With what we GIVE Israel per day we can give THIS to AMERICAN CITIZENS!

Do both. You like ALL supposed republicans are Israel First,America never so whatever. You make your bed you can lay in it...the day is coming when we put things right and Israel not existing anymore will be very high on the priority list.

the day is coming when we put things right and Israel not existing anymore will be very high on the priority list.


Which Muzzie military outfit will you be fighting with?
Enemy of my enemy is my friend. I truly hope once the US collapses we can take control of a nuclear submarine or just 2 or 3 nukes in general..
you're wasting your breath.I

I challenged him on his numbers months ago. He never even tried to support them. That is the closest a lefty can come to admitting he was wrong.
I don't bother arguing with Israel Firster scum. They should all be tried for treason and executed or sent to Israel.

You're going to grab a US nuclear sub to go attack Israel?
When the government collapses under its own weight of debt and the flooding of our country of illegals then I think we will definitely have allies in the military and hopefully some that can and will take over a nuclear sub and launch nukes at Tel Aviv,Riyadh and possibly India and Pakistan..maybe even China..those that have nukes and could possibly attack the US if it collapses.

then I think we will definitely have allies in the military

We? Tell me more!!!
No thanks. You seriously don't think white racialists are in the military? lol.

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.
You tell 'em, Abdul...

Go Team Israel !!! :21:

I actually agree with you that Israel's aid needs to be cut, but that is not the reason we don't have free health care or free college education. Bernie Sanders wants to give us those things, but ppl call him a crazy Socialist because of that. Americans view Socialism as being equal to Communism, and therefore un-American and anti-Capitalism. Do you think the only reason we don't have these Socialist programs is because of aid to Israel?
And because we don't have the money for it. Its at least the convenient excuse the ziocon element uses.
Tell you what...

Let's cut all aid to more Central American and South American and African countries...

Then maybe we can talk about thinning-out the non-military portion of aid to Israel... :21:

Do both. You like ALL supposed republicans are Israel First,America never so whatever. You make your bed you can lay in it...the day is coming when we put things right and Israel not existing anymore will be very high on the priority list.

the day is coming when we put things right and Israel not existing anymore will be very high on the priority list.


Which Muzzie military outfit will you be fighting with?
Enemy of my enemy is my friend. I truly hope once the US collapses we can take control of a nuclear submarine or just 2 or 3 nukes in general..
I call bullshit on those numbers. We do not give that much, especially relevant to the numbers implied by "free health care and college".
US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Source: The Congressional Research Service's report "U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel," written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, dated April 10, 2018.

According to the report, the United States gave Israel $3.1 billion for Fiscal Year 2018 in direct bilateral military aid (also referred to as Foreign Military Financing or FMF). Congress also authorized $705.8 million for "joint" U.S.-Israel missile defense programs (designed to protect Israeli territory from potential outside threats), bringing total military aid to Israel to more than $3.8 billion per year.

Put another way, American taxpayers give Israel over $10.5 million per day.

Oh sorry 10.5 million....

you're wasting your breath.I

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

I challenged him on his numbers months ago. He never even tried to support them. That is the closest a lefty can come to admitting he was wrong.
I don't bother arguing with Israel Firster scum. They should all be tried for treason and executed or sent to Israel.
I say the same thing about sending lib socialist scum to Caracas.
...I say the same thing about sending lib socialist scum to Caracas.
Venezuela just called... they're full-up... can't use 'em... but they suggest packing them off to Saudi Arabia, for the entertainment value.
A country deep in debt should not be giving away money...

exactly and ESPECIALLY not to a corrupt nation that has a LONNGGGGGGG history of corruption and warmonger as sobieschool save europe said so well and took the Israel shill trolls that have penetrated this site to school on.
A country deep in debt should not be giving away money...

exactly and ESPECIALLY not to a corrupt nation that has a LONNGGGGGGG history of corruption and warmonger as said so well and took the Israel shill trolls that have penetrated this site to school on.

The day comes, when you're ready to be serious about addressing the budget situation, we can talk about the little bit we give to Israel.

Until then, your pretend concern about money, is laughed at.
A country deep in debt should not be giving away money...

exactly and ESPECIALLY not to a corrupt nation that has a LONNGGGGGGG history of corruption and warmonger as said so well and took the Israel shill trolls that have penetrated this site to school on.

The day comes, when you're ready to be serious about addressing the budget situation, we can talk about the little bit we give to Israel.

