With only around 500 billionaires in the country

As I already explained, you can't measure happiness objectively, so any claims about how happy a country is are pure bullshit.

Polls can be done, don't be so foolish.

How do people know how happy they are? What are the units of happiness? If one guy says he's "happy" does he mean the same thing as another buy who says he's "happy?"

Your polls are meaningless bullshit.
People know when they are happy. Let me know if you find a real argument.

No they don't. They certainly don't know how to measure it. Furthermore, happiness doesn't come from government programs.
Without government to enforce contractual agreements, businesses wouldn't get away with sweat shops.
But maybe that's why Conservatives like their slaves in China and other nations that have total disregard for human rights,

Have a link?
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
They aren't. The millionaires are as well. :). Oh and why? Because they pay such low wages that the 300 million need welfare to get buy. Pay more in wages or pay more in taxes. :)
Robin Hood never worked
Socialism works and we have the "richest poor" in the world, to prove it.

Yeah, it's the socialism causing that (which doesn't explain why countries that are even more socialist DON'T have richer poor).
Theft: taking the belongings of another person without their permission.

How doesn't taxation meet that definition?

If you chose to live here and use the infrastructure and are defended by the military you are giving permission. Nobody is forced to live here. Your claim is moronic.

I didn't choose to live here. I was born here. That doesn't constitute agreement to anything. Just ask a lawyer.

Government doesn't own the United States, so why is it entitled to charge a fee just for your presence here? When someone who isn't part of the government does that we call it "extortion."

Government is indistinguishable from an organized criminal gang.

You are free to go any time. You seem to be pro freeloaders. So they should get all the benefits, but pay nothing for them?

You seem to think other people should.

I would like everyone to have a good job and be able to.

Yeah, and I'd like the streets to be paved with chocolate bars. However, I'm not supporting public policy based on the idea that they already ARE, and to get back to the point, I'm also not supporting public policy based on the idea that one group of people owes another group of people their property.
If you chose to live here and use the infrastructure and are defended by the military you are giving permission. Nobody is forced to live here. Your claim is moronic.

I didn't choose to live here. I was born here. That doesn't constitute agreement to anything. Just ask a lawyer.

Government doesn't own the United States, so why is it entitled to charge a fee just for your presence here? When someone who isn't part of the government does that we call it "extortion."

Government is indistinguishable from an organized criminal gang.

You are free to go any time. You seem to be pro freeloaders. So they should get all the benefits, but pay nothing for them?

You seem to think other people should.

I would like everyone to have a good job and be able to.

Yeah, and I'd like the streets to be paved with chocolate bars. However, I'm not supporting public policy based on the idea that they already ARE, and to get back to the point, I'm also not supporting public policy based on the idea that one group of people owes another group of people their property.

What is it you support?
Robin Hood never worked

Socialism works and we have the "richest poor" in the world, to prove it.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."
Socialism works and we have the "richest poor" in the world, to prove it.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."

Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.
No, not really. There is alway the nagging reality of giant fiscal gaps with their government debt and deficit just like us. If country has any debt at all they are already a failure till get out of debt.
Their citizens are taxed so much that they're stupid.

So, no, there is no such thing as a successful socialist/communist government in all of history. By the way: socialism and communism are the same thing... Just spelled differently.

That's funny. The happiest countries in the world are socialist. We have lots of debt.

There's no objective way to measure happiness, so that claim is obvious horseshit.

Sure you tell the people in those countries they are not happy.

Why? I don't give a damn if they are or not. That's their lookout. What concerns me is whether or not MY country thinks government should define, provide, and mandate happiness for me. If I wanted that shit, I'd move.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."

Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.

We're all for happiness. We believe that happiness is when one has total control over their destiny--not government. I'm happy. Do you want to see me happier? Take more government out of my life. That would make me happier.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

Wrong. The countries you call "socialist" are actually largely capitalist. The socialist portion of their economies doesn't work.

Actually it seems to work fine, they are some of the happiest countries in the world.

Yeah, and in case it hasn't occurred to you, WE don't live in those countries precisely because WE would not be happy. If socialism is your cup of tea, go live somewhere socialist. Stop trying to force it on people who don't want it and telling them how "happy" it's going to make them.

