With just 3 Republican votes the House passes $15 an hour minimum wage bill.

There were and still are, a handful of States that have NO MINIMUM State WAGE.... employers, if it were not for the federal minimum wage, would be paying slave wages of $2 to $5 an hours....


No they wouldn't.

Employers pay what they need to pay to get staff qualified for the job they have in mind, and that is more than $2 or $5.
that's probably true in most cases, but if paid only $7.25 an hour in some of the States, it is slave labor wages right now.

If the States had done their job controlling this from the beginning, there likely would never have been a reason to institute a federal minimum and hang on to it all of these decades?

Why is it "the job" of States to do this?

What makes a government bureaucrat more qualified to say what a job should pay more than the employer and the prospective employee?
Because some corporations and businesses with their power and might, will take advantage of the poorest, who will take anything just to work and have some income?

And may discriminate based on color, race, religion, gender etc. and not workload?
The reason we have minimum wage is because low skilled labor is least able to negotiate a wage increase. Employers know they have them at a disadvantage because they can be quickly replaced
Jeff Bezos makes $260 million a day while most of his employees barely make it by on under $30 K a year.

That is not capitalism dumbasses.
That's a fucking rigged up the ass system.
If its rigged then how does bezos make that much? lol
There were and still are, a handful of States that have NO MINIMUM State WAGE.... employers, if it were not for the federal minimum wage, would be paying slave wages of $2 to $5 an hours....


No they wouldn't.

Employers pay what they need to pay to get staff qualified for the job they have in mind, and that is more than $2 or $5.
that's probably true in most cases, but if paid only $7.25 an hour in some of the States, it is slave labor wages right now.

If the States had done their job controlling this from the beginning, there likely would never have been a reason to institute a federal minimum and hang on to it all of these decades?

Why is it "the job" of States to do this?

What makes a government bureaucrat more qualified to say what a job should pay more than the employer and the prospective employee?
Because some corporations and businesses with their power and might, will take advantage of the poorest, who will take anything just to work and have some income?

And may discriminate based on color, race, religion, gender etc. and not workload?
The reason we have minimum wage is because low skilled labor is least able to negotiate a wage increase. Employers know they have them at a disadvantage because they can be quickly replaced

Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past

Exactly so what's the point raising it?


Several points

Minimum wage is woefully behind inflation
It hasn’t been increased in ten years
The economy is strong and can easily compensate
Taxpayers have to make up the difference for low wages
Students working at minimum wage need to compensate by borrowing more money
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past

I don't think we've ever actually DOUBLED the minimum wage, which is the proposal here.

Of course, the current bill is just Political Posturing. If it becomes actually a viable idea that can make it through, the vote will be different as it will be "for real" then. Similar to McCain voting for ACA Repeal, until it actually mattered.
No they wouldn't.

Employers pay what they need to pay to get staff qualified for the job they have in mind, and that is more than $2 or $5.
that's probably true in most cases, but if paid only $7.25 an hour in some of the States, it is slave labor wages right now.

If the States had done their job controlling this from the beginning, there likely would never have been a reason to institute a federal minimum and hang on to it all of these decades?

Why is it "the job" of States to do this?

What makes a government bureaucrat more qualified to say what a job should pay more than the employer and the prospective employee?
Because some corporations and businesses with their power and might, will take advantage of the poorest, who will take anything just to work and have some income?

And may discriminate based on color, race, religion, gender etc. and not workload?
The reason we have minimum wage is because low skilled labor is least able to negotiate a wage increase. Employers know they have them at a disadvantage because they can be quickly replaced

The hell it is
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....
Who this hurts, are those that were hired at $7.25 10 years ago, and busted their butts to get one promotion after another, more responsibility for the company and now earn $18 an hour.... and now would see the company hiring people with absolutely no experience at $15, and they get no increase that is comparable for the workload and responsibility they are carrying.... and no, the companies do not raise their wages with the minimum wage hike, in any kind of comparable way.

It would be better, if the congress and even better, the State legislators, simply raised minimum wage, a little bit, every year instead of this....
The market eventually adjusts
We have raised minimum wage in the past
yes, under normal circumstances it would.... but this is MORE THAN DOUBLING the federal minimum wage in just a few years.... This is NOT going from $6.25 to $7,25 over a couple of years.... this is 7.25 going to $15 so it will sweep up a whole lot of people that earned their way in to making more than minimum wage, like $12 an hour workers as well.... it raises all workers that make more than minimum, up to the new minimum...

that's a whole nuther situation than what happens when you raise minimum wage a dollar or $2....

it's a catch 22 that Republicans in congress has caused by NOT allowing minimum wage hikes by year and putting it off for decades at a time....

the minimum needs to be $15 in most states for a living wage, but the fed min wage has been held back for so long, that it is near impossible to raise it to what it should be, without causing some major problems imo....

