Withdraw Consent...now is the time!


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
'Withdraw consent'...I love that phrase. If only all Americans would do it.

Imagine a world without 'nation states.' How wonderful it would be!

If you believe government is good, you clearly have failed to learn from history...or for that matter, paid attention to current affairs.


A World Without Nation-States
By Mark Nestmann


I’m a child of the 1960s and 1970s. I grew up in the era of the war in Vietnam, hippies, LSD, and “do your own thing.”

My friends and I never understood how the “land of the free” could round up eighteen-year-old boys and force them to fight in a war that was 8,000 miles away.

More than 50,000 US soldiers died in that war, including a few of my friends – and untold millions of Vietnamese people.

My circle of friends thought there had to be a better way. And there is. It’s a decentralized world without nation-states, without government coercion, without war, and without the enforced extraction of wealth via taxation.

A world of nation-states doesn’t protect us from these conditions. It facilitates them.

Indeed, an exhaustive study by Professor R.J. Rummel, author of Death by Government, concluded that in the 20th century alone, governments killed some 262 million people. Rummel coined the term “democide” to describe these killings:

The murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.

According to Rummel, the largest democides of the 20th century were:

  • By the Chinese Communist Party (77 million dead)
  • By the Russian Communist Party (62 million dead)
  • By the German Nazi party (21 million dead)
Rummel’s research concludes that six times as many people died from the actions of governments in the 20th century than died in battle.

How do we start to build our own decentralized systems? Each of us will do this in our own way. Whether you’re a constitutionalist, a libertarian, a Tea Partier, or an anarchist, organize yourself with like-minded people. Then by the fruits of your actions, prove your way is better than what we have now.

The common factor in our efforts is to withdraw consent from those overseeing us. If enough people withdraw consent from a business and stop buying its products, the business fails. It will work – and is working – the same way with the nation-state.

One way to withdraw consent from the nation-state is to stop using its fiat currency. Instead, use gold, silver, or bitcoin, etc. – stores of wealth that both benefit you and weaken the authority of the nation-state over your wealth. Investing assets outside your own country is another way to withdraw consent. Those assets are now much more difficult for your government to seize against your will.

Withdrawing consent from oppressive governments is hardly a new idea. Indeed, one organization, the Albert Einstein Institution, has been working along these lines for decades. It has even prepared a list of 198 methods of non-violent protest and persuasion.

A World Without Nation-States - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

198 Methods of Nonviolent Action
It's called the map of Rome. Google it and see a globe without countries, or borders. No more USA. No more Constitution. We will be divided into Hemispheres.
But that does not mean a lack of government, just a form we are not used to. A dictator, not unlike the one in Korea.
Withdraw your consent to pay taxes.

Let us know how that turns out.

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