With this latest terrorist attack, what do Americans think about Syrian refugees coming in now ?

You must be a retard if you think this country is deliberately importing more extremists.

Oh and how can you be sure there won't be jihadists among these refugee's??

They have no sure way to vet any of them and leaders are morons for letting these unvetted people into this country.

Not to mention the fact that we taxpayers are going to get hosed to provide food, shelter and medical services for people who aren't American citizens.

Such a deal the morons in DC are shoving up our asses.

How can you be sure you wont die tomorrow by a white terrorist shooting up what he thinks is an abortion clinic?

Should we kill off all white guys now?

No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.

Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.

Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

They have not called it a terrorist attack yet.
All they have said is they are not ruling it out.
Its a terrorist attack when a non white person does it. Get with the program.
Since neither suspect was Syrian and Farook (the presumed lead shooter) was born in the USA, Digital Drifter seems to be suggesting we should lock up all Americans who own "long guns."

Then again, DD probably voted for Dubya twice...the guy who invaded Iraq because the perpetrators of 9/11 were Saudis.

RW "logic."

The point is dipshit, allowing the refugees in is adding more Muslims from an area of the world that breeds Islamic extremism.
The question is, with this latest attack will Americans now be even less likely to welcome them in ?

So you're saying "Let's put all Americans who own 'long guns' into Manzanar-like camps and then give the Syrian refugees their homes and properties the way the feds did with Japanese-Americans in WWII."

That seems a bit extreme. But since "owning 'long guns'" is a form of religious extremism, it should certainly be discussed.

(Smart people will understand I'm being sarcastic. This parenthetical explanation is for the not-so-smart who think I'm serious.)
Oh and how can you be sure there won't be jihadists among these refugee's??

They have no sure way to vet any of them and leaders are morons for letting these unvetted people into this country.

Not to mention the fact that we taxpayers are going to get hosed to provide food, shelter and medical services for people who aren't American citizens.

Such a deal the morons in DC are shoving up our asses.

How can you be sure you wont die tomorrow by a white terrorist shooting up what he thinks is an abortion clinic?

Should we kill off all white guys now?

No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.

Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.

Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

They have not called it a terrorist attack yet.
All they have said is they are not ruling it out.
Its a terrorist attack when a non white person does it. Get with the program.

Boy are you brainwashed.
Oh and how can you be sure there won't be jihadists among these refugee's??

They have no sure way to vet any of them and leaders are morons for letting these unvetted people into this country.

Not to mention the fact that we taxpayers are going to get hosed to provide food, shelter and medical services for people who aren't American citizens.

Such a deal the morons in DC are shoving up our asses.

How can you be sure you wont die tomorrow by a white terrorist shooting up what he thinks is an abortion clinic?

Should we kill off all white guys now?

No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.

Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.

Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

hahahaha..do you look both ways before you cross the street?..Oh, you do? Why is that? Are you "scared"?
Do you lock your doors at night? Why? are you "scared"?

LMAO, jemima
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

They have not called it a terrorist attack yet.
All they have said is they are not ruling it out.
Its a terrorist attack when a non white person does it. Get with the program.

Boy are you brainwashed.

I agree and he's a fool to boot
How can you be sure you wont die tomorrow by a white terrorist shooting up what he thinks is an abortion clinic?

Should we kill off all white guys now?

No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.

Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.

Nope. Not fear. Believe me. I fear no one and nothing.

My rational is simple. Don't let the refugees in which removed the chance for a terrorist to come in with them.

Not rocket science.
Of course its fear. You just admitted you were afraid some of them were terrorists.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That's not fear idiot. Its common sense. Don't let them in and no terrorist will be getting in with them.

You might fear them but I sure don't.
holy shit, did you just pull out the common sense angle on this libturd? hahahahahahahhaahhaahhaha, you know the two words are not in a libturd vocabulary right?
Donald Trump is sitting in a chair, his knees hopping up and down, as he fervently hopes this San Bernadino attack was ISIS related.

The Nazis are in the wings, waiting to be unleashed.
Donald Trump is sitting in a chair, his knees hopping up and down, as he fervently hopes this San Bernadino attack was ISIS related.

The Nazis are in the wings, waiting to be unleashed.
it seems you're jealous it wasn't you.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

Americans will oppose bringing in any more Muslims, as logic and common sense would dictate. Progressive turds however, will only defend their Islamist brothers with more vigor.
Donald Trump is sitting in a chair, his knees hopping up and down, as he fervently hopes this San Bernadino attack was ISIS related.

The Nazis are in the wings, waiting to be unleashed.
it seems you're jealous it wasn't you.
You are a one-person straw man factory, aren't you.

It must suck to live in a such a retarded brain, shitting your pants in fear every day.
Donald Trump is sitting in a chair, his knees hopping up and down, as he fervently hopes this San Bernadino attack was ISIS related.

The Nazis are in the wings, waiting to be unleashed.
it seems you're jealous it wasn't you.
You are a one-person straw man factory, aren't you.

It must suck to live in a such a retarded brain, shitting your pants in fear every day.
do you lock your doors at night?
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

We need more Syrian refugees to help us combat the white Christian terrorists who are trying to destroy America!
Donald Trump is sitting in a chair, his knees hopping up and down, as he fervently hopes this San Bernadino attack was ISIS related.

The Nazis are in the wings, waiting to be unleashed.

And the lefties were in their chairs, knees hoping up and down, hoping this attack would be some Christian rednecks.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.
Since Syrian refugees had nothing to do with this, you have to be fucking retarded to punish them for it.

It never penetrates a retard's head that the refugees are fleeing the very same terrorists the bigoted assholes are shitting their pants over.

Yet you fail to mention that we cant vet these people with any accuracy.
I dont want mexicans or muslims coming to this country for any reason.
We dont have enough jobs and we are being targeted by muslims,those two reasons are enough to shut our borders.
Oh, we're throwing Mexicans on the barbecue now, too?

"As long as we're here, why not?"

Wow. You're mask is slipping.

We do have a refugee vetting process. A very good one. It's extremely difficult to get into the US as a refugee. That is why it would be the least likely avenue used by ISIS.

As for Mexicans, we had full employment in 2006 with just as many illegals in the country as we have now, if not more.

Then something happened in 2007-2009. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

We also have a massive public and private debt problem which is the biggest drag on our economy, and which makes recovery from downswings take much longer.

But YOU want to blame the Mexicans. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Look in the mirror, dipshit. THERE is the guy you should be blaming.

What a load of horse shit..
This country is so fucked up right now it's pathetic.
Are you blind to whats going on in western countries? It's a third world invasion thats obviously being orchestrated.
As to who,I would have to point the finger at obama and the U.N.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

We need more Syrian refugees to help us combat the white Christian terrorists who are trying to destroy America!

Get back on the res ya filthy savage.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

We need more Syrian refugees to help us combat the white Christian terrorists who are trying to destroy America!
Are you too chicken shit to defend yourself? Are you a scared little boy in a big people world? Need terrorist protection do you now?

I knew you were weak.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

We need more Syrian refugees to help us combat the white Christian terrorists who are trying to destroy America!
Are you too chicken shit to defend yourself? Are you a scared little boy in a big people world? Need terrorist protection do you now?

I knew you were weak.

White Christian terrorists scare me.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.

We need more Syrian refugees to help us combat the white Christian terrorists who are trying to destroy America!
Are you too chicken shit to defend yourself? Are you a scared little boy in a big people world? Need terrorist protection do you now?

I knew you were weak.

White Christian terrorists scare me.
i'm sorry. sucks to be you then

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