Until then, your pretend concern about money, is laughed at.

until you stop stop trolling with your fucking bullshit lies and ignoring cold hard facts and evidence about warmonger Israel and can stop being childish about reagan and admit you are clueless about him is when you will taken as a serious poster and not a troll by objective e non biased posters like sobie for example, something you know ZILCH about that you have proven on BOTH discussions.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

sobieksaved europe owned your sorry fucking trolling ass on Israel same as i did on reagan and YET you continue to troll and to LIE as your handlers pay you to do in defeat.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Funny how the Jew haters only ever worry about the money we send to Israel, but never the money we send to all the other people around the globe...
Are those nations using it to commit genocide? Well Saudi Arabia is but other than THOSE 2. I want to cut them both off.

Once again Saudi and Israel is our only two Allies in the region.


Considering the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty Bombing, and Jonathan Pollard, really?

and yet we got some sick minded monsters that come on here and defend Israel who are obviously a sad excuse for a human being.

this post describes you to a tee defending sick monsters like Israel and reagan,you like sick minded monsters like that motherfucker president and nations that kill people.

you are bringing serious bad karma on yourself with this trolling that you will horrified you particpated in one day.
A country deep in debt should not be giving away money...

exactly and ESPECIALLY not to a corrupt nation that has a LONNGGGGGGG history of corruption and warmonger as said so well and took the Israel shill trolls that have penetrated this site to school on.

The day comes, when you're ready to be serious about addressing the budget situation, we can talk about the little bit we give to Israel.

Until then, your pretend concern about money, is laughed at.

until you stop stop trolling with your fucking bullshit lies and ignoring cold hard facts and evidence about warmonger Israel and can stop being childish about reagan and admit you are clueless about him is when you will taken as a serious poster and not a troll by objective e non biased posters like sobie for example, something you know ZILCH about that you have proven on BOTH discussions.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

sobieksaved europe owned your sorry fucking trolling ass on Israel same as i did on reagan and YET you continue to troll and to LIE as your handlers pay you to do in defeat.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

SO, to be clear, that was you dropping your pretense of being concerned about the money, right?
A country deep in debt should not be giving away money...

exactly and ESPECIALLY not to a corrupt nation that has a LONNGGGGGGG history of corruption and warmonger as said so well and took the Israel shill trolls that have penetrated this site to school on.

The day comes, when you're ready to be serious about addressing the budget situation, we can talk about the little bit we give to Israel.

Until then, your pretend concern about money, is laughed at.

until you stop stop trolling with your fucking bullshit lies and ignoring cold hard facts and evidence about warmonger Israel and can stop being childish about reagan and admit you are clueless about him is when you will taken as a serious poster and not a troll by objective e non biased posters like sobie for example, something you know ZILCH about that you have proven on BOTH discussions.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

sobieksaved europe owned your sorry fucking trolling ass on Israel same as i did on reagan and YET you continue to troll and to LIE as your handlers pay you to do in defeat.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


Show me on this doll where Israel touched you.
We spend the most in the World in health insurance, and yet don't live the longest, the system isn't very logical.

Big pharma pays Republicans in congress to protect their high prices.
Drugs are cheap everywhere else except the USA where Congress protects their donors. Pharma Bro was small potatoes who failed to pay them off & made to much noise.

Drugs are cheap everywhere else except the USA

When you steal them, drugs can be very cheap.
When the patent is up on drugs invented & paid for years ago with US tax dollars, wall street pays off republicans to extend patent, use more tax dollars to have DEA & FDA prevent competition for US then increases the prices 5000% overnight. That forces hard working citizens into bankruptcy & onto government dole. But it's great that Wallstreet & Republicans in Congress got richer!

They don't extend patents on hardware, software & other inventions or have agencies preventing competition. We paid to educate these people, they agreed took government money to invent & made a fortune during the patent term. We have to prevent Greedy Scumbag Congress from getting paid to extend patents & get rid of their DEA who only punish US allowing the rest of the world cheap freedom!!!

When the patent is up on drugs

Foreign countries steal our drugs before the patent is up, before the research expense has been recouped.
The foreign countries did not steal them, the wallstreet globalist you reward with tax cuts gave the drugs away to foreign companies they & congress own stock in. Only US citizens are forced to pay for all the R&D & profits that buy congress.

The Wealthy US Globalist you created & rewarded with tax cuts, took our wealth & invested it in China, along with all USA achievements they copied to China for more profit. Now that we have educated China & invested heavily in them, they now add to our tech creating new better tech discarding ours as outdated junk & the US is now #2
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When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.

