With Trump and Sanders Win, Are We Seeing a Full Scale Revolt in America?

1) no what they pointed out that some emails could be consider as classified they were never marked as classified until after the fact...

2) the investigation was over then 22 emails that just came out ...

3) this is the biggest crock of bull shit I've seen to date ... you think she is that stupid to accept from money from terrorist ???

1. Liberals continue to spew the B$ about 'markings'.
- The Non-Disclosure Form that Hillary signed clearly stated that the actual markings - or lack thereof - on documents DO NOT MATTER, that LL INFORMATION WAS / IS TO BE TREATED AS CLASSIFIED. Hillary signed the document and just recently acknowledged this. That effectively KILLS / NULIFIES any B$ claim about the markings. Hillary did not treat those documents as classified, which they were!

- The FBI recently released that e-mails and information on her server, that she received and sent - contained classified information whose markings had been removed - 'cut and pasted' into e-mails. Hillary's own aides have already stated that doing so was not rare but was more of a STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE', as Hillary had asked her team to strip the marking s off documents in the past. The link to this was posted earlier. (Want it - find it). PRECEDENCE, a HISTORY of stripping the markings off documents has been established and corroborated by her own staff's claims.


2. Investigation was over 22 e-mails.
BULLSHITE! The FBI has been investigating Hillary, her server, and her e-mails for months. These '22 emails' were just several of the more than 1,000 and were just found RECENTLY - as in some of the LATEST to be found. They did not start this investigation but are a more recent discovery in the on-going investigation.

3. I never said Hillary received donations from TERRORISTS. I pointed out the FACT that she received money from nations that FUND and SUPPORT terrorism, nations that engaged in the mutilation of female genitalia / honor killings / the oppression of women, and nations that murder homosexuals. The only one who insinuated Hillary took money directly from terrorists is YOU!

apparently you have been paying attention to the news... the FBi said they weren't going any further on hillarys emails around november... this was in all the news even fox news ... in jamuary they released her final emails ... in the final emails the republicans look at them said they were classified and the wanted the FBI to look into them, they reclassified 22 emails this started back up in january of this year so it is you who is BUSTED..

as for me saying terrorist that was in reference to you saying who funded terroism ... she hasn't received any money from and foreign nation, period ... that too is you posting total lies ... the only thing you busted is your pride ... as for the clinton foundation receiving money for their foundation that has nothing to do with her campaign ... that's you trying to smear mud ... the clinton foundation receives money from all countries of the world and thats not going to stop any time soon ... just because she running fro office ...
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With Trump and Sanders Win, Are We Seeing a Full Scale Revolt in America?


People are tired of being lied to about what govt is doing, tired of the govt controlling the economy more and more and making it worse, tired of govt taking over health care and making it worse, tired of the govt changing foreign relations and making them worse, tired of govt degrading our own armed forces, changing their missions and making them worse.

Trump, Sanders (and Cruz) are very believable when they'll say they will change all that. Whether they actually can change them for the better, remains to be seen.

But yes, we're seeing the beginnings of a revolt. Nothing like the one they had in 1776, but we're moving steadily closer.
Bernie Sanders is telling everyone he's going to break up the banks, giving everyone the false impression that the banks are the reason for all of the corruption in Washington.


He's nothing more than a communist using populist jargon to win an election. His support comes mostly from kids that don't know anything and don't trust Hillary. They are easy pickings.
lets see ... it was the banks and phil gram who wrote the 1999 law for the banks to be able make it ok for loans that weren't 100% secure loans ... it was the banks that took advantage of that law ... it was the banks that sold over the counter derivatives ... now in 2003 again with phil gram who got this passed "the american dream downpayment" passed ... this law said you don't have to check out a bulk loans from a company like A.I.G. or any over the counter derivatives ... this got the banking system into trouble and if the bank who sent these bulk loans to aig through the law that was pass, they too didn't have to check out these bulk loans... by selling bulk loans to unsecspecting loans comanies like Fanny mae and freddy mac and other banks that these bulk loans were not secure loans, causing the banks to fail causing freddy mac and many mae to fail causing all kinds of banks and companies to fail ... now you're telling us breaking up big business is a communist thing??? really!!! I always thought you to be stupid but today you proved it ...

Can you please retype that post with actual punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and correct spelling? That looks like a chimp was banging on a keyboard.
NO go fuck yourself I refuse to submit to your stupidity ...
That's rich.

You passed stupid years ago.

