Within my opinion it doesn't matter what we do as co2 is going to keep going up


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Within my opinion it doesn't matter what we do as co2 is going to keep going up. Why do I think this? We have hit a natural tipping point in our rain forest and ocean sinks as our world has now reached a level of warmth enough to allow for release of co2 into our atmosphere. I was reading a report a few days ago about how the amazon release 20% of human emissions over its norm in the last few years because of heat and drought...The three biggest droughts in recorded history have all happened within the past 17 years there. It is becoming normal as their climate is changing. Other reports show that our ocean can't hold as much co2 and yet others show our corral reefs bleaching nearly every year within the last decade be it nino or not.

Sure, It matters in the way that following 8.5 or even 4.5 of the IPCC report would have likely made large portions of our planet uninhabitable for human life(yes, if we followed that I believe co2 levels would of reached a few thousand ppm's within the next couple of centuries and ended up ending very badly for us), BUT that isn't the point of this thread. What doesn't matter is the reality that we have either reached the tipping points for some major sinks or are about to in others to cause centuries worth of added co2 release into our atmosphere from natural sources. We're locked in for at least 500ppm by mid century and that hasn't occurred in 6-8 million years at the minimum. That my friend is enough to kill off the current rain forest and it will take centuries for new rainforest to develop in order to take over!

Our human emissions will go down as china and india are doing as we speak but it is too late not to get seriously hurt from climate change. So yes, we have saved our species from extinction with the actions of China and India but things will still get ugly.
Within my opinion it doesn't matter what we do as co2 is going to keep going up. Why do I think this? We have hit a natural tipping point in our rain forest and ocean sinks as our world has now reached a level of warmth enough to allow for release of co2 into our atmosphere. I was reading a report a few days ago about how the amazon release 20% of human emissions over its norm in the last few years because of heat and drought...The three biggest droughts in recorded history have all happened within the past 17 years there. It is becoming normal as their climate is changing. Other reports show that our ocean can't hold as much co2 and yet others show our corral reefs bleaching nearly every year within the last decade be it nino or not.

Sure, It matters in the way that following 8.5 or even 4.5 of the IPCC report would have likely made large portions of our planet uninhabitable for human life(yes, if we followed that I believe co2 levels would of reached a few thousand ppm's within the next couple of centuries and ended up ending very badly for us), BUT that isn't the point of this thread. What doesn't matter is the reality that we have either reached the tipping points for some major sinks or are about to in others to cause centuries worth of added co2 release into our atmosphere from natural sources. We're locked in for at least 500ppm by mid century and that hasn't occurred in 6-8 million years at the minimum. That my friend is enough to kill off the current rain forest!

Our human emissions will go down as china and india are doing as we speak but it is too late not to get seriously hurt from climate change.

Right now humans dump an excess 35 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. 70 trillion pounds. The ocean acts as a natural sponge for CO2. So the ocean has been offsetting all this excess CO2 that is pumped into the atmosphere by absorbing half of it into the ocean. But the ocean is getting saturated and it's chemical composition is changing. All the bleached and dead or dying coral reefs are the result. Also ocean water acidity is rising which prevents many mollusks from forming a shell when very small as carbonic acid interferes with shell creation. All creatures large and small that rely on calcium in the ocean are dying as well.

And it is past the point of no return. Even if humans stopped all CO2 emissions tomorrow the CO2 already in the atmosphere would continue on for hundreds if not a thousand years. Add in the melting methane clathrates, or frozen methane both at the bottom of the ocean and in the frozen tundra around the world which is thawing and you have the answer nobody wants. But reality will not be ignored. The entire population of the world is soon going to find out what change is all about.

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