $15.00 per hour is going to be just as happy when the new, unskilled worker who was earning $7.50 an hour and is not earning what they have worked hard to earn, for nothing.

Libs think this is actually a positive as it fights the "problem" of Income Inequality as millions will have equal $15 hr wage

I'm not convinced that Libs actually believe that it fights income inequality. I believe they know the truth, but that by professing this, they will garner the vote of the uneducated voter who really does not know better. Which, in my opinion, makes Libs talking points all the crueler.
So the liberals want to replace teenagers working in fast food with kiosks? Thats already happening. Labor rates should be be determined by supply and demand just like anything else. Low skills = low pay. Its why a brain surgeon makes more than a janitor.

No one earns minimum wage as a lifetime job, its a starting point or a place for teens to work in the summer and holidays.

this entire debate is ridiculously dumb, as are the morons in the house that passed it.

Its quite simple, raise the price of labor and the employer has only two choices, employ fewer people or raise his prices, neither helps the lower and middle classes.
Those kiosks are coming regardless of the minimum wage

If fast food restaurants want to man their own drive thrus, fill their own orders, cook their own food, sweep their own floors and clean their own toilets

They are welcome to do so

the kiosks only get installed when the cost of labor is higher than the cost of buying and running the kiosks. Many restaurant owners are already having to do their own clean up work. They have no choice when the people they can hire are too good to do manual labor and still demand $15/hr.

How is a low income person helped when he gets a raise but the price of everything he buys goes up by the same %? Labor is the major cost driver in most retail outlets, when labor goes up the owner has to either raise his prices, hire fewer people, or go out of business. None of those help the low income worker.

Besides, no one works at a minimum wage job as their life's work, it is a starting point or a temporary job for teens.

Kiosks are the wave of the future. So is ordering off an app on your smart phone.

They are already here and guess what?
They came with a minimum wage of $7.25
Why the hell is this filthy ass Federal government dictating wages?

Good way to fuck up this country.

Wages should be negotiated between an employee and employer. Not by some asshole Moon Bat politician.

If this was done in the private sector, it would be called price fixing.
Why is Congress trying to close down small businesses? This will effectively close down mine, which is not making any kind of profit.

Then you deserve to close. If you're not paying decent wages, and you're not making a profit, why are you wasting your time?

If this was done in the private sector, it would be called price fixing.
Why is Congress trying to close down small businesses? This will effectively close down mine, which is not making any kind of profit.

Then you deserve to close. If you're not paying decent wages, and you're not making a profit, why are you wasting your time?

Everyone is paid exactly what they are worth.

So the liberals want to replace teenagers working in fast food with kiosks? Thats already happening. Labor rates should be be determined by supply and demand just like anything else. Low skills = low pay. Its why a brain surgeon makes more than a janitor.

No one earns minimum wage as a lifetime job, its a starting point or a place for teens to work in the summer and holidays.

this entire debate is ridiculously dumb, as are the morons in the house that passed it.

Its quite simple, raise the price of labor and the employer has only two choices, employ fewer people or raise his prices, neither helps the lower and middle classes.
Those kiosks are coming regardless of the minimum wage

If fast food restaurants want to man their own drive thrus, fill their own orders, cook their own food, sweep their own floors and clean their own toilets

They are welcome to do so

the kiosks only get installed when the cost of labor is higher than the cost of buying and running the kiosks. Many restaurant owners are already having to do their own clean up work. They have no choice when the people they can hire are too good to do manual labor and still demand $15/hr.

How is a low income person helped when he gets a raise but the price of everything he buys goes up by the same %? Labor is the major cost driver in most retail outlets, when labor goes up the owner has to either raise his prices, hire fewer people, or go out of business. None of those help the low income worker.

Besides, no one works at a minimum wage job as their life's work, it is a starting point or a temporary job for teens.

Kiosks are the wave of the future. So is ordering off an app on your smart phone.

They are already here and guess what?
They came with a minimum wage of $7.25

True. Businesses are preparing for the future. Driverless tractor-trailers are being experimented with on the road today.

Good to see you agree that the minimum wage is a senseless argument and that it should be zero.

So the liberals want to replace teenagers working in fast food with kiosks? Thats already happening. Labor rates should be be determined by supply and demand just like anything else. Low skills = low pay. Its why a brain surgeon makes more than a janitor.

No one earns minimum wage as a lifetime job, its a starting point or a place for teens to work in the summer and holidays.

this entire debate is ridiculously dumb, as are the morons in the house that passed it.

Its quite simple, raise the price of labor and the employer has only two choices, employ fewer people or raise his prices, neither helps the lower and middle classes.
Those kiosks are coming regardless of the minimum wage

If fast food restaurants want to man their own drive thrus, fill their own orders, cook their own food, sweep their own floors and clean their own toilets

They are welcome to do so

the kiosks only get installed when the cost of labor is higher than the cost of buying and running the kiosks. Many restaurant owners are already having to do their own clean up work. They have no choice when the people they can hire are too good to do manual labor and still demand $15/hr.

How is a low income person helped when he gets a raise but the price of everything he buys goes up by the same %? Labor is the major cost driver in most retail outlets, when labor goes up the owner has to either raise his prices, hire fewer people, or go out of business. None of those help the low income worker.

Besides, no one works at a minimum wage job as their life's work, it is a starting point or a temporary job for teens.

Kiosks are the wave of the future. So is ordering off an app on your smart phone.

They are already here and guess what?
They came with a minimum wage of $7.25

its $10 in New Jersey for the millionth time and then have been around for a good 20 years now, not many people like them.

If this was done in the private sector, it would be called price fixing.
Why is Congress trying to close down small businesses? This will effectively close down mine, which is not making any kind of profit.

Then you deserve to close. If you're not paying decent wages, and you're not making a profit, why are you wasting your time?

Everyone is paid exactly what they are worth.


No they’re not. They’re paid the least amount the corporation can get them to accept.

I like your meme. The growing class of parasites are shareholders who live off the workers who produce and who need living wages.

If this was done in the private sector, it would be called price fixing.
Why is Congress trying to close down small businesses? This will effectively close down mine, which is not making any kind of profit.

Then you deserve to close. If you're not paying decent wages, and you're not making a profit, why are you wasting your time?

Everyone is paid exactly what they are worth.


No they’re not. They’re paid the least amount the corporation can get them to accept.

I like your meme. The growing class of parasites are shareholders who live off the workers who produce and who need living wages.

Let me take a wild guess here, you've never run a business.

If this was done in the private sector, it would be called price fixing.
Why is Congress trying to close down small businesses? This will effectively close down mine, which is not making any kind of profit.

Then you deserve to close. If you're not paying decent wages, and you're not making a profit, why are you wasting your time?

Everyone is paid exactly what they are worth.


No they’re not. They’re paid the least amount the corporation can get them to accept.

I like your meme. The growing class of parasites are shareholders who live off the workers who produce and who need living wages.

No they’re not. They’re paid the least amount the corporation can get them to accept.

You're learning, if most government welfare was eliminated wages would go up...........

If 20 million illegals were kicked out of the USA, wages would go up..................


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