Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.

Yep, you ignore someone like me that whips your ass.:eusa_whistle:

Go back to your la-la land, idiot.

Uh moron....investors give existing and "new" companies capital to grow their product/business.

There was no Facebook until they got investment money to take an idea to the consumer.

There was no Microsoft until Bill Gates got investment money.

Mac, Nike,etc.....

Just shut up with your bullshit. Get back to your factory job.

You are obviously a troll. No one can be as stupid as you pretend to be.

Welcome to my ignore list.
Any MBA trumps your factory job.

You don't understand how investment keeps your job alive since you are at the bottom of the food chain.

Oh, you are not a conservative....but nice try, poser.

Uh idiot, not everyone can have a white collar job.

Some adults working at Staples love it and some don't, big deal. I'm sure they would love for YOU to go insult them today for doing some "teenager's job"....go do it for fun.:eusa_whistle:

Oh yeah, we also need those kind of people picking up trash, cleaning hotels, flipping burgers, loading luggage on the plane, etc.

This is Econ/Business 101, idiot. FYI my undergrad degree was Economics and I have a MBA.

Now run along, idiot.


Ah, an MBA. So how long have you been clinically retarded?

We do need people picking up trash and loading planes and cleaning toilets.

And they should be paid a fair wage for doing it.

This is the problem with the Romney "Staples" economy that you don't get. When you stick an adult with a minimum wage job, and he has to apply to the government for food stamps to put food on the table, Medicaid to see a doctor and Section 8 housing to put a roof over his head, you've done a couple things that Republicans should really be aghast at.

1) You've made government essential to his survival, and therefore, his loyalty. Which means he'll be more inclined to vote Democratic.

2) For those of us who haven't been downsized, right-sized, off shored or otherwise are still earning a middle class wage despite Mr. Romney's best efforts, we end up paying a higher tax rate to support that nonsense, not Mr. Cayman Islands Bank Account paying a whopping 13% tax rate.[/QUOTE]
You wrote "arent " and thinking in the same sentence.:eusa_whistle::lol:


Romney is a corporate pirate and the more the public learns of his record at Bain the higher is negatives are likely to go. I wouldnt be surprised if he hits a70% negative rating by October, especially since about 60% of his own party detests the man.

I've been involved in Republican Politics for 32 years, and frankly, I just don't know what the hell these people are even thinking.

They arent thinking. This is a case of stupidity brought on by excessive raw greed.
Uh idiot, not everyone can have a white collar job.

Some adults working at Staples love it and some don't, big deal. I'm sure they would love for YOU to go insult them today for doing some "teenager's job"....go do it for fun.:eusa_whistle:

Oh yeah, we also need those kind of people picking up trash, cleaning hotels, flipping burgers, loading luggage on the plane, etc.

This is Econ/Business 101, idiot. FYI my undergrad degree was Economics and I have a MBA.

Now run along, idiot.


Ah, an MBA. So how long have you been clinically retarded?

We do need people picking up trash and loading planes and cleaning toilets.

And they should be paid a fair wage for doing it.

This is the problem with the Romney "Staples" economy that you don't get. When you stick an adult with a minimum wage job, and he has to apply to the government for food stamps to put food on the table, Medicaid to see a doctor and Section 8 housing to put a roof over his head, you've done a couple things that Republicans should really be aghast at.

1) You've made government essential to his survival, and therefore, his loyalty. Which means he'll be more inclined to vote Democratic.

2) For those of us who haven't been downsized, right-sized, off shored or otherwise are still earning a middle class wage despite Mr. Romney's best efforts, we end up paying a higher tax rate to support that nonsense, not Mr. Cayman Islands Bank Account paying a whopping 13% tax rate.

Which is why I am not a Republican. The neocon/ecocons have little concern for morality or national interests and are conservative only in economic terms, and not even that in the historical context. These cretins are wrecking the Republican party and they have no clue.
The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

The median American actually paid 0% in federal taxes. 47% of wage earners either paid no taxes or got money back. Did you know that 80% of statistics are made up on the spot, rdean? In your case, I'm thinking it's higher...