Gotta admit, that's gonna work with many voters. Especially young people. The Republican Party is known to many as the party of greedy white dudes who want slave workers. I give Sanders credit, he's goin all-in. And so is Trump. I think that's why so many are supporting them. They aren't waffling like the others.
actually the free trade agreement started at the end of reagan time in office went through george bush's time and was ready to be sign under george bush's second term in office ... one problem he had to win ... he didn't win ... and yes at the time it look like a good Idea so clinton sign it... whats your point???
Bullshit, Clinton owns NAFTA. He signed it and could have renegotiated, so you can stop blaming Bush.

But Bush does bear some responsibility as he also exploded H1-B and other guest worker visas that are supposed to be for bringing in the most rare specialists that we can find among our own, and now even Disney, which owns ABC, has been abusing these permits to replace American workers after these workers train their replacements.....all supposedly prevented by law.
didn't say he didn't want it I clearly said it wasn't his Idea ... in 1988 Reagan started putting Nafta together with the Canadian government . it was passed on George HW Bush time in office ... by the time everything was agreed upon, clinton was in office ... you guys want to Blame everything on democrats when it was originally a republican bill ... thats all I said in your post you blamed Clinton for it and nobody else ... thats what you republicans do...
I am kinda leaning this way too. Burn the fuckers down and dance on their ashes, lol.

LISTEN UP GOP ESTABLISHMENT! Reform or your day is through.
Trump and Sanders win: We are witnessing a full scale revolt, America | Fox News

To my mind, Tuesday night’s results show that there are finally politicians who understand how marginalized, disenfranchised and betrayed a majority of Americans feel. It’s both Republicans and Democrats, including the 42 percent of Americans who now identify as independent because they think the two parties don’t represent their values and positions.
We are seeing a full scale rejection of the political establishment. This is a threat that we did not take seriously enough over the past few years, as evidenced by the fact that most rejected Trump as a clown and a joke. His ideas on illegal immigration and placing a temporary ban on Muslims ruffled our national feathers even though a majority of Republican primary voters agreed with him. That’s how out of touch our political class has become.
Indeed, 46 percent of GOP voters say they feel betrayed by Republican politicians. Trump won 32 percent of that group.
We did the same thing to Bernie Sanders who began this race upwards of 50 points behind Hillary Clinton. We said a socialist could never win. And he may not be able to win a national election, but we are seeing an electorate so starved for an honest and trustworthy politician that they will make allowances for ideologies that they may not have considered before.
Sanders has argued about oligarchy and money in politics and has been his whole career. He doesn’t flip flop or evolve on his advocacy for the average American.
Sanders is just Bernie Sanders. And Donald Trump is just Donald Trump.
We are living in a time when trust in Americans institutions has collapsed. A recent Pew survey shows that less than 20 percent of Americans trust the government always or most of the time. And a CNN poll showed that 60 percent think the American Dream is unachievable today.....
Absolutely! When shit like this is happening and they are the only two candidates who have a problem with it...

Ford to More Than Double Mexico Production Capacity in 2018

Ford to move production to Mexico: Report
Ford is moving to Mexico under a Democrat administration.

What is the primary reason one would want to move to Mexico?

Could it be because of less overhead, lower wages, lower taxes?

Hmmmmm. What a poser.
You want Americans to compete with Mexican and Chinese wages? Got it!
It's no competition if you refuse to trade with them on their terms.

I'm a little puzzled. You on the left think it's okay to raise our wages so manufacturers have to move overseas, and you get angry when we charge tariffs that cancel out the advantages China and Mexico enjoy. You like handcuffing America......maybe because you feel America is evil, or some silly shit.

Who's against tariffs? Its been my experience that guys like me for decades have been saying tariff imports and you republicans who wanted free unregulated trade.

I smell a flip flop.

We can not have Supply Side Economics and Free Trade at the same time.With 22 Million Hard Working Americans unemployed because of our flawed Free Trade/Trade Policy they can not pay their fair taxes and with the rich paying only 35% in taxes where are we going to get the Revenue to run our Country ---------------- "End Disastorous Free Trade Now" ---------

[FONT=Open Sans, sans-serif]Why We Need Tariffs on all Imports

[FONT=Open Sans, sans-serif]You guys won't even listen to guys like me or Thom Hartmann.

Can you show me any article from a Republican back in 2011 saying we should tariff imports? I didn't think so.

Gotta admit, that's gonna work with many voters. Especially young people. The Republican Party is known to many as the party of greedy white dudes who want slave workers. I give Sanders credit, he's goin all-in. And so is Trump. I think that's why so many are supporting them. They aren't waffling like the others.
Yep the party actually running two Hispanics and one black man is the old white party... you regressives are ignorant.