Human beings aren't a "one size fits all" scenario. We're not an anthill or a beehive or the Borg Collective. What the hell is it about being an individual that scares you so?
I didn't choose to live here. I was born here. That doesn't constitute agreement to anything. Just ask a lawyer.

Government doesn't own the United States, so why is it entitled to charge a fee just for your presence here? When someone who isn't part of the government does that we call it "extortion."

Government is indistinguishable from an organized criminal gang.

You are free to go any time. You seem to be pro freeloaders. So they should get all the benefits, but pay nothing for them?

You seem to think other people should.

I would like everyone to have a good job and be able to.

Yeah, and I'd like the streets to be paved with chocolate bars. However, I'm not supporting public policy based on the idea that they already ARE, and to get back to the point, I'm also not supporting public policy based on the idea that one group of people owes another group of people their property.

What is it you support?

Living your own damned life and being responsible for yourself and not casting envious eyes at the property of others and telling yourself how they don't deserve it and you do. That would be a real good place to start.

Basically, the less daily interaction I have with government entities, the better.
Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."

Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.

We're all for happiness. We believe that happiness is when one has total control over their destiny--not government. I'm happy. Do you want to see me happier? Take more government out of my life. That would make me happier.

Then why do you argue for more people to pay taxes? That is more government.
Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

Wrong. The countries you call "socialist" are actually largely capitalist. The socialist portion of their economies doesn't work.

Actually it seems to work fine, they are some of the happiest countries in the world.

Yeah, and in case it hasn't occurred to you, WE don't live in those countries precisely because WE would not be happy. If socialism is your cup of tea, go live somewhere socialist. Stop trying to force it on people who don't want it and telling them how "happy" it's going to make them.

Human beings aren't a "one size fits all" scenario. We're not an anthill or a beehive or the Borg Collective. What the hell is it about being an individual that scares you so?

We have socialism here.
Show me where socialism has ever worked in the world?? Socialism/communism's claim to fame is the greatest dictators in history hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and the total wack job brain behind those dictators believes.... Karl Marx

Crazy brings out crazy

Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."

Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.

We're not against happy, dumbass. We're against having happy defined and mandated for us by someone else, and we're against being forced to fund that specific "happiness" for everyone else.
Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

Wrong. The countries you call "socialist" are actually largely capitalist. The socialist portion of their economies doesn't work.

Actually it seems to work fine, they are some of the happiest countries in the world.

Yeah, and in case it hasn't occurred to you, WE don't live in those countries precisely because WE would not be happy. If socialism is your cup of tea, go live somewhere socialist. Stop trying to force it on people who don't want it and telling them how "happy" it's going to make them.

Human beings aren't a "one size fits all" scenario. We're not an anthill or a beehive or the Borg Collective. What the hell is it about being an individual that scares you so?

We have socialism here.

Yes we do, and what's happening with that socialism?

Most all of our programs are going broke. We are 18 trillion in the hole and quickly approaching 19 trillion. Half of the people depend partly or entirely on the support of governments.

Back in the 60's and 70's we had communes. Communes were entirely socialist. Some went out to get supplies and necessities for the rest in the commune and others stayed in the commune having babies, smoking pot and watching television if they had one.

After a while, the people supporting the commune grew sick of taking care of everybody else. That's why communes disappeared.

Socialsim has a short fuse. Sure, it may work for a while. It may work 30 years, 60 years, even 100 years. But eventually, it will collapse much like our social programs are.
Different forms of socialism is working all over, communism obviously does not work. All the countries with the happiest people have some socialism.

Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."

Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.

We're not against happy, dumbass. We're against having happy defined and mandated for us by someone else, and we're against being forced to fund that specific "happiness" for everyone else.

Yes you want lots of inequality and happy rich people. The poor you want to just accept it. Not a very realistic plan in a country that votes.
Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."

Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.

We're all for happiness. We believe that happiness is when one has total control over their destiny--not government. I'm happy. Do you want to see me happier? Take more government out of my life. That would make me happier.

Then why do you argue for more people to pay taxes? That is more government.

