With what we GIVE Israel per day we can give THIS to AMERICAN CITIZENS!

[All the lefties who are not "jews" and are fucking US. By blaming just the "jewish" ones, you give the rest a pass.

Jews often openly admit they seek to make the West a third world cesspool. The magic of the controversial "Holocaust" granted them power over every aspect of the establishment to genocide Whitey.

That is true, but still does not address the large number of non jewish assholes involved.

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.
/——/ You mean more money to care for illegals pouring over the border. DemocRATs don’t give a hoot about Americans.

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

While it's true that we should cut ALL foreign aid, Israel is not at the bottom of the list, but is number 1.
[QUOTE="Odium, post: 22568519, member: 53183]When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.[/QUOTE]

I agree that money shouldn’t be going to Israel (or any foreign nation) but I don’t believe it should be used for Social Welfare here either.

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

The Israeli government also pays for abortions. I don't mind sending money to countries that need it, but why do they need our money when their citizens are better taken care of than our own? I think you're a racist douche bag, Odium, and one of the most loathsome people on this board...but ya got a point...or at least the woman with the sign does.
for the record----Israel does not have free health care or free college
From wiki:

All of Israel's nine public universities, and some of its colleges, are subsidized by the government, and students pay only a small part of the actual cost of tuition. ... Further financial assistance is provided by student loans, grants, and scholarships approved by the Ministry of Education.

Healthcare in Israel is universal and participation in a medical insurance plan is compulsory. All Israeli residents are entitled to basic health care as a fundamental right. The Israeli healthcare system is based on the National Health Insurance Law of 1995, which mandates all citizens resident in the country to join one of four official health insurance organizations, known as Kupat Holim (קופת חולים - "Sick Funds") which are run as not-for-profit organizations and are prohibited by law from denying any Israeli resident membership.
I call bullshit on those numbers. We do not give that much, especially relevant to the numbers implied by "free health care and college".
US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Source: The Congressional Research Service's report "U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel," written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, dated April 10, 2018.

According to the report, the United States gave Israel $3.1 billion for Fiscal Year 2018 in direct bilateral military aid (also referred to as Foreign Military Financing or FMF). Congress also authorized $705.8 million for "joint" U.S.-Israel missile defense programs (designed to protect Israeli territory from potential outside threats), bringing total military aid to Israel to more than $3.8 billion per year.

Put another way, American taxpayers give Israel over $10.5 million per day.

Oh sorry 10.5 million....

Free universal healthcare and tuition wouldn’t cost $3 billion a year. It’s more like $3 billion a day.

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

While it's true that we should cut ALL foreign aid, Israel is not at the bottom of the list, but is number 1.
recheck your list,,,they are #3

sounds to me youre one of those jew haters,,,you know them, they call them nazis,,,
I call bullshit on those numbers. We do not give that much, especially relevant to the numbers implied by "free health care and college".
US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Source: The Congressional Research Service's report "U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel," written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, dated April 10, 2018.

According to the report, the United States gave Israel $3.1 billion for Fiscal Year 2018 in direct bilateral military aid (also referred to as Foreign Military Financing or FMF). Congress also authorized $705.8 million for "joint" U.S.-Israel missile defense programs (designed to protect Israeli territory from potential outside threats), bringing total military aid to Israel to more than $3.8 billion per year.

Put another way, American taxpayers give Israel over $10.5 million per day.

Oh sorry 10.5 million....

Free universal healthcare and tuition wouldn’t cost $3 billion a year. It’s more like $3 billion a day.

it would cost us the constitution, and thats to high a price,,,

better that everyone pay their own way in life

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

While it's true that we should cut ALL foreign aid, Israel is not at the bottom of the list, but is number 1.
recheck your list,,,they are #3

sounds to me youre one of those jew haters,,,you know them, they call them nazis,,,

I'm Jewish myself and I don't believe in extensive foreign aid in general, which I have already stated. I just don't like inaccurate statements, and I believe you are making some. Even number 3 isn't the "bottom" of the list, but I find it hard to believe any other country is ahead. Who are numbers 1 and 2?

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

While it's true that we should cut ALL foreign aid, Israel is not at the bottom of the list, but is number 1.
recheck your list,,,they are #3

sounds to me youre one of those jew haters,,,you know them, they call them nazis,,,

My dad's entire family was killed by the Nazis. So first you make inaccurate statements, then you call me a Nazi just for pointing out facts.