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New Hampshire is proof with Trump and Sanders winning the most votes that drugs make people do stupid shit

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I am kinda leaning this way too. Burn the fuckers down and dance on their ashes, lol.

LISTEN UP GOP ESTABLISHMENT! Reform or your day is through.
Trump and Sanders win: We are witnessing a full scale revolt, America | Fox News

To my mind, Tuesday night’s results show that there are finally politicians who understand how marginalized, disenfranchised and betrayed a majority of Americans feel. It’s both Republicans and Democrats, including the 42 percent of Americans who now identify as independent because they think the two parties don’t represent their values and positions.
We are seeing a full scale rejection of the political establishment. This is a threat that we did not take seriously enough over the past few years, as evidenced by the fact that most rejected Trump as a clown and a joke. His ideas on illegal immigration and placing a temporary ban on Muslims ruffled our national feathers even though a majority of Republican primary voters agreed with him. That’s how out of touch our political class has become.
Indeed, 46 percent of GOP voters say they feel betrayed by Republican politicians. Trump won 32 percent of that group.
We did the same thing to Bernie Sanders who began this race upwards of 50 points behind Hillary Clinton. We said a socialist could never win. And he may not be able to win a national election, but we are seeing an electorate so starved for an honest and trustworthy politician that they will make allowances for ideologies that they may not have considered before.
Sanders has argued about oligarchy and money in politics and has been his whole career. He doesn’t flip flop or evolve on his advocacy for the average American.
Sanders is just Bernie Sanders. And Donald Trump is just Donald Trump.
We are living in a time when trust in Americans institutions has collapsed. A recent Pew survey shows that less than 20 percent of Americans trust the government always or most of the time. And a CNN poll showed that 60 percent think the American Dream is unachievable today.....
Absolutely! When shit like this is happening and they are the only two candidates who have a problem with it...

Ford to More Than Double Mexico Production Capacity in 2018

Ford to move production to Mexico: Report
Ford is moving to Mexico under a Democrat administration.

What is the primary reason one would want to move to Mexico?

Could it be because of less overhead, lower wages, lower taxes?

Hmmmmm. What a poser.
You want Americans to compete with Mexican and Chinese wages? Got it!

Isn't that what Bill Clinton's free trade was all about? It was predicted and it has happened.
Fuck you are a stupid bitch.

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime MinisterBrian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992


Gotta admit, that's gonna work with many voters. Especially young people. The Republican Party is known to many as the party of greedy white dudes who want slave workers. I give Sanders credit, he's goin all-in. And so is Trump. I think that's why so many are supporting them. They aren't waffling like the others.
Yep the party actually running two Hispanics and one black man is the old white party... you regressives are ignorant.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Just stating how many feel about the Republican Party. Many do see it as the party of greedy old white dudes who want slaves. Sanders is tapping into that. It's working.

Gotta admit, that's gonna work with many voters. Especially young people. The Republican Party is known to many as the party of greedy white dudes who want slave workers. I give Sanders credit, he's goin all-in. And so is Trump. I think that's why so many are supporting them. They aren't waffling like the others.
Yep the party actually running two Hispanics and one black man is the old white party... you regressives are ignorant.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Just stating how many feel about the Republican Party. Many do see it as the party of greedy old white dudes who want slaves. Sanders is tapping into that. It's working.
Sanders like you is a communist elitist asshole .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I am kinda leaning this way too. Burn the fuckers down and dance on their ashes, lol.

LISTEN UP GOP ESTABLISHMENT! Reform or your day is through.
Trump and Sanders win: We are witnessing a full scale revolt, America | Fox News

To my mind, Tuesday night’s results show that there are finally politicians who understand how marginalized, disenfranchised and betrayed a majority of Americans feel. It’s both Republicans and Democrats, including the 42 percent of Americans who now identify as independent because they think the two parties don’t represent their values and positions.
We are seeing a full scale rejection of the political establishment. This is a threat that we did not take seriously enough over the past few years, as evidenced by the fact that most rejected Trump as a clown and a joke. His ideas on illegal immigration and placing a temporary ban on Muslims ruffled our national feathers even though a majority of Republican primary voters agreed with him. That’s how out of touch our political class has become.
Indeed, 46 percent of GOP voters say they feel betrayed by Republican politicians. Trump won 32 percent of that group.
We did the same thing to Bernie Sanders who began this race upwards of 50 points behind Hillary Clinton. We said a socialist could never win. And he may not be able to win a national election, but we are seeing an electorate so starved for an honest and trustworthy politician that they will make allowances for ideologies that they may not have considered before.
Sanders has argued about oligarchy and money in politics and has been his whole career. He doesn’t flip flop or evolve on his advocacy for the average American.
Sanders is just Bernie Sanders. And Donald Trump is just Donald Trump.
We are living in a time when trust in Americans institutions has collapsed. A recent Pew survey shows that less than 20 percent of Americans trust the government always or most of the time. And a CNN poll showed that 60 percent think the American Dream is unachievable today.....
Absolutely! When shit like this is happening and they are the only two candidates who have a problem with it...