And stop being such a racist. What is your problem with black people?
Could the contrast be any greater between the guy who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas and only pays taxes at a 13% rate, and our president who wants the wealthy to pay taxes at the same rate as the rest of us?

Romney is the poster child for welfare for the wealthy.

Why should the idle rich, who don't work, pay taxes at a lower rate than those of us who do work?

You base your question on a notion of fairness while people like Romney think fairness, honesty, honor and integrity to be antiquated ideas suitable only for losers.

I couldnt believe it when he had an exchange with Newt in a recent debate that went along the lines of:
Romney: Did you say that or not?
Newt: You have taken what I said out of context.
Romney: So then you did say it?

Anyone that is honest and has an ability to think clearly knows that to quote someone out of context is simply another form of lying.

BUT ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE. He will say and do anything to get power, and that should scare the holy shit out of any clear thinking person.

If Romney gets the nomination, Obama will win a second term, unlike the parotted line says.
The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

The median American actually paid 0% in federal taxes. 47% of wage earners either paid no taxes or got money back.

He said average not median, sy you didnt actually contradict him at all. In 2007 US median income was around $37k which means they paid taxes. And getting money back implies you paid the money in in the first place. To say that one got money back does not mean that one did not end up paying some level of taxes.

Did you know that 80% of statistics are made up on the spot, rdean? In your case, I'm thinking it's higher...

You have that impression only because you hang out around too many neocons way too much.
The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

The median American actually paid 0% in federal taxes. 47% of wage earners either paid no taxes or got money back.

He said average not median, sy you didnt actually contradict him at all. In 2007 US median income was around $37k which means they paid taxes.

I know he said average. I changed to median because it's a more pertinent discussion. Average includes Bill Gates. 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of all taxes, they are all counted in the average.

And getting money back implies you paid the money in in the first place. To say that one got money back does not mean that one did not end up paying some level of taxes.

Our system is now riddled with refundable tax credits. When I said 47% of tax filers paid no taxes or got money back, that was net. And that's according to the IRS.
Your IT buddy certainly isn't looking very hard for a "real" job, then.

That is not only judgemental, but condescending and unsympathetic also. I know he was looking for an IT job for two fullyears before his savings were gone and no more unemployment benefits. His wife left him, he lost his house and lived in his car for a while.

He spent years getting his CS degree and absolutely did not want to change to stocking shelves.

That you think it is so easy to get work in IT shows how little you know about.

I was researching a career change recently and three jobs kept coming up as 1) well-paid, 2) ubiquitous, and 3) requiring specific training. Nursing, accounting, and, yes, IT! were the top three.

Yes and that is largely due to companies putting up notices to get cheaper workers. Management wont be happy in some cases until IT pays what a McJob would pay. That doesnt mean that they will actually hire an American with ten years experience and the salary to go with it.

Nursing is also difficult to get in to. Most hospitals want people with experience and so nurses have to start at hispices and that sort of thing before they can move up, which sounds fine until you realize how few and far between those places are and many of them are already overeloaded with subpar nurses and other trying to get that same amount of experience.

Having a nursing degree is not a magic ticket to job availability.

HR does hire alot and that is largely due to turn over. Most companies have HR do the shit tasks of dealing with layoffs and benefit reductions, etc, and alot of people discover they cant handle the stress. I know about five former HR people and they all say the same thing and changed careers.

Every community, every venue I looked at had all those jobs available. If he has the bona fides he claims, he shouldn't have to work at a menial task.

Which shows, once again that you dont know what you are talking about.

But hey, you can't claim to be one of the unwashed, downtrodden if you are making some serious scratch. Oh, yeah, none of these jobs paid what a CEO makes, so I guess that might have put him off.

Comments like that is exactly why so many people literally hate managers and conservative comentators.

You really think that my friend would drop his career so he can claim to be one of the unwashed masses? That is beyond just being a stupid and heartless comment; it is downright delusional and evil.