No, that's spreading the burden of government more equally. The idea that one half of the country should pay for the other half is not less government.
It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

Wrong. The countries you call "socialist" are actually largely capitalist. The socialist portion of their economies doesn't work.

Actually it seems to work fine, they are some of the happiest countries in the world.

Yeah, and in case it hasn't occurred to you, WE don't live in those countries precisely because WE would not be happy. If socialism is your cup of tea, go live somewhere socialist. Stop trying to force it on people who don't want it and telling them how "happy" it's going to make them.

Human beings aren't a "one size fits all" scenario. We're not an anthill or a beehive or the Borg Collective. What the hell is it about being an individual that scares you so?

We have socialism here.

Yes we do, and what's happening with that socialism?

Most all of our programs are going broke. We are 18 trillion in the hole and quickly approaching 19 trillion. Half of the people depend partly or entirely on the support of governments.

Back in the 60's and 70's we had communes. Communes were entirely socialist. Some went out to get supplies and necessities for the rest in the commune and others stayed in the commune having babies, smoking pot and watching television if they had one.

After a while, the people supporting the commune grew sick of taking care of everybody else. That's why communes disappeared.

Socialsim has a short fuse. Sure, it may work for a while. It may work 30 years, 60 years, even 100 years. But eventually, it will collapse much like our social programs are.

Well the problem is the rich have gotten lots of breaks and there has been nothing in return. Lots of inequality leads to a stagnant economy, that is where we are now.
It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."

Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.

We're all for happiness. We believe that happiness is when one has total control over their destiny--not government. I'm happy. Do you want to see me happier? Take more government out of my life. That would make me happier.

Then why do you argue for more people to pay taxes? That is more government.

No, that's spreading the burden of government more equally. The idea that one half of the country should pay for the other half is not less government.

Yes it is. Expecting the very poor to pay taxes is silly. They will just get it back in welfare. It's inefficient and grows government.
Wrong. The countries you call "socialist" are actually largely capitalist. The socialist portion of their economies doesn't work.

Actually it seems to work fine, they are some of the happiest countries in the world.

Yeah, and in case it hasn't occurred to you, WE don't live in those countries precisely because WE would not be happy. If socialism is your cup of tea, go live somewhere socialist. Stop trying to force it on people who don't want it and telling them how "happy" it's going to make them.

Human beings aren't a "one size fits all" scenario. We're not an anthill or a beehive or the Borg Collective. What the hell is it about being an individual that scares you so?

We have socialism here.

Yes we do, and what's happening with that socialism?

Most all of our programs are going broke. We are 18 trillion in the hole and quickly approaching 19 trillion. Half of the people depend partly or entirely on the support of governments.

Back in the 60's and 70's we had communes. Communes were entirely socialist. Some went out to get supplies and necessities for the rest in the commune and others stayed in the commune having babies, smoking pot and watching television if they had one.

After a while, the people supporting the commune grew sick of taking care of everybody else. That's why communes disappeared.

Socialsim has a short fuse. Sure, it may work for a while. It may work 30 years, 60 years, even 100 years. But eventually, it will collapse much like our social programs are.

Well the problem is the rich have gotten lots of breaks and there has been nothing in return. Lots of inequality leads to a stagnant economy, that is where we are now.

The top 10% of wage earners in the US pay over 70% of all collected income taxes. Do you call that equity?

I call equity everybody paying the same or at the very least, the same percentage in taxes. Our stagnant economy is due to foreigners coming here and taking jobs away from Americans because they will work for next to nothing. That keeps wages down for everybody in this country.

The other part of a stagnant economy is when living off of taxpayers works out better than getting a job and working. We have more people of working age today not working since the early 70's. It's no accident either.
How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."

Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.

We're all for happiness. We believe that happiness is when one has total control over their destiny--not government. I'm happy. Do you want to see me happier? Take more government out of my life. That would make me happier.

Then why do you argue for more people to pay taxes? That is more government.

No, that's spreading the burden of government more equally. The idea that one half of the country should pay for the other half is not less government.

Yes it is. Expecting the very poor to pay taxes is silly. They will just get it back in welfare. It's inefficient and grows government.

The very poor? 47% of Americans pay no income taxes at all. Are they all very poor?

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