Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.

The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.

You're full of shit. The top 50% of wage earners pay over 96% of the income taxes in this country.

Show some PROOF that the "average" American pays 27.8% (13.9% x 2) in income taxes.

You are MORON, a LIAR, and a HYPOCRITE.

Ever heard of CAPITAL GAINS TAXES, moron? That's the taxes that are paid by SUCCESSFUL people..............something you obviously don't know ANYTHING about.

Let me do some math: of the 99%, somewhere around 48% pay no income taxes, of those, at least half not only do not pay taxes, they receive a "return", in the form of EIC. Off hand, that would mean that the remaining 51% who DO pay income taxes must be paying what, 50-55% of the taxes?
Let me do some math: of the 99%, somewhere around 48% pay no income taxes, of those, at least half not only do not pay taxes, they receive a "return", in the form of EIC. Off hand, that would mean that the remaining 51% who DO pay income taxes must be paying what, 50-55% of the taxes?

A couple of problems with this tired argument.

First, Federal income taxes aren't the only taxes we pay. I am only paying a 10% effective income tax after all of my deductions. But I pay a 6% Social security tax, a 5% state income tax, and a 1% Medicare Tax.

So my effective tax rate is closer to 22%. For Mittens, all those things are capped or don't exist for most of what he makes, so I'm paying a higher percentage doing actual work than he's doing just collecting interest on the money he's already made. (which again, was made putting people like me out of jobs and moving them to China.)

"I like to be able to fire people"... Yes, you do, Mittens.

There are also sales taxes and property taxes and licenses and fees that we all pay to some degree or another. This is what the EIC is meant to compensate for.
Let me do some math: of the 99%, somewhere around 48% pay no income taxes, of those, at least half not only do not pay taxes, they receive a "return", in the form of EIC. Off hand, that would mean that the remaining 51% who DO pay income taxes must be paying what, 50-55% of the taxes?

A couple of problems with this tired argument.

First, Federal income taxes aren't the only taxes we pay. I am only paying a 10% effective income tax after all of my deductions. But I pay a 6% Social security tax, a 5% state income tax, and a 1% Medicare Tax.

So my effective tax rate is closer to 22%. For Mittens, all those things are capped or don't exist for most of what he makes, so I'm paying a higher percentage doing actual work than he's doing just collecting interest on the money he's already made. (which again, was made putting people like me out of jobs and moving them to China.)
"I like to be able to fire people"... Yes, you do, Mittens.

There are also sales taxes and property taxes and licenses and fees that we all pay to some degree or another. This is what the EIC is meant to compensate for.

Thats the key isn't it "money he's already made" I support Newt but that's a stupid arguement 'moving Jobs to China?" Maybe you should provide proof of that, not too many Stables in China and the EIC needs to eleminated and will be with real tax reform:cool:
Thats the key isn't it "money he's already made" I support Newt but that's a stupid arguement 'moving Jobs to China?" Maybe you should provide proof of that, not too many Stables in China and the EIC needs to eleminated and will be with real tax reform:cool:

NO, we need to make the rich pay their fair share.

Also educate yourself on how Romney has offshored jobs.

One place was DDI, where factories were closed in the US and opened in Asia. Another was Sealy Mattress.
Thats the key isn't it "money he's already made" I support Newt but that's a stupid arguement 'moving Jobs to China?" Maybe you should provide proof of that, not too many Stables in China and the EIC needs to eleminated and will be with real tax reform:cool:

NO, we need to make the rich pay their fair share.

Also educate yourself on how Romney has offshored jobs.

One place was DDI, where factories were closed in the US and opened in Asia. Another was Sealy Mattress.

You should support Obama then hater...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXe3DGNI_Ms]Obama: Americans Need to Pay Their Fair Share - YouTube[/ame]
Let me do some math: of the 99%, somewhere around 48% pay no income taxes, of those, at least half not only do not pay taxes, they receive a "return", in the form of EIC. Off hand, that would mean that the remaining 51% who DO pay income taxes must be paying what, 50-55% of the taxes?

A couple of problems with this tired argument.

