With only around 500 billionaires in the country

As I already explained, you can't measure happiness objectively, so any claims about how happy a country is are pure bullshit.

Polls can be done, don't be so foolish.

How do people know how happy they are? What are the units of happiness? If one guy says he's "happy" does he mean the same thing as another buy who says he's "happy?"

Your polls are meaningless bullshit.
People know when they are happy. Let me know if you find a real argument.

No they don't. They certainly don't know how to measure it. Furthermore, happiness doesn't come from government programs.

Yes they do. Let me know if you come up with a real argument.

ROFL! You want me to come up with "real arguments?"
Socialism works and we have the "richest poor" in the world, to prove it.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.
You keep up with your delusions...
All of Europe is on the brink of absolute collapse, and rightly so.

Yes germany is about to collapse. You seem to be the one with delusions.
Socialism works and we have the "richest poor" in the world, to prove it.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.
You keep up with your delusions...
All of Europe is on the brink of absolute collapse, and rightly so.
Hearsay and soothay is just that.
No they don't. They certainly don't know how to measure it. Furthermore, happiness doesn't come from government programs.
Without government to enforce contractual agreements, businesses wouldn't get away with sweat shops.
But maybe that's why Conservatives like their slaves in China and other nations that have total disregard for human rights,

So you think that WalMart is loaded with conservatives? After all, that's where the demand for slave labor comes from. If you liberals weren't buying products from China and other slave nations, there would be less slave labor.

Without government, there would still be no American sweat shops. We can't even get Americans to take reasonable paying jobs yet alone expect them to take slave labor jobs. The only people to accept those jobs are foreigners that are welcomed by the leaders of the Democrat party.
Old man Sam Walton made his children swear to him on his death bed that they wouldn't sell out their employees or vendors.
As soon as he was six feet under, his useless, gold spoon children sold out their employees and vendors.
The H1-Bs who were let go after the Housing Bubble Crash were hired by Walmart, Home Depot, etc.. to replace the minorities who were working there before; even though said H1-Bs were supposed to go back to India.
Right or wrong, people who are under and unemployed vote for Democrats, who at least give lip service to what's going on.

A Conservative's sole loyalty is to America's Freedom to do whatever you want to become richer yet, regardless of what the next generation, or even the current generation, has to deal with.

So you're still insistent on giving liberals a free pass?

The only reason we have illegal narcotics being sold on the streets is because there are buyers. Take away the buyers and you take away the sellers.

Your brethren are the demand when it comes to products. The Walton's only provide their customers with what they want. If they didn't want cheap Chinese products, Walmart would go out of business or change their business plan.

But the fact is that most of the consumers at Walmart and various other places is that they want cheap goods and they could care less where they came from. They don't care about slave labor, they don't care how many Americans they put out of work, they don't care about the floor sweepers getting minimum wage. They care about how much they can fill their carts and still be able to afford the items in that cart.

You're blaming the wrong people in this case.

Take a good look at my user name.
I'm not a big fan of Liberals...or Conservatives.
The end Legislation on either side of the aisle, for the most part, is pretty much the same.
People go to Walmart because they NEED lower prices.
I personally prefer Costco as most of Walmart's products suck, but I'm sure MANY people effected by our Asian economy would like to go to Costco as opposed to Walmart.
In fact, I am embarrassed to go to Walmart.

I know. It seems that everybody that discusses this issue about who to blame for our products being made in China and other places doesn't shop at Walmart. Nobody does if you read these blogs. I guess I'm the only one.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.
You keep up with your delusions...
All of Europe is on the brink of absolute collapse, and rightly so.

There are millions of Americans in dire straights.
Our foreclosure rates are skyrocketing.
True, we are following European countries on how not be successful... Debt ratios are a disastrous and will catch up to us. Europe has an horrible track record, nothing to be proud of.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.
You keep up with your delusions...
All of Europe is on the brink of absolute collapse, and rightly so.

Yes germany is about to collapse. You seem to be the one with delusions.
The Eurozone is going to implode... Stupidity designed. It can't stand up under its own weight.
Too much debt over there, the Eurozone can't work under those conditions. One country basically supporting the rest over there, and that country is far from being in great shape. Sooner or later people are going to get sick of supporting so many deadbeats, and say enough.
Too many fiscal gaps to think any thing is in good shape.
Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.
You keep up with your delusions...
All of Europe is on the brink of absolute collapse, and rightly so.

Yes germany is about to collapse. You seem to be the one with delusions.
The Eurozone is going to implode... Stupidity designed. It can't stand up under its own weight.
Too much debt over there, the Eurozone can't work under those conditions. One country basically supporting the rest over there, and that country is far from being in great shape. Sooner or later people are going to get sick of supporting so many deadbeats, and say enough.
Too many fiscal gaps to think any thing is in good shape.
The European Union is really it's own topic. Many countries with socialism policies are doing very well.
Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.
You keep up with your delusions...
All of Europe is on the brink of absolute collapse, and rightly so.

Yes germany is about to collapse. You seem to be the one with delusions.
The Eurozone is going to implode... Stupidity designed. It can't stand up under its own weight.
Too much debt over there, the Eurozone can't work under those conditions. One country basically supporting the rest over there, and that country is far from being in great shape. Sooner or later people are going to get sick of supporting so many deadbeats, and say enough.
Too many fiscal gaps to think any thing is in good shape.
The European Union is really it's own topic. Many countries with socialism policies are doing very well.