Ford to More Than Double Mexico Production Capacity in 2018

Ford to move production to Mexico: Report
Ford is moving to Mexico under a Democrat administration.

What is the primary reason one would want to move to Mexico?

Could it be because of less overhead, lower wages, lower taxes?

Hmmmmm. What a poser.
You want Americans to compete with Mexican and Chinese wages? Got it!

Isn't that what Bill Clinton's free trade was all about? It was predicted and it has happened.

That is correct, Perot told them, "the giant sucking sound." Anybody alive then should remember.

But of course, he being an EVIL business type person, he was lying. And a republican warned everyone, but it is our fault! Clinton signed it, still our fault!

Now, you have another business person telling you that all of us PEONS are getting screwed, and of course, he too is nuts.

See a pattern here? These people want to believe the EXACT people who got us in this position today are being honest, and the people trying to save them are lying through their teeth. Guess the old proverb is 100% wrong-------> you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time........or something like that, lol.

Tell me, what has Obama and GW done but SCREW UP EVERYTHING! Look at Reagan and Clinton, then look at GW and Obama and compare where we were, to where we are! People are showing you, and I will be damned if some people just refuse to even look.
We were telling you guys at least as far back as 2004.

Exposing the Conservative Straw Man - "Productivity"

Thomas Jefferson wrote in a September 28, 1821 letter, "The government of the United States, at a very early period, when establishing its tariff on foreign importations, were very much guided in their selection of objects by a desire to encourage manufactures within ourselves." Conservatives don't want you to know this, and - even more frenetically - are working to prevent any discussion of "protectionist" tariffs on labor.

so far every fact checkers that I've look up has said she never received and money for her campaign from foreign countries

Hillary Clinton took money from the kings of four countries, GOP chief Reince Priebus says
The monarchies of Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Oman have contributed to the Clinton Foundation, but Yemen, which does not have a king, has not.

Sure didn't try that hard, didja? :p

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State

Partial List of Countries Contributing to Hillary's Crime Syndicate

what the hell does that got to do with campaign donation ??? absolutely nothing ... they Clinton foundation takes money from all countries ...whats wrong with thats you nut cases .. they have nothing to do with her campaign... you implied she was getting money for her campaign from these countries ... I said she isn't and I still stand by that ... the foundation has nothing to do with running US government ... and you claimed thats why she is immoral ..
heres the typical uninform voter ... hillary hasn't done anything illegal with her emails to date ... nobody in the justice system has charged her or challenged her .with anything... as for foreign contributions like all politicians receive foreign contributions they are sent to all of them ... its what they do when discovered in hillary's case they have given that money back... all of these allegations made from the right have failed ... accept in the mind of people like you...

1. "hillary hasn't done anything illegal with her emails to date"
FALSE: The FBI and State Department both have pointed out violations of the law: Failure to turn over all e-mails as required by the law, failure to turn over all classified - especially TS/SCI material - before leaving the State Department, failure to sign a form required by law after completing security training, possessing secret - especially TS/SCI - material after having been 'read out' of these programs and leaving the State Dept, perjury, mishandling classified information, illegal (attempted) destruction of classified...and there is a host of others that will be coming...

2. "nobody in the justice system has charged her or challenged her"
Poor attempt to claim Hillary has done nothing wrong, as they know charges aren't filed until AFTER the investigation is complete...and the investigation is still ON-GOING.

3. "for foreign contributions like all politicians receive foreign contributions they are sent to all of them"
- No other candidate is reportedly accepting donations from MEern nations that fund/support terrorist/terrorists, who murder and mutilate women, and who kill homosexuals. Hillary has refused to release all of the entities / sources from whom she is getting money.