First, Federal income taxes aren't the only taxes we pay. I am only paying a 10% effective income tax after all of my deductions. But I pay a 6% Social security tax, a 5% state income tax, and a 1% Medicare Tax.

So my effective tax rate is closer to 22%. For Mittens, all those things are capped or don't exist for most of what he makes, so I'm paying a higher percentage doing actual work than he's doing just collecting interest on the money he's already made. (which again, was made putting people like me out of jobs and moving them to China.)

"I like to be able to fire people"... Yes, you do, Mittens.

There are also sales taxes and property taxes and licenses and fees that we all pay to some degree or another. This is what the EIC is meant to compensate for.

I didn't even try to throw in an effective tax rate. That can vary a great deal, depending on where you live. The point is, a large percentage of people complaining about their being "unfairly" taxed not only DO NO pay federal income tax, they suck down a lot of money they didn't earn and don't deserve. They receive their welfare bonuses annually, often related to their ability to spawn brats they cannot afford to support on their own.
Ain't America great?

You forgot to mention the Swiss and Cayman island bank accounts---:lol::lol: You see this is why Nancy Pelosi keeps endorsing Mitt Romney. Everytime Newt's poll numbers move up they send her out of her closet to make a statement---"that I know "secrets" about Newt Gingrich--:lol: I'll guarantee you they know a lot more "secrets" about Bain capital.

This is what the Obama reelection campaign has planned for months--and it will look something like this---:razz:


If Mitt Romney wins this nomination--he will become the POSTER BOY--for what Barack Obama has been campaigning about for the last 4 years--insuring another 4 years of Barack Obama.
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I didn't even try to throw in an effective tax rate. That can vary a great deal, depending on where you live. The point is, a large percentage of people complaining about their being "unfairly" taxed not only DO NO pay federal income tax, they suck down a lot of money they didn't earn and don't deserve. They receive their welfare bonuses annually, often related to their ability to spawn brats they cannot afford to support on their own.

Yes, the welfare system is bad and encourages a lot of bad behavior.

Of course, I don't hear these folks complaining about taxation very often.
Thats the key isn't it "money he's already made" I support Newt but that's a stupid arguement 'moving Jobs to China?" Maybe you should provide proof of that, not too many Stables in China and the EIC needs to eleminated and will be with real tax reform:cool:

NO, we need to make the rich pay their fair share.

Also educate yourself on how Romney has offshored jobs.

One place was DDI, where factories were closed in the US and opened in Asia. Another was Sealy Mattress.

You should support Obama then hater...

The rich aren't paying what they paid under Reagan. I'd be happy to just go back to that.

But that's really only half the problem. The other half is the systematic hollowing out of the middle class through offshoring, automation, union-busting, etc. If the wealthy paid what they paid under Reagan, but the middle class was making the kinds of wages they were making then, we wouldn't have a deficit problem.

Cutting spending would be a great idea, too. I'd start with that 5 Billion subsidy we give to Israel every year.
Let me do some math: of the 99%, somewhere around 48% pay no income taxes, of those, at least half not only do not pay taxes, they receive a "return", in the form of EIC. Off hand, that would mean that the remaining 51% who DO pay income taxes must be paying what, 50-55% of the taxes?

A couple of problems with this tired argument.

First, Federal income taxes aren't the only taxes we pay. I am only paying a 10% effective income tax after all of my deductions. But I pay a 6% Social security tax, a 5% state income tax, and a 1% Medicare Tax.

So my effective tax rate is closer to 22%. For Mittens, all those things are capped or don't exist for most of what he makes, so I'm paying a higher percentage doing actual work than he's doing just collecting interest on the money he's already made. (which again, was made putting people like me out of jobs and moving them to China.)

"I like to be able to fire people"... Yes, you do, Mittens.

There are also sales taxes and property taxes and licenses and fees that we all pay to some degree or another. This is what the EIC is meant to compensate for.

I didn't even try to throw in an effective tax rate. That can vary a great deal, depending on where you live. The point is, a large percentage of people complaining about their being "unfairly" taxed not only DO NO pay federal income tax, they suck down a lot of money they didn't earn and don't deserve. They receive their welfare bonuses annually, often related to their ability to spawn brats they cannot afford to support on their own.