While I am not opposed to carefully considering how much money in AID we give.....

I think the problem is that there is an implication that somehow cutting $3 Billion in the budget, is going to make a difference in our lives.

That's retarded.

We spend on just Social Security, $1,950 Million a day. And you think saving $11 Million given to Israel is going to change the lives of US citizens? It's not.

Now I get it, it does seem like maybe if we're trillions of dollars in debt, we shouldn't be tossing money all over the globe.

However, your link has them talking about free education, and free health care.

What a joke. You think $11 Million is going to pay for any of that? Not even close.

And let's back up a bit here... You need to grasp that most of this AID ends up coming back. In fact nearly all of it.

It call comes back in either Israeli purchases of older US hardware from the government, or in new sales form US manufacturers.

Additionally, while the idiot in the link talks about free education and health care, they are implying that Israelis are getting these things free off of our tax money.

This is ridiculous. The Israeli citizens are paying heavily for those things. The tax rate, for just Social Security and Public Health insurance, is 20% of their pay. Additionally, that income doesn't cover the full cost of health care, which has to be subsidized by general tax revenue, where free education is also paid for. General income tax in Israel is quite high. People earning just $30K a year, are in the 20% tax bracket, and those in the $50K range, are paying 30% of their income in taxes.

In short, the average Israeli citizen is losing half their check in taxes. There is nothing "free" about it. In fact, it is vastly more costly to the average citizen in Israeli, than our private insurance is here in the US.

And the real kicker of course, is that 87% of all adults in Israel, have Private insurance, in addition to their public system. This is one of the biggest ironies of all the pro-government-insurance people, is that they all live in this mythology that if you have government funding health insurance, or health care, that all your bills go away, and have this magic system of utopian bliss.

Instead we nearly always see the opposite. You end up with the public losing half their check in taxes to pay for the public system, which turns out so bad, that most people end up paying for private insurance anyway. Of course that makes the poor poorer, because only the rich and upper middle class can afford to pay the taxes for an expensive public system, and then pay the premiums for a quality private system.

The poor are simply left to die, in garbage public system, and impoverished from the taxes to pay for that system.

When will we get politicians who actually give a shit about AMERICANS before their masters pulling the strings in Israel? Never I am afraid. We have DEFINITELY failed to listen to our founders wise words about entangling alliances with other countries.
even if that number is correct which I doubt it is we spend 2 billion of taxpayer money per day on illegal aliens
So where is your outrage with that?
or because of your anti-Semitism, you are only outraged taxpayer money is given to Jews?
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I is old and read the "hate Israel" propaganda WAY BACK IN THE DAY----in the 1950s my reading material consisted of my brothers' superman comics and
HATE JEWS literature that floated around town---it was since I was about 8.
Any jew out there remember the little blue boxes into which we dropped coins?
IT WAS A BIG BONE of contention with ------them. ALL THE AMERICAN
the US is drowning in DEBT--DUH
we need to stop a lot of aid/etc

I never understood BUSINESS-----butt Trump does
the US ''governments'' spend on all kind of crap..it should be basic necessity only
--going out to eat?? Value menu at Taco Bell/etc
--rent a car? value price/etc

COOK AT HOME----silly thing. My mom taught me well (not how to cook----
but how hot to waste money on TACO BELL.....) btw----the last time I tried
Taco Bell was about 40 years ago-------how is the current "gordito"?
the US is drowning in DEBT--DUH
we need to stop a lot of aid/etc

I never understood BUSINESS-----butt Trump does
the US ''governments'' spend on all kind of crap..it should be basic necessity only
--going out to eat?? Value menu at Taco Bell/etc
--rent a car? value price/etc

COOK AT HOME----silly thing. My mom taught me well (not how to cook----
but how hot to waste money on TACO BELL.....) btw----the last time I tried
Taco Bell was about 40 years ago-------how is the current "gordito"?
not expensive if you get the value meal
the US is drowning in DEBT--DUH
we need to stop a lot of aid/etc

I never understood BUSINESS-----butt Trump does
the US ''governments'' spend on all kind of crap..it should be basic necessity only
--going out to eat?? Value menu at Taco Bell/etc
--rent a car? value price/etc

COOK AT HOME----silly thing. My mom taught me well (not how to cook----
but how hot to waste money on TACO BELL.....) btw----the last time I tried
Taco Bell was about 40 years ago-------how is the current "gordito"?
not expensive if you get the value meal

I may try it------but don't tell my Mexican neighbor

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