With Liberty, and Justice for Straight, White, Male Property Owners.

Scalia was someone who believed the rich should buy elections, that because someone won the popular vote they shouldn't be listened to or even have their votes counted, that people should be executed even after the evidence that put them on death row was discredited. He someone who thought your employer should be able to dictate your health care based on their superstitions.

The world is truly a better place now that he's taking a dirt nap.

Actually he believed that if you want to change the constitution, you use the amendment process as intended, not by convincing 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers to do it for you. That he actually was one of those un-elected lawyers and understood the intended limits of his position only increases my respect for him, regardless of your feckless hatred of him.

He strictly defended the Constitution when it supported his views

When it didn't ....not so much


Citizens United

The Bush case I agree was a clusterfuck, either way the court decided the other side would throw a fit, and both sides would have a right to be angry.

As for heller, the people have the right to keep and bear arms, not the state, not the militia, not the government only, the PEOPLE.

And as for citizens united, forming a corporation doesn't mean you lose your 1st amendment rights.

A strict constitutionalist does not block votes from being counted
A strict interpretation of the Constitution does not ignore a well regulated militia
No interpretation of founding fathers intent would allow corporations equal standing with citizens in influencing the political process
A strict constitutionalist does not block votes from being counted
A strict interpretation of the Constitution does not ignore a well regulated militia
No interpretation of founding fathers intent would allow corporations equal standing with citizens in influencing the political process[/QUOTE]
The unaccountable media has just as much or more influence in the political process.
Not only do republicans have to fight all the perverted malsexuals and race-baiters, but they have to fight the mass media. That should tell you enough on how fucked up this country has become.
Not only do republicans have to fight all the perverted malsexuals and race-baiters, but they have to fight the mass media. That should tell you enough on how fucked up this country has become.
Why are they fighting to infringe on other folk's freedoms? Freedom means you do your thing and I do mine as long as it does NOT impact adversely upon some one else's freedom.
From the New Yorker article:

Scalia described himself as an advocate of judicial restraint, who believed that the courts should defer to the democratically elected branches of government. In reality, he lunged at opportunities to overrule the work of Presidents and of legislators, especially Democrats. Scalia helped gut the Voting Rights Act, overturn McCain-Feingold and other campaign-finance rules, and, in his last official act, block President Obama’s climate-change regulations. Scalia’s reputation, like the Supreme Court’s, is also stained by his role in the majority in Bush v. Gore. His oft-repeated advice to critics of the decision was “Get over it.”

Scalia was a pompous, bigoted, self-righteous bully with power and I predict that history will not treat him kindly. His legacy leaves a deep scar on both the court and the conservative movement. He personifies everything that's wrong with 21st Century Republicanism and the extremism that's leading it astray.

The Senate shirking their duty to give each and every name that Obama throws at them a hearing and a vote by the entire body is only making his piss-poor legacy worse. There are several cases this season that could go 4 to 4 and not having a deciding vote in place will be a huge waste of The Peoples resources.

Putting politics above The Peoples business is an act of treason.

In other words, the same people who demonize and hate judges like Scalia and Alito also despise George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin.
Actually he believed that if you want to change the constitution, you use the amendment process as intended, not by convincing 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers to do it for you. That he actually was one of those un-elected lawyers and understood the intended limits of his position only increases my respect for him, regardless of your feckless hatred of him.

Bullshit. Point out to me where the concept of Corporate Personhood is in the constitution. It isn't there, until Scalia and other made it up.

Scalia was a tool of big corporations and interests, not the constitution...

Now he's feeding some well-deserving worms, which is probably his first useful act.
As for heller, the people have the right to keep and bear arms, not the state, not the militia, not the government only, the PEOPLE.

Except that isn't how the 2nd was interepreted for 200 years prior to Heller. for 200 years, courts have held that the MILITIA has the right to bear arms, not the Crazy Guy who thinks he's the Joker.

And as for citizens united, forming a corporation doesn't mean you lose your 1st amendment rights.

The transfer of property is not speech, and corporations don't have religions.
Bullshit. Point out to me where the concept of Corporate Personhood is in the constitution. It isn't there, until Scalia and other made it up.

Scalia was a tool of big corporations and interests, not the constitution...

Now he's feeding some well-deserving worms, which is probably his first useful act.
Uh..guy...where did you grow up?
Except that isn't how the 2nd was interepreted for 200 years prior to Heller. for 200 years, courts have held that the MILITIA has the right to bear arms, not the Crazy Guy who thinks he's the Joker.
Uh..guy. Who is the militia?
Antonin Scalia, who died this month, after nearly three decades on the Supreme Court, devoted his professional life to making the United States a less fair, less tolerant, and less admirable democracy. Fortunately, he mostly failed. Belligerent with his colleagues, dismissive of his critics, nostalgic for a world where outsiders knew their place and stayed there, Scalia represents a perfect model for everything that President Obama should avoid in a successor.....

Antonin Scalia brought his own brand of hate to the court and he was poison to tolerance and freedom.

From the article:
He pioneered “originalism,” a theory holding that the Constitution should be interpreted in line with the beliefs of the white men, many of them slave owners, who ratified it in the late eighteenth century.

Antonin Scalia: Looking Backward

Scalia was Ronald Reagan's biggest mistake.

Republican nightmare:
"After successfully thwarting Obama's attempts to put a more moderate voice on the Supreme Court, President-Elect Bernie Sanders has nominated Barack Obama as the next Justice. His swift confirmation is expected when the newly elected senate convenes in January."