I'm not sure where you, or your buddy are located. Job markets do vary geographically. Again, he's either not looking very hard, or he's unwilling to go where the jobs are. I understand setting a hierarchy of quality of life issues when looking at jobs/careers. If relocating isn't an option, then maybe he has other priorities. Any way you look at it, if he's not happy with what he's doing, he needs to look harder and do what it takes to get a job he wants. If he's only recently achieved his credentials, he might just have to accept the fact that he's not going to start at top dollar.
In the meantime, sounds like he should be happy to have any job at all. I'll give him credit if he's working.
Romney's INCOME does NOT INCLUDE the profits being made by his $200,000,000 RETIREMENT accounts, kiddies.

That money is not currently taxably, ergo it is NOT reported as income.

Romeny is, therefore, probably making more than $57,000 a day if one includes those NONTAXABLE profits that are going into his retirement accounts.
Retirement accounts? Show us.
The median American actually paid 0% in federal taxes. 47% of wage earners either paid no taxes or got money back.

He said average not median, sy you didnt actually contradict him at all. In 2007 US median income was around $37k which means they paid taxes.

I know he said average. I changed to median because it's a more pertinent discussion. Average includes Bill Gates. 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of all taxes, they are all counted in the average.

And getting money back implies you paid the money in in the first place. To say that one got money back does not mean that one did not end up paying some level of taxes.

Our system is now riddled with refundable tax credits. When I said 47% of tax filers paid no taxes or got money back, that was net. And that's according to the IRS.

Can you provide a link to an authoritative source to support that?
Your IT buddy certainly isn't looking very hard for a "real" job, then.

That is not only judgemental, but condescending and unsympathetic also. I know he was looking for an IT job for two fullyears before his savings were gone and no more unemployment benefits. His wife left him, he lost his house and lived in his car for a while.

He spent years getting his CS degree and absolutely did not want to change to stocking shelves.

That you think it is so easy to get work in IT shows how little you know about.

I was researching a career change recently and three jobs kept coming up as 1) well-paid, 2) ubiquitous, and 3) requiring specific training. Nursing, accounting, and, yes, IT! were the top three.

Yes and that is largely due to companies putting up notices to get cheaper workers. Management wont be happy in some cases until IT pays what a McJob would pay. That doesnt mean that they will actually hire an American with ten years experience and the salary to go with it.

Nursing is also difficult to get in to. Most hospitals want people with experience and so nurses have to start at hispices and that sort of thing before they can move up, which sounds fine until you realize how few and far between those places are and many of them are already overeloaded with subpar nurses and other trying to get that same amount of experience.

Having a nursing degree is not a magic ticket to job availability.

HR does hire alot and that is largely due to turn over. Most companies have HR do the shit tasks of dealing with layoffs and benefit reductions, etc, and alot of people discover they cant handle the stress. I know about five former HR people and they all say the same thing and changed careers.

Every community, every venue I looked at had all those jobs available. If he has the bona fides he claims, he shouldn't have to work at a menial task.

Which shows, once again that you dont know what you are talking about.

But hey, you can't claim to be one of the unwashed, downtrodden if you are making some serious scratch. Oh, yeah, none of these jobs paid what a CEO makes, so I guess that might have put him off.

Comments like that is exactly why so many people literally hate managers and conservative comentators.

You really think that my friend would drop his career so he can claim to be one of the unwashed masses? That is beyond just being a stupid and heartless comment; it is downright delusional and evil.
IT people are known for their intelligence. Apparently your buddy was one of those who left it at the door.
For over 10 years now, the future of domestic based IT employment has been in decline. Anyone in that industry should have known that a wired world would not longer require people to be on site to perform IT work. As a matter of fact much of that work is done from sites around the globe.
Also, with IT trained people coming out of college and trade specific schools, the number of available candidates for those positions began to exceed the number of jobs available. Supply and demand. Another example proving labor is a commodity.
Your friend should have gone into doing contract work or went into consulting. As a contractor or consultant he could have marketed his skills as superior and thus been able to call his own shots. Instead he allowed himself to get caught in the trap of employment.
It's not too late. He could at least TRY to act on the above suggestions.
Yes, keep the menial job until the consulting or contracting took off.
I'm not sure where you, or your buddy are located. Job markets do vary geographically.

It is a smaller market here; lots of defense contractors but some academic stuff too available.

