With The Latest Revelations About Clarence Thomas, What's The Over Under On "Weeks Until He Resigns in Disgrace"?

Trump Co. - conviction

Ongoing rape trial - only witness for the defense bailed. Grifty's gonna cut another check.

Georgia - not looking promising

Documents case - ditto

Various tax cases in NY and at the IRS - the ship be sinkin'

Jan 6th. - another Proud Boys sedition conviction.

You got'em this time!!!!!
Your love affair with the destructive left-wing liberals is duly noted. Right, wrong, or otherwise, each and every justice now and in the past accepts freebies, even your beloved liberal justices. We can only hope that it does not influence their LEGAL, LAW-BASED decisions. If you haven't noticed, our whole political system is corrupt. We need to tear it down and start over.

Not the whole system. Just a billionaire owned Republican party, which is no longer able to win elections, where all of the people vote, and all of the votes are counted.

Instead of coming up with policies or platforms to appeal to voters, Republicans seek to restrict, racial minorities, women, poor people, and people under the age of 30, from voting.

Every year, the list of people who refuse to vote Republican gets longer, and so we have gerrymandering, voter, suppression, and all manner of things to keep Democrats away from the voting booth.

Only one party needs to be scrapped, and that’s the party that’s prepared to maintain power at any cost. The Republican Party.
Crow wasn't just redecorating his mom's house and paying her mortgage, he was paying his ward's tuition at prep school.

Just to show where the court's collective head is at:

All 9 Supreme Court justices push back on oversight: 'Raises more questions,' Senate chair says​

WASHINGTON -- There's no conservative-liberal divide on the U.S. Supreme Court when it comes to calls for a new, enforceable ethics code.

All nine justices, in a rare step, on Tuesday released a joint statement reaffirming their voluntary adherence to a general code of conduct but rebutting proposals for independent oversight, mandatory compliance with ethics rules and greater transparency in cases of recusal.

The implication, though not expressly stated, is that the court unanimously rejects legislation proposed by Democrats seeking to impose on the justices the same ethics obligations applied to all other federal judges.

"The justices ... consult a wide variety of authorities to address specific ethical issues," the members of the high court said in a document titled "Statement on Ethics Principles and Practices."

It appears to be the first time an entire court has publicly explained its approach to ethics issues and attested to specific parts of federal law governing their conduct.
Not the whole system. Just a billionaire owned Republican party, which is no longer able to win elections, where all of the people vote, and all of the votes are counted.

Instead of coming up with policies or platforms to appeal to voters, Republicans seek to restrict, racial minorities, women, poor people, and people under the age of 30, from voting.

Every year, the list of people who refuse to vote Republican gets longer, and so we have gerrymandering, voter, suppression, and all manner of things to keep Democrats away from the voting booth.

Only one party needs to be scrapped, and that’s the party that’s prepared to maintain power at any cost. The Republican Party.
More liberal redirection. The post was about the supreme court, not the Republican Party. Try again and deny that your liberal judges do not take advantage of freebies.
Trump Co. - conviction

Ongoing rape trial - only witness for the defense bailed. Grifty's gonna cut another check.

Georgia - not looking promising

Documents case - ditto

Various tax cases in NY and at the IRS - the ship be sinkin'

Jan 6th. - another Proud Boys sedition conviction.
It’s still not a rape case. The subject matter involves an old alleged rape. Not the same thing, Horseshit, you utter moron.
You're easily the most thick-between-the-ears reputed MBA I've ever encountered, Peukema....I mean seriously fucking dumb.

How much did you bribe the profs to pass off on your "work"?

Horeshit has a familiar stench. I wonder if that’s where I got nauseated by that stink before.
Gorsuch, and John Roberts have ethical issues themselves that have been exposed....not at the Thomas level, but this could prevent them from asking Thomas to resign...imo.
Every justice has ethics issues.


Thomas survived a democrat lynching before, he'll be fine now.
Just to show where the court's collective head is at:

All 9 Supreme Court justices push back on oversight: 'Raises more questions,' Senate chair says​

WASHINGTON -- There's no conservative-liberal divide on the U.S. Supreme Court when it comes to calls for a new, enforceable ethics code.

All nine justices, in a rare step, on Tuesday released a joint statement reaffirming their voluntary adherence to a general code of conduct but rebutting proposals for independent oversight, mandatory compliance with ethics rules and greater transparency in cases of recusal.

The implication, though not expressly stated, is that the court unanimously rejects legislation proposed by Democrats seeking to impose on the justices the same ethics obligations applied to all other federal judges.

"The justices ... consult a wide variety of authorities to address specific ethical issues," the members of the high court said in a document titled "Statement on Ethics Principles and Practices."

It appears to be the first time an entire court has publicly explained its approach to ethics issues and attested to specific parts of federal law governing their conduct.
Every fucking moron is pushing this.

There is an inherent conflict in having the Judiciary answer to the Senate.

This is an entirely different matter from Thomas' chronic issues with the Court's own ethical standards.

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