With no pandemic and no Floyd incident, what pathway will Dems engineer to win in 2024?

Nobody sane would say Dems could have won 2020 without anomalies...What concoctions might be in the works for 2024 rollout?

Check to see the votes of their victory came from republicans who turned on trump. They could not have orchestrated 8 million votes that sat in reserve waiting for the the right moment and no one said anything. You people lack common sense.
Why on Earth do you think we won't have a pandemic in 2024?

First rule of politics is, if something works for you, you ramp it up.
I think the Democrats are going to run on family values and fiscal responsibility. They are going to take those from the Republicans and continue accusing them of racism.

The Rats don't need to run on anything.

Like Beijing Biden said...and that's how it is going to be from now on!

Wakey wakey everybody!

Biden: We have put together the most extensive & inclusive VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION in US History​

But that’s Another on video thing he didn’t say!!
Nobody sane would say Dems could have won 2020 without anomalies...What concoctions might be in the works for 2024 rollout?
Biden turned Tulsa into an event.....all they need is a media to broadcast it and plenty of assholes to bitch about it to everyone else.
The sky's the limit on what crapola they can come up with.

They can find a Trayvon Martin under every rock in America.
The only thing holding them back is principles and moral turpitude.
They have neither.
Neither does the MSM.
The gravest threat to America today is the media.
Without them the Democrats couldn't get away with anything they try.
Why on Earth do you think we won't have a pandemic in 2024?

First rule of politics is, if something works for you, you ramp it up.
2008 was the worst economy since the Great Depression. 2020 was COVID.
If they try another pandemic it's going to blow up in their faces.
With all of the evidence of their malfeasance coming out on Fauci....pandemics will be a problem in the future.
With no pandemic and no Floyd incident
This fails as a false premise.

The truth:

‘But Donald Trump also lost the presidency in 2020 partly because he was a norm-busting political outsider who was prepared to say what had previously been unsayable.

Though much of the Trump base might well have voted for him if he had shot someone on Fifth Avenue, his infamous boast from four years ago, others who supported him four years ago were put off by his aggressive behaviour.

This was especially true in the suburbs. Joe Biden improved on Hillary Clinton's performance in 373 suburban counties, helping him claw back the Rust Belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, and enabling him to gain Georgia and Arizona. Donald Trump has a particular problem with suburban women.

We witnessed again in the 2020 presidential election what we had seen in the 2018 mid-term election - more highly-educated Republicans, some of whom had voted for Trump four years ago prepared to give him a chance, thought his presidency was too unpresidential. Though they understood he would be unconventional, many found the manner in which he defied so many customs and behavioural norms off-putting and often offensive.

They were put off by his aggressiveness. His stoking of racial tensions. His use of racist language in tweets maligning people of colour. His failure, on occasions, to adequately condemn white supremacy. His trashing of America's traditional allies and his admiration for authoritarian strongmen, such as Vladimir Putin.

His strange boasts about being "a very stable genius" and the like. His promotion of conspiracy theories. His use of a lingua franca that sometimes made him sound more like a crime boss, such as when he described his former lawyer Michael Cohen, who reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors, as "a rat".’

This fails as a false premise?? Damn, not even sure what the hell that means. Failing at a false premise sounds like a good thing.
Worded out of order so incorrect like you said
But, it would be correct to say “your false premise has failed”
The so-called Democratic Party will simply have their friend and ally, China, whip up another virus, infect a couple of agents and send them over here to spread it.
There's also the voter ballot tactics of 2020 for them to fall back on.
Why on Earth do you think we won't have a pandemic in 2024?

First rule of politics is, if something works for you, you ramp it up.

You won't be able to blame trump for the next one and if you're th o nking it will be used as a tool by democrats, you're one sick puppy.
Why on Earth do you think we won't have a pandemic in 2024?

First rule of politics is, if something works for you, you ramp it up.
2008 was the worst economy since the Great Depression. 2020 was COVID.
If they try another pandemic it's going to blow up in their faces.
With all of the evidence of their malfeasance coming out on Fauci....pandemics will be a problem in the future.

Pandemics are the new normal. Those in power and a compliant media will keep everyone sufficiently fearful of a deadly version of the cold for many years to come.
Nobody sane would say Dems could have won 2020 without anomalies...What concoctions might be in the works for 2024 rollout?
13th Wave of Covid?

CNN/MessNBC/WaPo/NYSlimes claim Trump's evil spirit is possessing the Republican prezzie nominee?

Most likely is a third world war; under Harris, that would make the Dems tough to beat - untouchable warrior queen & all that.
Racism will be the leftists main focus. Global warming will make a huge comeback after a lack of importance for 4 years.
Why on Earth do you think we won't have a pandemic in 2024?

First rule of politics is, if something works for you, you ramp it up.
2008 was the worst economy since the Great Depression. 2020 was COVID.
If they try another pandemic it's going to blow up in their faces.
With all of the evidence of their malfeasance coming out on Fauci....pandemics will be a problem in the future.

Pandemics are the new normal. Those in power and a compliant media will keep everyone sufficiently fearful of a deadly version of the cold for many years to come.
I wear two masks at all times.

Three in the shower.
Racism will be the leftists main focus. Global warming will make a huge comeback after a lack of importance for 4 years.

They've been trying to scare everyone into submission with global warming for a few decades now, it hasn't worked.

They've hit on a winning formula by turning a bad flu season into the zombie apocalypse.

They aren't going to give that up any time soon.
Racism will be the leftists main focus. Global warming will make a huge comeback after a lack of importance for 4 years.

They've been trying to scare everyone into submission with global warming for a few decades now, it hasn't worked.

They've hit on a winning formula by turning a bad flu season into the zombie apocalypse.

They aren't going to give that up any time soon.

Global warming will and is happening no matter who thinks what. We will not be consulted on our view but action will take place regardless.
They will guided by the best science available and personal opinions etc will not enter the debate.
Racism will be the leftists main focus. Global warming will make a huge comeback after a lack of importance for 4 years.

They've been trying to scare everyone into submission with global warming for a few decades now, it hasn't worked.

They've hit on a winning formula by turning a bad flu season into the zombie apocalypse.

They aren't going to give that up any time soon.

Global warming will and is happening no matter who thinks what. We will not be consulted on our view but action will take place regardless.
They will guided by the best science available and personal opinions etc will not enter the debate.

I can’t get global warming supporter to answer this question, maybe you can?
Why did Michael Manns team at Penn State deliberately falsify temperature data to create the hockey stick graph?

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