His problem is his age and his past salaries. HR folks prefer to hire cheap and young, and for him to be willing to take a lower paying job doesnt help him as the employers do not believe he will be happy at the new salary and why hire a disgruntled employee?

Again, he's either not looking very hard, or he's unwilling to go where the jobs are.

He was looking from about April 2001 to June 2003 when he took a management position at the grocer he works at and has basically given up looking for IT employment now.

And the country is screwed as a result to a small degree. He makes less money and so what he pays in taxes has been reduced. What he used to consume has been rduced. His chilldren are being raised in a broken home environment and statistics show that they are less likely to acheive higher salaries and more likely to develop criminal problems, drug problems and be a gburden on society. Just a small impact, but magnified by the 1.4 million American IT people who never found work in that time frame and gave up their careers? It was a disaster for our country.

Strangley about 1.2 million H1-B visa holders managed to find work in that time.

Any way you look at it, if he's not happy with what he's doing, he needs to look harder and do what it takes to get a job he wants. If he's only recently achieved his credentials, he might just have to accept the fact that he's not going to start at top dollar.

Really, the guy lost his home, his family and all his savings and you think he didnt try hard enough?


Ever read about a guy named Scrooge?

In the meantime, sounds like he should be happy to have any job at all. I'll give him credit if he's working.

Yes, he is working and I stated that at the start.

It would seem you pigeon-holed him so fast that you didnt get that detail.

The GOP is about to become a permanent minority party under the leadership of the establishment neocons, and what is ironic about it is that they have seduced prominent Tea Party Movement leaders to do this.

Romney is the absolute epitome of everything my grandfathers generation hated about Republicans, and over the last 10 years I have finally come to understand his attitude.

The political environment today is primed to spawn a new third party that will displace one of the two major parties, and I suspect it will be the Republicans that go the way of the Whigs and nominating Romney is likely to be the killer blow.
He said average not median, sy you didnt actually contradict him at all. In 2007 US median income was around $37k which means they paid taxes.

I know he said average. I changed to median because it's a more pertinent discussion. Average includes Bill Gates. 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of all taxes, they are all counted in the average.

And getting money back implies you paid the money in in the first place. To say that one got money back does not mean that one did not end up paying some level of taxes.

Our system is now riddled with refundable tax credits. When I said 47% of tax filers paid no taxes or got money back, that was net. And that's according to the IRS.

Can you provide a link to an authoritative source to support that?
Well..Let's see...Earned Income Tax Credit. Child Care Credit.
How about www.irs.gov....Sheesh.
And the amount paid less the amount refunded, equals the individual tax burden.
So, if one received refunds from tax over payments plus tax credits in excess plus deductions, less their total amount paid in federal deduction, that person paid a net ZERO in federal taxes. Actually many lower income people actually realize a NET GAIN.
Pretty simple math.
IT people are known for their intelligence. Apparently your buddy was one of those who left it at the door.

And stupid trolls are known for making sweeping statements about things they cannot possibly know anything about. The guy is apparently a lot smarter than you are.

For over 10 years now, the future of domestic based IT employment has been in decline. Anyone in that industry should have known that a wired world would not longer require people to be on site to perform IT work. .

Lol, the 'free trade' zealots like you used to say that we could lose manufacturing jobs because we will replace them with IT jobs. Now what are we supposed to replace the IT jobs with?

Really, people like you wont be happy untill the lower 80% of the population is little more than slave labor while the upper 20% live like feudal lords.

I've got news for you: in a nation with more than 120 million gun owners, that is not going to end well for the 20%.

Also, with IT trained people coming out of college and trade specific schools, the number of available candidates for those positions began to exceed the number of jobs available. Supply and demand. Another example proving labor is a commodity.

Labor is a commodity, no doubt, but it is not *just* a commodity. It is allso the engine of economic prosperity that our Constitution mandates our federal government to promote.

People are going to retake control of the federal government, taking it back from the international corporations that currently control it, and when they do, dont expect any sympathy.

Your friend should have gone into doing contract work or went into consulting. As a contractor or consultant he could have marketed his skills as superior and thus been able to call his own shots. Instead he allowed himself to get caught in the trap of employment.