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

While it's true that we should cut ALL foreign aid, Israel is not at the bottom of the list, but is number 1.
recheck your list,,,they are #3

sounds to me youre one of those jew haters,,,you know them, they call them nazis,,,

I'm Jewish myself and I don't believe in extensive foreign aid in general, which I have already stated. I just don't like inaccurate statements, and I believe you are making some. Even number 3 isn't the "bottom" of the list, but I find it hard to believe any other country is ahead. Who are numbers 1 and 2?

youre either against foreign aid or israel,,,and since the focus is on israel and not foreign aid you do the math,,,

did you even bother to look it up???

United States foreign aid - Wikipedia

How Does the U.S. Spend Its Foreign Aid?

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

While it's true that we should cut ALL foreign aid, Israel is not at the bottom of the list, but is number 1.
recheck your list,,,they are #3

sounds to me youre one of those jew haters,,,you know them, they call them nazis,,,

My dad's entire family was killed by the Nazis. So first you make inaccurate statements, then you call me a Nazi just for pointing out facts.

if you took any time you would know that is not a fact

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

The Israeli government also pays for abortions. I don't mind sending money to countries that need it, but why do they need our money when their citizens are better taken care of than our own? I think you're a racist douche bag, Odium, and one of the most loathsome people on this board...but ya got a point...or at least the woman with the sign does.

be no deceived----the health care for the general population in Israel is not
all that elegant. Lots of people in the USA who have hot shot insurance
WOULD NOT TOLERATE IT. It is kinda like England----no "extras" and long
waiting and-------stuff like that. If an Israeli wants something as good as we get
like on hot shot insurance ----THEY PAY. College is not free either. Abortion is
for cause-------such as "doc---if I have another baby I am going to kill myself" <<<
that's "CAUSE" in israel
for the record----Israel does not have free health care or free college
From wiki:

All of Israel's nine public universities, and some of its colleges, are subsidized by the government, and students pay only a small part of the actual cost of tuition. ... Further financial assistance is provided by student loans, grants, and scholarships approved by the Ministry of Education.

Healthcare in Israel is universal and participation in a medical insurance plan is compulsory. All Israeli residents are entitled to basic health care as a fundamental right. The Israeli healthcare system is based on the National Health Insurance Law of 1995, which mandates all citizens resident in the country to join one of four official health insurance organizations, known as Kupat Holim (קופת חולים - "Sick Funds") which are run as not-for-profit organizations and are prohibited by law from denying any Israeli resident membership.

right---BUT one has to PAY into the medical insurance company of his
choice----where do ya think Trump got the idea.? I do not know how
completely indigent people are dealt with----??? As to education----right---
just like in the USA
[All the lefties who are not "jews" and are fucking US. By blaming just the "jewish" ones, you give the rest a pass.

Jews often openly admit they seek to make the West a third world cesspool. The magic of the controversial "Holocaust" granted them power over every aspect of the establishment to genocide Whitey by introducing savages, taking control of the MSM, academia, local politics, etc.


When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

While it's true that we should cut ALL foreign aid, Israel is not at the bottom of the list, but is number 1.
recheck your list,,,they are #3

sounds to me youre one of those jew haters,,,you know them, they call them nazis,,,

I'm Jewish myself and I don't believe in extensive foreign aid in general, which I have already stated. I just don't like inaccurate statements, and I believe you are making some. Even number 3 isn't the "bottom" of the list, but I find it hard to believe any other country is ahead. Who are numbers 1 and 2?

youre either against foreign aid or israel,,,and since the focus is on israel and not foreign aid you do the math,,,

did you even bother to look it up???

United States foreign aid - Wikipedia

How Does the U.S. Spend Its Foreign Aid?

now that you have read the facts,,,

what say you???

is it about foreign aid or israel???
not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,
not sure why you focused on Israel???,,

they are down on the list of aid recipients,,,

how about we stop all foreign aid and lower taxs and let everyone buy their own insurance,,,

While it's true that we should cut ALL foreign aid, Israel is not at the bottom of the list, but is number 1.
recheck your list,,,they are #3

sounds to me youre one of those jew haters,,,you know them, they call them nazis,,,

I'm Jewish myself and I don't believe in extensive foreign aid in general, which I have already stated. I just don't like inaccurate statements, and I believe you are making some. Even number 3 isn't the "bottom" of the list, but I find it hard to believe any other country is ahead. Who are numbers 1 and 2?

youre either against foreign aid or israel,,,and since the focus is on israel and not foreign aid you do the math,,,

did you even bother to look it up???

United States foreign aid - Wikipedia

How Does the U.S. Spend Its Foreign Aid?

now that you have read the facts,,,

what say you???

is it about foreign aid or israel???

so,,, no response,,,

very telling of your POV,,,

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