Although thanks to Newt Gingrich and the first Contract With America, there's now a limit on their ability to get on welfare and then breed for more money indefinitely.
A couple of problems with this tired argument.

First, Federal income taxes aren't the only taxes we pay. I am only paying a 10% effective income tax after all of my deductions. But I pay a 6% Social security tax, a 5% state income tax, and a 1% Medicare Tax.

So my effective tax rate is closer to 22%. For Mittens, all those things are capped or don't exist for most of what he makes, so I'm paying a higher percentage doing actual work than he's doing just collecting interest on the money he's already made. (which again, was made putting people like me out of jobs and moving them to China.)

"I like to be able to fire people"... Yes, you do, Mittens.

There are also sales taxes and property taxes and licenses and fees that we all pay to some degree or another. This is what the EIC is meant to compensate for.

I didn't even try to throw in an effective tax rate. That can vary a great deal, depending on where you live. The point is, a large percentage of people complaining about their being "unfairly" taxed not only DO NO pay federal income tax, they suck down a lot of money they didn't earn and don't deserve. They receive their welfare bonuses annually, often related to their ability to spawn brats they cannot afford to support on their own.

Although thanks to Newt Gingrich and the first Contract With America, there's now a limit on their ability to get on welfare and then breed for more money indefinitely.

Welfare reform helped somewhat, but there are so many possible ways to wrangle an exception. Charity should remain with the private sector and come from peoples' hearts, not be extorted by a government that thinks it knows better how to spend people's money. We The People need not only to force our government to live within its means, we have to start that reform in our personal lives. If you can't afford something, maybe you need to look at your budget. Prioritize things. Nowadays, it seems that the so-called poor have many things they really don't need (TV, cable, cell phones) that they feel others should have to pay for. If food and shelter is what you can afford, that's what you pay for first. If you cannot afford a $40,000 car, buy a cheaper one if you need transportation. If you can't afford a car, take the bus, walk, bike...
I'm getting really tired of being told just how "poor" so many people in this country think they are. Waaahhhh! Maybe we need to finance a one-way vacation to some locale where people are REALLY poor.
No, the idea that millionaires who don't work should pay taxes at a slightly higher rate is fair.
You have to agree that the idea that rich people should pay a higher tax rate than poor people is only 'fair' by someone's arbitrary made-up definition of what 'fair' is.

Is it "fair" that the very wealthy can buy politicians to change the law so what was merely unethical becomes perfectly legal? Poor people don't have the same ability to "buy" representation. The deck is stacked against them. Is that fair.
You think this is unfair only because of your arbitrary made-up definition of the term.
I didn't even try to throw in an effective tax rate. That can vary a great deal, depending on where you live. The point is, a large percentage of people complaining about their being "unfairly" taxed not only DO NO pay federal income tax, they suck down a lot of money they didn't earn and don't deserve. They receive their welfare bonuses annually, often related to their ability to spawn brats they cannot afford to support on their own.

Although thanks to Newt Gingrich and the first Contract With America, there's now a limit on their ability to get on welfare and then breed for more money indefinitely.

Welfare reform helped somewhat, but there are so many possible ways to wrangle an exception. Charity should remain with the private sector and come from peoples' hearts, not be extorted by a government that thinks it knows better how to spend people's money. We The People need not only to force our government to live within its means, we have to start that reform in our personal lives. If you can't afford something, maybe you need to look at your budget. Prioritize things. Nowadays, it seems that the so-called poor have many things they really don't need (TV, cable, cell phones) that they feel others should have to pay for. If food and shelter is what you can afford, that's what you pay for first. If you cannot afford a $40,000 car, buy a cheaper one if you need transportation. If you can't afford a car, take the bus, walk, bike...
I'm getting really tired of being told just how "poor" so many people in this country think they are. Waaahhhh! Maybe we need to finance a one-way vacation to some locale where people are REALLY poor.

Let me do some math: of the 99%, somewhere around 48% pay no income taxes, of those, at least half not only do not pay taxes, they receive a "return", in the form of EIC. Off hand, that would mean that the remaining 51% who DO pay income taxes must be paying what, 50-55% of the taxes?

