With just 3 Republican votes the House passes $15 an hour minimum wage bill.

The federal government never subsidized franchises and small businesses before, when the federal minimum wage was raised. Why would they now?
To level the playing field.

That's never been considered before, just saying.

The bill this past week, of course, was just bullshit as everyone knew it wouldn't become law. But when Obama was autocrat in 2009 and raised the Minimum Wage, even he didn't include any such thing


Just curious what state you see that robot in at Walmart?

There were and still are, a handful of States that have NO MINIMUM State WAGE.... employers, if it were not for the federal minimum wage, would be paying slave wages of $2 to $5 an hours....


No they wouldn't.

Employers pay what they need to pay to get staff qualified for the job they have in mind, and that is more than $2 or $5.
that's probably true in most cases, but if paid only $7.25 an hour in some of the States, it is slave labor wages right now.

If the States had done their job controlling this from the beginning, there likely would never have been a reason to institute a federal minimum and hang on to it all of these decades?

Why is it "the job" of States to do this?

What makes a government bureaucrat more qualified to say what a job should pay more than the employer and the prospective employee?
Because some corporations and businesses with their power and might, will take advantage of the poorest, who will take anything just to work and have some income?

And may discriminate based on color, race, religion, gender etc. and not workload?
The reason we have minimum wage is because low skilled labor is least able to negotiate a wage increase. Employers know they have them at a disadvantage because they can be quickly replaced

it is not the government's role to make sure that everyone makes what they think they need. Yes, when you have low skills you are easy to replace, same reason dirt is cheaper than gold.

you socialist fools are trying to destroy this great nation with your "I feel sorrrry for everyone" bullshit.
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
You did fine until you blamed Repubs in congress. From 2009-2011 Dems had both houses and Obama. How much did they raise the federal min wage?

Authority to do so rightly resides with states, counties, and municipalities. WashDC swampers pander to unions and bleeding-heart public sentiment in usurping that authority to burnish their own images.
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Get ready for inflation to increase, and more automation.
All's these high minimum wages do is make life more expensive for the people who have been in the workforce for years.
If you are not a teenager, and you're still making the minimum wage, that's on YOU !!
Your lack of motivation is not my problem !
Of the 540,000 workers earning fed min wage, most are entry level kids or exit level retirees. The matter is one of political pandering and posturing. Any productive worker is paid more.
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
You did fine until you blamed Repubs in congress. From 2009-2011 Dems had both houses and Obama. How much did they raise the federal min wage?

Authority and duty to do so rightly resides with states, counties, and municipalities. WashDC swampers pander to unions and bleeding-heart public sentiment in usurping that authority to burnish their own images.

There is really no urgency to raise the minimum wage at this point in time at all.
Wages are generally going up without legislation. Why make it a federal decree?
Long overdue...

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Progressives in Congress were joined by workers, business owners, and labor rights advocates in celebrating the "historic" passage on Thursday of the Raise the Wage Act, aimed at guaranteeing all American workers a minimum wage of $15.

Two hundred thirty House Democrats were joined by only three Republicans—Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Will Hurd of Texas, and Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey—in supporting the Raise the Wage Act (RTWA), which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 and end the use of sub-minimum wages for tipped workers.

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Aside from wasting time, the only purpose of this is so that the radical Democrats can go home and proclaim to their ignorant base and proclaim how hard they are working to improve their lives.

The Federal minimum wage should be ZERO! If Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, or wherever want's a $30.00 minimum wage, that's their business.

Long overdue...

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Progressives in Congress were joined by workers, business owners, and labor rights advocates in celebrating the "historic" passage on Thursday of the Raise the Wage Act, aimed at guaranteeing all American workers a minimum wage of $15.

Two hundred thirty House Democrats were joined by only three Republicans—Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Will Hurd of Texas, and Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey—in supporting the Raise the Wage Act (RTWA), which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 and end the use of sub-minimum wages for tipped workers.

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Aside from wasting time, the only purpose of this is so that the radical Democrats can go home and proclaim to their ignorant base and proclaim how hard they are working to improve their lives.

The Federal minimum wage should be ZERO! If Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, or wherever want's a $30.00 minimum wage, that's their business.


Exactly correcting , its political posturing. Its an easy vote- because its not being voted on for real.

When W was President, the Leftist Congress then seated easily passed the EFCA- Employee Free Choice Act. A labor law revision that would have given Big Labor carte blanche to impose contracts on employers unilaterally if they could not agree. It also included "card check".

Of course, Dubya veto'ed it and it could not be overridden.

However, the next Congress, with B. Hussein O as president, was even more leftist with a hard left presbo. It never made it out of Congress when it counted.

The unions got the votes when it was posturing, but not when it actually would have been signed into law.
How does my posting this in any way reflect upon my own personal financial situation you douchebag ?

It doesn't.

It does emphasize that you are a troll whose only interest is to call other posters names. How many worthless threads have there been on the minimum wage?

Long overdue...

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Progressives in Congress were joined by workers, business owners, and labor rights advocates in celebrating the "historic" passage on Thursday of the Raise the Wage Act, aimed at guaranteeing all American workers a minimum wage of $15.

Two hundred thirty House Democrats were joined by only three Republicans—Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Will Hurd of Texas, and Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey—in supporting the Raise the Wage Act (RTWA), which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 and end the use of sub-minimum wages for tipped workers.

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Well the house may have past that insanity now let's see how much farther it gets. I'm betting not far.
Long overdue...

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Progressives in Congress were joined by workers, business owners, and labor rights advocates in celebrating the "historic" passage on Thursday of the Raise the Wage Act, aimed at guaranteeing all American workers a minimum wage of $15.

Two hundred thirty House Democrats were joined by only three Republicans—Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Will Hurd of Texas, and Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey—in supporting the Raise the Wage Act (RTWA), which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025 and end the use of sub-minimum wages for tipped workers.

With Support of Just 3 Republicans, House Democrats Pass 'Historic' Raise the Wage Act to Guarantee Workers $15 Minimum Wage

Well the house may have past that insanity now let's see how much farther it gets. I'm betting not far.

I'm sure it will sit on the Turtle's desk until the end of the Congress, unless something really unforeseen happens.

I can't see this being put up for a vote to get the senators "on the record", like he did with the New Green Deal.
The federal government never subsidized franchises and small businesses before, when the federal minimum wage was raised. Why would they now?
To level the playing field.

That's never been considered before, just saying.

The bill this past week, of course, was just bullshit as everyone knew it wouldn't become law. But when Obama was autocrat in 2009 and raised the Minimum Wage, even he didn't include any such thing


Just curious what state you see that robot in at Walmart?


Republicans want to go back to slavery and prison labor.

What's wrong with prison labor? Keeping the inmates busy, with help keep them out of trouble in the joint.

BTW, a lot of progressive prisons still work the guys. Sheriff Joe Arpaio started the world's first All-Female chain gang in Maricopa County and it was a fantastic success.
This can be offset with a maximum wage for politicians.

Legislators shouldn't get paid at all.

Just a per diem and travel- and that's only until they perfect the technology so they can do their duty from their home.

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