I just don't see how doubling the minimum wage is justified in the least. SSI payments have gone from 674 to 771 over the past dozen years, an increase of about 15% over that time.

If the idea of increasing the minimum wage is to help impoverished Americans "keep up" with their more affluent neighbors, I could see a raise to $8.25 or $8.50. But not $15.
Amazon AMZN, -0.68% employees in four countries have gone on strike amid the company’s biggest discount shopping holiday of the year to protest their working conditions and benefits and to demand better pay.

More than 100 workers in the U.S. in Minnesota, and thousands of workers in Germany, organized by the labor union Verdi, and across Europe in Spain and Poland are striking on Prime Day, Amazon’s annual sale, with the slogan “No more discount on our incomes.”
Amazon workers strike to protest working conditions on Prime Day — labor union says ‘human beings are not robots’
that's probably true in most cases, but if paid only $7.25 an hour in some of the States, it is slave labor wages right now.

If the States had done their job controlling this from the beginning, there likely would never have been a reason to institute a federal minimum and hang on to it all of these decades?

Why is it "the job" of States to do this?

What makes a government bureaucrat more qualified to say what a job should pay more than the employer and the prospective employee?
Because some corporations and businesses with their power and might, will take advantage of the poorest, who will take anything just to work and have some income?

And may discriminate based on color, race, religion, gender etc. and not workload?
The reason we have minimum wage is because low skilled labor is least able to negotiate a wage increase. Employers know they have them at a disadvantage because they can be quickly replaced

The hell it is

Who your profession a paid troll?

Well I suppose so.

When I go to McDonald's it's to get breakfest which is good and the service at the two near me is good as well but the fact remains fast food worker is not a 15 dollar an hour job.
If it's a federal minimum wage, then franchises and small businesses should get subsidies in order to cover any losses, at least at first. Another question is how will it affect other more demanding unskilled labor jobs, the ones that generally all pay above minimum wage already ?

Flipping burgers at Wendy's shouldn't pay the same as construction or forklift operator in a big warehouse where they make $18 to $30 an hour( depending on the area )
Get ready for inflation to increase, and more automation.

All's these high minimum wage s do, is make life more expensive for the people who have been in the workforce for years.

If you are not a teenager, and you're still making the minimum wage, that's on YOU !!
Your lack of motivation is not my problem !
When I go to McDonald's it's to get breakfest which is good and the service at the two near me is good as well but the fact remains fast food worker is not a 15 dollar an hour job.
If it's a federal minimum wage, then franchises and small businesses should get subsidies in order to cover any losses, at least at first. Another question is how will it affect other more demanding unskilled labor jobs, the ones that generally all pay above minimum wage already ?

Flipping burgers at Wendy's shouldn't pay the same as construction or forklift operator in a big warehouse where they make $18 to $30 an hour( depending on the area )

The federal government never subsidized franchises and small businesses before, when the federal minimum wage was raised. Why would they now?
Get ready for inflation to increase, and more automation.

All's these high minimum wage s do, is make life more expensive for the people who have been in the workforce for years.

If you are not a teenager, and you're still making the minimum wage, that's on YOU !!
Your lack of motivation is not my problem !

I saw Walmart Associate Robot strolling down the aisle reordering stock a few months ago.

I saw a McDonald's ordering kiosk that was a lot more polite than the staff traditionally is.
The federal government never subsidized franchises and small businesses before, when the federal minimum wage was raised. Why would they now?
To level the playing field.

That's never been considered before, just saying.

The bill this past week, of course, was just bullshit as everyone knew it wouldn't become law. But when Obama was autocrat in 2009 and raised the Minimum Wage, even he didn't include any such thing
So the liberals want to replace teenagers working in fast food with kiosks? Thats already happening. Labor rates should be be determined by supply and demand just like anything else. Low skills = low pay. Its why a brain surgeon makes more than a janitor.

No one earns minimum wage as a lifetime job, its a starting point or a place for teens to work in the summer and holidays.

this entire debate is ridiculously dumb, as are the morons in the house that passed it.

Its quite simple, raise the price of labor and the employer has only two choices, employ fewer people or raise his prices, neither helps the lower and middle classes.

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