He has a job and now has moved up into management. And he didnt allow shit. The government allowed it by allowing the maximum number of H1-Bs to go up to 195,000 annually and these indentured servants took up most of the available work from American citizens as they rolled off employment.

The GOP is about to relearn why it is that so many Americans detested the GOP from 1932 to 1968.

It's not too late. He could at least TRY to act on the above suggestions.
Yes, keep the menial job until the consulting or contracting took off.

If you had actually read my orignal post a bit closer, you would have seen that HE DID TAKE ANOTHER JOB.

It wasnt the job he spent loads of money and tens of thousands of dollars in debt to be trained for, but he is paying his bills and child support.

What is truly short sighted here is that people like you dont see where all this ends up, or maybe you do and you like the idea of tens of millions of Americans unemployed or underemployed.

But I do know this wont last more than another decade or two at the most, and past that every American will absolutely hate free trade asswipes that sold off what nine generations of Americans spent their lives building.
I know he said average. I changed to median because it's a more pertinent discussion. Average includes Bill Gates. 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of all taxes, they are all counted in the average.

Our system is now riddled with refundable tax credits. When I said 47% of tax filers paid no taxes or got money back, that was net. And that's according to the IRS.

Can you provide a link to an authoritative source to support that?
Well..Let's see...Earned Income Tax Credit. Child Care Credit.
How about http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/www.irs.gov....Sheesh.
And the amount paid less the amount refunded, equals the individual tax burden.
So, if one received refunds from tax over payments plus tax credits in excess plus deductions, less their total amount paid in federal deduction, that person paid a net ZERO in federal taxes. Actually many lower income people actually realize a NET GAIN.
Pretty simple math.

Your link doesnt work.

Can you post a working link?

As to pretty simple math, $37k income does put one into tax paying brackets. Simple FACT.
Can you provide a link to an authoritative source to support that?

Here you go, but wow. You seriously need me to find a link to IRS statistics for you? I didn't cite some abstract study. Here's your fish since you're not interested in even simple fishing on your own.

"In 2009, the top 1 percent of tax returns paid 36.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes"

The Tax Foundation - Summary of Latest Federal Individual Income Tax Data

As for no taxes paid, In 2010 it was 45%, it varies a bit year to year.


Note you also stated "Americans" and this is filers. People who don't have to file mean it's even more then 45% who paid no income tax.
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The phony outrage is getting rather silly and hypocritical. Do the names Kennedy and Rockefeller ring a bell? How about John Kerry? Which is better, old democrat money or new democrat money?

No phoney outrage.

The Buffett Rule raises taxes on all millionaires, Democrat and Republican.

Why should how much is your 'fair share' in taxes have anything to do with how you derive your income?
Why should people who don't work be taxed at a higher rate than people who do?

End welfare for the idle rich.

Pass the Buffett Rule.
Thank you for failing to address what I said.

No, the idea that millionaires who don't work should pay taxes at a slightly higher rate is fair.

To those whom much is given, much is expected.

I have to pay higher taxes at a higher rate because I make more.

I think that's fair.

You can think it all you want. The problem is what you think is fair fits not definition of the word.
In a 'fair' tax system, you and Mitt Romney would pay the same dollar amount of taxes.

YOU don't want that, which means you don't want a fair tax system either.

Two things:

1) Who says I don't want that? The only way to realistically do dollar for dollar is for the dollar amount to be no more than the poorest person can provide. I'd be fine with that.

2)I ask again, how does the same percentage of income coming from everyone violate the posted definition of fair?

1. So everyone would pay zero. Please stop acting like an idiot.

2. I already explained this. If cars, for example, were sold at prices based on a percentage of your income, would that be fair? So that you might pay 15,000 for a new car, and Mitt Romney might have to pay a million?

And I explained it to you. Your car analogy is in no way analgous to paying taxes.

You have yet to fess up. Pretending for a moment that percentage of income actually is unfair then so too is are current system and so too would be your proposal that the rich pay even more. Still waiting for you to muster some integrity and admit you aren't concerned with fairness at all where taxes are concerned.
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