The countries that you claim have "socialism policies" that you claim are doing so well are probably less socialist than the United States.
Socialism works and we have the "richest poor" in the world, to prove it.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.
No, not really. There is alway the nagging reality of giant fiscal gaps with their government debt and deficit just like us. If country has any debt at all they are already a failure till get out of debt.
Their citizens are taxed so much that they're stupid.

So, no, there is no such thing as a successful socialist/communist government in all of history. By the way: socialism and communism are the same thing... Just spelled differently.

You really don't know what you are talking about.

In a way, communism is an extreme form of socialism. Many countries have dominant socialist political parties but very few are truly communist. In fact, most countries - including staunch capitalist bastions like the U.S. and U.K. - have government programs that borrow from socialist principles. "Socialism" is sometimes used interchangeably with "communism" but the two philosophies have some stark differences. Most notably, while communism is a political system, socialism is primarily an economic system that can exist in various forms under a wide range of political systems.
Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
Same diff... All fail and makes life unbearable...
Appealing to ignorance, like usual? The religious prove socialism merely requires social morals for free, everyday.
It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.
You keep up with your delusions...
All of Europe is on the brink of absolute collapse, and rightly so.

Yes germany is about to collapse. You seem to be the one with delusions.
The Eurozone is going to implode... Stupidity designed. It can't stand up under its own weight.
Too much debt over there, the Eurozone can't work under those conditions. One country basically supporting the rest over there, and that country is far from being in great shape. Sooner or later people are going to get sick of supporting so many deadbeats, and say enough.
Too many fiscal gaps to think any thing is in good shape.
The European Union is really it's own topic. Many countries with socialism policies are doing very well.

The countries that you claim have "socialism policies" that you claim are doing so well are probably less socialist than the United States.

Really? Germany? Denmark? Norway? They all have a combination of socialist/capitalist like we do.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
very simple dear; Because, they own around, ninety percent of the wealth.

Which in no way makes them responsible for you and your shit life.
Actually, it does under any form of progressive taxation scheme, simply because they can afford it. Like I said, socialism merely requires social morals for free.

No, hon, NOTHING makes other people responsible for you. All you make them is sacrificed to your cause. And calling that "moral" is obscene (Yes, I realize you'll probably have to look that word up, since you clearly have no experience with the concept.)
Of course it does dear, simply having the protection of Government requires ceding some natural rights to vest it with the power to tax.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that your continued existence is a great benefit to the public. God knows, that's the only way you'll ever hear it.

Meanwhile, giving the government the ability to provide basic government function does not in any way justify a blanket belief that government should be the source of anything and everything that people want in their lives, or that the rest of us are somehow obligated to fund it. You want good health? Get it yourself. There is nothing about keeping you alive that I consider a worthy investment.
Taxation is theft.

There's no two ways about it.

No one is entitled to a share of what I earn. That includes the government.

That is ridiculous. It is not theft. In return we get infrastructure and military. Without those your billionaires would not be billionaires.

Theft: taking the belongings of another person without their permission.

How doesn't taxation meet that definition?

If you chose to live here and use the infrastructure and are defended by the military you are giving permission. Nobody is forced to live here. Your claim is moronic.

I didn't choose to live here. I was born here. That doesn't constitute agreement to anything. Just ask a lawyer.

Government doesn't own the United States, so why is it entitled to charge a fee just for your presence here? When someone who isn't part of the government does that we call it "extortion."

Government is indistinguishable from an organized criminal gang.

You are free to go any time. You seem to be pro freeloaders. So they should get all the benefits, but pay nothing for them?

You seem to think other people should.
So what does that have to do with anything?
Any fiscal policy is affected more by the one percent that own ninety percent of the wealth. I thought it was self-evident under Any form of capitalism.

No, it's not.

We do not live in a bubble. That's a liberal fallacy. There is no finite amount of money in the US where if one has too much, it's responsible for others not having enough.

In a great country such as ours, money is endless, it's just that you have to go out and get yours. The people that have the most are those who were obsessed with money their entire lives. But that obsession and accomplishment does not or should not make them responsible for those of us that never had that compulsion.
Still missing the point or are you just a lousy capitalist who doesn't understand the concept of leverage.

Oh, I don't? Then why not treat us to a few scenarios of this leverage you speak of?
Is one percent of the People owning ninety percent of the wealth, not self-evident enough for the right?

Oh, it's obvious that they do. What's not obvious is why that somehow entitles you to take it away from them.
That is ridiculous. It is not theft. In return we get infrastructure and military. Without those your billionaires would not be billionaires.

Theft: taking the belongings of another person without their permission.

How doesn't taxation meet that definition?

If you chose to live here and use the infrastructure and are defended by the military you are giving permission. Nobody is forced to live here. Your claim is moronic.

I didn't choose to live here. I was born here. That doesn't constitute agreement to anything. Just ask a lawyer.

Government doesn't own the United States, so why is it entitled to charge a fee just for your presence here? When someone who isn't part of the government does that we call it "extortion."

Government is indistinguishable from an organized criminal gang.

You are free to go any time. You seem to be pro freeloaders. So they should get all the benefits, but pay nothing for them?

You seem to think other people should.

I would like everyone to have a good job and be able to.

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