4. "Hillary has given back donations"

- Exclusive: Despite Hillary Clinton promise, charity did not disclose donors

- Hillary Clinton To Stop Taking Donations From Private Prisons
** Taking Money from 'Private Prisons'

- The cash donations Hillary simply has no answer for

- Clinton charity to keep taking foreign money during campaign
*** Does not say she gave back any of the money from those other foreign countries

Hillary Clinton isn't ready to disclose who's funding her campaign
so far every fact checkers that I've look up has said she never received and money for her campaign from foreign countries ...

why would the clinton's charity be a issue of them getting money from foreign countries to run their charity ... how can that be considered as hillary getting donations for her campaign... you nut jobs will read anything into smooth that is nothing

all campaign have to review where her donations come from she has done that ... its all over the web who she has received money from .... and there aren't any foreign countries on them ...

actually she isn't taking money from private prisons ... another distortion, any for your republican spin machine... there are several CEO who run private prison who have been going out to the public getting donations for her its on the web... there isn't anything wrong by doing this... it happens all the time ... hell the company I worked for ... each election they would have a meeting for you to be able to donate money from your pay check to the republicans or democrats or nothing at all ... thats all these guys are doing ....how is that a bad thing

The cash donations Hillary simply has no answer for

Among all the rivers of money that have flowed to the Clinton family, one seems to raise the biggest national security questions of all: the stream of cash that came from 20 foreign governments who relied on weapons export approvals from Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Federal law designates the secretary of state as “responsible for the continuous supervision and general direction of sales” of arms, military hardware and services to foreign countries. In practice, that meant that Clinton was charged with rejecting or approving weapons deals — and when it came to Clinton Foundation donors, Hillary Clinton’s State Department did a whole lot of approving.
Again their foundation... it has nothing to do with her campaign donation coming from foreign countries ... that is their business or in there case their foundation ... they are allowed to do anything they want as long as it didn't violated us law ... they did nothing to violate US law ... you are making mountains out of mice hills

Gotta admit, that's gonna work with many voters. Especially young people. The Republican Party is known to many as the party of greedy white dudes who want slave workers. I give Sanders credit, he's goin all-in. And so is Trump. I think that's why so many are supporting them. They aren't waffling like the others.
Yep the party actually running two Hispanics and one black man is the old white party... you regressives are ignorant.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Just stating how many feel about the Republican Party. Many do see it as the party of greedy old white dudes who want slaves. Sanders is tapping into that. It's working.
Sanders like you is a communist elitist asshole .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Many, especially young people, don't see it that way. They see him as caring about them. They see y'all greedy white Republican dudes as not giving a shit whether they live or die. They feel y'all would pay em $1 an hr if you thought you could get away with it. So, Sanders is onto something. His message is resonating with many.
Hillary will NOT beat Trump. Won't happen.
just because you say it doesn't make it so

How will she beat Trump if she is not the Democrat's nominee?
thats a stupid question ... figure it out for your self

It was a stupid statement, hence my stupid question.

You do realize that Hillary is losing right now. If Bernie takes South Carolina for some strange reason, the Democrat's primaries will be over!,
and i still say this is a stupid responce
Btw, i said Banks.....not businesses. That comes later. Attack the economy first by tearing down financial institutions. Classic Marxism, essentially the exploitation of the working class.

1. Sanders is not a communist. He is a democratic socialist.

2. He wants to dismantle the 'too big to fail' Wall Street banks that got the $4 Trillion in Quantitative EAsing hand outs, so I guess we, the People, kind of own those damned banks and rip them up to shreds if we want to; we paid for them.

The goal of any communist is to destroy capitalism. If you want power, you have to convince the youth of any nation that capitalism is evil. Capitalism isn't evil. Lawyers are evil. They're paid to find ways around laws.

Nuff said.

Not sure why you are going on about communism. Not much of any one outside of academia wants communism that I have ever seen.
its always his response when he's ;using any debate ... then when you point it out he goes off on another tangent
and unlike the radical right that is still crying they can't discriminate against gays and blacks, I don't hate my government....

GOP Candidates:
2 Cubans
1 Black
1 Caucasian

2 old white millionaires

And the GOP are the racists? Democrats aren't running an African American because they have bet their quota for the 1st 200+ years as a nation. :p

Out of these 2 rich old white people for the DNC:
- 1 of them allowed 4 Americans to die needlessly then perpetuated a lie to cover it up to save her ass and has jeopardized our national security for 'expediency' in (incompetently) doing her job...
- The other is a SOCIALIST, the antithesis of what this country, our Constitution, and we are all about.

Barak Obama hated this country so much that he did not want to make it better, he declared he wanted to 'FUNDAMENTALLY change' it...and has done his best to do so.

...and it's the GOP that hates this country? :p
looks like your losing the debate again

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