A couple of problems with this tired argument.

First, Federal income taxes aren't the only taxes we pay. I am only paying a 10% effective income tax after all of my deductions. But I pay a 6% Social security tax, a 5% state income tax, and a 1% Medicare Tax.

So my effective tax rate is closer to 22%. For Mittens, all those things are capped or don't exist for most of what he makes, so I'm paying a higher percentage doing actual work than he's doing just collecting interest on the money he's already made. (which again, was made putting people like me out of jobs and moving them to China.)

"I like to be able to fire people"... Yes, you do, Mittens.

There are also sales taxes and property taxes and licenses and fees that we all pay to some degree or another. This is what the EIC is meant to compensate for.

yet the eic does not compensate say, well me and the other 54%...( the number of non fed tax payers is quoted at 46%).

and you do realize we the 54% pay the same, taxs, fees etc. you listed too, so its a wash.

and there is nothing wring with what he said unless you just want to take it out of context , which is dirty pool.
Although thanks to Newt Gingrich and the first Contract With America, there's now a limit on their ability to get on welfare and then breed for more money indefinitely.

Welfare reform helped somewhat, but there are so many possible ways to wrangle an exception. Charity should remain with the private sector and come from peoples' hearts, not be extorted by a government that thinks it knows better how to spend people's money. We The People need not only to force our government to live within its means, we have to start that reform in our personal lives. If you can't afford something, maybe you need to look at your budget. Prioritize things. Nowadays, it seems that the so-called poor have many things they really don't need (TV, cable, cell phones) that they feel others should have to pay for. If food and shelter is what you can afford, that's what you pay for first. If you cannot afford a $40,000 car, buy a cheaper one if you need transportation. If you can't afford a car, take the bus, walk, bike...
I'm getting really tired of being told just how "poor" so many people in this country think they are. Waaahhhh! Maybe we need to finance a one-way vacation to some locale where people are REALLY poor.


your chart means exactly..........poo poo.
Welfare reform helped somewhat, but there are so many possible ways to wrangle an exception. Charity should remain with the private sector and come from peoples' hearts, not be extorted by a government that thinks it knows better how to spend people's money. We The People need not only to force our government to live within its means, we have to start that reform in our personal lives. If you can't afford something, maybe you need to look at your budget. Prioritize things. Nowadays, it seems that the so-called poor have many things they really don't need (TV, cable, cell phones) that they feel others should have to pay for. If food and shelter is what you can afford, that's what you pay for first. If you cannot afford a $40,000 car, buy a cheaper one if you need transportation. If you can't afford a car, take the bus, walk, bike...
I'm getting really tired of being told just how "poor" so many people in this country think they are. Waaahhhh! Maybe we need to finance a one-way vacation to some locale where people are REALLY poor.


your chart means exactly..........poo poo.

And he keeps rolling out meaningless pie charts, color charts, fart charts...
Dumbfuck....since Romney's investments made money, that means companies he invested in did well and created jobs....more jobs than you and Obamination have made in your miserable lives.

The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.

They could be making jobs in China. They could be loading some company with debt and selling off it's assets, a specialty of Bain Capital.

Since the accounts are in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands, I suspect they aren't doing much to help here. Perhaps you could do a little research. Then when you present an argument, you might actually appear to know what the fuck you're talking about. Try "Google". Let me know if you want to know how it works. I'll try to "talk you through it".
Romney's INCOME does NOT INCLUDE the profits being made by his $200,000,000 RETIREMENT accounts, kiddies.

That money is not currently taxably, ergo it is NOT reported as income.

Romeny is, therefore, probably making more than $57,000 a day if one includes those NONTAXABLE profits that are going into his retirement accounts.

your chart means exactly..........poo poo.

And he keeps rolling out meaningless pie charts, color charts, fart charts...

Actually, the chart indicates that the distribution of wealth is more concentrated than a truly unobstructed distribution would normally produce, which is the 20-80 rule (top 20% gain 80% of available resources).

Pareto principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Our top 10% already posess 71% of the nations wealth, which suggests the system is slanted to favor the top earners over the lower earners.

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