Be careful what you wish for. :thup:

Nothing better than a hit piece written after someone is dead and can't defend themselves..

The Author is a coward for writing it, and you are a rube for swallowing it.

Scalia's legacy is well established as are his votes on critical judicial issues of his day

He will not be known for moving the court forward
The court never moves "forward", moron.

No wonder you idiots hated Scalia.
Nothing better than a hit piece written after someone is dead and can't defend themselves..

The Author is a coward for writing it, and you are a rube for swallowing it.

Scalia had plenty of time when he was alive to espouse his noxious views, thanks.

the fact he's taking a dirt nap makes the country a brighter place.


Awww...what's wrong, Marty. Sad that there's one less bigot in the world fighting for White Male supremacy?
White people are a tiny shrinking global minority.

You pieces of shit aren't fooling anyone with your "anti-racist" antics.
Lol the OP just had to throw the word "straight" in there, as if sexual perversion was some kind of race. Fuckin idiot.
Nothing better than a hit piece written after someone is dead and can't defend themselves..

The Author is a coward for writing it, and you are a rube for swallowing it.

Scalia had plenty of time when he was alive to espouse his noxious views, thanks.

the fact he's taking a dirt nap makes the country a brighter place.

Which of his views were "noxious," the proposition that the Constitution should actually be followed?
Uh...guy, you got that wrong.

Scalia was someone who believed the rich should buy elections, that because someone won the popular vote they shouldn't be listened to or even have their votes counted, that people should be executed even after the evidence that put them on death row was discredited. He someone who thought your employer should be able to dictate your health care based on their superstitions.

The world is truly a better place now that he's taking a dirt nap.

Actually he believed that if you want to change the constitution, you use the amendment process as intended, not by convincing 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers to do it for you. That he actually was one of those un-elected lawyers and understood the intended limits of his position only increases my respect for him, regardless of your feckless hatred of him.

He strictly defended the Constitution when it supported his views

When it didn't ....not so much


Citizens United

Yes SCOTUS should have awarded the Presidency to Gore!!!
Antonin Scalia, who died this month, after nearly three decades on the Supreme Court, devoted his professional life to making the United States a less fair, less tolerant, and less admirable democracy. Fortunately, he mostly failed. Belligerent with his colleagues, dismissive of his critics, nostalgic for a world where outsiders knew their place and stayed there, Scalia represents a perfect model for everything that President Obama should avoid in a successor.....

Antonin Scalia brought his own brand of hate to the court and he was poison to tolerance and freedom.

From the article:
He pioneered “originalism,” a theory holding that the Constitution should be interpreted in line with the beliefs of the white men, many of them slave owners, who ratified it in the late eighteenth century.

Antonin Scalia: Looking Backward

Scalia was Ronald Reagan's biggest mistake.

Republican nightmare:
"After successfully thwarting Obama's attempts to put a more moderate voice on the Supreme Court, President-Elect Bernie Sanders has nominated Barack Obama as the next Justice. His swift confirmation is expected when the newly elected senate convenes in January."

Be careful what you wish for. :thup:
Well, the article is lying when it says Scalia was "belligerent with his colleagues."

What else is a lie?
Lol the OP just had to throw the word "straight" in there, as if sexual perversion was some kind of race. Fuckin idiot.

That was added for the benefit of Mr Scalia - he personified the concept of "paranoid homophobia".
Antonin Scalia, who died this month, after nearly three decades on the Supreme Court, devoted his professional life to making the United States a less fair, less tolerant, and less admirable democracy. Fortunately, he mostly failed. Belligerent with his colleagues, dismissive of his critics, nostalgic for a world where outsiders knew their place and stayed there, Scalia represents a perfect model for everything that President Obama should avoid in a successor.....

Antonin Scalia brought his own brand of hate to the court and he was poison to tolerance and freedom.

From the article:
He pioneered “originalism,” a theory holding that the Constitution should be interpreted in line with the beliefs of the white men, many of them slave owners, who ratified it in the late eighteenth century.

Antonin Scalia: Looking Backward

Scalia was Ronald Reagan's biggest mistake.

Republican nightmare:
"After successfully thwarting Obama's attempts to put a more moderate voice on the Supreme Court, President-Elect Bernie Sanders has nominated Barack Obama as the next Justice. His swift confirmation is expected when the newly elected senate convenes in January."

Be careful what you wish for. :thup:
Well, the article is lying when it says Scalia was "belligerent with his colleagues."

What else is a lie?

He was aggressively acerbic, to the point of being insulting in his opinions. But he did get along well with his colleagues, even those on the left.

Apparently, he's the one who suggested Kagan's name to Obama's team, and they would go hunting together frequently - and his 20-year friendship with Ginsberg is famous at this point.
As for heller, the people have the right to keep and bear arms, not the state, not the militia, not the government only, the PEOPLE.

Except that isn't how the 2nd was interepreted for 200 years prior to Heller. for 200 years, courts have held that the MILITIA has the right to bear arms, not the Crazy Guy who thinks he's the Joker.

And as for citizens united, forming a corporation doesn't mean you lose your 1st amendment rights.

The transfer of property is not speech, and corporations don't have religions.

Keep making up Constitutional Law as you go! You may be dumber than Obama. What case held that the right to bear arms was limited to the Militia, was it Ishkabiddle Vs. GlenMorangie?

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