With this latest terrorist attack, what do Americans think about Syrian refugees coming in now ?

The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

They have not called it a terrorist attack yet.
All they have said is they are not ruling it out.

I realize that, but when you take into account the bomb making equipment they had at home, the amount of ammunition, and the fact the man's travels took him to places of known areas of Islamic terrorism, I don't see how anyone can come to any other conclusion.
Since neither suspect was Syrian and Farook (the presumed lead shooter) was born in the USA, Digital Drifter seems to be suggesting we should lock up all Americans who own "long guns."

Then again, DD probably voted for Dubya twice...the guy who invaded Iraq because the perpetrators of 9/11 were Saudis.

RW "logic."

The point is dipshit, allowing the refugees in is adding more Muslims from an area of the world that breeds Islamic extremism.
The question is, with this latest attack will Americans now be even less likely to welcome them in ?

So you're saying "Let's put all Americans who own 'long guns' into Manzanar-like camps and then give the Syrian refugees their homes and properties the way the feds did with Japanese-Americans in WWII."

That seems a bit extreme. But since "owning 'long guns'" is a form of religious extremism, it should certainly be discussed.

(Smart people will understand I'm being sarcastic. This parenthetical explanation is for the not-so-smart who think I'm serious.)

More Muslim refugees mean more contact points throughout the country for radicals abroad that may be able to easily persuade fellow Muslims to radicalize.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

They have not called it a terrorist attack yet.
All they have said is they are not ruling it out.

I realize that, but when you take into account the bomb making equipment they had at home, the amount of ammunition, and the fact the man's travels took him to places of known areas of Islamic terrorism, I don't see how anyone can come to any other conclusion.
oh, not a libturd, common sense isn't part of their nature.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

They have not called it a terrorist attack yet.
All they have said is they are not ruling it out.

I realize that, but when you take into account the bomb making equipment they had at home, the amount of ammunition, and the fact the man's travels took him to places of known areas of Islamic terrorism, I don't see how anyone can come to any other conclusion.

I'm thinking that they wanted to do something even bigger (especially with all of the bombs), but their plans were changed when something pissed him off over a co-worker.
Either that or they thought they could get away with this one and then do an even bigger event.
How can you be sure you wont die tomorrow by a white terrorist shooting up what he thinks is an abortion clinic?

Should we kill off all white guys now?

No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.

Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.

Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.
Nervous laughter is unbecoming. Of course you fear them. Thats why you are afraid to let refugees in from Syria.
How can you be sure you wont die tomorrow by a white terrorist shooting up what he thinks is an abortion clinic?

Should we kill off all white guys now?

No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.

Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.

Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

hahahaha..do you look both ways before you cross the street?..Oh, you do? Why is that? Are you "scared"?
Do you lock your doors at night? Why? are you "scared"?

LMAO, jemima
Yes I look both ways because I am afraid a car might hit me. I'm not ashamed to admit it. No I dont lock my doors but then I have 2 Pits that guard my home.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.
My british boss said we shouldn't ban the refuges. He said, "think about it, we have more white christian religious right wing terrorists than we do Muslim terrorists". If anything we should irradicate our country of right wing religious nuts because they shoot up abortion clinics.

So your boss is an idiot as well?
How many muslims did he take into his home?
None. Why take them in? Why don't Syrian rats move to Saudi Arabia or Iran and let those rats live with them. We are Cats. You know Cats and rats don't get along.

The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.
My british boss said we shouldn't ban the refuges. He said, "think about it, we have more white christian religious right wing terrorists than we do Muslim terrorists". If anything we should irradicate our country of right wing religious nuts because they shoot up abortion clinics.

So your boss is an idiot as well?
How many muslims did he take into his home?
None. Why take them in? Why don't Syrian rats move to Saudi Arabia or Iran and let those rats live with them. We are Cats. You know Cats and rats don't get along.

View attachment 56143

You occasionally have bouts of sanity.....
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.
Since Syrian refugees had nothing to do with this, you have to be fucking retarded to punish them for it.

It never penetrates a retard's head the refugees are fleeing the very same terrorists the bigoted assholes are shitting their pants over.

If there are no arab countries where arabs play nice with each other, why should we expect they will come here and play nice with us?

Excuse me, is this yours?

No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.

Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.

Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.

Nervous laughter is unbecoming. Of course you fear them. Thats why you are afraid to let refugees in from Syria.

Nope. Just the jihadist that could be among them.

No nervous laughter from me there bucko.

You on the other hand seem pretty anxious to get these refugees into America.

You seem clueless as to the danger they may represent and are willing to subject your fellow Americans to that danger.
Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.

Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.

Nervous laughter is unbecoming. Of course you fear them. Thats why you are afraid to let refugees in from Syria.

Nope. Just the jihadist that could be among them.

No nervous laughter from me there bucko.

You on the other hand seem pretty anxious to get these refugees into America.

You seem clueless as to the danger they may represent and are willing to subject your fellow Americans to that danger.
An American-born just shot the hell out of the place and you're worried about the refugees? Do tell.

How long before you dumbasses realize that ISIS is an idea, it is already all over the fucking globe.
Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.

Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.

Nervous laughter is unbecoming. Of course you fear them. Thats why you are afraid to let refugees in from Syria.

Nope. Just the jihadist that could be among them.

No nervous laughter from me there bucko.

You on the other hand seem pretty anxious to get these refugees into America.

You seem clueless as to the danger they may represent and are willing to subject your fellow Americans to that danger.
There is nothing wrong with admitting you are afraid of them and thats why you do exactly as ISIS wants you to do and turn away the refugees.

Of course there is nervous laughter. You even admitted you were laughing when this situation is serious. That due to nervousness. Look it up. I think it would be great for the refugees to come into america. I dont believe they are dangerous and I think its stupid to give ISIS exactly what they want.
Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.

Nervous laughter is unbecoming. Of course you fear them. Thats why you are afraid to let refugees in from Syria.

Nope. Just the jihadist that could be among them.

No nervous laughter from me there bucko.

You on the other hand seem pretty anxious to get these refugees into America.

You seem clueless as to the danger they may represent and are willing to subject your fellow Americans to that danger.
There is nothing wrong with admitting you are afraid of them and thats why you do exactly as ISIS wants you to do and turn away the refugees.

Of course there is nervous laughter. You even admitted you were laughing when this situation is serious. That due to nervousness. Look it up. I think it would be great for the refugees to come into america. I dont believe they are dangerous and I think its stupid to give ISIS exactly what they want.

If that's what you believe then believe away. More power to you.

Of course your full of shit.

Oh and you can bet those refugee's coming here would give ISIS exactly what it wants.

You sure are clueless.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.

Nervous laughter is unbecoming. Of course you fear them. Thats why you are afraid to let refugees in from Syria.

Nope. Just the jihadist that could be among them.

No nervous laughter from me there bucko.

You on the other hand seem pretty anxious to get these refugees into America.

You seem clueless as to the danger they may represent and are willing to subject your fellow Americans to that danger.
There is nothing wrong with admitting you are afraid of them and thats why you do exactly as ISIS wants you to do and turn away the refugees.

Of course there is nervous laughter. You even admitted you were laughing when this situation is serious. That due to nervousness. Look it up. I think it would be great for the refugees to come into america. I dont believe they are dangerous and I think its stupid to give ISIS exactly what they want.

If that's what you believe then believe away. More power to you.

Of course your full of shit.

Oh and you can bet those refugee's coming here would give ISIS exactly what it wants.

You sure are clueless.
ISIS wants a Holy War. The more you fuck with the Muslims, including killing them, the better.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.

Nervous laughter is unbecoming. Of course you fear them. Thats why you are afraid to let refugees in from Syria.

Nope. Just the jihadist that could be among them.

No nervous laughter from me there bucko.

You on the other hand seem pretty anxious to get these refugees into America.

You seem clueless as to the danger they may represent and are willing to subject your fellow Americans to that danger.
There is nothing wrong with admitting you are afraid of them and thats why you do exactly as ISIS wants you to do and turn away the refugees.

Of course there is nervous laughter. You even admitted you were laughing when this situation is serious. That due to nervousness. Look it up. I think it would be great for the refugees to come into america. I dont believe they are dangerous and I think its stupid to give ISIS exactly what they want.

If that's what you believe then believe away. More power to you.

Of course your full of shit.

Oh and you can bet those refugee's coming here would give ISIS exactly what it wants.

You sure are clueless.
Dont get all butthurt. Just admit you are afraid. No shame in that. The fact that you keep trying to convince me youre not afraid just lets me know you are.

No silly. ISIS want more recruits. They dont want more muslims with a positive view of the US. Did you just fall off the hay wagon or something?
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.

Nervous laughter is unbecoming. Of course you fear them. Thats why you are afraid to let refugees in from Syria.

Nope. Just the jihadist that could be among them.

No nervous laughter from me there bucko.

You on the other hand seem pretty anxious to get these refugees into America.

You seem clueless as to the danger they may represent and are willing to subject your fellow Americans to that danger.
There is nothing wrong with admitting you are afraid of them and thats why you do exactly as ISIS wants you to do and turn away the refugees.

Of course there is nervous laughter. You even admitted you were laughing when this situation is serious. That due to nervousness. Look it up. I think it would be great for the refugees to come into america. I dont believe they are dangerous and I think its stupid to give ISIS exactly what they want.

If that's what you believe then believe away. More power to you.

Of course your full of shit.

Oh and you can bet those refugee's coming here would give ISIS exactly what it wants.

You sure are clueless.
Dont get all butthurt. Just admit you are afraid. No shame in that. The fact that you keep trying to convince me youre not afraid just lets me know you are.

No silly. ISIS want more recruits. They dont want more muslims with a positive view of the US. Did you just fall off the hay wagon or something?

I don't get butthurt idiot. Unlike you. You sure are clueless.

Carry on.
"With this latest terrorist attack, what do Americans think about Syrian refugees coming in now ?"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, one having nothing to do with the other.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.
The man was American-born so, BFD.

His wife was from Pakistan and they met in Saudi Arabia.
Any American returning from the middle east with a new immigrant should be monitored.

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